Water To Burn Part 4

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I found myself remembering a long string of family dinners for various birthdays or anniversaries or holidays-heartwarming, perfectly normal family dinners except of course they were being given and attended by O'Gradys and O'Briens, none of us what you'd call normal, all of us set apart, too. We'd all learned to hide young, and so had Ari. In a way, I thought, we all lived on our very own deviant world level. It was not a happy thought.

When the time came to leave, Michael walked with us to the front door.

"Something I wanted to ask you," Michael said to me. "When are you going to get a real cell phone?"

"What's wrong with the one I have?" I said.

"It can't text. Epic fail!"

"Sorry, but I don't text. There's no way to secure those messages, because they all end up stored on a server somewhere. The Agency strictly forbids them."

Michael glanced at Ari, who nodded a confirmation. I'll admit to feeling annoyed that my pup of a brother doubted my information, but I decided that the slight was too slight, as it were, to argue over.

On the way home, while I drove, we discussed what we'd learned from our various conversations. I told Ari about the bothersome Caleb, and he told me about his conversation with Michael concerning Lisa, his girlfriend in the deviant level. She saw Mike as the best thing to ever come her way, an accurate observation considering the profession she'd been forced into.

"She never said this outright," Ari said, "but Mike got the impression that she was hoping he'd take her away, into his world."

"I can't say I'd blame her for wanting to leave hers."

"No more can I, but it's not possible, is it? For any length of time, I mean. What if she were involved in some sort of an accident? Would she heal up properly?"

"I don't have the slightest idea. I'll have to ask NumbersGrrl. If anyone knows, which I doubt, it'll be her."

"Good. Do ask. Now here's the interesting bit. At some point in these conversations, Lisa said something along the lines of 'other people have gotten out of here permanently.' When he asked her what she meant, she changed the subject. She seemed frightened, as if she'd made some kind of slip."

"Very interesting, for sure! I wonder if Michael can find out more? He might as well do something useful, since there's no way we can stop him from going there."

"Unfortunately, that's true. I didn't even bother to ask him to stay away from that level. I don't want to make him start lying to me." Ari paused, staring out the winds.h.i.+eld as we came down the sweeping curves by Laguna Honda. "I did raise the subject of marijuana. Michael handed his supply over to me, and he promised me he'd stay clean from now on."

"Good," I said, "and thank you. What about Brian?"

"He and Michael solemnly swore that Brian had never smoked any. Brian's afraid it would interfere with his athletics. Breathing hot smoke and all that."

"It would, yeah. What are you going to do with the stash now that you've got it?"

"Put it down the garbage disposal."

"That should get rid of it." A premonition crept over me. "Although I have this feeling it could come in handy, somehow. Not to smoke, don't worry. To bargain with or something."

"I don't want contraband in our apartment."

"How much is it?"

"No more than half an ounce."

"Nothing to worry about. The San Francisco police won't even bother anyone over that amount. Look, am I ever wrong about stuff like this?"

"No." The word squeezed out of grudging lips. "But hide it, will you?"

"Of course."

"Good. I have a question. I was thinking about the dinner conversation. That sofa your aunt has in the lounge. Isn't it a bit odd that it's orange?"

"She got it on sale, and she's an American." I nearly slipped up and added: in our family, we leave Irish politics to the men. Instead, I said, "If I remember correctly, the orange color wasn't moving, so the furniture guy knocked three hundred bucks off."

"That's a nice amount, yes."

Once we got back to the apartment, Ari handed me a plastic bag containing my brother's attempt at rebellion, enough cheap shake for maybe four joints. I tucked it under a pile of sweaters in the middle drawer of my dresser. As I was shutting the drawer, I noticed a blue cardboard box, roughly two inches thick and five long, lying on the top of the dresser. I sketched a quick Chaos ward, which had no effect on the box at all. I felt no SAWM concerning it, but since I'd never seen it before, I decided against touching it.

"Ari?" I said. "Would you come take a look at this?"

He walked into the bedroom and considered the box. "Oh," he said. "That."

"Yeah. That. Do you know what it is?"

"Yes. Perfectly harmless."

"It's one of your devices?"


"Then what is it?"

"Well." He looked away. "Actually, it's for you. Um, I got it for you, and then I thought you might be offended, so, well, I put it there."

At that point, I realized he was embarra.s.sed. Yes, it was slow of me, but I'd never thought of him as capable of embarra.s.sment.

"Offended?" I said. "Why?"

"Because it's a gift. I didn't know if you'd take a gift from me."

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his slacks and looked at me with his head tilted a little back. My first impulse was to say, "No, I won't," but luckily my second impulse was to think, "you b.i.t.c.h!"-so I shut up. He'd brought a gift for the woman he was sleeping with. What was wrong with that? Why did I want to hand it back to him with a sour remark? The moment stretched to a cold, nasty interval while I dithered.

"Sorry." Ari reached for the box. "I'll just put it away."

I reached out and caught his wrist. "No, don't," I said. "I'm sorry. I'm being rude. I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes."

He hesitated, then said with a perfectly straight face, "At times I've found myself wondering the same thing."

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

He grinned, his normal, no-tigers-need-apply smile, and handed me the box. I opened it, peeled off the thick layer of cotton packing, and felt myself smile, too.

"This is really beautiful," I said. "Thank you."

"This" was a pin in the shape of an olive branch in full leaf made of beaten gold, as soft and silky as only real gold can be. When I took it out, the leaves rustled, barely audible. I held it up against the rust sweater I was wearing, not a successful match.

"It'll look really good on the teal sweater," I said, "or the dark blue blouse."

