Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 41

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Mary leaned back far enough in her chair and stared George in the eyes. After a bit, she leaned forward and placed her hand on his shoulder. "You better be good for her!"

Athena entered the room.

Mary pointed at her daughter. "There are preparations that need to be made. You should talk."

"Mother!" Athena shouted. "I wasn't going to tell him until later on in the Peak."

Mary stood from her chair, moved to her daughter and then kissed Athena's cheek. "Love you, sweetheart!" She smiled and then left the room.

George looked at Athena. "So ... you were going to tell me something. What was it?"

Athena took a deep breath. She crossed the room and nestled into George. It was obvious to the master manipulator that he was being b.u.t.tered up for something big. What she had to say was clearly creating distress, but George knew that whatever it was, he loved her enough to figure it out.

"Honey?" Athena whispered.

"Yes, sweetheart, what is it?"

"You know I love you?" she responded with a questioning glance.

George knew it had to be serious, or she would not be leading up to the knockout punch so slowly. He was too good at this game not to recognize a set-up when he heard one. He continued to play along.

"Yes, baby, I know you love me with all your heart."

"You know I would do anything for you, right?"

"Yes, I know you would do anything for me."

"You know my family loves you, right?"

George put his chin on top of her head. "Yes, babe, I know your family loves me."

"You know I would go anywhere with you."

"Yes, I know."

"I really, really love you, George."

"Babe, you're stalling. I love you, too, but why don't you tell me what it is so we can talk about it? I promise I'll be there for you no matter what."

Athena started to cry. "I won't get mad if you leave me." She had never been in a real relations.h.i.+p, and the only men she had dated prior to George had treated her without respect. She loved George with all her heart, but she was afraid he would not want her after what she had to say.

George sensed what was going on. He smiled, knowing there was not a problem after all. He pushed her back so he could see her eyes and held her gaze with a pa.s.sion he had saved for only one other in his life. "I will take care of you and our baby, Athena. I'll never leave you. I have a few things to do before the baby's born, but I promise, your family will see how strong our relations.h.i.+p is."

"How did you know?" Athena gasped. "I haven't told anyone other than my mother. I can't be sure, but my body speaks to me, and I haven't bled. It's telling me that I'm going to be a mother. I wanted to wait for you to come back before I said anything to anyone else, but I had to tell my mother."

George pushed her hair clear of her shoulders, exposing her neck. He admired her beauty. "I will say this ... you're terrible at delivering good news. What made you think I'd feel this was a bad thing?"

"I don't know. You're the only man I've ever been with. I was worried you wouldn't want me anymore. I've given you so much more than I've given anyone else. I was frightened this would chase you away."

George pulled her close, a.s.sured her his love was genuine and then asked Athena to get ready. He wanted to take her out for breakfast. The fact he was the one to take her innocence only made him feel that much stronger about their future.

When Athena left the room, he took Maldwin in his arms and scratched the back of the rat's neck, something he had learned the rodent liked on their way back from Siren's Song. "Mary ... can you come in here please?"

As she entered, George gently squeezed Maldwin's tail.

The rat looked at him for confirmation.

George nodded. He then set the rodent down and whispered. "Mary, I want to wed your daughter. I would like your permission. Will you give it to me?"

The woman's smile stretched from ear to ear. "I knew you would be good for her. When's the union?"

George explained that it would be best to do it within the next few Peaks since he would be traveling again in the near future. Plus, he wanted to make sure Athena was not showing. He a.s.sured Mary he would be settled before the baby was born, and they would all be cared for.

The woman accepted this answer, and they set a Peak for the event. Once agreed upon, Mary darted out of her home to find Athena's sister to start planning. The ceremony would be held in 2 Peaks.

Athena came back into the room. She was now out of her pajamas and in a fitted, yellow and ivory, full-length, Bailem dress.

Fellow soul, a Bailem dress is the way the people refer to a sun dress. Bailem, also known as the G.o.d of the Sun, is one of the few to divulge his t.i.tle to the beings living on the worlds. Ergo, a Bailem dress equals a sun dress. But enough about fas.h.i.+on nomenclature-let's get back to Athena's yellow and ivory Bailem dress.

"Is this pleasing to your eyes, George?" Athena queried.

He put his left arm around her and placed his right hand on her tummy. "I will love you until the Peak I pa.s.s. Are you hungry? I have something to ask you over breakfast."

