Seduced By The Wolf Part 31

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"In the woods?" He rubbed her arms. "Or here, by the lake?"

She pulled free, grabbed the sleeping bag, and headed for the woods. "Intimate." She smiled back at Leidolf. "Out here by the lake is more... exhibitionistic."

"It's nature, as natural as being here with only wild animals as our witnesses." He pulled the sleeping bag from her grasp and slid his arm around her shoulders. "You have to experiment a little."

"I've never had s.e.x with a man in a shower open to the whole wide world."

He smiled. "See what a little experimenting can do?" He dropped the sleeping bag on the ground, but when she crouched down to roll it out, he crouched behind her, knees spread, caging her backside with his body, his ramrod-stiff p.e.n.i.s pressed against her.

She looked back and smiled up at him. "Did you not want to use the sleeping bag?"

He reached in front of her and began to unb.u.t.ton her s.h.i.+rt. "Whatever you want, Ca.s.sie." She could tell by the tone of his voice, thick with desire, he was ready to take her in the ferns, the sleeping bag be d.a.m.ned.

And she loved him for it, for wanting her with such pa.s.sion that he couldn't control his needs, for wanting only her and no other. "Hmm, well, I'll just roll the sleeping bag out then."

No sense in having to lie on damp earth. But his fingers were stripping away her s.h.i.+rt, and then they were reaching around to cop a feel of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s still confined in the tank top and bra. The way he pressed his package against her a.s.s, showing her just how much he wanted her and now, really got her attention. Well, his fingers stroking her nipples through the cotton fabric of her s.h.i.+rt and lace bra did, too.

She was already wet with need, the ache building between her legs, her knees spread as she tried to maintain her balance while she attempted to unroll the bag. Even dressed, she still felt exposed and s.e.xy and wild.

Somehow, he managed to slip her tank top over her head and then he lifted her bra, not bothering to unfasten it. He just pulled it up, freeing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and slid the lacy bra farther until he'd pulled it over her head, too, and dropped it on the ferns beside them.

"Hmm," she said, ready to forget the sleeping bag, strip off her shorts, and flop on her back, opening herself up to the s.e.xy sea G.o.d.

Leidolf's heavy breathing caressed her neck as his thumbs stroked her nipples, making them peak with his tantalizing touch. She was frozen in time and place, unable to move as she felt him stir against her b.u.t.t.

"Hmm, Ca.s.sie, you would make me give up the world just to have you with me always."

She stiffened a little at his words but then sighed. She wasn't going to change him overnight about this issue. Let him get used to the fact she had to leave him sometimes to do work. Lifting her b.u.t.t slightly, she rubbed against his crotch.

He groaned out loud. "h.e.l.l, woman, I'm trying to go slower this time."

She chuckled darkly, loving how she could manipulate the poor wolf into having to take her faster and not torture her to death with his slow, seductive strokes. And that was all it took.

Quickly, he lifted her and laid her out on the sleeping bag as if preparing for the final a.s.sault. And she was ready.

She lay on her back on the comfy, soft sleeping bag, tugged at her hiking-boot laces, and tossed the boots aside. She reached down to unfasten her shorts zipper while one big, bad wolf tore off his own clothes, his l.u.s.tful gaze latched onto hers. Before she could wriggle out of her shorts, his large hands were skimming them down her legs and tossing them aside.

He pushed her knees open, gave her one of his more roguish grins, and knelt before her. She grabbed his hand and pulled him against her needy body, loved the feel of his hardness, his warmth, as the cool breeze circulated around them.

His mouth was fully on hers, his tongue plunging between her parted lips, his hands on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, fondling and caressing her into submission. She combed her fingers through his hair, teased his tongue with hers, and grinned when he did.

"My sister said she knew when I allowed Elgin to drive me to Mount Hood National Forest that it had to have been over a woman. Not over any woman, but the one who had captured my heart." He ran his fingers through her hair and looked at her with such longing that she knew he loved her without even saying so.

