McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 7

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"Ramon, I don't undera" I trail off when Jacky pushes past us both nearly knocking me over in her haste to get to Sebastian.

"Sebastian, I've been looking for you," she purrs, running her hands up his chest and around his neck where my hands were a few minutes ago.

Expecting Sebastian to push her away, I'm surprised as h.e.l.l when he puts his hands on her hips and smiles at her.

My stomach drops. "Get me out of here, Ramon," I say as a startled Sebastian finally pushes Jacky away from him.

"Carla, wait," he calls as I'm storming down the corridor. I can hear Ramon telling him to leave it for now before following me.

Chapter 16.

Sebastian "Let her go. She's your brother's girl," Jacky tells me clutching my arm, either to keep me with her or to stop herself from face planting the floor, I'm not sure which.

G.o.d, one minute I'm telling Carla she's mine, and the next minute I'm clutching Jacky's hips and grinning at her. In my defense, I grabbed her so she wouldn't rub against me and feel my erection because knowing Jacky, she would have thought it was for her, and get the totally wrong idea.

"You know," Ruben says from the doorway, "I don't think I've ever had as much traffic in my office before tonight or women."

I laugh, releasing the tension that's had a hold of me since walking into the room with Carla. "You're only jealous brother." I grin. "What happened to the bachelorettes?"

"I owe you for that, brother," he says in warning, walking behind his desk. "If you're done for the night, I have work to do."

"I'll go, but we're straight." I glance to Jacky before glaring at Ruben, who laughs before getting back to his paperwork, shaking his head.

"What was that about?" Jacky ask, slurring her words.

"Nothing much. Let's go."

I take Jacky by the arm and lead her through the crowd in the club before finally getting outside to breathe in some fresh air. Jacky sways drunkenly on her heels and I glance at her warily hoping she doesn't get sick until after I've dropped her off.

Glancing at her she looks a bit green. "Are you going to make it home okay?"

Cody's just pulled up to the curb with the car. Jumping out, he looks at Jacky then me before hurrying to open the car door for her.

She practically falls into the car taking up most of the seat, but after some maneuvering I manage to sit as far away as possible in the town car. As Cody pulls away, she turns onto her side and curls up into the fetal position, giving me a view of her naked a.s.s.

Closing my eyes, I rest my head along the back of the seat and try not to think about Jacky's naked p.u.s.s.y, which is wide open for my viewing pleasure with just one turn of my head.

It's been a long time since I had a woman's legs spread for me to sink my c.o.c.k into, and the throbbing going on in my pants is only to be expected. But getting hard because of Jacky's naked p.u.s.s.y staring me in the face is making me feel guilty as h.e.l.l.

Carla's getting her needs met by my brother so why the f.u.c.k can't I get mine met with someone else? And what the h.e.l.l did she mean when she told me she didn't sleep with Ramon? They're dating and they live together.

Going round a corner, Jacky rolls onto her back with one leg going across my lap, her dress practically around her hips as her other leg drops to the floor.

f.u.c.kin' b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I pull my eyes away, but they have a will of their own and keep going back to her p.u.s.s.y lips. Teasing me and my c.o.c.k, which desperately wants to sink between her legs. s.h.i.+t, not her legs, Carla's legs. What the f.u.c.k's wrong with me?

"Touch me," she whispers.

My eyes shoot to hers, which are heavily lidded as she's obviously been watching me lick my lips at the wetness I can see between her nether lips.

With slight hesitation, I tell her, "I can't."

Reaching for her dress with the intention of covering her up, she grabs one of my hands and puts it between her legs, coating my fingers with her arousal.

She moans and throws her head back as I dip my index finger inside her.

I can't do this. "Jacky, I'm sorry, but I can't give you what you want." As I pull back she scrambles to get upright and starts to lunge for me as Cody opens the door so I quickly climb out, nearly falling on my a.s.s in my haste.

While trying to hide his laughter at my predicament, Cody offers his hand to help Jacky out of the car. "Would you like me to help you inside," he smirks.

Clearing my throat, I finally say, "No. I'll be fine." Praying I don't live to regret those words. "Have a good night Cody"

She's my date for the night and, although it would be easier to pa.s.s her on to him. I can't, in all consciousness, do that. I need to see her safely to her apartment door. And I mean door, so she better not pa.s.s the f.u.c.k out before getting up there.

