Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 43

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Helga screamed and started to run around the store. "My babies are getting united! My babies are getting united!" She stopped dead in her tracks and then turned to look at Shalee. "Hey! What's a 'second?' Does that mean you want to do it now?"

Shalee laughed at the woman's antics. "I'll explain later. Let's go."

"Okay, Child! Let's scoot!"

Shalee kissed Sam on the cheek. "I guess we're getting hitched. Mom has spoken."

The brilliant-minded doctor, fighter, lover, soon-to-be second in command, and friend was suddenly engaged. He grabbed Shalee, lifted her, gave her a big kiss and then pulled the ladies out of the store to find the king. As they hurried to the castle, Helga was sent to find BJ.

When they entered the throne room, they sent a servant to fetch the king, making sure he relayed the message as urgent. They knelt and waited. It seemed like forever, but on this occasion only a few moments pa.s.sed before Keldwin entered. The king had been sleeping due to his illness.

"Sam, what is it? Why did you wake me?"

"Keldwin, do you remember saying you wanted us to treat you as a friend when others were not around?"

"I do."

"Okay, okay. That's good. We're here to do just that. I've decided to form a union with Shalee, and there's no one we want to perform our ceremony more than you. We can't think of a better friend to give this honor. We would like this to be our gift to you before you pa.s.s."

Keldwin was speechless. Never had he been so touched. For the first series of moments, other than his personal friends.h.i.+p with Justin Graywind, he felt like he had real friends.

"I ... I feel honored ... and blessed."

BJ and Helga barged into the room and quickly stopped to bow.

Keldwin smiled. "Please stand. Everyone come here." He motioned the group to embrace. When the hug was finished, he kissed Shalee on the forehead and then placed his own against Sam's. "You've honored me. I would be pleased to perform the ceremony to honor you in return."

The king pulled back and clapped his hands. "We have much to do." A slave ran into the room. "I want my seamstress, cook, jeweler, and driver brought to the throne room. Hurry!"

The slave ran from the room.

The king turned to face the group. "This union will be one to remember. I shall marry you at the start of my tournament. You shall stand before thousands of my subjects from all over my kingdom to proclaim your vows. A union has never been performed in the arena. Everyone will know your names throughout the land."

Shalee shouted, "Howdy-doody! Another group hug, y'all, and high-fives all around!"

Sam looked at BJ. As usual, the trainer rolled his eyes.

Shalee did not let BJ's lack of enthusiasm ruin her mood. She turned to Helga and slapped hands with the older woman.

Keldwin, seeing the joy in the ladies' eyes, reached out with both hands and exchanged his first set of high-fives.

BJ rolled his eyes again, "Ohhh, brother."

Eventually, Keldwin excused himself and went back to bed.

Sam and BJ headed out of the palace. Just like many men do when the moment comes to plan a special occasion, they figured they would leave the planning of the wedding to the women, and they mindlessly headed into the city to grab a few ales.

Shalee would have been upset, but Precious would make quick work of the tasks at hand. The young sorceress had a special style of wedding dress in mind-as most women do when they plan their weddings as young girls. She ordered the seamstress to bring an a.s.sortment of fabric to the throne room.

When the woman returned, she was carrying 10 bolts of a.s.sorted colors. Shalee lined them against the wall to get a good look and then huddled with Helga until they agreed on the perfect combination-a predominantly white dress with a dash of pink. Shalee raised Precious into the air and spoke her words of power.

The seamstress stood in disbelief as the fabrics lifted off the floor and disappeared into a ball of light. When the light faded, a flowing masterpiece was left floating in the air. The women exchanged a bouncing embrace, pulling the seamstress into the celebration.

Shalee retrieved the dress and tried it on. She was stunning-a mortal beauty without equal. The lines of the dress accented every curve and the pink brought out the glow on her face. She took off the dress and gave it to the seamstress. "Please put it in a safe place. Thank you ever so much."

Next, they were off to the kitchen. When they walked through the doors, the head cook seemed displeased that the ladies were invading his domain.

Shalee winked at Helga. "Chefs on Earth were grouchy, too." Grinning, the younger sorceress scanned the entrance to the kitchen to determine how big a cake she could make.

Each requested ingredient was produced-with the exception of cinnamon, since no one had a clue what it was. Even the pile of wood she requested was stacked next to the counter.