"She knew I had to be in a bad way, injured, medicated, to allow Elgin to drive and still be insistent about returning to the forest in my condition." He kissed Ca.s.sie's lips gently now, not so rushed, his package pressed against her mound, stirring with need. "I always wanted what other men had found in a woman, admired them for winning their heart's desire, and now..." He sighed deeply. "Ca.s.sie, you're it. The one who makes me whole."

She didn't. Not really. Not if he still felt he had to fight two wolves tonight. That's when it really hit her. He said he was doing it for himself, but he wasn't. He was doing it to avenge her family. To settle a score with Alfred and his henchmen. To make things right with Ca.s.sie. He was doing it for everyone else. Always taking care of the pack, of her. Maybe deep down he had to settle his own need to be top wolf, but she figured his other needs always would take priority over his own.

She tugged on his hair and smiled. "You really are a big, bad wolf. And all mine."

He grinned again, and she wasn't sure if he liked being her sea G.o.d or her big, bad wolf more. She seemed to have lit his fire again, and driven, he reached between them and began stroking her already primed nub, until all she could concentrate on was the way her heart beat hard and his did, too, the way they barely breathed as she stroked his skin, slipping her hands lower, until she could feel his tensed b.u.t.tocks, the way he eagerly licked her nipples, the breeze caressing the wet tips... oh, sweet eroticism.

"Here, let me," she said, wanting to do the same to him, her tongue tickling his nipples, wetting them, the cool air sweeping across them, a wicked grin stretching across his face.

And then his fingers stroked her nub faster, as if the poor man could take no more, and she arched under his ministrations, forgetting all but the pleasure of his touch. The slip of a moon was in reach, so close, so very, very close that she felt she could touch it with her fingertips, when the tidal wave hit her, propelled by the moon and the wolf, filling her with luscious tremors of climax. But before she could sink into exhaustion, he filled her with his thick shaft, thrusting deeply.

Their kisses renewed, she probed his mouth and then sucked on his tongue, making him moan low. So now who was the big, bad wolf?

And then he came, her actions making him capitulate so much faster. She loved making him lose control. Showing him who really was in charge when it mattered.

The warm seed filled her inside, carried by the wave of climax still trembling through her. He sank against her, spent, satiated, totally satisfied. He rolled onto his back into the ferns and dragged her with him. She cuddled against his body, pulling the sleeping bag over to cover them. On the spring day drifting toward night, they slept, a man and a woman, two wolves mated for life, enjoying the beauty of nature.

Except that the threat of the fight later that night still loomed.

When Leidolf managed to open his eyes much later, he yawned and stroked Ca.s.sie's silky back. He imagined she'd want to swim as a wolf to clean up, and that was the best way for them to fish. Getting in some wolf play at the same time appealed.

What he didn't want to think about right now was returning to the ranch and dealing with Irving and Tynan. But the time was coming, and if he wanted to spend more time with Ca.s.sie, he needed to get the ball rolling.


"Hmm," she said, and swept her fingers down his waist.


"Hmm-hmm. Go fetch us some fish."

He chuckled. "You catch bigger ones than I do."

She groaned and pushed the hair out of her face. "You're only saying that because you want me to work also."

"As wolves, right?"

"You're not getting me in that water unless I'm in my fur coat." She slid off him and smiled.

G.o.d, she was beautiful. He rose to his feet and kissed her lips. "I thought we could play a bit as wolves, but if you'd rather do something else..."

She chuckled. "I'd never get fed at that rate." She pulled away and stretched her arms over her head, and before he could blink twice, she was a wolf, racing off to the lake.

He soon followed, figuring to skip dinner. He was ready to play first. They splashed through the water, nipping at the spray, chasing each other back and forth until Ca.s.sie suddenly stopped and stared at the woods.

Her hackles instantly raised. Leidolf jerked around to see what concerned her, expecting the bear with cubs or another cougar. He never expected to see the wolves, one red and one black, loping toward them, their eyes hard, their ears slightly flattened.

Irving and Tynan. How in the h.e.l.l had they gotten loose? That meant someone was either dead or injured back at the ranch.

Chapter 28.

