The Road To Hell Part 35

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But d.a.m.n, how I wanted to. Oh, the things I wanted to do. Would do. Four minutes-no, less now. Three and counting. I said her name, put just the right amount of foreplay into my voice.

She looked up at me through her makeup-crusted lashes, slowly ran her tongue over her f.u.c.k-me lips. Bedroom eyes; b.l.o.w.j.o.b mouth. Intoxicating. Boom boom, boom boom.

"Now, baby," she said, her voice a throaty growl. The woman was giving way to the animal, to the instinct that tingled deep inside her. Giving way to l.u.s.t. And all with no nudging from me. Sweet. She said again: "Now." Insistent. Demanding.

A hum again, this time strong enough to make me sit up. Frowning, I felt the buzz resonate through me, pitched high in warning. No this wasn't just antic.i.p.ation. This was- -her mouth on mine, her tongue jabbing through my lips and running against my teeth. My momentary caution faded into bemused surprise. She usually wasn't so direct, but who gave a d.a.m.n? Screw the countdown to bliss. She was ready. Steady.


Heat rolled over me, bathed me in fire from head to toe. I opened my mouth to hers, pushed that heat into her. She said "Mmmmmm," melted into the kiss like chocolate over flame. I washed my hands over the silk of her body, and the buzzing in my head sputtered, died.

Oh, doll, how I'm going to make you scream...

She groaned against me, and my tongue lapped up the sound. I left her mouth to kiss up the length of her jaw, now playing by the lobe of her ear. She squirmed against me, all soft and delicious, delectable, making contented sounds that told me I hit one of her sweet spots. Her hand clenched on my shoulder, then pushed. With a hungry rrrrr she rolled me onto my back, straddled my hips. The hem of her dress rode up, exposing the fullness of her upper thighs, the flash of white satin panties.

Boom boom.

"This is different," I murmured, my hands on her waist.

"You're always so good to me, baby." Her voice was thick with need, her eyes dark and br.i.m.m.i.n.g. Leaning down, she poured herself over me to whisper in my ear, "I want to ride you. Now."

Maybe I ditched the countdown, but other rules had to stay in place. Clients first, even on D-Day. That was ever the rule. So I ignored the ache in my groin and said, "Ladies first, doll."


"Maybe I'll take the grapes, run them over your naked body. Nibble them off your skin."

"I don't want grapes. I want you."

"You got me."

"No I don't. You never let me do you, bring you there." She gyrated over my crotch, a slow dry hump that did maddening things to me. "It's always been about me."

"I'm a giving sort of guy," I said, my voice husky.

"Your turn, baby," she said, punctuating her promise with wet kisses down my neck. Her fingers played by my crotch, and over the buzzing in my head and the pounding of my heart, I heard her unzip my fly. "I'm going to love you so fine," she said, "you're going to sing my name. I'm going to make you explode."

Down she kissed, down my chest, my stomach, my- Wa-hoo.

Okay, maybe the customer was always right...

In the midst of mind-blowing pleasure, a deafening crash, followed by a man's shout: "What the f.u.c.k're you doing with my wife?"

Uh oh.

Louder than the man's words, the buzzing screamed its warning in my head.


Getting interruped in the middle of s.e.x is bad enough. Worse is when the cause of coitus interruptus is a demon.

A glance told me all I needed to know: he was obscenely muscled, and his eyes glowed with malefic presence. Definitely not a Seducer; I would've felt the psychic connection. Sloth was out of the question. Pride, maybe, or Envy...

Between my legs, the client was still going to town. Side effect of entrancing the clientele over the course of four dates: they wound up being a bit one-track minded. Usually it was anything but a problem; at the moment, though, the pleasure was a tad... distracting. Not that I was complaining.

Because my client didn't seem to be one to talk with her mouth full, I put on my charming face and said to her husband, "Your wife's told me so much about you."

He roared, a wordless cry of pure rage. Terrific-one of the Berserkers was riding his body. They weren't exactly known for their reasoning skills. How was I supposed to convince a demon of Wrath that the client was mine? h.e.l.l knew I had all the paperwork to prove it...

The husband c.o.c.ked back a fist. The flesh burned red, and energy sizzled off his skin.

