Seduced By The Wolf Part 22

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"She may just be a feral wolf."

"Or she might be a lupus garou. We won't know until we find her."

Elgin shook his head and folded his arms. "Leidolf wanted us to let the others know where he was. Nothing else. Fergus got that Alex wolf-biologist character off to a motel, two hours farther away than he needed to go, letting him think there were no other ones available due to an antique-car show in the area. So he's taken care of for the time being. We've taken Ca.s.sie's truck back to Leidolf's house."

Elgin looked out across the river at the forest on the other side. "The Jag's in the garage again where it will continue to collect more dust until Leidolf tells us to sell it. Evan's there, safe and sound. Sarge is under heavy guard. Not only are Pierce and Quincy watching him, but two other men are also, and they've left the sheriff's bracelets on him until Leidolf returns. So we've done what he asked us to do. And now we either return to the ranch and wait further word, or we stay here and wait for him."

Elgin let out his breath. "Another matter, too. Irving and Tynan returned. Irving said they'd speak only to Leidolf about what they had been doing."

Carver spared him a glance. "And you asked, of course."

"You know how they are. They could do no wrong where the former leader was concerned. They don't believe they owe anyone any explanations. I suspect they were up to no good, but I have no way to prove it. They seemed d.a.m.ned rattled that we'd had a wounded lupus garou female at the house, though."


"h.e.l.l if I know. They seemed even more concerned that she'd run away and that Leidolf went after her."

Carver frowned as he stared across the river. He'd never liked the two men, who were always breaking the rules Leidolf had established since he'd arrived. Both had been favorites of Alfred's, and anyone in his circle of friends was to be watched. But Leidolf wanted to give everyone from the old pack a chance if they hadn't done anything like Alfred and his thugs had.

"h.e.l.l. Leidolf's the best man we've got for the leaders.h.i.+p position. Well, you and Fergus do an excellent job backing him up, but if this Tynan and Irving intend to stab Leidolf in the back, they'll have me to contend with."

"Ditto for us, Carver."

"What about Leidolf? If he needs our help, how can he get word to us?"

"He'll howl."

Carver rubbed his hand over his cheek. "All right, we wait. If he doesn't come back with her by first light, we're searching for them." He didn't care if he wasn't a sub-leader and not authorized to take charge of the situation. He hadn't wanted the responsibility because of raising his daughters on his own. But he wasn't waiting to search for his leader and the women any longer than he had said. Not when he finally had a decent pack to live with.

Chapter 21.

Not being able to catch Ca.s.sie as a wolf in the icy creek and his skin half frozen, Leidolf shape-s.h.i.+fted. In wolf form, he eyed her with interest, his little red wolf. She stood panting, lifted her head, and snapped her jaws closed, her gaze commanding him to catch her now, as a wolf would.

He gave her his best big-bad-wolf smile back. Ready or not, here I come. He ran toward her, sending water splas.h.i.+ng out of his path. As if playing chicken, she waited. He was afraid he'd plow right into her, and with his heftier size, he'd knock her over. Right or left, Ca.s.sie? Which way are you going to dodge?

He watched her eyes, the way she observed him, challenging, willing him to come for her, the subtle way she s.h.i.+fted her body, giving her plans away. Left, he figured. As soon as he antic.i.p.ated her twisting her body that way in an attempt to escape, she turned to the right. And he missed her. He wanted to laugh. She was his... all his.

He nipped at her hindquarter as she dashed out of his path. If she'd been in her human form, he swore she'd be laughing her head off. Then she totally threw him off his stride as she swung around and pounced on him, feet up on his back, head turned to nip at his neck. Ah, Ca.s.sie, darling, you're mine.

He whirled around and planned a frontal a.s.sault, intending to place his forepaws around her neck and challenge her muzzle to muzzle. She dropped her front quarters down in a crouching position, wagged her tail, and smiled.