The City of Brandor The night Sam, Shalee, BJ, and Helga went out into the city with General Justin Graywind was a fun evening. They had walked along the cobblestone street that led from the castle to the arena and stopped at every tavern along the way, drinking one ale after another.

After visiting the arena, Helga took the group to see the home she had purchased. Inside was the fabric Duke Brandor had given Shalee, and there was plenty of room for both couples.

Next, the general took the group to his estate. By Sam's estimation, the gates of the property sat about a mile from the arena and nearly three from the king's castle.

Justin announced, "This is my home. Once you a.s.sume my position, this palatial estate will be yours. I'll see to it that you're reimbursed by the king's treasurer for the expense of the other abode."

Neither Sam, BJ, nor the girls, could believe their good fortune, but they waited until they were back in their quarters before they discussed it.

Shalee was the first to speak. "Did you see the size of that place? Me-oh-my, that wasn't anything like I've ever imagined living in back on Earth, but I think I can work with it." She looked at Sam. "I never thought that I would live like Lady Guinevere."

Sam smiled. "At least we're going to have servants. I wouldn't want to clean the place. I bet it's at least 600,000 square feet."

BJ cut in. "What are square feet?"

Sam took a step back. "It's a unit of measure. Half a pace this way, half a pace that way equals a square pace, or rather, a square foot ... more or less. Does that make sense? Why ... how do you measure the size of a building?"

"We measure structures in bids. A bid is one pace squared."

Sam extended his arms in front of himself and held his hands approximately three feet apart. "Is this anywhere close to what a pace might be?"

BJ studied the distance between Sam's hands. "I would say that's about right."

Sam looked at Shalee. "So their bid is about three feet squared or a square yard."

Shalee grinned. "I already know that. Helga covered that with me Peaks ago." She turned to the older sorceress and threw up her right hand. "Give it to me high."

The older sorceress responded with a proper amount of att.i.tude. "You go, girl!" she responded as she slapped Shalee a high-five.

BJ looked at the women. "What on Grayham is all that nonsense about?" He focused on Helga. "You've been acting silly lately." He turned to Shalee. "You've taught her too much of this Earth nonsense of yours. I don't even recognize her anymore."

"Oh, lighten up, you old fart," the 247-season-old woman said with a chuckle. "Shalee has only taught me a few of her ways. There are plenty more I'd like to learn. Besides, I think they're fun. You're gonna have to love them along with me." She leaned toward BJ and purred in his ear, "You just wait until I explain the phrase, 'baby got back.'"

Shalee and Helga laughed and gave each other another high-five.

Sam looked at BJ and rolled his eyes. "The women from Earth often acted a little off-in-the-head. Don't even try to figure them out. It's impossible. They really come from a planet called Venus."

When Shalee heard Sam's snide remark, she gave her lover an evil grin and lifted Precious into the air. "Let the games begin!" she announced as she began to stalk Sam.

Sam had played this game before, and he knew what was coming next as he turned to run.

Shalee gave chase, sending tiny, electric shocks from the tip of her staff into Sam's b.u.t.tocks. Moment after moment, the macho fighter jumped into the air and screamed like a girl. "I love you, baby ... ouch! I love you, baby ... ouch! I love you, baby ... ouch!"

Even BJ had to laugh.

The next Peak, Sam woke early, kissed his beautiful sorceress, and said goodbye. On his way out, he a.s.sured BJ that once he could do something about the situation, he would create a place of importance for his mentor at his side in the army.

Sam went to the castle dining hall to wait with the other officers for the breakfast meeting to begin. When the king and Justin Graywind entered, they greeted the gathering and thanked everyone for coming. The king had adopted Sam's custom. He shook everyone's hand before he changed the tone of the meeting.

Sam could see the hint of pain on Keldwin's face as he spoke. The effect of the disease was beginning to set in.

"I have called you here to discuss matters of great importance." The king moved around the long table as he continued. "Change is coming. Each of you will..." The king continued to elaborate on all the decisions that had been made.

The officers focused on their king as he spoke. They totaled 11 men, and each led a legion of their own. Michael was also present. He was the army's current second in command, and the legion leaders reported directly to him, and in turn, he reported to the general.

Michael was a strong man, but he was not as large as Justin Graywind. He kept his hair short and tight against the sides of his head, and as he held his cup in his hand, his forearm rippled.

Michael's position at the king's table was directly across from Justin Graywind, and Sam was sitting to his right. The legion leaders occupied seats along the length of the table with the prince sitting at the far end, opposite his father.

