Justice: A Billionaire Romance Part 5

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Mom and Dad nodded, giving me a hug before leaving. At the escalator I turned right while they turned left, heading for the parking lot. I was met at the security line by Gene, the GM of the Spartans who'd announced his retirement coinciding with the end of the season. He was actually staying on through the end of the playoffs, but this Sunday would be the last real day of work for him. "Hey Gene."

"Andrea, you look more and more beautiful every time I see you," he said, giving me a hug. "How's your parents?"

"All four are doing well," I said, knowing Gene was in on the joke. Among friends, it wasn't the McCafferys and the Bylurs, but a combined clan that differed only by legal name. The only reason those of us in the younger generation used the term Aunt and Uncle with the adults that weren't our genetic parents was to prevent scandal. "Tabby regrets not being here today, but she wanted Mom and Dad to have a date to themselves."

"Well, if we'd made the playoffs, I'm sure that she would have been here for at least one game," Gene said, letting me go. "So what did you think of Alex's performance today?"

"If it's the last chapter written in the Spartans history book, I'd say he gave it one h.e.l.l of a exclamation point," I said. "And to end it on a win, too. I'm sure this whole city will appreciate that."

Gene led me down to the locker room area, where the press was gathered to try and get quick interviews and sound bites for the evening news casts. Of course, Alex, being the man of the hour, was surrounded by microphones. He looked huge and muscular, his California beach-boy look beaming even with the last of the dirt and sweat dripping off his hair.

Some of the second stringers were already coming out when Gene patted me on the shoulder. "I'll go tell Alex that you're here."

I nodded my thanks and waited, smiling and waving politely at the players I knew. Some of the veterans had been with the team nearly long enough I remembered them from my kindergarten days, and even those on injured reserve had made sure to at least attend the final game of the Spartans.

Alex came out about ten minutes later, looking amazing in his Spartans polo s.h.i.+rt and jeans. "Hey baby," he greeted me, swinging me up into a kiss. "Did you like the game?"

"Of course I did," I said with a grin. Alex was so strong, it was nice to be in his arms. "You were a holy terror out there."

"I had great motivation," he said, kissing me again. "I was looking forward to seeing you after the game, and I needed a win to do what I wanted to do."

"Which was?"

Alex led me down the hallway, towards the tunnel. "Have you ever been out on the field?" he asked, holding my hand.

"Once, but it was a press event," I admitted. "You could barely see the gra.s.s there were so many other people around the place. It must be different when you're playing."

Alex tugged, pulling me along. "Here's your chance. Sure, the crowd will be gone, but the feeling is still awesome."

I walked out with him, looking around. It was impressive, and at the same time kind of sad. The few lights that were still on left the field in dim shadow, while a few of the lights still on were mainly directed at the stands where staff were starting the ma.s.sive job of cleaning up. "What do you think?"

"I wish it wasn't the last time the Spartans were playing here," I said softly, holding his hand. "Especially as it means you'll be in a new city next year."

"I'll be a free agent," Alex said lightly. "My rookie contract is up, and I was thinking of trying one of the other teams in the region. Your brother is thinking of going to Harvard, right?"

"Harvard or Yale," I said, thinking of Riley. "Why?"

"I was thinking of signing with New England," Alex said. "They run a good team, and their D-line needs help. I sign on there, and not only will I be on a playoff contender, but get top dollar too."

Suddenly, Alex pulled me against him, kissing me hotly. "Come with me," he said when he finally let me go. "Come with me wherever we go. Be my lady."

I was stunned. I mean, I adored Alex, and he was handsome, but leaving the city? I'd only been allowed to patrol for the past three years, and even still Dad hadn't allowed me to go out on my own. I loved it, and I loved the feeling it gave me. I'd even started to get a nickname on the streets, Ice Princess.

And Alex wanted me to leave this? "I . . . I'm sorry Alex, I can't," I said. "My family, my new work . . . "

Alex's face changed, from sunny and beaming to cloudy. "I can't believe it," he muttered lowly. He grabbed my arms, picking me up off the ground. "Who do you think you are b.i.t.c.h? Did you really just say no to me? Me?!"

