The Body At The Tower Part 3

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Stubbs frowned down at her. "You new?"

She nodded. "Started this morning."

"Oh. Suppose you ain't heard, then." He paused and his round face turned sombre. "One of ours, a brickie, died last week. Until Keenan finds a new one, the other hod-carrier, Smith, is filling in. Not that he's a proper brickie, or nothing. But he can lay a simple wall while Keenan and Reid do the rest."

Mary frowned. The explanation was almost as confusing as the situation. So bricklayers and hod-carriers worked in teams, and it sounded as though this was a disrupted team of five: three bricklayers, Wick, Keenan and Reid, supported by the hod-carriers Stubbs and Smith. With Wick's death, it was up to Keenan to find a new bricklayer to join his permanent team, rather than for Harkness to hire another solo bricklayer. Like the hod itself, it seemed strange but made sense once you thought about it. The men were accustomed to working with one another and would have their own efficient habits and systems. Hire a gang of brickies and, she supposed, they would work together smoothly from the start.

"Here." Stubbs stopped by the brick pile. "Hold steady, now." Mary braced her shoulders as Stubbs loaded three bricks onto the hod. "All right, there?"

"I can take another one."

He looked at her critically. "Best not. Save your strength, lad; you'll be doing this for hours."

It was good advice. The hod itself was not light, and with three bricks on it the combined weight was as much as Mary could manage while dodging through the yard. Stubbs's directions were approximate but she soon spotted the blond man, Reid, squatting on his haunches, whistling again as he sized up his day's work. Despite his propensity for fist-fights, he seemed as good-tempered as Keenan was hostile, and this made her all the more grateful not to be working directly under Keenan.

"Three bricks?!" he exclaimed, as she set down the hod.

Mary flushed. "Sorry, sir. I'll try to bring more next time."

"Don't hurt yourself," he said, amiably enough. "But Lord love me if you ain't the tiniest hod-carrier I ever seen."

"Still growing, sir," she mumbled.

"If you don't grow no bigger, be something else," he advised. "A glazier, maybe."

Mary nodded and fled back to the brick pile. As the morning wore on, she became more skilled at loading bricks onto the hod and carrying them efficiently. Some time later a she couldn't have said how long, but hours rather than minutes a she became aware of another boy watching her. He stood about twenty yards off, hands in pockets, staring at her openly.

Mary straightened from her task a sweeping up mortar dust and brick rubble a and stared back. After several moments, she nodded a brusque acknowledgement. But instead of responding, the boy merely continued to stare aggressively. Mary kept at her work.

After a few minutes, he finally spoke. "Suppose you's Quinn."

Mary looked up again. He was closer, but no less truculent. She nodded once and went on with her sweeping.

"You don't look so posh."

So it had come to haunt her already. "I'm not."

"'F you's so posh, why'd you steal my job?"

"What a this job?" She was genuinely surprised. "You've still got a job, haven't you?"

"Don't be stupid a I mean the tea round."

Ah: the teetotalling tea round. "So you're Jenkins."

"Yeah, and you stole my job."

What was it with building sites and fist-fights? First Reid looked as if he'd been brawling, and now this little fool was clearly frantic for a sc.r.a.p. She turned her back and kept sweeping.

He circled around and shouted, "Think you's too good for to talk to me?"


"Well, then? What you got to say?"


"Nothing except lies."

There was only one way to end this. She looked straight at him and said, "You calling me a liar?"

"A liar and a thief!"

She snorted. If he wanted a fight, he'd get one. And she would win: her years on the street had taught her this, at least. "Of all the stupid..."

"Don't you call me stupid!" He marched towards her, stiff with outrage. He was a small boy, no taller than she and scrawny to boot, and he looked utterly ridiculous a a bantam rooster defending his turf. He'd never won a fist-fight in his life, she'd wager. Still, he hurled himself at her, arms windmilling furiously.

Mary dodged his fist with an economical twist to the left and tapped him sharply on the chin, sending him stumbling.

He stopped short of falling, spun about and flew at her again.

She skipped aside and he tripped himself with his own momentum.

Screaming with outrage, he picked himself up and came back for more.

It was no contest. Mary wasn't even fighting; merely defending herself and keeping him at bay, waiting for him to exhaust himself. Her restraint only inflamed Jenkins further. He fought with pa.s.sion and energy and utter lack of skill, and this combination made what ought to have been comical seem tragic, instead. If Mary chose, she could finish him in half a minute. As it was, their fist-fight dragged on and they attracted a casual, jeering ring of labourers who shouted advice and insults in equal quant.i.ty.

Finally, a new voice sliced through the noise: "WHAT is going on here?! Stop this, instantly!"

