Wings In The Night - Bloodline Part 16

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"They all have implants, just as you had. If they didn't when you left, you can bet they do by now. They'll be tracked, followed. Hunted like animals."

"I'll tell them about the devices. They can get them removed."

"Half of them will be caught before they can do that."

"Then half will go free." I shook my head. "Or more, if they remove them quickly enough. And I intend to decimate that place. I intend to cripple the keepers, to buy the prisoners more time to get away."

"How?" The word burst from him as if driven.

I blinked and stared at him. "I don't know yet. I'll I'll think of something."

He lowered his head slightly but kept on driving.

"It's a long way from here," I told him. "I know we're going in the right direction, but..; I ran for a long time. Hours, I think."

"We only have a little more than an hour until dawn," he said. "We should start looking for a safe place to rest."


"We'll need time once we find The Farm, Lilith. Time to plan, time to carry out the attack, time to get the others to safety. Even if we were two minutes away now, it would be better to wait."

I sighed, rolled my eyes and tipped my head back until it hit the seat behind me. "All right All right. We'll find a place to rest."

"It's for the best," he said, and I felt the relief in his tone. He wasn't afraid; I didn't get any sense of fear from him. But he was in no hurry to face this battle, and I was beginning to fear he would rather try to stop me than help me as he'd promised to do.

"You don't have to do this, you know," I told him. "If you would rather part ways here, I would understand."

He shot me a look that roiled with emotions I couldn't begin to name. "I don't want to see you killed," he said slowly, and I sensed him choosing his words with great care. "I don't particularly want to die, either, but, Lilith, it's the thought of what could happen to you that's making me dread what's to come."

"Why?" I asked him, nearly s.h.i.+vering with suspense as I awaited his reply. "I I'm not sure." He stared deeply into my eyes for a long moment, then tore his gaze away. "I just know that I don't want you hurt or killed, or tortured or captured and returned to that h.e.l.l, or"

"Stop," I said. "I'm afraid enough as it is."

"You are?" He sounded surprised. "You don't seem afraid. You seem like a warrior, eager for battle."

I shrugged. "I don't like to be afraid. I'm trying to refuse to let my fear control me. But don't confuse that with the idea that I'm fearless. I'm not. I know what could happen as well as you do."

"Then why do this?"

"Because it's what I want to do, what I'm compelled to do. If I didn't do it just because I'm afraid, that would be letting fear control me. And nothing controls me, Ethan. Nothing and no one. Never again."

He glanced sideways at me. "It's like you have something to prove. Or is it vengeance driving you?"

"Maybe it's both. Or maybe it's Justice, using me as her tool. I just know it has to be done, Ethan. I know that every time I close my eyes and see the lifeless face of the Wildborn I killed to gain my freedom. You know it, too. Someone has to do this. If not me, then who?"

He nodded. "I know."

"Look, there's a barn up ahead."

He looked and nodded. As he drove closer, he said, "It looks abandoned. There, across the road from it, that must have been a house once."

Now the "house" was little more than a crumbling foundation, with the worn black s.h.i.+ngles of a peaked roof lying broken and c.o.c.keyed on the ground. The barn was in far better shape, but it too, showed signs of deterioration. He drove past it slowly, his sharp senses scanning the area just as mine were.

"No one's around," I said. "At least no one I can feel."

He nodded, turned the Bronco around and started back. "If we can get the door open, we can drive right inside, so the car won't be seen."

"You're good at this," I told him.

"I've been hiding for a long time."

"And now I'm taking you back to the people you've been hiding from." I thought just then that it might have been better for him if I'd never found him that first night of my new life.

His gaze snapped toward mine instantly, and he said, "Don't think that, Lilith. You were meant to find me."

I started, surprised that my thoughts had been so easily heard by him. "Do you really think that's true?"

"I do." "So that you can help me rescue the others?" I asked.

"So that I can keep you alive."

Chapter Thirteen.

"Lilith is your daughter," Ginger said softly. "I'm putting you in charge while we're here."

Serena had been with the Sisterhood of Athena for twenty-two years, but being in charge had never been one of her goals. She was content to be a soldier in the cause. Giving orders wasn't her forte.

"I don't need you to do that, Ginger," she said.

They were parked in front of Ethan's home, with its long curving driveway, rolling fields, immaculate stable and pristine house. Red with white trim to match the picket fences, the place was warm and welcoming. It was also abandoned.

"I need to do it," Ginger said. "If this goes bad, I don't want to shoulder the blame. Neither do any of the others. It would drive a wedge into the heart of the organization."

Serena felt the weight of the world settling heavily onto her shoulders.

"Besides," Ginger added, "who better to know what's best for Lilith than her own mother?"

In the backseat, Terry nodded her agreement.

Serena tried to slow her racing heart. She'd been the one to suggest they put a team out here, in case Ethan and Lilith returned. It was a longshot, but she hadn't been able to think of anything better. It had taken a couple of days to organize after Ginger had not only agreed but insisted on coming along.

Then again, she was still trying to keep the truth about Serena's relations.h.i.+p with one of the undead under wraps, so it made sense.

"All right, then, let's go," Serena said, giving her first order.

As one, the three women exited the blue Ford Taurus, which they'd parked at the end of the driveway that snugged up beside the house, making it less obvious, though not invisible. They strode toward the house, and then a soft beeping sound brought them to a stop.

"It's the GPS!" Serena yanked the small gray box from its belt clip and stared at the flas.h.i.+ng light on the screen, blessing the day they'd managed to hack the DPI's tracking program. "They're close and coming closer." She turned, scanning the horizon, and then a nickering call brought her head around.