I'd been trained to fight ever since I could walk, but Alex had caught me off guard, and he outweighed me by nearly a hundred-and-thirty pounds. He also was a highly trained athlete who was used to taking punishment. My arms were pinned to my sides, and I was in the right distance where I couldn't kick effectively, and was too far away to knee. He shook me side to side, my head snapping back and forth as he started to carry me back towards the tunnel. I tried to scream, my teeth clicking together painfully as he snapped me backwards. My head seemed to rattle back and forth, and I grew worried. We were in shadowy darkness, and Alex was a celebrity. In this town, celebrity and money talked.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the dimness. "Drop her now, a.s.shole."

Alex stopped shaking me at least, and I tumbled to the ground. Before I could do anything though, a dark shape vaulted over me, spearing Alex in the stomach. Considering that Alex was a football player I thought it a stupid maneuver, but it caught him off guard enough that the two tumbled to the ground.

I rolled away and to my knees, my head clearing as I did. I could see clearly now as the two men rolled, Riley wrapping his arms and legs around Alex. At first glance, Riley should have been at a disadvantage. Years younger, and a good seventy pounds lighter, the one hundred-and-ninety pound high school senior should have been easy pickings for Alex.

But Riley was no average high schooler. Trained by the same men who'd trained me, Riley was one of the best martial artists in the country, and perhaps the best in the world that hadn't graduated High School yet. Sweeping Alex, Riley ended up on top, straddling his waist. "You wanted a Bylur on top of you, didn't you, you big f.u.c.k?" Riley taunted, a devilish grin on his face. "But I know the truth, Andi's too d.a.m.n pure and smart for your stupid s.h.i.+t."

He was right. While I'd dated Alex for most of the season, we'd never had s.e.x. Well, if you don't count a quick b.l.o.w.j.o.b. I was surprised Riley knew.

"f.u.c.k you, you little s.h.i.+t," Alex said, trying to shove Riley off of him. I knew Riley could have locked up Alex as tight as a straight jacket, but instead he went with the shove, dropping back while at the same time grabbing Alex's right leg, twisting as he went. I knew exactly what was happening, but did nothing as a gristly, ripping sound came from Alex's foot, and he suddenly went from yelling in anger to screaming in pain. "My leg!"

"Try getting a spiffy new contract with that now, you abusive f.u.c.k," Riley said, getting to his feet. "And remember, before you ever think of putting your hands on a woman again, there are men like me out there willing to make you our b.i.t.c.h."

Stadium security came running up, Gene close behind. "What the h.e.l.l is going on?"

"Alex tried to attack me, and Riley defended me," I said simply. "I think Alex messed himself up when they fell to the ground."

"For G.o.d's sake Andrea, what were you doing letting him get the drop on you?" Carter asked later that evening. Tabby had just gotten off the phone with Gene, who confirmed that Alex was going along with my initial story. Spartan personnel in the stands had seen Alex grab me, and there was no evidence that Riley had actually intentionally injured his leg. Initial reports were that Alex had at least a high ankle sprain, most likely with complete tearing of at least one of the ligaments. Knowing what I knew of the technique Riley had applied, I suspected that there was more than that wrong as well.

That didn't a.s.suage Carter's wrath on me.

"f.u.c.k you Carter," I shot back. We were in the gym, me needing time to work off my rage and frustration at the incident. I was stripped down to just my sports bra and compression shorts when Carter came in. He'd not said a word to me as he stripped down too, going with just his compression shorts. For nearly a half hour we'd worked out, each on our own routine, but not needing words. I knew that he'd been p.i.s.sed off at me about the whole thing. Heck, I was p.i.s.sed off at myself.

Now that he was speaking at least, I was letting some of that anger go at him. "You think I f.u.c.king planned to be a.s.saulted by my boyfriend in the middle of the d.a.m.n stadium?"

"I think you let your guard down," Carter replied. "Jesus, you knew he was temperamental, you've read the papers on the guy. How the h.e.l.l you even started dating him is beyond me. Yeah, yeah he looks like a movie star, but he's an a.s.shole."

"Something you know a lot about," I seethed. We were both dripping in sweat, and I couldn't help but notice Carter's body. "You've been an a.s.shole most of your life."

"Wha . . . ? I may be an a.s.shole to you sometimes, but I'm an a.s.shole because I care about you!" Carter yelled back at me. "I never want to see you hurt, and when I heard about . . . f.u.c.k!"