He smiled right back. Then he sat down in the creek. She had won... his heart, his pack, everything. She rose to stand and then trotted over to where he was sitting and nuzzled his face. He licked hers back. Even though she still might not be able to commit to him forever, he felt the subtle change in their relations.h.i.+p again. Before, he'd felt he no longer had to compete for her affections. She was his. But now, there was a stronger tie. She had enjoyed playing with him as part of the wolf courts.h.i.+p phase, and he didn't think she'd want to totally give him up.

Although he had thought she wanted him to get on with the business of catching fish, he wasn't quite ready to quit playing with her. He rose and she watched him, waiting for what he planned to do next. He walked over to the dry sh.o.r.e and lay down. She still observed him, probably wondering what he was up to. And then he rolled onto his back, feet up in the air, waiting for her to respond. She didn't at first. Maybe a little too intimate for her at this point? Maybe not willing to concede he was baring his throat and underbelly in a way that said he trusted her completely.

Then she dashed out of the water, and it took every nerve he possessed not to get up and ready himself for the onslaught. He wasn't used to baring his vulnerabilities to another wolf. Not as an alpha.

She pounced on his chest and bit at his mouth in a mock fight, and he loved it. He growled and snarled as much as she did, their teeth clas.h.i.+ng, her body pinning him down. Or he should say he let her pin him down, because if he'd wanted to get up, she didn't have enough weight to keep him on his back. After a vigorous workout, she lay beside him, and they watched the creek rumble by and the breeze rustling the leaves of the forest around them. Leaving the pack to get away would never be the same if he didn't have Ca.s.sie by his side.

She leaned against him and laid her head on her paws and then closed her eyes. He licked her ear but continued to watch their surroundings, ever watchful. And when Ca.s.sie woke, she rose, a little stiffly, he thought, and stretched. Then they both raced into the creek to hunt fish for dinner.

He was so busy observing her and the way she focused on the water, watching for a chance to catch her prey, that when she caught one, he realized he should have been fis.h.i.+ng, too. He loved to observe her in everything she did. She grabbed the fish and raised it up out of the water. The expression on her face said it all. I have mine... Where's yours?

Then she trotted back to the cabin, tail and head raised high, ears perked up, fish in mouth. After dinner, he knew exactly what he was having for dessert.

Ca.s.sie knew playing with Leidolf in the creek was a very bad mistake. Yet after having the best s.e.x ever, she'd felt on a runner's high. What better way to extend that feeling of power than to play a little? The trouble was that the play had s.e.xual connotations, not innocent in the least.

And the worst of it? She loved Leidolf for partic.i.p.ating with her. Since she'd lost her family, she hadn't engaged in recreation with another lupus garou in wolf form. She hadn't remembered how much fun it could be. She glanced back at Leidolf still trying to catch his fish in the creek. He looked at her and gave her a wolf smile.

Inwardly, she laughed. Then she headed inside the cabin and set her fish in the pot.

After a few minutes, Leidolf headed inside with his fish between his wolf's teeth, the trout smaller than hers. She felt like a lazybones, though, as she rested next to the fire, drying her fur, hoping to give her shoulder a break. She shouldn't have played so hard. Not giving it her all when challenging the alpha male was not her way, but now the injury was coming back to haunt her.

Leidolf dropped his fish in the pot, then came over and nuzzled her face with his own.

Then he s.h.i.+fted into his gorgeous hunk of a human self, water droplets sliding down his smooth skin and clinging to his hair and the shadow of a beard.

"We did too much," he said, frowning as he crouched next to her and ran his hand over her head. "I'm sorry, Ca.s.sie. I should have given more thought to--"

Ca.s.sie s.h.i.+fted into her human form and rolled onto her back on the pine-needle bed. "Hurry and cook the fish, Leidolf." She ran a finger over his muscular thigh. "I'm ravenous."

A slow, hungry smile appeared on his lips. "Are we still just at the fooling-around stage, Ca.s.sie?" He sifted his fingers through her wet hair. "Not ready for the real thing?"

She glanced at his crotch. Already the "real thing" was swelling with interest.

"We'd have to make a deal," she said softly, her eyes focused on his.

"A deal."

She knew he wouldn't like what she had to offer. Already his tone was aloof and his posture stiffened. One didn't make deals with alpha males.