Irving was the leader where Tynan was concerned, so Leidolf leapt at him out of the lake, no running, no hesitation, no warning. With two of them to face, he couldn't allow either of them to get the best of him and kill Ca.s.sie.

As soon as he pounced on a startled Irving, who attempted to scurry out of Leidolf's path to no avail, Tynan raced after Ca.s.sie. A distraction, Leidolf thought. To attempt to get him to stop the a.s.sault on his cousin. s.h.i.+t, Irving was by far the smaller wolf. The leader, yes, but Tynan was bigger and could easily kill Ca.s.sie.

After knocking Irving down, Leidolf whipped around and chased after Tynan, who was still trying to catch Ca.s.sie. She was smart, knowing that the wolf would kill her if he caught her. And she was quick. d.a.m.n quick. He couldn't be more proud of her.

But for all Tynan's bulk and the injury Ca.s.sie had inflicted on his arm at Carver's house, the black wolf was fast, too. And he was catching up to Ca.s.sie. Before Leidolf could reach Tynan, Irving attacked his back, biting hard. Leidolf stumbled. If he'd been prepared for Irving's attack from the rear, he could have handled it better. But his action put Ca.s.sie at further risk.

Furious, Leidolf lashed out at Irving, teeth flas.h.i.+ng, hair standing on end, all of his actions making him appear bigger and more threatening. He didn't need appearances. Standing on his back legs, his front legs landed on Irving's shoulders as the shorter wolf struggled to stand and fight against Leidolf's fury.

Their teeth clashed. Leidolf tasted blood, his and the other wolf's. But before he could swing his head around Irving's to get a good grip on the other wolf's throat as the feisty wolf twisted his head back and forth to prevent Leidolf, Ca.s.sie yelped.

His heart in his throat, Leidolf gave up on Irving and whipped around to take care of the threat to his mate. He wouldn't let Irving distract him again.

Ca.s.sie was cornered amongst a cl.u.s.ter of rocks, baring her teeth and snarling, but no matter how bravely she postured, she couldn't win against the bigger wolf.

Leidolf lunged at the black wolf as Irving dove for Leidolf. Ca.s.sie ducked her head, rather than attempt a futile stand to fight Tynan, and bit him in the chest as Leidolf jumped at his back.

Tynan turned in the confined s.p.a.ce and tried to defend himself against a wolf his own size, although Leidolf had much more experience fighting a man, wolf to wolf. Nothing like Tynan's usual fare, beating up on a female wolf or killing with a gun.

That was Leidolf's advantage. Age-old experience in wolf fighting.

Ca.s.sie was squished up against the rocks as Leidolf struggled to get a fatal hold on the black wolf. At least neither of the wolves could attack her for now.

She wasn't pa.s.sively watching, either. As Leidolf and Tynan's killer canines snapped at each other while they did their deadly waltz, front legs on each other's shoulders, prancing back and forth, Ca.s.sie bit Tynan. Hard. Had to have hurt, the way he howled. The way he pulled away from Leidolf. The way he attempted to whip around to kill Ca.s.sie for whatever she'd done.

In the meantime, Irving had mysteriously disappeared behind Leidolf, who'd been expecting another cowardly rear a.s.sault when he heard snarling from close by. Irving's and... h.e.l.l, Evan's.

Irving yelped, and then Evan did.

Leidolf bit Tynan's backside, once, twice as the black wolf kept trying to bite Ca.s.sie. She was crouched low now, unable to move in any direction, her eyes flas.h.i.+ng with anger, probably more at herself than at Tynan for getting herself in such a predicament.

Leidolf bit into Tynan's b.u.t.t again, and the black wolf flipped around, too angry to watch his throat. Leidolf grabbed hold and crushed it, letting go to see the wolf draw his last breaths.

For a split second, Leidolf looked at Ca.s.sie, who was standing straighter now that she had some room to maneuver, but her shoulder was bloodied. Then he whipped around to take care of Irving before he killed Evan.

Evan was a wiry kid and taller than Irving. But he didn't have the stockiness that Irving did. As soon as Irving saw Leidolf coming, Evan fatally attacked him. The kill quick and painless, Irving collapsed and expired.