Mary looked towards its source a Harkness, the site engineer a and in that instant, Jenkins landed his only blow, a strange accidental swing that made her nose spurt blood. She gasped with surprise, felt a stab of anger. Street fighting had no rules, of course, but that had been d.a.m.ned underhand all the same. She spun, caught his shoulder and delivered a solid jab that made her knuckles a and presumably Jenkins's head a ring.

"Stop it, NOW!"

A couple of men finally stepped forward, half-heartedly offering to hold the fighters. But it was now unnecessary. Mary stood perfectly still, allowing the blood welling from her nose to drip onto the cobblestones unchecked. Jenkins writhed silently, cradling one side of his face.

"What the blazes is the matter here?!" Harkness glared from Jenkins to Mary and back again.

Neither spoke.

"Quinn! Explain yourself!"

What could she say? "Jenkins and I were fighting, sir."

There was a rumble of amus.e.m.e.nt from their audience.

The top of Harkness's head went pink. "All of you, clear off! Back to work!" As the men receded, chuckling, Harkness returned his attention to Mary. "WHY were you fighting?"

"He called me a liar and a thief, sir. I called him stupid."

"I see. And who began this childishness?"

Mary glanced at Jenkins. He was still clutching his face and appeared to be choking back tears. Eventually, he managed to gasp, "Me, sir."

Harkness stared at them for a long minute, that muscle beneath his eye spasming repeatedly. "I am very disappointed in you both. I expected better from you, Jenkins, because you've worked on this building site for nearly two years. And I expected better from you especially, Quinn, because..."

As the cliches began, Mary wondered whether Harkness would enquire into the root of the dispute. What was special about the tea round? Why had Jenkins been willing to attack her for it? She was also annoyed by her inability to blend in on a building site. In her first five minutes on the job she'd nearly blown her cover, twice. Now, she had drawn the attention of nearly every man on site by getting into a fist-fight.

"...Do I make myself clear?"

She nodded. "Yes, sir."

Jenkins, still clutching his face, made a noise that could have been "Yes, sir."

"Then shake hands like men."

As Jenkins released his cheek to offer his hand, Mary saw that he was indeed crying. Yet through the tears, he mumbled, "No hard feelings."

She looked into his eyes, startled and cautious. "Same here."

"I don't want to hear of further fisticuffs a or any sort of squabbling a between the two of you."

Mary mopped her nose with her sleeve. The bleeding seemed to be slowing.

"Oh, for heaven's sake." A large linen handkerchief was thrust into her face.

She took it. "Thank you, sir." It smelled of scent: the discreet, expensive type.

"Now back to work, both of you."

As Harkness disappeared back into his office, Mary and Jenkins remained where they were, stiff and uncertain. Finally, Jenkins said, "S'pose we best start the tea round."

Mary glanced up with some surprise. One of the working clock faces showed the time as a quarter past ten. "Now? Bit early, isn't it?"

He shot her a wary look. "Lots to do. Come on." Perhaps it was a boy thing: girls could hold grudges for ever and a day, but it seemed Jenkins really had forgotten the fight. He quizzed her as they walked around the perimeter of the site. "You go to Harky's church?"


"How'd you get the job, then?"

She shrugged. "Said I needed it."

Jenkins examined her through slitted eyes. "Hmph."

"How'd you get your job?" And why was simply asking for one so improbable?

"Most of us boys here is the same: got in through our old men."

"How old are you?"

"How old d'you think?"

Mary looked at him carefully. He was a scrawny, freckly little thing a an eight-year-old with an old man's eyes. "Thirteen."

He looked gratified. "Thirteen next month. How old's you?"


"This ain't your first job, then."

"First job on a building site," said Mary, truthfully enough. She looked about. "Where're we going?"

A sly look crossed Jenkins's swollen face. "Sure you's not churchy?"

"I've already said I'm not."

"Not a teetotaller?"

"A teetotaller?" It was a large word for a boy like Jenkins.

"One of 'em what thinks a little beer is poison."

"No, I'm not."

"Then how come you's Harky's pet?"

"How can I be his pet when I only started today?" This was exactly what she'd feared a but Jenkins's answer surprised her.

"You's on the tea round. Took me a year 'n a half to get on the tea round, and here you are on your first day taking it over."

Mary was mystified. "I don't know why that is. And what's so special about the tea round, anyway?"

Jenkins looked at her suspiciously. "If I tell you, you got to share the take."

Take? Mary had a sudden idea of what that might be: teetotalling plus tea-drinking could equal a nice little profit. "I'm not sure what you mean, but I don't mind sharing. What is it?"

"We'll go halves," Jenkins persisted.

"Halves on what?"

Jenkins was becoming agitated again, and their pace accelerated. By this time, they'd done two full circuits of the building site. "You can't tell Harky."

"All right," Mary said promptly.



"Swear on your mother's life?"

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The Body At The Tower Part 3 summary

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