Jacky is already clinging to my arm, so I wrap mine around hers and start walking towards our apartment building with her stumbling over her own feet as we reach the door.

"Wait," she mumbles, "I want to take my shoes off before I break my neck."

She leans into the wall to the side of us, and releasing my arm, bends down to remove her shoes. Standing she looks at me, smiles before grabbing my s.h.i.+rt and pulling me into her. Before I can get my brain into gear, she's practically climbed up me with her legs wrapping around my waist as she grinds against my traitorous c.o.c.k.

Reaching out with my hands to support her, they land on her naked a.s.s, which is when I realize her dress is up around her waist and her bottom bits are on display for all to see.

"Jacky, stop. Please." I try to untangle her legs and arms, which have now gone around my neck.

"You're rock hard, you don't mean that," she whispers before slamming her mouth on mine when I open it to protest again.

It feels good having a warm and willing woman in my arms again. A woman that is grinding against my d.i.c.k as though her life depends on it.

Hearing her groan, I come back to my senses and start thinking with the big brain, although right now it's a bit muddy as to which is the biggest.

Pulling away from her, I hold her at arm's length while she pushes her skirts back down to cover herself.

"You're hung up on your brother's girl," she wails in a voice that tells me she's about to cry.

Without answering, I usher her inside and straight into an elevator I feel like the biggest d.i.c.k around right now for not getting her off, but if I did that to ease my frustration, my guilt would be even worse, especially if Carla ever found out. We weren't exactly committed to each other, but I still consider her mine and expect her to think of me as hers and yet I've just been in a h.e.l.l of a compromising position with Jacky.

Can my life get any more f.u.c.king complicated?

The elevator doors open with a drunken Jacky walking out who ignores me all the way to her apartment. I follow behind her wanting to make sure she actually gets inside, but there is no way in h.e.l.l I'm going inside with her.

At her apartment door, she manages to get the door open before looking at me with such disgust written on her face then slams her door as I'm about to apologize, again.

What the f.u.c.k!

Women. Turning, I push through the door to the stairs and slowly walk back up to my empty apartment. My mind wandering away from Jacky and back to Carla and the 'I don't sleep with him' comment. It was strange, and I need to find the opportunity to ask her what she meant, otherwise it will drive me crazy.

Hearing my phone ring, I glance at the display before answering and see Ramon's name flas.h.i.+ng.

"What's wrong?" It's unusual for one of my brothers to ring me so late at night, which puts me on alert.

"After the club, I drove to your apartment to talk to you."

Did he have Carla with him and why does he sound angry? "Then why didn't you come in?"

Oh G.o.d, no. I sag onto the sofa knowing what he's about to say.

"We didn't want to interrupt the show you were putting on."

We? "What do you mean we?" I ask, already knowing what he means.

"Carla was with me," he says. "I thought you should know."

Chapter 17.

Carla It's been three days since I saw Sebastian and the image I have in my head won't let up. It should have been me with my legs wrapped around him, not her. He broke my heart and hadn't even known.

Talk about mixed signals. One minute he told me I was his and the next he's practically f.u.c.king his secretary up against a wall for all to see.

As soon as I arrived home that night, Ramon had tried to get me to talk to him, but I wouldn't give Sebastian the time of day. I just needed to escape to my room knowing I was about to have a crying fit.

A couple of hours after arriving home though, I received my first ever text from Sebastian telling me Jacky had taken him by surprise and that we obviously hadn't stayed long otherwise we'd have seen him push her away, putting a stop to it.

I hadn't replied, so not ten minutes later he'd sent another one, which had me craving his touch more than ever.

Sliding my phone from my back pocket, I scroll through my messages and find the one from Sebastian and read it again while wiping the tears from my eyes.

'Carla, what's happening between us is real. What you saw tonight isn't and didn't go any further. The only woman I want is hopefully reading this message. I don't know what exactly is going on between you and my brother, but it needs to stop and you need to be with me. I want all of you. Your mind, heart, and body. Your body has me constantly hard and I'm sick as f.u.c.k with using my hand while I imagine what it will feel like to sink between your thighs. I think about how tight you'll be around my c.o.c.k. How wet and warm you'll feel clinging to me while I bring you to o.r.g.a.s.m. Don't give up on me before there can be an 'us.' Please Carla. <>

I've never had such a s.e.xy message before and I've read it over and over again, so many times, in fact, I'm surprised the scroll function still works on the phone.