Since he'd moved to stand behind me, I could see his reflection, smiling in relief more than pleasure. As I put the pin back into the box for safekeeping, I remembered Venus' advice that I needed a better mirror. I realized I did look a little gaunt in the bright light of the floor lamp.

"We could go out for breakfast tomorrow," I said, "if you want."

Ari slipped his arms around my waist and kissed the side of my neck.

"Good idea," he said. "So I'd better make sure you work up an appet.i.te."

Being so thin had one big advantage. He could pick me up and carry me to bed.

In the morning we did go out to eat, but since both of us had work to do, we hurried back to the apartment. Ari took his twin leather cases of devices into the bedroom and shut the door to do something mysterious. Occasionally I could hear him talking on the phone, but always in Hebrew. I fired up my computer system and logged on to the Internet.

I had a set of news links that I surfed every day, because they specialized in local "human interest" stories. Now and then, hints of Chaos activity appeared in this welter of trivia, the kind of incidents you'd never find in the major television and paper news sources. Several of these sites reported on the rogue wave at Ocean Beach. As I'd intuited, the young girl had drowned.

"That makes me sick," I said to Ari later. "She was only twelve, just starting her life."

"Very sad, yes. Accidents will happen."

"It wasn't any accident."

"Oh? But I don't suppose that Satan had anything to do with it. Or are you going to tell me that Satan actually exists?"

"No." I managed to smile at that. "There are Chaos forces that have been personified as Satan, but there's no guy with the horns and the tail."

"Always nice to know. But you did get a feeling of agency, if I remember correctly."

"Yeah, but I'll bet that the agent was some human being, fooling around with stuff they didn't understand. That's the trouble with Chaos forces. They're chaotic. Which means they're really hard to control, especially by people who are kind of unbalanced to begin with."

"Who else would want to play with them?" Ari said. "I really don't understand this talk of Chaotics. It doesn't make sense."

"Of course it's not going to make sense."

"But what do these people want? They must have goals."

"Their goal is pretty much to keep from making sense."

Ari started to say something, then scowled at me.

"Well, what do you think Chaos is?" I went on. "When you talk about making sense, you're talking about finding a pattern to their actions, some kind of organized activities, right, leading somewhere?"

"Yes, of course."

"That all falls under the heading of Order. Chaos exists to keep the principles of Order from forming that kind of pattern. Pattern and Order lock out new possibilities. Chaos releases the energy that makes possibilities-" Here I got stuck for a moment. "Makes new possibilities possible, I guess it is. A world dominated by Order would be dead, sterile, with everything locked into place once and for all. A world dominated by Chaos would be a madhouse, with lots of energy flowing around to no good ends whatsoever. That's why I serve Harmony, that elusive balance point."

"Definitely a good cause, of course. I suppose that's enough to get on with."

I returned to my computer. I brought up my notes on the Sea Cliff coven, as I was thinking of it. I'd spotted only seven members at the one ritual I'd seen. With three of them dead, the job of tracking down the others should have been easier, but I'd not picked up any traces of them during the past weeks. I did have one line of inquiry that I'd never followed up, because it required the help of the San Francisco police force. Now that Ari had returned and could reestablish his link with the long-suffering Detective Lieutenant Sanchez, I could pick up that loose end.

"Do you remember the car our two loathsome perps drove to the Romero funeral?" I asked Ari. "The black Jaguar."

"The stolen car, yes."

"What if it wasn't stolen? I find it hard to believe that anyone would park an expensive car like that on the street and then not activate the alarm. You know it must have had one."

Ari smiled tigerlike. "Right you are," he said. "Yet the police report never mentioned anyone hearing an alarm."

"And it's a quiet neighborhood, Pacific Heights. The sound should have carried. They fine people over there for making loud noises."

"Really? Oh, wait, you're having a joke on me."

"Not on you. On the people who live in that neighborhood."

He looked relieved. "I'll call Sanchez," he said, "and see if I can get authorization to question this fellow."

Ari wandered into the kitchen and called Sanchez from his cell phone. I heard him speaking; then he appeared in the doorway.

"Sanchez needs a secure e-mail address," he said. "He's got some scanned paperwork to send through. Do you have one that doesn't rely on your agency's encryption system?"

"Yeah, actually I do."

I wrote the address down on a sticky note and handed it to him. He relayed it to the inspector, then signed off and rejoined me.

"Sanchez has no objection to our following up this lead," he said.

"Did Sanchez ever question this guy himself?" I asked.

"No," Ari said. "He did read the patrol officer's report on the theft, of course, once the car turned up at the funeral."

That official form and a couple of others appeared promptly in the queue for the particular e-mail address I'd given. I printed them out and read through the patrol officer's first report on what appeared to be an ordinary case of a car theft-or almost ordinary. Once the police found the car, the second report recorded two incriminating details.

"It says here that the car alarm hadn't been disabled." I handed Ari the printout so he could read the rest for himself.

"So you were right to wonder about that. Odd of Sanchez to not follow that up."

"I wonder if following it was going to lead him to some politically important people."

Ari looked at the report, quirked both eyebrows in surprise, then considered. "I'd hate to think that of Sanchez," he said eventually, "but you never know. I'll have to report back to him, and perhaps I'll find out then."


WE DECIDED TO QUESTION WILLIAM FROST EVERS, the owner of the black Jaguar, that afternoon. We spent some time first discussing our strategy. For this interview, I'd play the a.s.sistant. Ari put on his navy-blue pinstriped suit with a white s.h.i.+rt and a red-and-graystriped tie. I wore a dark gray pantsuit with a navy-blue silk blouse and a big black shoulder bag, all of which looked official as well. Before we left, Ari opened his sample case and put a casual handful of small devices into my bag. The case itself he locked into the trunk of the car.

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Water To Burn Part 4 summary

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