Justice: A Billionaire Romance Part 8

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Despite going on only a few hours of sleep after Carter's injury, I was jittery as I knocked on Janet's front door. After what happened to Carter, I'd spent every waking moment either a.n.a.lyzing the video tape and discussing things with Dad and Patrick, or thinking by myself. I'd gotten in a workout if for no other reason than it allowed me a chance to focus on something else, but still as I stood outside her door, I felt like my mind was going about ten million miles an hour.

All of those swirling thoughts stopped when the door opened, and Janet came out. She looked beautiful, her black hair done up nicely, framing her face while not covering it up. She's the sort of girl who doesn't need a lot of makeup to look amazing, and she didn't overdo it either, with just a hint that highlighted her pretty cheekbones and her full lips. She was wearing a blue one-piece that offset her skin perfectly, and was s.e.xier than what she normally wore when she was around. It wasn't much, mostly a matter of the waistline being taken in a little bit to highlight the curviness of her figure, but it was amazing.

"Wow," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "That is certainly the best thing I've seen all day."

Janet blushed, and took my hand. "You always make me feel pretty, Riley. Thanks. One of my roommates insisted I wear this one tonight, so I guess you need to give thanks to her too."

"I'll try," I said, chuckling as I saw the curtain twitch in the living room. At least one of Janet's roommates was obviously watching us, and I gave her a wave. "Thanks!"

The curtain twitched again, and I laughed. "Seriously, those three act like I'm some sort of leper or scary monster. What's up with that?"

Janet shook her head and led me off. "I think Gabby has a very jealous boyfriend, and I'm not sure about the others. But I'm not worried about that. Come on, let's go enjoy the park."

Instead of going out on a traditional date, we'd decided to enjoy something casual, so we went to the park.

"Hey, let's go to the duck pond," Janet said, stopping at the dispenser to get some crackers. "I love watching them."

"Really?" I said with a laugh. "Okay, if you want."

Making sure to avoid the benches on the east side of the pond, we sat down, crumbling up the crackers inside their little packet. "You know, my Dad said it used to be so bad down here in the park that there was no way they'd be willing to put out that cracker machine?"

Janet gave me a double take. "Really? I came to town after all that, so I never really thought about it. What was it like growing up here?"

I shrugged and tossed a few crumbs to the ducks. "I was born after the worst of the troubles were cleaned up, so I can't really tell you how bad it used to be. Just what I've been told. I mean, this town still isn't Mayberry, but it's a lot better than it used to be, at least according to Tabby and Patrick."

"Mayberry? What's Mayberry?" Janet asked, amused. "Is that the town your Dad was born in?"

I shook my head, making sure to stick to Mathew Mark Bylur's official biography. "No, Dad moved here with Mom soon after they got married. Actually, Mayberry's a fictional town from an old TV show. I watched way too much of it growing up."

"I've come to notice that," Janet said, tossing the ducks some crackers. "Can I ask you something, Riley?"

"Sure. I mean, the ducks are fun and everything, but I came here to spend time with you."

Janet smiled that special little smile of hers again, and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Thanks. You know, when I told the other girls that I live with that I was having a date with Riley Bylur, a few of them were worried. One of them called you Pump N Dump Bylur."

Ouch. That one was painful. "I've heard that one before. I have to admit, I dated a lot of girls since I figured out how wonderful you all are."

"And? How am I different than the others?" Janet asked, nervous again. "I don't want to end up just another notch on your bedpost."

"Janet, I see you and go out with you because I like spending time with you. Not because I want a hook-up. If I wanted that, I'd have gone back to Boston after Patrick's inauguration."

"And if I said that I wanted to wait longer before doing what I can see in your eyes you want?" Janet asked, looking me in the face. "What if I said I wanted to wait a week, or a month, or longer?"

"Then I'll wait until then," I said automatically. It was true, too. I mean, sure it's not something men brag about, but I'd known how to satisfy my s.e.xual urges by myself since about the age of fourteen. It's not as much fun as having s.e.x, but it takes the edge off when needed. "As long as you need."

Janet shrugged and patted me on the shoulder. "You know what?"

I turned my gaze to meet her beautiful brown eyes, my throat going dry. "What?"

