McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 8

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"I know."

"Lucien rang me while I was on the way up to tell me to bring you over to the folks' ranch for dinner so I'll get them alone and tell them what's going on... I'm also going to tell them that we're just friends."

I start to shake my head, but Ramon cuts off anything I'm going to say. "He's my brother Carla and I've never seen him like this before. I can't let him continue to think you're mine. I admit it was fun at first seeing him want someone he thought he couldn't have, but I can't continue... s.h.i.+t, my mom's going to be p.i.s.sed."

"I can't go," I whisper, which brings his eyes back around to mine. "Everyone is going to be angry with me; Sebastian for not telling him the truth about us, your mom because every time she looks at us she has weddings and babies on her mind. Oh my G.o.d, Ramon. Please don't force me to go," I finish on a childish whine, burying my face into my hands.

Ramon starts rubbing my back. "Look, the only person Sebastian is going to be p.i.s.sed at is me. In fact, my whole family is likely to be p.i.s.sed with me okay. I also don't want to leave you here alone even though the security is one of the best in the city."

He's wavering, I can hear it in his voice and now he's sitting considering all the pros and cons of me staying here.

"You really don't want to go?" he asks, rubbing his neck.

"I know I'll have to face everyone, but today I really want to stay here. I'm going to read for a while to try and take my mind off everything then I'll shower and maybe read some more." I smile at him and take hold of his hand. "I'll be okay. I feel safe here and I'm not sure I can handle Sebastian if he gets angry with me. Not today."

Ramon sighs before leaning in and kissing me on my cheek. "Okay. I'll let security know on the way out not to let anyone other than my brothers up to the apartment from now on unless they check with me first."

"Thank you."

He kisses me again before standing. "I'm going to get a quick shower first."

Without replying, I sit and watch him leave, hoping his family doesn't get too angry with him, or me for that matter, because of our deception over our non-romantic relations.h.i.+p, especially Sebastian.

Chapter 18.

Sebastian Ramon is starting to annoy the h.e.l.l out of me pacing back and forth now that Lucien, Ruben and myself are sitting out on the back porch while Dad is distracting Mom somewhere in the house.

Driving to the ranch, I'd been looking forward to seeing Carla again, albeit a tad nervous considering my text message to her the night of my near fall from grace. I'd been delighted with the first half of her reply, but disappointed with the second part a lot more than I care to admit.

"Sebastian? You with me?"

I blink, bringing Ramon into focus. "Yeah." I rub the back of my neck while watching my brothers stare at me in surprise. "What did I miss?"

Lucien smirks before shaking his head while Ruben starts to chuckle.

"If you've finished day dreaming I have something serious to discuss with you all about...Carla," Ramon speaks, but looks directly at me when saying her name.

What that's supposed to mean?

"I've promised her I won't mention anything to Michael because she's afraid something might happen to Lily."

Lucien suddenly sits up from his lounging position in the chair. "What do you mean by that?" he asks, more serious than I've heard him in a long time, but then again Ramon did mention Lily.

"Don't get your shorts in a wad, Lucien. This thing with Carla isn't going to affect anyone, but her, and maybe me."

"Dad is only going to be able to distract Mom for a short while so save all the macho s.h.i.+t for later and spit out what you want to tell us," Ruben says, getting comfortable in the chair with his hands behind his head and ankle across his knee.

"When Carla arrived in Lexington she was in a bad way, as in she'd been attacked."

"What the f.u.c.k," I shout, jumping up from the chair.

Ramon puts his hand out to try and calm me down, but the fact that someone put his hands on my woman makes me see red.

Sitting back down, I meet Ramon's eyes and let him continue while I try to keep my temper under control knowing the other two have questions after my outburst.

"Her ex beat her up looking for her brother Noah. Noah was working on one of our sites here in Lexington so as soon as Carla was released from the hospital she came down here looking for him. She was too scared to stay in Canada. What she didn't know was that I had no idea where her brother had disappeared to," Ramon says frustration clear in his face as he looks away and then back to us. "One day Noah was working construction and the next he was gone and no one knows where. For Carla's sake, I have a private detective looking for him, but nothing yet."