I'd replied to him. I mean how could I not after the message he sent to me. My message hadn't been like his, but I'd replied.

'I don't know what to say. You make my heart pound and my body comes alive with just one look from you. I believe you about earlier tonight, but please just give me s.p.a.ce. <>

And he has given me s.p.a.ce. In fact, he hasn't replied at all and hasn't made an effort to even contact me since. I should be relieved, but I'm not too sure how to feel about that. Was he upset and angry because he sent me such a heartfelt message and I replied asking him to give me s.p.a.ce? Have I totally screwed up before it could get started like he asked me not to?

Hearing the apartment door open, I quickly swipe at my tears, but I'm not quick enough and Ramon comes to a stop behind me.

"Carla, this really has to stop. You know that right?" He turns me around and wraps his arms around me, pulling me tight into his chest. "This is ridiculous. All this anguish between you and my brother can be stopped with just a few words."

Ramon is the best friend I have and since I've been living with him, he's like a brother to me and treats me like a sister most of the time. Right now, I need him to be my big brother in Noah's absence.

"We're going to talk," he whispers into my hair before putting me away from him.

"We don't need to really. I'm fine."

He pushes me down onto the sofa. "Back in a minute. Don't move," he says, das.h.i.+ng into the kitchen.

I smile at the eagerness that Ramon has over pampering me and I feel the tears drying up as I watch him brew us both a coffee. For some reason, Ramon has it in his head that he needs a coffee in order for him to have a discussion with someone. Personally, I think it's so he has something to mess with because he's rarely still.

"Here you go." He me my cup and sits beside me with his feet up on the coffee table like I'm doing.

Ramon's apartment is large and s.p.a.cious with two huge sofas in the living area along with two reclining chairs that are so comfortable. I've fallen asleep on them more times than I care to admit.

I can feel Ramon staring at me from the corner of my eye, but I'm not sure I'm ready to discuss Sebastian so I start a conversation that I know is going to make him freak, but at least it will change the subject. "I think I'm being followed."

"What the f.u.c.k!" He quickly shoots up to his feet and slams his drink down hard on the coffee table, slos.h.i.+ng the contents all over, which he ignores turning fully towards me instead. "You think you're being followed? And you just decided to tell me now? Carla, what the h.e.l.l is wrong with you? After what that b.a.s.t.a.r.d did to you. f.u.c.k! You should know better than to not mention this. f.u.c.king h.e.l.l." Ramon starts pacing back and forth in front of the window.

"Please sit with me," I ask, tears running down my face.

"f.u.c.k, Carla. G.o.d, don't do that."

Sitting back down, he pulls me into his arms and settles back into the sofa. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? And don't think I haven't realized you changed the subject."

I chuckle into his chest. "I'm not too sure really. Over the past couple of days, I've had the feeling I'm being watched and ended up looking around me to see if I can spot anyone, but I haven't. I might just be imagining it."

"Do you really think it's all in your head? Seriously?" he asks stroking my hair, which is lying freely down my back.

"Not really."

I knew Gary would find me eventually and I guess I should be surprised that he hasn't found me sooner. Gary can be terrifying and doesn't mind using his fists as my body can attest to, but the thought that Ramon or one of his brothers could be in the line of fire frightens me.

"I need to inform security for the building so he doesn't get inside and you do not go anywhere unless someone is with you. You got me?"

My silence probably speaks volumes. I've never been any good at doing as I'm told. In fact, I have a really bad habit of doing the opposite.

"Carla, I'm serious. I need to talk to my brothers and tell them what's going on and see if they can help out when I have to be on site."

Inwardly I groan. "I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. What if he gets to Lily? We can't involve anyone else. Please Ramon," I beg trying to give him my 'can't refuse me anything' eyes.

"That is not going to work this time. Have you forgotten what that b.a.s.t.a.r.d did to you last time and what he threatened when you ran?"

He releases me, sitting up with his elbows resting on his knees while running his hands through his hair. "We need help Carla. I can't be with you twenty-four-seven. I promise to only tell Sebastian, Lucien and Ruben okay. I'll keep Michael out of it and hopefully that will keep Lily away from it all...s.h.i.+t, Sebastian isn't going to take this lightly," he says, looking at me.

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McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 7 summary

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