"I believe you," Janet said softly, leaning forward. Her lips met mine, soft and luscious, with the sort of quiet trepidation that I had come to expect from her. It was like every touch, every kiss was filled with nervousness, and it only made Janet more precious to me. "That's why I want you tonight."

I blinked, stunned. I should have said something loving, something rea.s.suring. Instead, what came out of my mouth was something else, "Wow. Really?"

I immediately started kicking myself mentally, until I saw that Janet was smiling. In fact, she was trying not to laugh. "Yes, Mr. Smooth. Really. Riley, I may be a twenty-year-old virgin, but I'm not a prude. I just hadn't found anyone yet who I thought was worth doing it with."

I blinked again, stunned into silence. Finally, Janet patted me on the cheek. "Riley? Are you going to say something, or am I going to have to ask you where you want to take me?"

I thought about it, then looked around. I grinned, and pointed. It was Dad's old condo, and I couldn't think of a better place to have both privacy and intimacy. "There. It's a furnished apartment, my sister used it for a few weeks when she was in college until she decided that living home was better."

That wasn't quite the truth, but pretty close. Dad had bought the building after MJT was formed as a real estate investment, the old Mark Snow condo being turned into an emergency rest location for our vigilante activities. Still, while inside behind hidden panels was medical gear, to the naked eye it looked like any other condominium, one that was occasionally rented out short term on sub-leases for investment purposes. In fact, to keep things smooth enough, the condo was rented out about once a quarter just to make sure n.o.body asked questions. I did know however that the condo was empty, and had been for the past month.

Janet raised an eyebrow. "It sounds like a setup."

I laughed, seeing the wry expression on her face, and took her hand. "If you like, we can go to your place, back to Mount Zion, or we can go and get a hotel room. I know one thing I don't want to do though is do it like some h.o.r.n.y teenagers in the back of my car."

Janet laughed softly and leaned in, whispering in my ear. "Take me to the apartment, Riley."

I stood up, taking Janet by the hand. I did have the key to the apartment, but I still wanted to check in that we were going to use it. "Hold on," I said, letting go of Janet's hand to pull out my phone. "Let me send a text to Carter. He'll understand."

Janet waited while I typed out the message. I figured that if Carter didn't get it, Andi would, and I knew both of them wouldn't be worried about it. That completed, I took Janet's hand and started walking with her through the park, our antic.i.p.ation growing with every step. "Tell me something Riley," Janet said as we left the duck pond behind. "Have you ever done this before?"

"Done what?" I asked. "You know my reputation. I can't have fooled that many people for this long."

Janet smiled again and squeezed my hand. "I meant this apartment. This isn't some love shack of yours is it?"

I wasn't sure if she was trying to be lighthearted, but her words stung deeply. She looked me in the eyes, her small smile faltering as she saw the expression on my face. "No. I've never taken another person to this apartment. I can't change my past, but I want something different with you. I want something more."

Janet blinked, her eyes tearing up. She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed me tight. "Thank you," she whispered, kissing me on the cheek. "Because that's what I want too."

Letting me go, she took my hand again, and stood there quietly. "Before we do anything else Riley, can I say something?"

"What?" I asked, taking her other hand. We stood there like that, the sun going down in the west, casting shadows and golden light everywhere.

"Riley, part of my mixed feelings about this is because . . . well, I'm falling in love with you. I've never done that before, and it both thrills me and scares me. Not because of your past, but because of mine. I don't want to have my heart broken."

I'd heard girls say they loved me before. I've had women say all sorts of things to me in my short time on this earth, from that they loved me to they hated me and all sorts of names. But it was Janet's quiet sincerity that spoke more to me than anything else. "I . . . I'm falling in love with you too, Janet," I said. "I didn't want to say it yet because I didn't want you to think I was just saying empty words to get you in bed."

Janet stepped closer, letting go of my hands to wrap her arms around my waist. She laid her head against my chest, and we held each other there in the twilight. Finally, she stepped back. "Then I'm ready."

Afterwards, laying on the bed with her in my arms, I entwined my fingers with hers again. I hadn't realized it, but Janet had been dozing, and my motions woke her up. "Amazing," she whispered, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. "Truly amazing."