Whoops. I grabbed my client by her shoulders and pulled her off of me, then rolled with her to the floor. She landed on top of me, her mouth working like a landed fish. Sandwiched between the wall and the bed, we were trapped. Last Stand at the Sealy Corral.

From the other side of the bed: "I'll kill the both of you!"

The haze of pa.s.sion began to clear from my client's eyes. Before the fear took hold, I ran a finger over her brow, pus.h.i.+ng a command into her mind. She crumpled on my chest, dead asleep. I nudged her to the ground. Back in a second, doll.

Far over my head, a bolt of magic slammed into the wall. Smoking plaster fluttered down, singeing my face with tiny kisses. Maybe the man was possessed, but he was also a lousy shot.

He bellowed, "Think you can sleep with my wife?"

"Actually," I called back, "sleeping wasn't what I had in mind."

He screamed his fury, then the wall behind me exploded. I threw myself over the unconscious woman, s.h.i.+elding her from the smoking debris. I'd be blessed if I let another demon claim her. I'd been on her case for a month; she didn't die until I said so.

Sometimes, I was as possessive as a Coveter.

Pieces of the ruined wall crashed on me and around me, covered me in filth and soot. Dust made me sneeze, and sneezing during a fight was both dangerous and rather lame, so I stopped breathing. The stench of smoke lingered in my nostrils. Nice. Reminded me of home. Not inducing the part about getting buried by a falling wall. The wreckage hadn't lulled me-when I was on a collection, the only thing human about me was my appearance-but getting slammed with it hurt like a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. My own fault; I should have known better than to taunt a Berserker.

Over the sound of the settling rubble, he shouted, "You dead yet, a.s.shole?"

"Hate to break it to you, chuckles, but you missed."

Couldn't help it. For demons, Berserkers were just so f.u.c.king stupid.

"Seducer!" The man's voice deepened to that of a constipated buffalo's bellow. "I'm going to rip you apart!"

"Some nefarious talk, just talk, talk." I shot my arm out and leveled a blast overhead. The light fixture overhead shattered and crashed down to the ground. I heard the man jump clear and land heavily in the far end of the room. Recharging my power as the man regained his footing, I reviewed the possibilities. It came down to three options.

One: I could kill the possessed human.

No, the paperwork involved in the accidental slaying of a mortal would kill my s.e.x drive for the better part of a decade.

Two: I could run.

Hah, as if.

Three: I could banish the demon, leave the human alive.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Banis.h.i.+ng, sans lulling. That meant attacking him directly with my magic was right out. And that meant I had to figure out what his weakness was and kick-start the exorcism.

It occurred to me that priests had other uses besides between meal snacks. Live and learn.

The sound of clumping footfalls, along with labored breathing. Some mortals just couldn't take a hint. I scrambled to the foot of the bed and yanked on the baseboard until I pried the wood free. Shouting to do the Banshees proud, I leapt up and hurled the makes.h.i.+ft weapon at the human.

And... bullseye! The wood splintered against his torso with a satisfying crack. He staggered back three steps, blinked stupidly at the slivers embedded in his flesh. Then he snarled something about my parentage and aimed another blast my way. I hit the carpet two seconds before it rained plaster again.

Wood was a big no. What else? I didn't have any iron on hand...

He shouted, "Come out and fight like a man!"

"I'm not a man." I reached out blindly, found the ice bucket, heavy with grapes and melted ice. The rim and handle on the black lacquered wood gleamed with a silver sheen. Yes, maybe silver would do the trick. Come a little closer, chuckles. Give Unca Daun a hug.

"Fight me!" Two voices spoke the same command-the mortal's ire blending with the demon's innate Wrath.

I gripped the bucket, getting ready for the windup. "Don't you think two on one is a bit unfair?"

"Fight me!"

"Come here and make me."

He shrieked his unholy rage, and then I heard him stomp toward me. Charge of the Dark Brigade. I popped up and pitched the ice bucket at the ballistic human, catching him full in the face. The silver handle bonked him about a second before the melted ice and chilled fruit splattered on his skin... skin that immediately bubbled and smoked. He roared in either fury or agony, and then he swatted madly at his face.


I took a moment to zip up my fly. Then I stepped around the wreckage strewn almost artfully through the ruins of the bedroom to approach the wounded demon. Under my feet, a collage of shattered gla.s.s sparkled amid the chunks of smoking plaster and plywood. Love really was a battlefield.