Serena smiled as she saw two horses galloping across the meadow toward the stables, their glorious manes flying as their hooves thundered over the earth, and with every stride, the beeping on her tracking unit got louder and faster. Then she realized that the horses were riderless, and her smile froze and then died. "Something's happened to them," she whispered.

Terry clutched her shoulder. "Not necessarily."

"No," Ginger said. "They're smart. They must have found the transmitter, attached it to one of the horses and sent them home. Freaking ingenious."

Serena felt as if her heart had fallen to her feet, but she tried to hold back tears. G.o.d knew she'd shed far too many of them over the years, and not one had done any good.

Terry gave her a squeeze. "Look, you get the door open, so we can spend the night in the house. Ginger and I will check out the horses. Okay?"

Blinking, she nodded and fished in her backpack for the tiny zipper pouch that contained her lock picking tools. Breaking and entering was one of the skills the Sisters mastered during their training, and she was no exception.

She opened the door without too much trouble, then stepped inside and lifted her head. She went stone still as she spotted the painting above the fireplace, a portrait that bore the same name as her daughter.


And it looked like her, in subtle ways. The hair, the skin tone, the height.

Serena swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked her eyes dry. She dragged her gaze away from the painting with no small effort, tossed the tracking unit onto a coffee table and forced herself to check out the rest of the house, beginning with the kitchen. They would need to eat, after all. As she had suspected, the cupboards were bare, and the fridge held only a stack of plastic bags with the familiar Red Cross logo on them.

She'd moved on to the dining room, in search of clues that might lead her to her daughter, when she heard the others come in and returned to the living room.

"How are the horses?" she asked.

"They're fine. Tired, I think, but they came inside without any trouble," Terry said. "Walked right into their stalls, once we'd cleaned them and put down fresh straw."

"You rubbed them down? Fed them?"

The two women nodded in unison.

"That's good. G.o.d only knows how far they'd run." She returned to the window and sank into a chair.

"Have you found anything here, Serena?" Ginger asked. "Any sign of where they might have gone?"

"No." She glanced at the gray electronic box that lay uselessly on the coffee table. "And we can't track them with this anymore. But then again, neither can the DPI."

Ginger moved closer and pressed a hand to Serena's forearm. "I'm sorry. To have come so close, aftersearching for her for so long"

"It's not over, Ginger. I'm determined to find her, and I will."

"I know you will," the older woman replied.

Terry stood looking around the room. "I doubt they're coming back here tonight. It's too close to dawn.

The would have taken shelter by now."

"I doubt they'll come back here at all," Serena replied. "They have to know the place is being watched."

"If it's being watched," Terry said, looking nervously toward the window behind Serena's head, "then should we still be here?"

"We're not vampires," Ginger said. "They might be watching, but they won't bother us, probably won't even approach us. They won't risk knowledge of their activities leaking to the public, and as far as we know, they have no idea the Sisterhood even exists."

Terry nodded, but she still looked nervous. She had been with the organization nearly as long as Ginger had, and in the years since Serena had joined their ranks, she didn't remember ever seeing her shaken before.

"If we're staying, we'll need supplies," Ginger said.

"Yeah, there's not a crumb here to eat," Serena told her.

"Should I go into town and get food?" Terry asked.

"Not alone," Serena said. "You should both go." She glanced at Ginger then, because she was so unused to giving orders. But Ginger nodded her approval, encouraging her to continue. "I want to stay here, just in case they come back."

"Anything else?" Ginger askedalmost as if it were a test.

Serena licked her lips and thought. "Be discreet, and stick to our cover story. Keep a sharp eye out, too. It wouldn't hurt us to know whether those government goons are keeping tabs on us. Notice everything."

"Will you be okay here alone?" Terry asked. "Maybe we should all go. It won't take long, and if they come back"

"Go." Serena smiled, even though she was far from feeling it. "I'll be fine. I have a hankering for an omelette. Bacon on the side. Oh, and coffee, for G.o.d's sake."

"We'll be back in no time," Ginger said, taking Terry's arm and heading for the door.

Serena waited for the sound of the car, and only as it faded did she lower her head into her hands and let the tears she'd been holding back come pouring out.

She'd been so close! But she hadn't had the reunion she'd dreamed of, the fantasy that had kept her going for so many years. Only a glimpse, a teasing glimpse of her flesh and blood, and no more. Liliththe name those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds had given herwas a grown woman now. A vampire, yes, but her daughter, still. And she was beautiful. More beautiful than even Serena had imagined. She wished she'd been able to look at her more thoroughly, to drink in every feature, to talk to her, to touch her "I'm closer than I've ever been before," she whispered, wiping the hot tears from her cheeks. "I'm going to find her this time."

A knock at the front door startled her, and Serena shot to her feet, darting a quick look in that direction before das.h.i.+ng into the kitchen to splash cold water on her face. The tears must not show. The Sisters of Athena did not weep. Not in front of others, at least.

As she grabbed a hand towel to dab her face dry, she called, "I'm coming." Then she hung the towel neatly where she'd found it and walked to the front door. "Who's there?"

"Police, ma'am."

She peered through the window beside the door. The man wore a dark blue suit. No uniform. She didn't see a car in the driveway, either. "Police my a.s.s " she muttered. But she moved to open the door all the same, replaying her cover story in her mind.

She opened the door and fixed a calm expression on her face as she looked up at the tall man who stood on the other side.

"Ma'am," the man said with a respectful nod. "Are you the owner here?"

"Oh, I wish," she replied with a smile. "No, I'm just house- and horse-sitting while the owner's out of town."

"I see." He looked around. "I don't see a vehicle."

"No, I don't either. Did you walk here, Officer?"

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Wings In The Night - Bloodline Part 16 summary

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