Carter screamed and turned, going over to the heavy bags that were hanging near the walls. Punching out, his fists blasted into the leather, thunderous booms accompanying each blow. The sounds beat Carter's words into my head, and suddenly things about the way we acted together became so clear. I thought about the ways he was so strict about my gear when we went patrolling, or the way that he would always call dibs on the most dangerous-looking opponents the few times we'd had to fight so far. I thought of the way he pushed me on the mats training harder than even Mom or Dad did, and how the few times I'd gotten bruised or injured, it was at Carter's hands. Each time, he'd been concerned, but each time he'd push me that much harder, trying to exploit his advantages until I got better.

And that was the reason, too. He wanted me better, not to protect himself, but to protect me. I went over to Carter, who was still hitting the bag with blind frustration. I waited until the frustration died off, and he grabbed the bag, leaning his head against the leather, gasping. "What? I don't want to fight any more, Andi."

I didn't say anything, just went with what my instincts told me was the right thing to do. Touching his shoulder, I ran my hand down his arm until I took his hand. With my other hand I cupped his face, turning him towards me. The surprise in his eyes at my touch turned to hot desire as he saw my expression, and our lips came together in wordless juncture.

Pulling Carter with me, we crossed the short gap between the bags and the edge of the stretching mats, our lips never separating. Finally, kneeling down, I pulled back enough to speak. "No more fighting, Carter. Not between us."

I reached for the band of my sports bra underneath my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, stopping when Carter's hands grabbed mine. "Let me," he said, his voice different than before. He was dripping with arousal, but also something more, something no other man had ever expressed to me. I let my arms rest instead on the inside of his elbows as Carter lifted the bra up and pulled it off with my a.s.sistance. Supporting my head and back, he guided me to the ground, his eyes enraptured by what he saw in front of him. I'd never felt more beautiful in all my life.

Carter sat down, and I maneuvered to sit in his lap, swinging my leg over him. Taking his face in my hands, I kissed him again, our tongues touching for the first time in electric sparks of pa.s.sion.

He seemed to know that what I needed was tenderness. We explored each other's mouths for long, blissful minutes, his arms holding me close to him. I could feel his c.o.c.k inside his compression shorts, and knew how aroused he had to be.

Now, with Carter hard and throbbing beneath me, I knew how much he wanted me. "Carter," I said, pus.h.i.+ng back just enough to speak again. "Carter . . . "

"Andi?" he asked, stopping. We both knew the enormity of what we were doing it seemed, and if there was ever going to be a point that we stopped, it would have to be now.

It was at that moment that part of me knew Carter was the man for me, even though it took me weeks and months afterwards to realize it consciously. He stopped, respecting me, and giving me a choice. I could see the concern in his eyes, not for his chance to get his rocks off, but for me. It made my choice easy. "Make me feel good."

We kissed again, Carter's hands growing bolder. He reached down and squeezed my a.s.s, a thrill shooting through my body as we explored each other. My hips rubbed back and forth, the thin layers of Lycra and underpants barely containing the heat coming from below. Still, the friction sent heat flooding my already warm body, and I let myself go with it.

"That's it," Carter said when I threw my head back, groaning thickly.

His voice galvanized my body, and within seconds I was shaking as my first o.r.g.a.s.m rippled through me. I clutched Carter to me as I came, and for the first time his lips wrapped themselves around my nipples, adding to the wonderful sensation. When it pa.s.sed, he stayed where he was, nursing and kissing slowly, letting my body come down slightly while still stoking the flames of our pa.s.sion. Finally, I was able to relax, and pushed him back. "Time for me to see what you've been keeping down here."

I was perplexed momentarily by the nervousness in Carter's eyes as I reached for the waistband of his shorts, but my attention was soon drawn as his c.o.c.k sprang out of its compressed prison.

"Holy f.u.c.k," I whispered, taking the ma.s.sive erection in visually. "No wonder you looked nervous. Don't worry, I'm no pet.i.te waif, Carter," I teased, wrapping my fingers around the base. Carter had a penchant for dating smaller women, girls who he dwarfed. "I think it looks d.a.m.n s.e.xy."

I pumped Carter's c.o.c.k slowly, relis.h.i.+ng the look on his face as the sensations filled his body. Letting go momentarily, I pulled my shorts down, clenching in the relative chill of the air in the gym. Grabbing his c.o.c.k again, I swung myself up and over, holding him at my entrance. I looked him in the eye, wanting to savor this moment. Regardless of what else happened, I knew that from this moment on, we'd never be the same again.