"What happened to the ex?" Lucien asks. It's a valid question and I'm thankful at least one of us has a clear head.

"He disappeared before the police could arrest him, which brings me to why we're having this conversation."

With Ramon looking at me the way he is, my heart pounds. I just know I'm not going to like what he's about to say, it also clears up as to whether or not he knows I have feelings for Carla. He wouldn't be talking straight to me otherwise.

"She told me earlier that she thinks she's being followed." I freeze as my brother continues, "She hasn't seen anyone, but I'm taking her seriously. If Carla's saying she's being followed then I'm not taking any chances, and I need everyone's help because she isn't going anywhere without one of us with her."

"Like f.u.c.k, she's not leaving my sight," I shout to no one in particular.

"Um, Sebastian, don't you think you need to calm down a bit considering it's Ramon's girl we're discussing here."

f.u.c.k. Ignoring Lucien and his comment, I turn to Ramon. "Where is she now? Who's with her?"

"She's stressed out and wanted to stay back at the apartment. She wasn't sure how everyone would react and couldn't handle anything else today."

"She's alone?" I ask quietly.

He doesn't reply.

"I want to talk to you alone. Now."

Standing, I walk to the barn with Ramon following behind me. Oh Lucien and Ruben tried to come with us, but I overheard Ramon telling them that it was between the two of us.

I smirk, he's d.a.m.n right its between the two of us, but what I really want is to hit something real hard, preferably Ramon's face for leaving Carla alone when she's in trouble.

Hearing the door shut, I turn to face him.

"I've never slept with Carla," he blurts out, but I'm not sure I heard him right.


"You heard me. We came up with the relations.h.i.+p when she moved in with me to protect her and also to keep Mom off my back about marriage and babies. Neither of us expected her to fall for you or vice-versa."

I slump down onto the workbench behind me at Ramon's revelation. "Why didn't she tell me?"

"At first, because of the verbal agreement she has with me, then later, you'll have to ask her and as for leaving her alone in my apartment building, you know it has the best security around, plus the apartment is locked tight. I felt uneasy leaving her, but I could hardly drag her with me when she was set on staying. She's like a sister to me Sebastian, and I swear if you hurt her, brother or not, you'll answer to me."

"I've no intention of hurting her." I start to pace not sure what he wants from me. "She's under my skin. No one has ever gotten under my skin before and although it scares the s.h.i.+t out of me I don't want to run from her. It's been killing me because I thought she was your girl."

Ramon laughs. "I know. It was fun at first, but after seeing how much it was hurting Carla keeping you both apart, I told her I was going to talk to you about our agreement except this came up first."

"I'm going to her," I say, waiting for him to protest as I start to make for the door.

"Sebastian, don't hurt her," he says quietly.

I turn to look at him.

"I'll cut your d.i.c.k off if you do," he threatens, and I fear only half joking. "I also won't be home tonight."

I grin walking to my car, but my grin soon vanishes when I think about the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who's after my woman.

Chapter 19.

Carla Stepping out of the shower, I hear my phone beeping with a text message, so quickly drying my feet before wrapping a towel around me, I make a dash for the living room to grab my phone.

Part of me is hoping the message is from Sebastian, but deep down I know it will be Ramon after all Sebastian hasn't messaged me since I asked him for s.p.a.ce.

Looking at the screen, I can't stop the smile from spreading across my face. Sebastian.

'I'm outside the door. Don't want to frighten you. Please let me in.'

Putting my phone back down on the side table, I dash, without thinking, to the door and after a quick look through the peephole I unlock the door and catch my breath.

Sebastian in a business suit is s.e.xy, but in jeans and a s.h.i.+rt he takes my breath away.

He reaches out, placing his hands on my hips, and walks me back inside the apartment without a word spoken between us, closing the door behind him with his foot, he turns and presses me up against the door.

Lifting his hand, he locks the door back up then rests both his arms alongside my head, without taking his eyes from mine.

Sebastian looks dangerous with his eyes shooting sparks of l.u.s.t at me, but that combined with being pinned against the door by his heavily aroused body has my c.l.i.t throbbing for his touch.

