Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 42

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The officers knew this was their last warning. No one would dare speak again unless they were asked.

Sam, on the other hand, thought, I bet I could defeat you if given the chance.

Keldwin cleared his throat. "Michael, I will be temporarily removing you from second in command and placing Sam in your stead. When I pa.s.s, Sam shall become General Absolute, and General Graywind will become my son's advisor. Michael, you shall then return to your responsibilities as second in command and a.s.sist Sam during the war." The king turned to Mosley for confirmation.

" That is correct, Great King," the wolf replied with a strong voice.

Keldwin continued. "Are there any questions?"

The first to raise his hand was Michael. "My King, with all due respect, and I mean no offense, who is Sam? And why would he be placed in a position that I've rightfully earned?"

The general was about to jump out of his seat and rip Michael apart, but the king was wise, and he recognized the need for diplomacy.

The king motioned for Justin to relax. "The last series of moments in which I looked into my chamber mirror, Michael, the vision within still showed me as king. Any position given throughout this kingdom is because I choose to allow it. If I remember our laws-laws my family created with the help of the Senate, they allow me to have final authority during moments of war.

"The G.o.ds have told us war is upon us. I've ordered the general to activate the full strength of the army. I'll do whatever it takes to protect the people. This decision is mine alone to make, and it has been made."

Keldwin leaned over the table, his expression stern, "Michael, I would ask you to explain why you feel you have the authority to question your king? Do you question the G.o.ds? It was upon their referral that Sam is to be given your position. A referral such as this would be foolish to ignore. Tell me, Michael, would you have me ignore the G.o.ds?"

Michael shook his head. "No, My King."

Keldwin scanned the table. "Who here agrees with my decision? Raise your mugs."

Everyone in the room, including Michael, lifted their drinks.

With the issue settled, the king continued. "I'll announce Sam's new position at the start of my tournament. I expect you all to leave after breakfast and carry out the duties your general has a.s.signed. I've sent word for hippogriffs to fly throughout the night. Each of you has a task to complete. Do it well, and do it with honor."

The king turned from the table and looked at Mosley. "Do you have anything else to add, My Lord?"

The oversized wolf-G.o.d moved close to the table. He stood up on his hind legs and put his front paws onto its edge, and then looked down at the men. "The G.o.ds have brought Sam to this world, along with his betrothed. They are powerful beings and worthy of your respect. I hope you will not test your king's decision before you accept Sam as your superior. I leave you now, but I'll be watching from the heavens." With that, the wolf dissolved into a million pieces that floated up and through the roof.

Once the room settled, and the king saw that everyone was calm, he turned the meeting over to Sam before he made his exit with his son and the general.

Sam stood and moved to the head of the table. "Does anyone have questions?"

Every officer slowly lifted a hand.

Sam sighed as he pointed at Michael. "Why don't you be the first?"

For the rest of that meeting, Sam would think about the comment Mosley had made. Until now, he had not thought about marrying Shalee, but he had to admit he liked the idea of being her betrothed. He would find Shalee and speak with her about it after he finished with the men.

The Town of Lethwitch It was over breakfast when George asked Athena to form a union with him. She was delighted, of course, and quickly dragged him to a jeweler friend of hers.

George smiled as he paid for the ring, completely ignoring the fact that the coin had come from the pockets of Amar's robe. He realized this was the first moment he had given someone other than his daughter a piece of jewelry. His first wife had bought her own. With Athena, he enjoyed giving instead of receiving. He was elated as he watched her smile grow.

Before they left, the jeweler told them she would have the ring ready the next Peak, early enough to retrieve it before their union. The next stop was to buy Athena a gown, and George something to wear that would make him look das.h.i.+ng. Both outfits would need to be ready during the same series of moments as the ring.

After they were finished shopping, George suggested that Athena head back to her mother's farm. He had seen a store earlier in the Peak that caught his eye, and he had an idea.

After Athena was out of sight, George turned and headed back up the road. He was looking for a store that was filled with boxes, bags and hides of all sizes. As he entered, he studied his surroundings. Despite his general distaste for ruggedness, he admired the craftsmans.h.i.+p sitting on every shelf. Each container was the result of a laborious effort in art, and they had been made of one kind of hide or another. In every case, the leather had been treated, and the smell was inviting.

From a back room, an older gentleman appeared. He was dressed in a white s.h.i.+rt and a brown leather vest that had been tied in the front. His long, graying braid hung to the middle of his back and swung from side to side as he moved to stand behind a counter opposite the shelves holding his masterpieces. Behind the counter hung three different pelts and two tails, possibly cut from some sort of racc.o.o.n.

