The Body At The Tower Part 14

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"And you's early tonight," she chided him, laying a place before James. "I weren't expecting for to come for a couple hours yet." It seemed to Mary that she was leaning forward quite a lot more than necessary, the better to display ample cleavage in a low-necked s.h.i.+rtwaist.

"Er a " James cleared his throat. "Nancy, meet my young a.s.sociate, Mark Quinn. Mark, this is Nancy of the Bull's Head."

"Charmed, I'm sure," cooed Nancy, flas.h.i.+ng her dimples at Mary. Before Mary could reply, she turned back to James. "Double-thick mutton chops, just as you like 'em, with French beans and tatties and all. And your Mr Barker didn't say about a pudding, but I know as you're partial to the fruit crumble so I brung it too, and a jug of cream."

"It smells wonderful. Thank you."

Nancy's swift hands dealt out the dishes. Once she'd distributed the food and drink, she stood back and surveyed the desk with satisfaction. "I s'pose, being as your lad's here, you won't be needing company with your dinner tonight?"

"Er a no, thank you."

She gave a good-natured pout. "I'll come for to clear away in an hour, then, sir."

"Very good."

Tipping them a wink, she tucked the trays under a strong, dimpled arm and sashayed towards the door, skirts swaying in an imaginary breeze. For a full minute after the door closed behind her there was perfect silence. Mary stared hard at the feast laid before her. It looked appetizing and substantial and utterly luxurious, but she suddenly wanted none of it.

James cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well. Smells good," he said.

"You've already said that," she said acidly. Even as she spoke, she knew she was being, childish. What did she care, what James did with pretty barmaids? But she couldn't seem to stop herself. "It's no wonder you like Mrs Higgs's cooking."

There was an expression she didn't like in James's eyes. It looked suspiciously like satisfaction. "The cooking, among other things," he said casually. "I often nip over for a pint in the snug."

She would not rise to the bait. "I'm sure you do," she heard herself say.

"It's a friendly pub," he drawled, brandis.h.i.+ng his knife and fork. "Quiet. Select. And very friendly. Or have I said that already too?"

She poked a slender bean with more force than necessary. It was perfectly cooked, and she resented this too. "I'm sure it's very pleasant."

"It is."


"Very welcoming."

"I get the point."

They ate in silence for several minutes, and despite her jealousy Mary discovered that she was ravenous. Table manners, she decided, were an affectation invented by those who'd never been hungry.

James took his time, cleaning his plate. It was no small achievement, as Mrs Higgs's portions were indeed enormous. When, at long last, he was done, he sat back with a sigh a a smug sigh, thought Mary a and took a deep draught of beer. "Aren't you glad you came?" he asked, his eyes gleaming over the rim of the tankard.

She pushed aside her lingering resentment. This was no time to behave childishly. "I suppose it depends," she said, "on what we discuss and how we decide to proceed."

He examined his pint with care. His voice was carefully neutral as he said, "Tell me what you're thinking."

She was prepared for this, at least. "It seems to me that we'd do well to share information. Whatever you learn about site safety can be helpful to me, in my attempt to understand life as an errand boy. And in my role as Mark, I've noticed and overheard a few things that may be useful to you."

"Such as?"

"After Harkness stopped Keenan from thras.h.i.+ng me on Monday, Keenan all but threatened him. Said he'd not forget the incident, as though planning to get his own back somehow."

"Hmph." James pondered for a moment, then leaned forward and fixed her with a look so intent she began to blush. "Now, what about you?"

"Wh-what d'you mean?"

"Well, you seem rather intent on a partners.h.i.+p here. Teamwork. Whatever you care to name it. That's new for you. And you'll pardon my saying so, but you don't play well with others. I believe we established that the last time we tried to work together."

Mary swallowed hard. "You're right. I didn't think through some of my decisions on the Thorold case, and I ought to have shared more information with you."

He feigned surprise. "An admission of imperfection? How unlike you, Miss Quinn."

"Pot and kettle, as you said earlier."

"True enough, and thus even more reason you ought to be resisting a partners.h.i.+p, rather than proposing one."

He was right: she needed his help more than he did hers, this time. She sat for a moment in silence, steeling herself for the confession, and then sighed. "All right. You want the real, humiliating reason I need to work with you again?"

"You're terrible at flattery, as well a did you know?"

She ignored that. "The men don't trust Mark. He's too well-spoken, too inexperienced, too a well, too not one of them. They're very guarded when I'm about and while I've managed to pick up a few bits of information, it's nothing like what I'd hoped."

"Ah. Finally, we have the ugly truth: you need me."

"I need to share information with you. I need to learn about building sites from you. You don't have to make it sound so..."

"Oh, just admit it: you need me. You can't survive without me. I'm your greatest a no, your only a chance for success and true happiness."

She snorted. "If that's what you choose to tell yourself."

His grin was brilliant, annoying, endearing. "You'll admit it soon enough."

"So we're agreed?" she demanded, suddenly impatient.