"I know you're not my brother's...all this time Carla. All this time we could have been together." He rests his forehead against mine, our mouths inches apart. "I want you. I always envisioned when I took you it would be in a bed, nice and slow so I could appreciate every inch of you," he whispers, "but slow will have to wait."

His lips claim mine in one of the most erotic kisses I've ever experienced a our tongues tangle - our teeth clash. My fingers thread through his hair, holding his head in place as he yanks the towel from between us before reaching for and grabbing my a.s.s to hoist me up against the door.

My legs wrap around his waist as our kiss goes on and on while he presses his swollen c.o.c.k against me, sending needles of pleasure up my spine to my nipples.

"Carla, I can't wait," he groans.

Using his hips and thighs, he keeps me pinned against the door while he drags his s.h.i.+rt over his head, tossing it behind him. His eyes burn a path down my body as he takes in my naked form. My chest is rising and falling in uneven breaths as his hands slide up from my waist to cup my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his thumbs rubbing around my nipples. Before I can catch my breath, he bends and sucks one into his mouth, which sends a bolt of electricity straight to my p.u.s.s.y. I try to grind against him to ease the ache he's created, but I can't move with how he has me pinned.

Sebastian growls, hitches me further up the door before sliding a finger along my folds. "You're so wet." He quickly unb.u.t.tons and unzips his jeans, taking hold of his fully engorged c.o.c.k, which is leaking at the tip with his arousal.

I lick my lips as I watch him move to my entrance before he raises my wrists in his hands holding them above my head as he slams home.

He lets out a long groan as I gasp in a mixture of shock at his invasion and pleasure because of said invasion.

Sebastian releases my wrists and drops his head into the curve of my neck, struggling for breath. "Don't move," he groans through gritted teeth.

I run my hands through the hair at the nape of his neck as he lifts his head and meets my eye. "Condom."

"I'm safe. Birth control."

"Tested four months ago. Not been with anyone since."

I smile at him. "Sebastian, stop talking and move."

The biggest grin I've ever seen splits his face. "Yes ma'am."

Oh G.o.d!

The feel of his long c.o.c.k sliding out of me real slowly then back in just as slowly is causing a delicious friction. I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from making whimpering noises, but one escapes just as our lips reach for the others.

I wrap my arms tight around his neck as our tongues tangle and mate while he starts thrusting into me so d.a.m.n fast and hard I wouldn't be surprised if he f.u.c.ked me through the door.

With my o.r.g.a.s.m fast approaching, I can't stop whimpering into Sebastian's mouth as he arches into me at the same time that he pushes me down on his hard shaft. He rotates his hips, grinding me on him, which causes friction on my c.l.i.t. Once. Twice. Then I moan a loudly, coming apart in his arms, clutching his c.o.c.k in a death grip inside me as my climax takes control over my actions.

G.o.d, he feels so good and as I start to come down from my high, Sebastian starts to piston in and out of me. I feel another o.r.g.a.s.m building as he lengthens just before he does one powerful thrust inside me, and starts spurting his seed, coating my walls with his essence.

Sebastian drops his head back to my shoulder while he groans through his release, which sets mine off again, milking his c.o.c.k of every last drop from him.

"f.u.c.k, Carla," Sebastian pants heavily into my neck.

Lifting his head, he places a gentle kiss to my lips. "You're my girl now. Please tell me you're my girl."

I brush the hair from his forehead with my fingers and tell him what he wants to hear, "I'm yours Sebastian. I wanted to be yours from the first time we met, although I fought what you made me feel like crazy, but I'm your girl now and you're my guy and if that b.i.t.c.h Jacky touches you again she'll lose a hand."

He grins at me. "Hold that thought." He lifts me from his semi-erect d.i.c.k and helps me stand back up. "You okay if I let go for a minute?"

I chuckle. "Yeah, I think so."

He lets go of me, steps back and hitches his shorts and jeans back up his legs, zipping them, but leaving the b.u.t.ton undone. Then he looks at me, and I mean really looks at me starting with the tip of my toes and gradually works his way up, hesitating around my hips and b.r.e.a.s.t.s then meeting my eyes again, his own eyes are full of arousal.

"You're beautiful," he says, taking the two steps back to me. "Tell me what you want. What do you want to do now?"

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McKenzie Brothers: Rapture Part 8 summary

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