"h.e.l.lo," the older man said with a smile. "People around these parts call me RJ the leather guy. But I'm sure you saw that on my sign out front."

George reached out and grabbed RJ's forearm, which was the town's customary way of greeting, and thought, Who is this hillbilly-flowerchild? Thank goodness his art looks better than he does.

"It's nice to meet you, RJ. I'm George. I saw your boxes through the window. I'm especially interested in that one over there."

RJ moved to grab the box and brought it back to the counter. He handed it to George. "I finished crafting this one 3 Peaks ago. I like how it turned out. I was getting ready to start another. Perhaps I should put a different design on it so it stands apart."

"That's a great idea," George replied. "I'm getting hitched, tomorrow-"


"Yeah, you know, I'm going to have a wife."

An understanding appeared on RJ's face. "And you're here to purchase her a gift?"

George held up the box and studied it. "I am. She's totally worth it. She hits my hot b.u.t.ton ... if you know what I mean."

"I'm think I understand what you mean, but you speak differently than most."

As George studied the box, he responded, "I'm visiting from another world. Let's get down to business, shall we?

"Do you think you can make the next box with the words 'Athena's Treasures' on the upper left hand corner of the lid? I'm sure she would love it if it was personalized. Maybe you can add some kind of design to surround the words across the bottom and the right hand side. Oh ... and do you think you could have it done by morning?"

"For the right kind of coin I can have anything done by morning."

George gave a sly grin. "Coin is not an issue, RJ. I'll see you in the morning. Just remember, this woman is special. The box needs to equal her beauty."

"In the morning, then. I'm sure the lady will be pleased."

Later that Afternoon Mary's Cottage The Peak of Bailem had come and gone, and George still needed to put his plan in motion. He pushed back his plate, shoved the last bite of biscuit into his mouth and then looked at Athena. "If you were to move, which family members would you want near you?"

Although she thought it was an odd question, Athena listed just over 30 souls.

"Great," George replied. "Can you take me to meet them all? I'd like to personally invite them to our union." He then stood from his chair and walked to the kitchen to put his plate in the washtub. He thought, d.a.m.n it. Thirty? Holy gares.h.!.+ I must really like this chick.

Athena walked up behind him. "I would love to take you to meet everyone, honey? What a great idea."

"Isn't it though?" George pandered. He turned around, pulled Athena close and then placed his chin on top of her head. I'm so excited I can't wait to shoot myself in the head, he thought.

After releasing her, he reached down and scooped Maldwin off the floor. He threw the rodent into his pack, took Athena by the hand and then headed out.

It would take most of that afternoon to find everyone. By the moment they were finished, Maldwin had seen the faces of every family member that he would need to send a vision to.

On their way out of town, they stopped by a dairy that had more than 420 milk producing corgans. Just off the road, the farmer's wife had built a small store, and she was selling many forms of cheese.

George purchased a block for Maldwin, thanked the lady, and then they headed out. Once they were back on the road, they pa.s.sed a large number of military personnel who were headed toward town.

George questioned Athena. "What's that all about?"

"Wagons are being built for the harvests. Word has spread that the harvests are going to be bountiful. The king has declared that they were blessed by the G.o.ds. Some of the men have been hired to build barns on the far side of my Mother's farm."

"How do you know all this?"

"It was posted on the message boards at the center of town. The king has paid these men to carry out his orders ... which is highly unusual."

"If a G.o.d has blessed the crops, there must be something big about to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"I have no idea. I'll let you know when I do." George continued to think, Where's Kepler when I need him? He knew the demon would get the answers he was after as he stalked the shadows. He would make a concerted effort to find out what was going on after his union.

As Maldwin s.h.i.+fted in his pack, George remembered what Kepler had said before they separated: "... the rat will need to be provided a quiet place to send his visions." George took the little guy to Mary's barn and left him with the block of cheese. It would take the rat quite a while to reach everyone in Athena's family to get them to a midnight meeting. The manipulator hoped that it would be held the next night.

The next morning George woke, kissed Athena's soft lips, and then excused himself to check on Maldwin. When he arrived in the barn, the rat was sleeping on a bale of hay. The block of cheese was untouched.

The mage tiptoed over and whispered, "Maldwin. Maldwin. Wake up, little guy."

The rat stirred. When he looked up, George could see he was exhausted. The rodent's eyes were bloodshot. Maldwin pulled himself over and lowered his head onto George's lap. As he did, the rodent a.s.sured, "Everything is A-okay, man."

The visions Maldwin had sent must have been hard to deliver. George did not want to push his little ally any harder. He supported the rat's head as he moved out from under it. He was about to shut the door to the barn when Maldwin called out. "I like cheese, George."