"Like what, Ca.s.sie?" He s.h.i.+fted his fingers down her arm in a sweeping, tender caress.

"If I become your mate, I continue to do what I'm doing. Anytime, anywhere, without anyone's interference." Meaning, of course, Leidolf's.

He took a deep breath and let it out in a dissatisfied way. He didn't say anything right away, just continued to meet her gaze. Then he said, "I have a pack to run, Ca.s.sie." He continued to touch her in a loving way.

"Yes, I know. And that's why I have to have your a.s.surance that if I was to become your mate, I would continue to do my research."

"And when you're pregnant?"

She twisted her mouth.

"We don't use birth control."

"All right, if I became pregnant, I would stay at home. Only once I begin showing. Not early on."

His fingers stilled on her arm, and he ground his teeth.

"All right?"

"What about after our children come?"

She let out her breath in exasperation. "Leidolf, when they're little, I'll be there for them. When they get older..."

"You're not taking them on hunting expeditions."

She raised a brow.

"Only when they're old enough," he said.

"What age? I want everything ironed out now. I don't want you telling me later that I can't take them with me on my research until they're eighteen or some such nonsense."

Leidolf rose to his full height and folded his arms. "What age then?"

She shrugged and winced.

His brows furrowed, he crouched back at her side. "Ca.s.sie, you shouldn't have played so hard. Now you're hurting, aren't you?" He touched her cheek so tenderly she wanted to cry.

No one had cared about her hurting anywhere since her own family had shown concern for her so many years ago. But she couldn't let him sidetrack her on the important issues. "Ten."

"Ten years old? No way. They'd get into all kinds of mischief at that age."

"Why? Because you did?"

He smiled coyly. "Yeah, and since they would be of my blood, I could just imagine the trouble they might get into. Not to mention you probably pulled your fair share of shenanigans when you were that age."

She had, but she wasn't about to let on. She scowled at him. "Twelve then."

He harrumphed. "Sixteen."

"Sixteen? You've got to be kidding. They'd be ready to run the ranch by then. Thirteen."


She narrowed her eyes at him. "Thirteen."

"What will our pack members say if they see their alpha female always leaving the pack?"

"Your pack members will live. Just like they've done fine without me before this. And don't you dare take it out on your pack when I leave you in charge by yourself," Ca.s.sie warned.

Leidolf sighed darkly and took Ca.s.sie's hand and rubbed his cheek against the top. "When you came to rescue me after I'd been tranquilized, you had already claimed me, Ca.s.sie. You rubbed your scent against my face, declaring we were a match, that I was yours. And I declare it back. But a female alpha doesn't set the rules for the alpha male."

Ca.s.sie licked her dry lips. Although Leidolf was right, she wouldn't exactly concede his point. "A pregnant one does. Just think of me as being perpetually pregnant."

His lips lifted in an arrogant smile.

"I mean, envision it, not make it true."

He hesitated as if giving the matter serious thought, but he was so tense she figured he wanted to jump in and agree with all his heart right away.

"All right," he finally said, "we have a deal."

His expression was way too satisfied, and she was sure she'd fallen into that rabbit's hole with no way out. She felt as though she were making a deal with the devil, that he wouldn't make the concessions he had agreed to a reality, and an inkling of fear streaked through her. Her freedom was at stake. The oral contract was binding. She'd set out the rules... h.e.l.l, had she left any important ones out? And he had agreed. Now they only had to consummate the relations.h.i.+p, and it was a done deal.

"You agreed, Ca.s.sie. Do you want to eat first or..."

"There can't be any stipulation--"

Leidolf smiled again. "No more clauses. I agreed. Now, eat first or... h.e.l.l, I'm not risking you changing your mind."

He winked, and she managed a small smile. She'd definitely made a deal with the devil. Whatever happened, she hoped they could work things out to both their satisfaction.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him toward her. This was her fantasy. She was the huntress, and she'd caught her sea G.o.d. She licked a droplet of water off his nipple. He smiled and ran his hands through her hair, his hot hard body pressed against hers, his legs between hers, just working up to the moment to make her his.