Once again, she lifted Precious and spoke her words of power. The magic created a blinding light. Many moments pa.s.sed before the light faded. A cake like no other was left behind on a large table with wheels. The creation was nine layers, each supported by shaped, wooden columns. Shades of icing worked in unison to tell a story of love while angels in yellow robes made of sculpted sugar were sitting around the edges of the cake with their legs draped over the side, wings spread, and hands folded in front like they were praying.

Nine of these heavenly figures sat on the first level, their numbers reduced by one with each level as the cake ascended until a sole angel rested on top. This angel was dressed in a red robe, also made of sugar. His white feathered wings were spread and circled forward to protect two figures within them-the figures of Sam and Shalee.

The head cook was astonished by the beauty of the confection. At two and a half paces tall, the bottom layer had a diameter of nearly two paces wide. Shalee had even created a small cupcake for the chef to taste. The chef's delight was so abundant, he left Shalee with a standing invitation to come into his kitchen whenever she pleased.

Next, the women made their way to meet with the jeweler. Again, Shalee used her magic to create the rings, but the lady who brought the gems screamed when she saw Shalee's magic work. Her chunky backside b.u.mped against the frame of the door as she darted from the room. Despite Helga running after her, she would not return.

All in all, the Peak was productive. When Shalee retired for the night, she lay her head on Sam's chest and fell asleep. It was the middle of the night when her eyes popped open. She had forgotten to make Sam's tux.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she rolled out of bed and sent a servant to deliver a message to the seamstress. She was requesting materials fit for a groom. When the lady arrived, Shalee created the garment with a single command and then thanked the seamstress with a hefty tip of two Owain.

Wedding Peak Sam and Shalee were scheduled to be married after the Peak of Bailem. They dressed together, agreeing that the old Earth tradition of the groom not seeing the bride prior to the ceremony was ridiculous.

Helga and BJ had already left for the arena. The moment had come for Sam and Shalee to join Keldwin, Justin, and Aaron in the king's carriage. Other than Sam being in a tux, the other men were dressed in their best military regalia.

The king was the first to speak. "Shalee, I've never seen a gown like the one you have on. I'm impressed. I wish my kingdom shared more of your tastes."

"Why, thank you kindly, Keldwin. If you'd like, I could whip you up something special for the final Peak of your tournament, and I'll even command Precious to enhance your good looks. The ladies will flock in your direction."

"I'd like that, but it's tradition to wear our best armor. Perhaps you could do something special to make it stand out."

"I'd be honored."

Keldwin smiled. "What a bride you'll make on this wondrous Peak. Your beauty would make the G.o.ds jealous."

"Hear, hear," the general responded. "Sam, you're a lucky man. If ever you have a Peak when you need a break from such grace, you can send her my way."

Sam laughed off Justin's slight and then looked at the prince. "How are you, Aaron?"

"I'm fine, thank you. I would like to know the name of your attire."

Shalee did not give Sam the chance to answer. "Oh, Aaron ... you'd look handsome in a tuxedo ... s.e.xy even."

"Tuxedo?" The king laughed. "A funny name, but if you say it will enhance his appearance, I would like you to create him one as soon as possible."

"Agreed," the general responded, chuckling. "The boy needs help."

The pleasantries of the conversation continued until the group arrived at the arena. As they pa.s.sed through the ma.s.sive gates, the people cheered for their king. The women who lined the walkways marveled at the beauty of Shalee's dress. Even the men admired the couple's outfits.

"Shalee," Keldwin said, pulling her close. "I believe the people are admiring your dress rather than recognizing their king."

Shalee kissed Keldwin on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "What can I say, Sire? A bride can't be upstaged by anyone on her Peak of union. Not even by a king. When you look this fab, they just love you."

"Yes ... you're stunning, and the Peak is yours."

Shalee slid her hand sideways through the air and snapped her fingers with sa.s.s. "You can say that on a thousand separate moments, you s.e.xy beast, and you'd be right on every one of them."

The king chuckled. "Your mannerisms are growing on me, Shalee." Keldwin placed his hand on hers and continued walking with her arm resting atop his.

When the Peak of Bailem arrived, trumpets sounded to signal the start of the tournament. The king, along with Aaron, Justin, Sam, and Shalee, walked to the center of the arena and waved to the crowd as they waited for Mosley to make his appearance.

The sunlight turned to darkness as the clouds dropped from the sky to hover over the arena. They looked threatening, and lightning struck the arena floor. The clouds filled the arena and settled onto the sandy surface. Nothing could be seen as the frightened crowd stood in absolute silence.