The man had fallen to the floor, clutching at his steaming face and gibbering in pain. Interesting. The silver handle was nowhere near him, yet he was still reacting so strongly... Ah.

Smiling, I scooped up a handful of stray ice cubes. Allergic to water, my my. If I had any feelings, I would have felt sorry for the creature; having such an Elemental sensitivity would crimp any demon's style. But I've never been accused of being compa.s.sionate.

Water pooling in my hand, I squatted over the squirming form. "Need a towel?"

Beneath his clawed fingers, the flesh of the man's face looked rather spongy. Hmm. Hope that's not permanent. I didn't think the human would be long on the mortal coil with his face slipping off his skull. The thought of all the red tape a.s.sociated with accidental slaughter made my stomach roil. d.a.m.ned bureaucracy would be the death of me.

He snarled, "Bless yourself, a.s.shole!"

"Don't suppose it'll help to tell you there's been a mix up," I said, juggling the ice from hand to hand.

Lowering his fingers, the Berserker glared up at me through the human's red-rimmed eyes. "No mix up, wh.o.r.emaster."

"That's 'Mister Wh.o.r.emaster' to you."

He spat at me, but the thick glob sizzled and vanished before it touched my skin. Company perk: adjustable heat aura.


"Now, now," I said, dangling a sweating cube over his face. "Play nice, kitty, or you get a bath. What do you mean, no mix up?"

For a long moment, he stared his hatred at me, charged the air with fury so brutally raw that my flesh should have been flayed from my bones. Finally he said, "I was sent on purpose."

"A snafu, then. I've got all the paperwork. She's mine, chuckles."

"No snafu."

Oh really? "Explain yourself."

"Killers, the man and woman both."

I'd known about the woman; there was a reason she was a client, after all. The man, though, was a surprise. Then again, I hadn't bothered to research him. He wasn't the one I was supposed to f.u.c.k to death. "What, they get off on murder?"

"Thrill of the bloodshed." His eyes gleamed, and a smile unfurled on his softening face. "The gospel of butchery. The ecstasy of violence."

"Uh huh." I'd heard the Wrath party line before. "That's lovely. But she's still mine."

"No, wh.o.r.emonger." He bared his teeth in a parody of a grin. "The flesh puppets, they were to kill you."

Jaw clenched, I said, "Kill me?" Humans, attacking a demon? Outside of some wildly popular television shows, that was unheard of. There had to have been a mistake.

"They were to bathe in your blood," he said with a sigh of pleasure. "Then I was to slit their throats, claim them both for Wrath."

Blinking, I repeated, "For Wrath?"

"Want I should speak in smaller words, rake?"

I didn't know which was more insulting-that the humans wanted to kill me, or that a Berserker was insinuating I was stupid. A snarl on my lips, I crushed the ice in one of my hands and wiped it over the remains of his forehead. His squeal of pain was almost worth the mess of melted flesh on my fingers.

After his screeching faded, I said, "Why me?"

Arms wrapped over his head, I almost didn't hear his m.u.f.fled reply. "Would be telling."

I still couldn't grasp that the mortals had wanted to slice and dice me. Me. That wasn't in the Demon Playbook. Not that we had a playbook, but still... "She was my target," I insisted.

"Murder is murder. The more, the better." Panting, he peered out from his barricade of arms. "Kill two humans, kill one Seducer. All the same to Wrath. But destroying you, that would have given me pleasure." He chuckled wetly. "You understand pleasure, no?"

I sat heavily on my haunches. Well, this just sucked angel feathers. Where did humans get off, thinking they could actually take down a demon? Next thing you knew, they'd be shooting me with silver bullets and flinging Holy Water on me. Idiots.

No, my client couldn't have known I has a demon. To her and her husband-before he'd been possessed-I'd been just another flesh puppet, one whom they could play with and prey on. No more.

The man's breathing took on a burbling sound. I said, "You dying on me, chuckles?"

"You Seducers... all the same," the demon whispered. "Clap-carrying... s.l.u.ts... suck the fight... out of a body."

Could I help it if I was a lover, not a fighter?

"Paperwork... keep you bound... for eons."

"Ah, go to h.e.l.l." I dropped the rest of the melting ice on him.

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The Road To Hell Part 35 summary

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