Rebel Walking: Fighting The Odds Part 6

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I run my hands over the spot he kissed on my neck. It shouldn't still tingle when I slide my fingers across it, but it does. Imagine what he could do to me if he actually let the intensity break free. I'm afraid the heat from that encounter would scorch me forever.

The water shuts off and I roll over to face the wall. This night has been so long, and the alarm will go off before we know it. At this rate, it may be better to stay awake and sleep when we return. Luke's training will be intense today and he'll be dragging a.s.s tonight.

I don't bother shutting my eyes when he slides into the bed. He can't see them at this angle anyway. He takes a deep breath and it's only a couple of minutes before his breathing changes and I can tell he's sleeping.

The sound of the alarm sends him straight out of bed. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and try to focus on him. He's wearing only boxer briefs and my eyes move straight to his tight a.s.s. When he turns, I get to see the side view of a giant bulge. He freezes in a side pose and I let my eyes wander up his body until mine meet his. The look on his face shows I'm f.u.c.king busted, again.

"Like what you see?"

"How many times are you going to ask me that?"

"How many times are you going to look at me like that?" Point made. I guess I deserve that. Truth is.... my answer is 'every chance I get', but I won't say that out loud. He grabs his bulge with his right hand and walks to the bathroom.

Did he just do that?

After laying there a few minutes, I decide it's time to crawl my a.s.s out of this bed. This has to be the most uncomfortable bed that I've ever slept in, but I'm just so tired that it feels better than getting up. Sitting on the edge of the bed, with my arms in the air in a full stretch, he walks into the room. His eyes fall to my and I drop my stretch instantly, trying to gauge his mood.

"We need to leave in five minutes." Direct and to the point. He's all business now and I won't do anything to tip his mood in a worse direction. I hurry to put my clothes back on and use a wash rag to brush my teeth.

I have to get my stuff today. Having nothing makes me feel like I'm on the run. Wait... I am. Well at least I will be soon. This will take some getting used to, but it will be better than having to watch over my shoulder for Greg to make his next appearance.

He opens the door to the apartment and I follow him out, all the way down to his motorcycle. It never gets old straddling this machine up against him. I pull myself tight against his back and enjoy his warmth along with the heat from the bike. It's entirely too early for my a.s.s to be up in the morning, but I knew it was a lost point trying to argue with him about staying behind.

He parks his bike on the side of the barn that isn't visible from the street. Lou is waiting for us in the gym.

"Son, are you ready to focus today?"

"I'm all focus."

"I'm going to hold you to that."

I grab my bag from my Jeep and then purposely move out of their way. Hitting some cardio to help kill time is about my only option. The elliptical is the machine that's the most out of the way. Lou's gym isn't huge, but he has at least one of everything in here. He uses the gym for fighters who need to stay focused or for when we have two fighters that will match up in a fight soon. It allows him to pull them in one at a time and keep everyone from seeing any progress. We've also been known to have some private fights here. Those usually turn into a huge ordeal, with parking being a major problem.

I catch a glimpse of them when I break for water. Lou has him running through his warm up routine. It's impossible not to watch him. I haven't seen him move like that and he's caught me in a trance. Seeing this isn't going to help me battle my attraction for him. To make it worse, it's like he can feel me watching because I don't get to stare very long before he turns to catch me. That d.a.m.n s.h.i.+t-eating grin lights something in me again.

Climbing back on the machine, I attempt to turn my attention into my own workout. At this rate, this day is going to take forever. I'm pretty sure I can't stay on this elliptical all day.

Luke "Much better." So far this is going a lot better than yesterday. It's easier to focus when I know she's safe. There's one door into this place and you'd have to pa.s.s by me to get to her in here.

I continue to block him every time he tries to connect. It's really not so bad if you really watch his face and body language.

"Like a d.a.m.n natural." He comes at me one last time with fast repeated hits before walking away. I'll take his complement and tuck it away. There's no time to feel completely confident in this.

"I want you on the punching bag for cardio and I'm going to have Kimber show you all of the circuits that I put my fighters through. She knows the specifics and then you'll be able to do them on your own. After she shows you the full round, do three more sets. I'll be back in a couple of hours to wear your a.s.s out even more." His fingers go to his mouth and he lets out a whistle that gains her attention. f.u.c.k. Seeing her in tight yoga pants and a sports bra, sweating everywhere, is not supposed to turn me on. Focus, Luke.

"Run him through the circuits. Hold back on the heavy bag burpees for today, but work him like you would one of our experienced guys. No holding back on him, he doesn't have time for that."

"Sure thing, Lou."

"I'll see you two in a few hours."

I try not to look at her. What was I saying about being able to focus better with her in here? Well, throw those thoughts out the f.u.c.king window.

"I guess we should get started."

"Yeah. That's a good idea."

"Follow me. I'll do these with you the first set, then you're on your own." Oh, I follow her. Follow that a.s.s across the gym. I'm such a d.i.c.k for this.