Sam was unable to see Shalee even though he was holding her hand. When the clouds dissipated, all that was left was the larger than normal wolf-G.o.d.

The crowd's fear vanished with the haze, and the bewildered looks on their faces were replaced with hesitant applause. Mosley realized his entrance, though grand, was less than desirable for the occasion, and dust was covering everyone-and more importantly, Shalee's dress.

Shalee looked up at the wolf. "Mosley, have you lost your mind? Lightning, really ... and there's dirt everywhere? You better fix this mess right now, or I'll ... or I'll..." She lifted her fist and shook it in Mosley's direction. "Ewww!"

The wolf cringed, and then he scanned the crowd. Another grimace followed. "I'm sorry, Shalee. Perhaps my entrance was a bit over zealous."

Shalee barked, "You think? Do you really think so, Mosley? I swear to the G.o.ds if I had a rolled up newspaper right now, I would tan your hide." She dropped her hands and placed them on her hips. "No s...o...b.. snack for you on this Peak, mister."

Sam grumbled. "Would you just fix this already? Get the dust off everyone, and straighten Shalee's hair. It's a mess."

Shalee reached up. Her hair was everywhere. All she said was, "Ewww!"

Mosley opened his mouth and took in a long breath. The dust that covered the crowd lifted from their garments, flew across the arena and was ingested by the wolf. After swallowing the dust, he nodded. Everyone's hair and attire was readjusted. The crowd now looked as good as they did before he arrived.

Shalee looked down at her feet. Much of the sand that had covered the arena floor was now missing. The wolf had consumed it. She tapped her toe against the exposed wood. "What are you going to do about this, Mosley? Sucking it in like that has left holes everywhere. I don't want to be able to see the wood at all. Do you get me?"

Rather than respond, Mosley nodded. The sand of the arena floor was instantly replaced. The entire fighting surface was now covered with sparkling, golden sand. "Will that suffice, Shalee? Again, I'm sorry." The wolf gave his most innocent grin. "Are you still fond of me? I hope I haven't ruined our friends.h.i.+p."

Shalee decided to make the best of the situation and kicked off her shoes. She pushed her feet into the golden sand and smiled as the warmth appealed to her senses. "I think I'll let you stay." She winked. "I still love you, you big mutt."

"But I don't," Sam chided with a big smile. He lifted his arm and pretended to sniff his pits. "You forgot to make me smell better."

The king held up his hand to shut everybody up. "Can we please get on with this union? In case anyone has forgotten, I'm going to pa.s.s soon," he jested.

Keldwin signaled for the announcement to be made. A large man standing at the top of the arena shouted to let everyone know that Sam had taken the position of second in command. As expected, there was quite the commotion as the crowd buzzed about the decision. This was Mosley's cue.

Shalee held up her hand. "You best be smart about what you're about to do, Mosley."

Mosley nodded. He decided to make his point on a larger scale. The wolf expanded to a height of more than 20 paces. The horror could be seen on the faces of the people as he grew in size.

Shalee just rolled her eyes and whispered to Sam. "Yeah ... that's just so much better. Oh my lord in heaven, just shoot me."

"Beings of the Kingdom of Brandor, hear me!" Mosley shouted, his voice matching his giant size. "The G.o.ds are aware of your king's decision. Know this, Sam Goodrich will strengthen the leaders.h.i.+p of Brandor's army. The kingdom will benefit from his command."

Keldwin admired the G.o.d's ability to make a point. The king turned toward Sam and motioned for him to bow, and then he unsheathed his sword to swear Sam in. "Rise, Sir Goodrich, The Head of all Legions."

When Sam stood, the crowd welcomed him with enthusiastic adulation. Only three people in the kingdom possessed more power than Sam-the king, the prince, and the General Absolute. Since the king had refused to select an advisor, there was one less person at the top.

After seeing the success of his message, the moment had come to move on. Mosley motioned for the king to continue with the union, and Keldwin signaled for everyone to take their places.

BJ and Helga made their way to the center of the arena. Thirty well-dressed men, carrying trumpets, formed two lines that faced each other and stretched away from the king. The trumpets were made of silver, and they were long and thin. The men were dressed in black with silver ruffs that extended from their chin to the bottom of their coat. Matching shoes gleamed with perfection in the sunlight as they contrasted against the golden sand on the arena floor.

Sam and Shalee were given room to stand in front of the king to speak their vows. The prince and the General Absolute took up positions behind Keldwin. They lowered their arms and stood at attention while the giant wolf-G.o.d stood behind them. Mosley looked powerful, and his size completed a scene that those in attendance would never forget.