Sinking down, I let gravity take care of the work of letting Carter fill me. With each inch, it felt like not only was I being filled, but my mind was opening, my heart unlocking to places that it had never been before. I'd found the man who was perfect for me, and even though I'd been looking for years, he was closer than I could have ever expected.

Finally, with a small squeak of astonishment, I realized that Carter was all the way inside me. "So big."

"Are you okay?" Carter asked nervously, his hands coming to my waist to ease me up if I needed it. They relaxed when I nodded my head, grinning down at him.

"Carter, this is the best feeling I've ever had in my life," I said.

I lifted myself up and sank down again, this time using my thighs to control myself, letting each inch of the pleasure sear its way into my memory. I was grinning like a fiend when I settled down again, and looked Carter in the eyes once more. "Tell me this is as good for you as it is for me."

Carter nodded, his nervousness evaporating and a smile spreading on his face. "You have no idea."

I began to ride him, letting my instincts take over, sliding back and forth on top of him. Faster and faster my hips slid back and forth, each time his hard c.o.c.k sliding deep inside me, filling me better than I could've imagined. I pitched forward, my b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed against his chest while we kissed, lifting myself up and down on his c.o.c.k. Both of us were moaning, unable to form words, but not needing to.

It should have lasted hours, and later on it would. But that first time, both of us were so worked up, there was no way we could hold back. We were hungry for each other, and it wasn't long before Carter's hands came to my waist. Holding me still, he began to thrust upward, faster and faster, until an explosion went off inside me and the world went temporarily gray as I climaxed a second time. In that moment, he lifted me up, pulling out as he came.

Afterwards, I lay on the mats with Carter, our clothes still discarded on the side, nestled in his arms. "Why?" he asked, kissing my forehead.

"Why what?" I answered. "Why you, or why now?"

"Both, I guess," he said.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said. "I didn't think I was your type, with your penchant for teeny-tiny types."

Carter chuckled. "I could probably give you some half baked psych a.n.a.lysis from Sophie's old books, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'm just glad we did."

Chapter Nine.

Present Day

Andrea "Andi? Yo, Earth to Andrea?"

I shook my head, looking up at Riley, who was grinning at me. His cowl over his eyes, but he was uncovered from the nose down, and he was certainly amused. "Yeah, what's up?"

"You need a nap or something?" Riley asked. "You've been s.p.a.cing out for quite a while over there."

I shook my head. "Sorry. Just lost in the memories. Your mentioning Alex Young got me thinking about him."

Riley laughed quietly. "Yeah. Hey, did you read? He actually did sign a contract with New England during the off season. Though it was for the veteran minimum instead of the big money contract he was hoping for."

"Well, on the positive side, that was the first night Carter and I got together."

"I know," Riley said. When I looked at him surprised, he laughed. "Oh, you and Carter played it off for a while, so I don't know if Mom or Dad knew, but Barb and I knew right away. She came to my room that night in fact."

"What did she say?" I asked, curious. The area next to the Circle K was still pretty quiet, our sensors weren't saying anything.

Riley shook his head. "I don't remember exactly, but you know her."

One of our sensors began to give off its ultrasonic beep. "We've got movement," Riley said, checking it out. The sensors were designed to only trigger if a group of four or more in a tight configuration came into range. "Let's look."

Riley looked out over the area, while I gathered up our sensors. Thankfully they collapsed into a pack smaller than my forearm and could be attached to various points on my costume. "What do we have?"

"Six white males, two of them with shaved heads, all of them rocking Doc Martens or jungle boots," Riley said. "What do you think?"

"Duh," I retorted with a smirk. "Think they could have been any more obvious?"

Riley shook his head, and pulled his directional mike from his pants pocket. He tapped the side, then flashed me two upheld fingers. I changed my cowl's radio over to frequency two, so I could listen to the same thing as him.

The feed was clear as a bell, so much better than the microphones that Dad and Patrick had used. It was nearly as good as standing next to the group.

"So where are you meeting them tonight?"

I looked down, and saw that most of the group was gathered around two of the others, who were obviously the leaders. I guessed that one of the group gathered around had asked the question. The young gang member continued. "I mean, if we're supposed to put this new product on the streets, we have to have some, even if it's just samples."

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Justice: A Billionaire Romance Part 5 summary

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