"Station one is five minutes. We will rotate from doing fifteen of each push ups, jumping jacks, and bench dips until the time is up." She hands me a set of push up handles and grabs a set for herself after setting the timer. I notice her grab the remote and the music begins to blare through the whole building. Now this is more like it. Time to get into beast mode.

That theory worked through the pushups, but the instant we started jumping jacks.... I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Her hair, even though most of it is pulled up, is falling over one of her eyes. Her t.i.ts are bouncing just enough that I have the urge to f.u.c.king take my finger and release them from that material holding them so tight. I'm going to h.e.l.l for this s.h.i.+t.

She counts them out and then we both hit the bench for dips. I choose to do the rest of them without facing her. This is the best way to get through this.

"Okay. Get a set of twenty-fives and fifteen pound free weights for the burpees. We've got five minutes on station two as well. Do ten burpees with each of the weights, then ten with no weights." She has to yell over the music. She squats, shoots her legs back and lands in a pushup before I have a chance to get my weights. Why in the f.u.c.k does she have to do this s.h.i.+t with me? To prove she's even s.e.xier than I thought she was? Well it's working.

After five minutes of that s.h.i.+t, my heart rate is definitely up and it's time to stay serious. She shoves us right into station three.

"Five minutes again, ten each. Keep moving. Fast high knees." She's just a second ahead of me and I find myself chasing her movements.

"Mountain climbers." f.u.c.k.

"Jumping jacks." I like these.

"Plank jacks and split lunges." She does them all and moves even faster than I am through them. I have nothing but respect for Kimber at this point.

"Get a weight plate and weights for curls for this next group." We're both out of breath and panting. I watch her in the mirror as I walk to get my weights. She's watching me, watch her. Our eyes meet and I'm fighting the urge to walk straight over to her and squeeze in a cardio station. There's no doubt it would be great. All of my tension and this f.u.c.king s.e.x drive since I met her tells me that.

"Again five minutes, ten each. Let's go. Squat with the weight plate." She proceeds to do squats and I'm glad to see she's not trying to out do me on these by using this much weight.

"Squat with overhead press." The music switches and if I had the remote, I'd change it. It's too d.a.m.n distracting having music on that I would rather be having s.e.x to than working out. This is all f.u.c.king with my head. Lifting in the gym is my time. No distractions.

"Show me those muscles, big guy. It's time for curls." Oh, she wants to start playing. I take the intensity that I usually use in focusing on perfect form and send that concentration from my eyes directly into hers. She looks away.

"Shoulder circles with weight." She turns away from me, but there's mirrors everywhere. I like it, because I can see everything about her all at once.

She continues to move through the circuits. How much longer will this s.h.i.+t go on?

f.u.c.k it. I'm done. It's time for cardio.

Kimber Lou is crazy leaving me here to do this with him. I can't do this and stay on task if he's going to continue to look at me like this.

His heat is burning me and he's at least five feet behind me. Watching him through the mirror is killing me. Different muscles move with every exercise, and it's not lost on me that he's built in every part of his body. We established this morning that is a true statement.

He drops the weight plate in front of him and walks up to me. His eyes never leaving the mirror where he's attached to my eyes the entire time.

His hands run down my arms and I welcome his touch, h.e.l.l I crave it even though my whole body is covered in sweat. His hands slide back up my arms and I can't help but feel like the look in his eyes is the look of a predator about to attack. It doesn't scare me, even though it should with that much crazy emotion in his face. He's hungry for it. That's okay, because I'm starving for it.

He flips me around to face him and before I can make eye contact with him, his tongue is in my mouth. We both fight for power and depth while trying to fight for air. I put my hands around his neck and jump into his hands, straddling his waist. I need to be closer. It's as if it's no effort for him to hold me like this and I love that.

He's breathing heat all over me while walking us across the room. I can't even comprehend where he's taking us and I don't even care. My nipples crave him.

His hands move to my a.s.s just before he puts me against a wall. Fuuccckkk me.

"You're f.u.c.king salty," he says through heavy exhales.

"I know. Take us to the showers."

"No." Kiss. "f.u.c.king." Lick. "Way." Nibble. I swear it feels like the veins in my neck are about to burst as I turn my head to give him better access.

My legs are wrapped tight around his waist and he's moving his hands all over my body. With one tug, my bra is pushed down and my are flowing over the tight material giving him full access to my entire body because with every kiss I can feel it all over. How does he do this to me? I can't remember the last time I was this hot.

"Kimber. What are you doing to me?" His words are a whisper, but his voice is very deep and so f.u.c.king s.e.xy. What am I doing to him? What is he doing to me?

He puts his arms out on the wall on both sides of my head and buries his even further into my neck. He stands there with me completely wrapped around him until his breathing slows.

I can feel his thickness against me begin to twitch. I'm sure this isn't the first time, but it's the first time I'm not on sensory overload and am able to notice it.

He moves his forehead against mine. My head is against the wall and he's completely in my s.p.a.ce. Our eyes meet and he watches me as he rolls his hips forward. Oh. My. G.o.d. I'm done. I have to have this man inside me.