Keldwin continued. "I have a few more items to address. Some of them may not sit well with you, but I've received word that my decisions are what's best for this kingdom. This confirmation comes directly from the G.o.ds."

The room filled with whispers as the officers looked at each other. The seriousness of the meeting had just increased.

The general stood and commanded their silence.

As the king continued, he circled the table and then stopped behind his chair. "Ba.s.sorine has been destroyed."

Before Keldwin could speak another word, the table became agitated and questions filled the air.

Again, the general stood and commanded their silence. "This meeting will come to order. No one will speak again until the king has finished!"

The officers knew not to question Justin's authority. His position and reputation as a mighty warrior were well respected.

Everyone quieted, and the king reclaimed the floor. "Ba.s.sorine has been destroyed. A new G.o.d has taken his place."

Keldwin's eyes scanned the room as he watched his officers throw each other glances. Never had a G.o.d made his presence known to the officers in his army. Keldwin had never met Ba.s.sorine, but knew Mosley from the work Ba.s.sorine had the wolf doing before he ascended. "The G.o.d who has replaced Ba.s.sorine, is Lord Mosley. The wolf will be joining us for breakfast."

The king knew his revelation would get a reaction, because most of his officers had met Mosley in the past. The table once again buzzed with commotion, but the king stopped the general from shouting. He allowed the men to talk amongst themselves.

After a moment, Keldwin raised his hand, and the room quieted. "As I was saying, gentlemen, Mosley is our new Lord. You will wors.h.i.+p him as you wors.h.i.+ped Ba.s.sorine."

The king was unable to speak further. A powerful wind filled the room, strong enough that each man had to steady his gla.s.s. As the wind settled, a brilliant light appeared a few paces behind the king's chair. The men were forced to s.h.i.+eld their eyes. When the light dissipated, Mosley stood in its place.

Despite the king's warning that the wolf was coming, the men stood from their seats and retreated to the far end of the table.

The general turned his back to his men to keep his grin from being seen. "They're all spineless," he whispered to Keldwin.

"Easy, my friend. It's not every Peak a G.o.d visits."

Sam took a step away from the table and knelt on one knee. The king, the prince, and the General Absolute followed suit to emphasize the importance of the G.o.d's appearance. They remained in this position with their heads bowed until the rest of the men gathered the nerve to step forward and kneel.

Mosley had added additional size to his frame for the occasion, and he looked twice his normal ma.s.s. He sat on his haunches and pushed his furry chest out in a majestic pose. He looked stunning. His teeth were white, his tail and coat looked brushed and had a regal s.h.i.+ne. His look was befitting of a G.o.d of War.

With everyone kneeling, the canine spoke. "Great King, I request to be a part of this meeting. I am here to voice my opinions. Please stand, Keldwin, so we may speak in private."

The king rose and followed Mosley to the far side of the room where the wolf leaned in toward Keldwin. "Do you think they bought it? They seemed nervous. Yet I feel an impression has been made. I hope my entrance was grand enough."

"The men will listen to everything you say, My Lord. It was a fine entrance."

"But do you think it was dramatic? Was it worthy of a pack leader of my stature?"

"Ohhhhh, more than dramatic, My Lord. The men have never seen anything like it, I a.s.sure you."

Mosley sniffed Keldwin's fingers. "How are you feeling?"

Keldwin hesitated. "I feel as good as a man can, considering I'm about to pa.s.s."

"The disease is spreading." Mosley snorted to clear the smell of the disease from his nostrils. "Please kneel, Keldwin, so I can impart the blessing you need to see to the end of your tournament."

The men watched their king take a knee.

Mosley placed his paw on top of Keldwin's head. A glow surrounded the king's body as he lifted off the floor. A short period of moments pa.s.sed before the king's knee returned to the floor, and then he rose to his feet.

"May I give your men an order, Keldwin?"

"Please ... by all means, My Lord!"

Mosley turned to face the group. With an authoritative voice, he commanded, "Sit." The wolf enjoyed the anxiety on their faces as they scrambled to their seats.

"Great King, I'll stay for the moments necessary to listen to you speak."

Keldwin loved being called "Great King" in front of his men. It gave him renewed vigor to carry on with the meeting. "Thank you, Lord Mosley. I was about to tell my men that I have few Peaks left. I shall pa.s.s not long after my tournament."

Yet again, the room buzzed. The king allowed the General Absolute to explode. "I said be quiet! The next man to speak out of turn will be added to the lottery! I feel sorry for the soul who faces me!" The vein in Justin's neck punctuated his statements.

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Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 41 summary

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