That's when the wound on Leidolf's back stung as the breeze whipped across it, and Ca.s.sie limped to join him. He nuzzled her face. They joined Evan, who looked proud with his ears perked and tail raised high but quickly lowered them to show his contriteness for being here without anyone's permission.

Ca.s.sie walked over and licked his face, praising him for a job well done. Evan's ears perked a bit until he looked at Leidolf, and then they drooped a little again.

Leidolf joined them, nudged Ca.s.sie to follow his lead, and the two returned to their clothes in the woods. After shape-s.h.i.+fting, they helped each other to dress. Ca.s.sie's shoulder was bloodied, and Leidolf's back hurt like the devil. So much for making love for a little while.

They returned to Evan, and Ca.s.sie checked him over. "His ear's torn, but I'd say he got away without too much of a"

They heard movement in the woods and then shouts, "It's Elgin, Leidolf! Are you all right?" Elgin shouted, still at some distance before they could see him.

"We're all right!"

Elgin, Carver, Fergus, and a handful of other men rushed out of the forest with rifles. Fergus's mouth dropped when he saw Evan in his wolf coat, bloodied, and Irving at his feet. "d.a.m.n, Evan, didn't Leidolf tell you not to take that Jag out for another spin?"

"He had another really important date," Ca.s.sie said, slipping underneath Leidolf's arm.

Elgin motioned to the other men. "Get their bodies. Bury them in the woods. Are you all right? h.e.l.l, Fergus went to take the last meal down to Irving and Tynan and had a two-man guard escort, Pierce and Quincy. Irving and Tynan had shape-s.h.i.+fted. They tore up our other men and knocked Fergus out. By the time Fergus came to and raised the alarm, it had been several hours."

"Are Pierce and Quincy going to be all right?" Ca.s.sie asked.

"Yeah. They wanted to come, but we didn't need any more injured men out here."

"How in the h.e.l.l did you get here so fast?" Fergus asked his son. "Forget it. I know how. You raced that Jag here, didn't you?"

Carver shook his head and patted Fergus's shoulder. "At least he got away with it. The sheriff gave us a ticket, which is why we're so late getting here. You have a son to be proud of. And Leidolf? Watch out. The kid may be taking your place one day."

Leidolf shook his head. "Just took over, and already someone's trying to best me."

"Is Aimee all right?" Ca.s.sie asked.

"She's worried about you. I persuaded her to stay with the girls and make sure they remain behind. She wanted to tell you that she hasn't had any luck with finding any sign your family still exists," Carver warned.

"We'll keep looking then," Ca.s.sie said, but Leidolf could tell the news was not something she wished to hear.

"Let's go." Leidolf was glad that this business with Irving and Tynan was behind them. Then he stopped. "h.e.l.l, if you're here, Fergus, and Quincy and Pierce have been injured, who's watching Sarge?"

Elgin turned a little pale. Fergus did, too. Just what Leidolf thought. No one.

h.e.l.l. He took Ca.s.sie's hand. "Are you all right, Ca.s.sie?"

"My bite doesn't look half as nasty as yours. I guess I won't be going anywhere for a while." Ca.s.sie sighed. "That means I'll miss my magazine deadline."

"Where were you planning to go, Ca.s.sie?"

"North Carolina."

"We'll stop over in Colorado. See my family. They have a hospital there specifically set up to cater to injured werewolves. Then we'll continue on to North Carolina where we can extend our vacation. No mate of mine is taking a vacation without me."

She raised her brows at him. "I'll be working."

He kissed her forehead. "I'll be vacationing then."

She shook her head. "If I work, you have to work. You can hold the camera."

"You sure you trust me? I'm liable to focus on one subject only. A little red wolf, lupus garou variety, the love of my heart."

Some of the men chuckled behind them. Yeah, he was sure Ca.s.sie and he could work things out just fine with a little give-and-take now that his sub-leaders were almost ready to take the reins while he was away for an extended time.

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Seduced By The Wolf Part 31 summary

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