His d.i.c.k is putting pressure in the perfect place and we haven't even taken off any clothing. I grip his tank top from behind him and lift it over his head and it comes off with ease.

My hands slide over his back and I dig my nails in when he thrusts his hips forward again. Is it possible to o.r.g.a.s.m fully clothed? Because that just almost happened. He doesn't slow his movements and I won't dare stop him unless it's to actually remove the layers between us.

His next thrust is even better. I lean my head back and arch so that my are closer to him. He wraps his hands around my back and steps back just enough so that the next thrust is f.u.c.king perfection.

"Ohhhhhhh fuccckkkkkk." His lips land on my chin just as my moan escapes my mouth. He keeps driving his ma.s.sive bulge into my c.l.i.t and finally, I lock up. My body freezes and becomes so tight. One more roll of his hips and the rush of my o.r.g.a.s.m flows through my body.

"f.u.c.k, Kimber. I don't have a f.u.c.king condom and you're making it hard to stop." His words slam into my heart. How could I be so careless that I didn't even think about that? I'm positive that if he would've whipped it out, I wouldn't have stopped him and that's a huge problem. What does he do to me that lets me put down all my guards and do that?

Tears flood my eyes. I try to stop them, but I can't. They begin to fall down my cheeks. He steps closer to the wall and moves his hands to my face, using his thumbs to dry my cheeks.

"Kimber, did I hurt you?" The lump in my throat gets larger when I look at him. He's truly concerned about me. This doesn't happen to me. Guys tell me to quit crying like a f.u.c.king baby when I'm upset.

"No, I'm not hurt." I need to get a grip. This guy is ridiculous and I'm getting in way over my head. He has the power to crush me, I can already feel it. The other guys never made me feel like he has over and over in the last few days. It will be easy to get used to that and never want to leave. I know that isn't an option.

He trails kisses over my face as he keeps watching me. "What's wrong?"

You mean the fact that I'm such a f.u.c.k up, I was willing to let you have s.e.x with me unprotected just days from a miscarriage? Maybe deep down, I don't care if he gets me pregnant. I know he'd make the best father in the world just by what I've seen of him already.


"Doesn't look like nothing."

"I should've been the one to think about protection .... and protection was the last thing on my mind. It just me off."

"It's been a tough few days. Don't be so hard on yourself. Besides that, I had you wrapped up in all this s.e.xiness.... I've heard it's hard to think in that condition." There's that smirk. The one that's lethal. The one I'm starting to love.

" much?"

"Just a little," he says as he pushes his hips into me again. Little? I don't think so, but I'm not telling him that.

Chapter Nine.

Luke I set her down knowing this needs to stop now. It's been far too long for me and I just got caught up in all the tension between us. h.e.l.l, it's been so long that I don't even carry condoms with me anymore. That used to be a daily requirement. Times have changed drastically in that department.

Sweat continues to roll down my body and she's just about the same. I've never been one for gym s.e.x, but I've never been through such a dry spell, even if it's self imposed.

I grab two towels and toss one to her. Wiping the sweat from my face and chest, I try to get my head back into this workout.

"What's left?"

"Oh just about twelve more sets in the next station and then you start over."

Someone forgot to tell my d.i.c.k that we're done here and it doesn't help that she's looking at the bulge in my shorts. My only hope is that it'll calm the f.u.c.k down when I start doing the rest of this s.h.i.+t. I make a mental note to stop for condoms when we leave today, because I refuse to get caught without one again.

Lou kicked my a.s.s today. I sit here in this f.u.c.king metal chair and wait my turn. Kimber took me up on my offer to let her have the shower first. I should've given her the third option of us saving water and sharing the s.p.a.ce, but honestly I just f.u.c.king need a shower.

I'm glad things weren't terribly awkward after our little encounter today. Sometimes s.h.i.+t like that gets sticky and out of control fast. I know we have five days until the fight and the last thing we need is for things to get uncomfortable.

She steps out of the bathroom and I'm practically naked and in the shower before I can close the door. I can hear her talking over the water.

"Hey. Can we just go for a long ride tonight? Maybe take dinner on the road?" She has no idea how great that sounds to me.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds great." That sounds like the best night I've had in months. My mind starts to rotate through the options of places that I can take her. Private. A good distance away, but not hours. Private. Somewhere peaceful.... and private.

It's not that I know something will happen tonight between us, but the one thing I do know is that I want to spend time with Kimber. It's nice to have someone to talk to that has already proven they aren't out to interrogate me. There's a few things that I'm not ready to talk about, Lilly's death being one of them. In order to stay away from the topic of her death, I can't talk about her at all. There's no way the conversation can end without a question being asked like 'What happened to Lilly?'

Just as I decide to take her down Pacific Coast Highway for a cruise, the water turns cold. s.h.i.+t.

"That was fast."

"Yeah, the water turned to ice."

"Oh, sorry."

"Ehh. Not your fault. This place is a s.h.i.+thole." Her smile catches my eye.

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Rebel Walking: Fighting The Odds Part 6 summary

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