"I love you," I said simply, hugging her. "I never want to let you go."

Janet hummed contentedly and snuggled back into my body. "I don't want you to let go either. I can't believe it, really."

"Believe what?"

"Nothing. Its just surreal," she said, turning in my arms to look me in the face."I can't believe that you're so perfect. You've got to have a dark side somewhere Riley, so what is it?"

I paused, wondering. I had never told anyone outside our little family other side of my family's ident.i.ty, and had in fact never felt the urge to. I know Carter, Andi and Barbara were the same. But with Janet, I felt that urge, to bring her fully into my confidence. Instead, I shook my head. "Janet, I'm not perfect. And yes, there are things about me you don't know, and things about you I a.s.sume I don't yet know. But believe me in that there will come a time that all of those things will come out, and that you'll know everything about me."

Janet studied me for a minute, then nodded. "Okay. I can put my faith in that. Are these personal or family secrets?"

"Both," I said honestly. "Which is why I can't tell you yet."

"I understand," she said. Her smile came back, and she wiggled her hips against me. "Would your family be too worried if you didn't come home tonight?"

I shook my head. "No, but I'm sure yours would. Besides, there isn't any food here. Why?"

"Because I think I've become addicted to you."

To Be Continued...

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Would you like to read about Carter and Andrea's parents? Get the ENTIRE Ambition series today for only 99 Cents or read it FREE with Kindle Unlimited.

Continue on for a couple excerpts of my newest novel, Addicted, set to come out late this month!

Coming Soon - Addicted: A Stepbrother Romance

Addicted: A Stepbrother Romance. Read below for excerpts.

Coming Soon! Make sure you sign up for my Mailing List so you know the moment it's available.

Excerpt 1 He reached over and ran his hand down my arm, caressing my skin softly. I trembled at his touch. It felt amazing.

"What are you doing?" I managed.

Tyler paused, his hand on my wrist. "What do you think?"

"I didn't come here to let you take me to bed," I said.

"You didn't?" He had that playful grin on his face that I found so d.a.m.n irresistible. "What did you think I was bringing you back here for? To bake s'mores?" He ran a finger up my arm all the way up my shoulder and then my neck. He stopped at my neck as if he was counting my heartbeat.

"I-I-I'm not one of your," I stammered, my heart hammering within my chest.

"I never said you were," Tyler said, coming in close. The heat from his body was enough to send me up into flames. The next thing I knew, his burning lips were on my neck and I threw my head back against the window, letting out a giant sigh.

I shouldn't be doing this, I told myself frantically. I don't know this man.

Excerpt 2 He t.i.tled his head as he studied me, his eyes glittering. "I think you need some convincing."

My mouth was dry as I tried not to stare. He was really turning me on. "Convincing of what?"

"That I'm not what you think of me. That I'm serious when I say that I want to be with you."

I snorted. "Please."

"I'm f.u.c.king serious." Tyler motioned at me. "Come here."

"Are you crazy?" I demanded. "I'm not going anywhere near you." It p.i.s.sed me off how unconvincing I sounded, and it was hard not to tremble beneath his gaze.

"f.u.c.k!" Tyler cried out suddenly, grabbing at his sides, his face seemingly twisting with pain. Without thinking, I rushed around his desk to his side and placed my hands on his shoulder. "Are you okay . . ."

Tyler suddenly straightened in his seat and smiled up at me, his eyes sparkling. "Gotcha."

I swung my palm at his face, but he was quick to react, catching my wrist inches away from his cheek and pulling me into a hard, lingering kiss.

I broke away with a gasp, my chest heaving, my limbs trembling uncontrollably. "How dare you!"

Tyler smiled up at me, unperturbed by my faux rage. "Oh I dare." He spread his legs out wider. "I dare you to have your way with me."

My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the challenge in his eyes. The man was serious. He was challenging me to do whatever I wanted with him, however I wanted.

I should slap him, I thought, and I actually did it this time. I slapped him across the face. His head whipped to the side and he slowly turned his head back to face me, letting out a mocking chuckle.

"Is that the best you could do?"

I slapped him again, harder this time. I even managed to leave a red mark on his cheek.

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Justice: A Billionaire Romance Part 8 summary

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