Here Come The Black Helicopters Part 22

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The treaties on gun control and the Law of the Sea are coming up for Senate ratification by the end of the year. President Obama and Hillary hope to ram them through the lame-duck session of the Senate after the elections have been held. In theory, they say they want to consider these doc.u.ments without the pressures of election-year campaigning. But, in reality, they hope that defeated Democrats and retiring Republicans will give them the votes they need for ratification.

We must stop them!

Fortunately, the decision is in our hands. Democrats control only 53 votes in the Senate and 67 are needed to ratify a treaty. While the House doesn't get to vote on treaties, the two-thirds requirement in the Senate means that 14 of the 47 Republicans have to join with all the Democrats to get these treaties approved.

That's where we need to work. In our chapter on the Law of the Sea Treaty, we explain who are the swing votes. The nose count on the Arms Trade Treaty has not been taken yet, but it will likely follow the same pattern. Republicans who are not already opposed to the Law of the Sea Treaty are likely the ones whom we need to persuade to oppose the Arms Trade Treaty.

Because these Republicans are very, very sensitive to the opinions of their GOP backers back home, you can make a key difference. Contact them. Call their offices. Circulate pet.i.tions in your neighborhood and send them to their Senate offices. Get your local Republican clubs and other organizations to pa.s.s resolutions opposing ratification. Turn on the pressure.

Opposing the Code of Conduct for Outer s.p.a.ce Activities and preventing the president from signing on to the International Criminal Court will require broad public agitation. We need to publicize what these doc.u.ments portend and what their implications are for the future.

We should be able to shoot down the Internet regulations. By arousing online users all over America, we can make it a dead letter even before it is signed. We need to kill it and we must!

Get to work!

In every generation, Americans have been called upon to fight to protect our liberties. Sometimes the threat came from an empire that ruled us. Then it arose from the invidious practice of slavery within our own borders. During the last century we were threatened by European and j.a.panese dictators who sought global domination. During the Cold War, we faced an ideological adversary who repressed human rights in the name of economic justice. In the War on Terror, we face an enemy that is determined to impose his religious and cultural values on us.

But the globalist adversary is more insidious and a greater threat to our liberty today than we face from any other source. It advances in the name of our own good, seeking to frighten us into line by dire predictions of global disaster unless we give up our sovereignty and share our wealth. Its apocalyptic predictions of environmental catastrophe come like tornado warnings on the prairie, leading us to come and huddle together in our shelters, accepting discipline and a loss of freedom during the emergency. But the emergency is fabricated and the warnings are issued just to panic us into the shelters, where we can be subjugated and tyrannized.

In his book Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, Mark Levin writes how the desire for the elusive comforts of a utopia can induce men and women to surrender their personal liberty, accepting universal regimentation to achieve what they fantasize will be a greater good.

But fear can have the same effect. And those who would impose a global governance on us count on our worry about climate change, global warming, ocean acidification, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and s.h.i.+fting rainfall patterns to get us into line behind a new world order.

But we are Americans and our knees don't bend to tyrants, however disguised.


We are very grateful to Eileen's nephew and d.i.c.k's intern James McGann for his work in researching this book. A twenty-one-year-old with a great future! Clayton Liotta designed the cover. What great artwork! He is also the producer of our lunch alert videos and the ill.u.s.trator of our Dubs books. Renaissance man!

Adam Bellow is our editor, and we love working with him and with all the people at HarperCollins. Special thanks to Kathryn Whitenight at Harper for her help.

Jim Dugan edited our ma.n.u.script and saved us from embarra.s.sment and typo at every turn.

Thanks to Frank Gaffney at the Center for Security Policy for his advice and input.



1. "fly-overs": Heather Johnson, "Feedlot Flyovers Draw Ire in Nebraska," NP Telegraph, June 2, 2012,

2. "chided critics": Nicole Gaouette, "Clinton Hits 'Black Helicopters' Crowd to Push Sea Treaty," Bloomberg News, May 24, 2012,

3. "This just in": Eric Pfanner, "Debunking Rumors of an Internet Takeover,", June 11, 2012,

4. "Our global neighborhood": Commission on Global Governance, "Our Global Neighborhood,", 1995,

5. "Acknowledging responsibility": Report of the Commission of Global Governance, "Our Global Neighborhood,", 1995,

6. "And as for": George Russell, "Exclusive: G.o.dfather of Global Green Thinking Steps Out of Shadows at Rio+20,", June 20, 2012,

7. "Sovereignty has been": Commission on Global Governance, "Our Global Neighborhood,", 1995,

8. "For the first": Marc Morano, "Flashback: Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance,' ", July 10, 2009,

9. "will drive the": Bob Unruh, "Global Governance Coming With Carbon Tax, Says Gore,", July 10, 2009,

10. "individual states will": Joseph S. Nye Jr., "Global Governance,", January 27, 2008,

11. "the very idea": Jeffery Sachs, "Common Wealth,", July 14, 2008,

12. "G.o.dfather": George Russell, "EXCLUSIVE: G.o.dfather of Global Green Thinking Steps Out of Shadows at Rio+20,", June 20, 2012,

13. "developed and benefitted": Maurice Strong, Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1992; quoted at

14. "Evidence procured": Claudia Roset, "The U.N.'s Man of Mystery: Is the G.o.dfather of the Kyoto treaty a public servant or a profiteer?," Wall Street Journal, October 11,2008,

15. "stepped aside": Warren Hoge, "Annan Failed to Curb Corruption in Iraq's Oil-for-Food Program, Investigators Report," New York Times, September 7, 2005.

16. "The concept of": Ibid.

17. "We have seen": F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), p. 166.

18. "What is called": Ibid.

19. "The movement for": Ibid.

20. The organization path: ABC News,, June 5, 2007,

21. "an informal a.s.sociation": Club of Rome,,

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Here Come The Black Helicopters Part 22 summary

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