"Of course," he said calmly. "I knew it would come to this, all along. I'm quite looking forward to it."

"But you a you still made me a the apology-" She groaned with frustration. "Sometimes I think I hate you."

"You don't," he a.s.sured her.

She said nothing. He was correct, once again.

"So ... you said Keenan threatened?"

"Very clearly. And Harkness didn't respond."

"That may have been the wisest course of action; the man's deeply unsavoury."

"Like his former a.s.sociate Wick?"

"It's true that n.o.body seems to regret him much."

"When you add together Mrs Wick's banged-up face, and the late hours Wick kept outside the home, and the fact that he was good mates with Keenan..."

"You get quite a scoundrel, with no short list of suspects; just the sort of man almost anyone would like to push off a tower."

"What about Reid?"

"What about him?"

"I forgot a he was gone by the time you turned up." She explained about Reid's presence at Jane Wick's house, the night they'd both called on her. "And his face was bruised on Monday last, as though he'd been in a fight."

"He's completely banged up now. Perhaps he's always getting into fights."

She shook her head. "I think not. He's a careful man, a responsible one. I think fighting two men in one week a the second was Keenan, yesterday evening a is significant, in his case."

"So you think his first fight was with Wick, over his wife? In the belfry?"

"Quite possibly. Either that, or the fight led directly to Wick's fall."

James was silent for a moment. "It's certainly the likeliest theory. I'll ask the coroner about bruises on Wick's body. Anything else you've observed?"

"It's of less import, but there's a great deal of muttering on site."

"Yes. The joiners and the masons are concerned with petty theft. It seemed quite small-scale at first a a handful of nails here, a fraction of a load of Anston stone there a but their complaints are adding up. It's a serious drain on resources."

"Is widespread pilfering unusual?"

"It varies according to the site and the calibre of the labourers. It has to do with management, too: a well-managed site led by a respected engineer will suffer fewer losses."

"When talking among themselves, the men have scant respect for Harkness. I've not heard anybody say anything positive about him."

James frowned, as though pained. "I know. They've told me much the same thing." There was a pause, and he said slowly, "Widespread theft could affect site safety..."

"How so?"

"Well, theft on the scale the foremen suggest would seriously affect the materials budget. Perhaps Harkness is economizing on other fronts..."

Mary could practically see him jotting the note in his head: Check site budget. "Are they clever thefts?"

He considered that. "Well, they're fairly small ones. The sort that could be attributed to a larger number of people all taking things independently."

"But you think otherwise..."

"They're also quite similar. Not opportunistic; it's more as though..." He considered for a moment. "It's as though someone's carefully skimming a small percentage of all the materials, like a levy of some sort."

"The word 'levy' suggests a sense of ent.i.tlement..."

"And it's much too early to attribute motive, of course. But yes. It's as if someone's carefully taxing each of the materials in kind."

"Each foreman is in charge of supervising the unloading of his trade's materials."

"Yes. That's what makes it difficult to understand. It can't be happening at that level."

Mary leaned forward. "Keenan and Wick have a reputation for being 'always on the take'. Suppose they're behind all the thefts, and are skilled at making them appear petty to a casual observer?"

James paused, frowned again, shook his head. "Possible. Have you any proof?"

"No. But if it's the case, proof must exist."

He nodded, filing that away for future reference. "But all this is a long way from site safety practices. Or life as a working-cla.s.s errand boy. How are you finding things?"

Excited as she was a by James's news, by their new partners.h.i.+p, by his very presence a Mary found it difficult to suppress a yawn. Through watery eyes, she saw James grinning at her. "Exhausting," she admitted. He nodded. "I can well imagine. Especially since it's your first taste of that sort of life."

She could have corrected him there. But that itself would have involved a carefully guarded set of half-truths. "I'm sorry, but I must go. I'm so very tired."

"At least allow me to give you a lift back."

She half-laughed at that. "That's very kind of you, but it wouldn't do at all."

"You can't be worried about propriety at this late stage."

"Not propriety; realism. I can hardly arrive at my lodgings in a fine carriage, can I?"

He looked startled. "You're no longer at that girls' school?"

"What a Miss Scrimshaw's? No, no, no; that would be cheating. I'm in cheap lodgings, in Lambeth." She laughed outright at his expression. "You look utterly scandalized."

Still no spoken response from James, although his eyes said plenty.

Mary decided not to mention her new bedmate with the pungent socks; the poor man might never speak again, after that shock. "The landlady's all right. Bit of a skinflint, but it's quite safe. No brawls so far." She rose and settled Mark's battered cap on her head. "And you've already given me an unfair advantage, with a lovely big dinner like that. I ought to've had half an inch of bread-and-b.u.t.ter, and considered myself fortunate at that."

He shook his head. "You. Are. Extraordinary."

By this time, her hand was on the doork.n.o.b; she turned and grinned. "That ought to sound like more of a compliment than it did." She tipped her cap and had the satisfaction of seeing a faint smile. "See you tomorrow, sir."

Nineteen., 9 July

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The Body At The Tower Part 14 summary

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