She momentarily forgot about the way his arousal poked against her mound as he covered her mouth with his, tongue thrusting, ravis.h.i.+ng, conquering, all-consuming. Like a man who'd been love-deprived for eons. And she craved his rabid touch, enjoyed responding back just as pa.s.sionately, her tongue teasing and tasting his, her teeth nipping at his lips, her mouth sucking on his tongue. He groaned low, a sound that said she was pus.h.i.+ng him beyond the outer limits.

He s.h.i.+fted a hand to her side, his thumb brus.h.i.+ng the side of her breast, and his mouth moved lower, sweeping over her throat, her breastbone, and then lower to her breast. His tongue licked the rigid nipple, his heated breath making it even more sensitive as the cool air in the cabin mixed with the wetness. She swept her hands down his back, lower, taking hold of his b.u.t.tocks and squeezing, thinking back to the way she'd first seen him swimming in the lake. What a great a.s.s. And now? The sea G.o.d was all hers. She'd captured him on the hunt, just as she'd intended.

With his mouth latching onto her other nipple, he reached between them and began to rub her sensitive nub, slowly at first. Yet she felt as though he was holding back, as taut as his whole body was, wanting to get on with the real business but wanting to pleasure her first. And it was killing him to do so, his heavy arousal drumming against her body with need.

"Hmm, Leidolf," she whispered, not able to say much else the way he was stroking her, his wicked fingers quickening, rubbing her nub harder, his tongue encircling her nipple, his lips grasping and pulling gently. But his actions propelled her to arch against him, wanting more of his touch, just as she frantically caressed the skin of his muscled arms and back to his delectable a.s.s, wanting to touch every part of him, too.

This time, she moaned, spreading her legs farther, wanting him inside of her... now. The ache between her legs begged for release, for satisfaction, the s.e.xy smell of him, their pheromones mixing like a sensuous wolfish aphrodisiac spurring them on, compelling them to finish what they'd begun. Her actions spurred him on as well; every time she squeezed his b.u.t.tocks, his arousal jumped. When she licked his shoulder, nipped it, and kissed and then twisted again, arching into him, wanting to scream at him to take her now, he nearly entered her. Almost. He wasn't through torturing her yet with his exquisitely masculine touch.

He reached up and held her face with such loving care and looked into her eyes, his own cloudy with l.u.s.t, as if asking her one last time if she wanted this, and she knew then that she loved him. She smiled. "If you don't hurry, I'm canceling the contract," she whispered, her voice strangely husky.

"That won't do, Ca.s.sie. I told you that you were all mine."


She didn't have time to tell him to do it before he centered himself between her legs, her knees spread and readied, and eased himself inside her. Then he was thrusting fully into her, their bodies joined like two primal beings as one, h.o.r.n.y, without reservation or regret, and destined to be. The feeling of exultation filled her as his deep thrusts enhanced the climax rippling through her, a heated wave was.h.i.+ng over her again and again. He kept his gaze on hers, watching her expression, the awe, the buildup, the culmination, only leaning down once to kiss her lips.

There was a ragged cry from him and a gasp from her as he came and warmed her inside with the heat of his seed, thrusting still with the last of his power, her own o.r.g.a.s.m filling her with aftershocks, and she swore she had to be glowing like the full moon on a clear, cold night, as glorious as she felt.

Still inside her, he slowly moved onto his back and pulled her with him at the same time so she was on top of him, his p.e.n.i.s still connecting them like a steel lifeline. She was his, but he was hers also. For the first time in a century, she felt at home. Not here in a cabin with pine needles for a bed. But with Leidolf, her mate and her lover. Who looked to have the kind of stamina she needed in a man.

He was already stroking her back, and she folded her arms over his chest and rested her chin on her arms, looking down at him. His eyes and lips smiled like the devil. "Don't tell me you want to eat now." His voice was still husky with need.

"Something tells me you have something else in mind." Her voice sounded just as intrigued.

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Seduced By The Wolf Part 22 summary

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