After BJ and Helga took their places next to Sam and Shalee, Mosley took it upon himself to give the couple a gift. He lowered onto his haunches and kept his head held high. In a thunderous voice, the wolf announced, "This union has been blessed by the G.o.ds!"

The people cheered, and then the wolf used his power to amplify Keldwin, Sam and Shalee's voices so that they could be heard by all. Once Sam and Shalee's vows were complete, the king motioned for the couple to kneel and place their hands side-by-side with their palms upright. "The moment has come to seal your union!" The king reached for his left hip and removed a dagger that had a jewel-covered pommel and cross-guard. He separated the blade from its sheath and then placed the sheath in Shalee's palm and the dagger in Sam's.

Sam looked at Shalee and grinned as he slid the weapon back into its sheath. The crowd erupted.

Keldwin enjoyed the look on Sam's face as he commanded the couple to stand. He announced, "You are now bound for life! Rise and enjoy the rest of your seasons as united beings!"

The trumpeters lifted their instruments. A tunnel formed as the music filled the air, indicating the moment had come for Sam and Shalee to leave the arena. The king kissed the couple on their foreheads and then motioned for them to begin their first walk as husband and wife.

Keldwin, Aaron, Justin, BJ, and Helga, followed in a single file line. Once the musicians had cleared the sand, Mosley was the only one left. He made a grand exit. He lifted his head and howled. As the mob grabbed their ears, the wolf vanished.

After the crowd settled, the first fight was announced. The stadium cheered as the tournament began.

Sam and Shalee went back to the castle to celebrate the start of their new life together, and later that evening, royalty filled the king's ballroom. Sam stood on a table that sat at the center of the ballroom and called for a toast. He tapped his mug of ale to command the group's attention.

With the guests' eyes fixated on the groom, Sam looked at Shalee and began his toast. "To my beautiful wife, you know my most intimate mind and my weaknesses. I cannot hide my grat.i.tude that you've allowed me to love you. I embrace the sharing of our secrets, and I will be forever blessed. Here's to my wife, my companion, my heart, and my soul. I'm grateful for the privilege of loving you."

Shalee could not wipe the smile off her face as she leaned toward her husband. A long, pa.s.sionate kiss followed as the room filled with applause.

Sam lifted his mug. "It has come to my attention that the people of Brandor have never seen a wedding cake. My wife has prepared this special gift for you. With your permission, My Great King, let's allow the cook bring it out for these people to partake."

The king agreed and clapped his hands. From between a large set of double doors, the ma.s.sive cake appeared on a freshly polished, wooden cart. The room gasped at the grandeur, and the delicacy was a hit.

After saying a few words of encouragement to the newlyweds, BJ and Helga managed to sneak away. Helga's staff lit the way as they moved through the night to the center of the royal garden behind the king's castle. They rolled on the gra.s.s, laughing as lovers do. They enjoyed the idea of the garden being off limits to commoners, but being naughty was only heightening their experience.

Helga commanded her staff to go dark. They sat up and pulled each other close. They remained quiet and waited. Eventually, the flowers throughout the garden illuminated. Thousands of puffs radiated as they floated from one flower to another. The couple kissed as the melody produced by the flora filled the night.

With the mood now set, pa.s.sion followed. No words were uttered as the couple's personal interlude sang a song of its own. The lovers' bodies discovered their own special brand of happiness.

After a lengthy series of moments, BJ reached up and wiped the sweat from his brow and then looked into Helga's eyes. He whispered so the flowers would not go dark. "I love you more than I've loved any other. You've taken my broken heart and given it back ... whole and renewed. You've allowed me to feel again. My heart has been hard for too many seasons since the pa.s.sing of my wife, but you've softened it. I'll cherish you forever for this."

Helga's heart melted as she whispered back, "I love you, too, you big grouch." She smiled as she nestled into him. "With all my heart, I'll love you as you deserve to be loved."

The rest of that night would be filled with childlike games as they quietly chased each other around the statues scattered throughout the garden.

The Town of Lethwitch George and Athena were also due to be married that evening. When Late Bailem arrived, George finished the running around he had to do and then rushed to get dressed. Though it was later than expected, he eventually found himself in light that was being cast by torches. He and Athena were standing in front of a senator's a.s.sistant to speak their vows.

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Ascendants Of Ancients Sovereign Part 43 summary

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