George smiled, gave the rat a thumbs up and then walked back into the barn. He tore off a chunk of cheese, laid it next to the little guy's paws and then left.

The meeting Maldwin had set for Athena's family would be held on the same night as his union. The family would learn about how wondrous it would be to live with George and Athena in the Barbarian Kingdom and how peaceful their existence would be.

George grabbed Athena from inside the house and headed down the road. His plan was coming together. They needed to hurry to town, grab the rings, their clothes, and then return to the farm to get dressed before Late Bailem.

George would also need to teleport back into town to pick up Athena's new treasure box since he did not want his surprise to be ruined.


Two Weddings And A Funeral The City of Brandor SAM LEFT THE MEETING with the officers of the king's army and hurried into the city to find Shalee. He was shocked at how hard it was to find a woman who stuck out like a sore thumb. When he finally found her, she was with Helga inside the store of a local jeweler.

Sam entered. A heavyset man was reaching across a polished, wooden counter to place an elegant, emerald-covered gashal on Shalee's head as the corgan bell above the door rang.

Everyone turned to look.

Sam smiled and took a moment to admire Shalee's radiance. Her eyes showed her delight by his presence. "Hey, good looking," she called out.

How ironic, Sam thought. Of course she'd be in a store filled with rings right now. It's befitting to the conversation. "Hey," Sam said as he crossed the room to give Shalee a quick smooch. "Nice headpiece."

Shalee removed the tiara and handed it back to the proprietor. "It's not fas.h.i.+onable to call it a headpiece, sweetheart. The correct term would be a gashal or a tiara. I'm just looking for something to spend your hard earned coin on. How was your little meeting? How did Mosley do?"

"He did alright. He scared the king's officers half to death, and he looked twice his size."

Shalee gazed over her shoulder and grinned at Helga. "I bet everyone freaked." She looked back at Sam, "Did they?"

"Yeah, but that's kind of an understatement."

The older sorceress chimed in. "I bet it was a wicked scene."

Sam could only grin at how Earthly Helga was sounding. She was definitely hanging out with Shalee too much. "I'm sure you guys would've enjoyed the moment if you would've been there." He took Shalee by the hands, turned her to face him and then took a deep breath. "Mosley said something that has stuck with me all Peak."

It was easy to see Sam's hesitation. Whatever it was, it was big. "What did Mosley say to get you so worked up? Do I need to take you back to the castle and chase you around with Precious?"

Sam's expression did not change.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." She reached up and caressed his cheek. "What's bothering you?"

Sam cleared his throat. "Mosley said you were my betrothed. I think the wolf thinks we're going to get married."

Shalee did not know what to say.

Helga chimed in again. "Just leave it to the mutt to meddle in the affairs of others. If that mongrel wasn't a G.o.d, I'd peel' his fur right off him."

Sam held up his hand. "No, no, no ... it's not like that. Mosley wasn't meddling. Shalee, did you say anything to him about us getting married ... maybe when I wasn't around or something?"

"For heaven's sake, Sam, I wouldn't do something like that." Shalee pulled the army's future second in command close. "But I've gotta say, I kind of like that. Being hitched to you is not the worst idea I've ever heard." She smirked. "I suppose a girl could do worse."

"Hmpf," Helga grumbled. "A lot worse."

After hearing Shalee's response, Sam sort of smiled. "Gee, thanks ... I think."

Shalee stepped forward and threw her arms around him. "We're only kidding. I want you, stud. I'll hitch up with you, if you'd like."

All the concern Sam had about talking with Shalee vanished. He was now able to be his usual, bold self and approach the rest of the conversation with confidence. "I also like the idea. Come on. Let's go find Keldwin, and ask him to marry us."

A huge grin appeared on Shalee's face. "Oh Sam, I can't think of anything else I'd rather do." She looked down at the gashal that the proprietor had set on the counter. "But if you want me to marry you, you better buy me that. I might need it. I'm just saying."

Rather than ask how much it cost, Sam pulled a Yaloom out of his pocket and tossed it on the counter. "Will that cover it?"

The proprietor shook his head. "Sir, that's not enough. You need an additional Yaloom and one Jervaise."

Sam rolled his eyes and then pulled the coins out of his pocket. "I feel like I just got robbed." He looked at Shalee. "But you're the hottest thief I've ever met. Put that thing on, and let's get going."

Shalee s.n.a.t.c.hed the gashal off the counter and placed it on her head. "Getting married by a king sounds so romantic. Don't you think?"

"Sure," Sam shrugged. "Let's get going." He clapped his hands to show his enthusiasm. "We don't have any moments to waste. Keldwin will be leaving us soon. I think we should ask him to unite us this very second."

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Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 42 summary

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