The Change: Better Part 1

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The Change Series.

Melanie Jayne.

For Jennifer Natali.

The day I met you, there were rays of suns.h.i.+ne surrounding you. Over time, the sun faded Now is the time to get it back.

The road will have b.u.mps but that makes the journey sweeter.


Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.

Clint Eastwood.

Chapter One.

d.a.m.n it, Nora, slow down. I had a death grip on the cars oh s.h.i.+t handle above the door as my crazy aunt made a tight right turn into the National Banks parking garage, barely missing the back end of a pickup truck. Thank G.o.d the tallest building in Indianapoliss parking garage only had five floors.

I dont want to be late. Willie had to pull strings to get us this appointment, Nora said, turning her head to look at me.

Watch it!

She barely missed clipping a sedan that was trying to pull out. My aunt, who was near sixty, had an even older boyfriend, Willard Stearns, whose name shed turned into a cutesy pet name by adding an ie to the end.

I let out a loud sigh.

s.h.i.+t, we could have gotten his spot. Nora accelerated. Ill just zip around and get it.

Just take one of the empty spots along the far wall, I said, gritting my teeth. Its not that long of a walk. Plus, I needed to get out of her car before I hurled.

Dont take that tone with me, Marley. I, for one, care about whats happening to you.

Thankfully, she pulled into a spot, and the ride from h.e.l.l ended. I briefly closed my eyes and counted to five. I know you do, Aunt Nora, and I appreciate it. Its justthis is a big deal, and its going to cost a lot of money. I couldnt help the pleading tone in my voice. Hiring a private investigator was a big deal, and the people that worked at Forde Limited didnt mess around. Dont get me wrong, I wanted to do something, but I hated that I was dependent on my Aunt, again.

Nora adjusted the rearview mirror so she could check her make-up. Appearances were very important to her. She made annual trips to a spa in Chicago and came back with fuller lips and tighter skin. Norma plumped her chin length auburn bob. The hair color was outlandish for her age, but when you took in her yellow peasant blouse and bright blue, tiered maxi skirt, plus the turquoise necklaces that she had wrapped around her neck, well somehow it all worked. She had a big personality, and her fas.h.i.+on choices worked for her. The cops arent doing anything to help. Willie says that Lucas Forde can put an end to this. h.e.l.l find out which one of them hurt you and make sure it doesnt happen again.

That was the problem. We all knew the recent attack on my friend Zoe and I was somehow tied to my husbands murder. For the thousandth time, I wished I could wake up from this nightmare.

Just six months ago, Id watched a man shoot my husband by our front door. In that moment, I became a widow, a witness, and a born-again realist.

Nora sighed. Marlena, lets go. We dont have all day.

I gave myself a mental shake, and my aunt, a stilted smile then opened the car door. I obediently followed Nora. I was still so caught up in the memories of that awful night I didnt notice that wed taken the elevator down to the buildings lobby. There, we exited and walked to another bank of interior elevators.

Ill do the talking, Nora said, straightening her shoulders. I know how these types of men are. You sit, and if I need you to add anything, Ill ask you.

I dont know about that. I mean I dont want to look stupid, I mumbled as we exited the elevator on fifth floor. Or weak, I wanted to add. I needed to pay attention or Nora would paint a picture of me not only being a victim but an idiot. There were only two offices listed on the marquee: one a law firm and the other our destination, Forde Limited. I followed Nora into a nicely appointed office. The walls were cream with dark cherry wood furnis.h.i.+ngs, and the carpet was thick. The entire package screamed expensive. I fought the urge to tuck my pleather shoulder bag behind my back. The receptionist behind the enormous, polished desk was a striking blonde who was tapping on a tablet. So busy, she didnt look up as we entered. My brain tried to estimate how much the furniture alone cost; it had to be more than I made in a year.

We stood at the desk for a few moments. Nora dropped her clutch purse in the shape of a cats face onto the desk. I hoped that the b.u.t.ton that made up the felines nose didnt leave a mark on the glossy finish.

Finally, the gate-keeper looked up and seemed surprised to find us there.

Nora announced our arrival, and we were told to take a seat. I chose a very nicely cus.h.i.+oned wing chair that faced a lovely photograph of the Circle Citys skyline. I tried to prepare myself for this meeting. I could recite the events of what I now thought of as my story without my voice breaking or any terror-induced chills traveling up and down my spine. I was desensitized to my husbands murder. This new attack Well, I wasnt so practiced at talking about it, so I hoped I could get through it without having to pause to get my emotions back into check.

Honestly, I hadnt had time to think about my feelings too deeply. Scrambling to find a place to live and to survive on a part-time cas.h.i.+ers pay kept me plenty busy.

The receptionist stood. Ladies, if youll follow me, Mr. Forde will see you now.

Nora and I gathered our purses and lined up behind the woman as she sauntered toward a doorway at the far end of the reception area She tapped on a keypad then pulled on the door handle. It wouldnt open. She tried it again with the same outcome.

I was starting to wonder if I should suggest that she call for somebody when the door swung open. A tall man stood in the s.p.a.ce. Or I should say the man filled the entryway. He was over six feet with shoulder-length dark hair. He had olive skin and full lips"I dont know why I noticed that, but I did. He wore a black polo s.h.i.+rt and jeans. The jeans looked like they were old and soft. He was frowning at his receptionist.

Oh, Mr. Forde, the receptionist said with a nervous giggle. I guess I havent quite caught on how to work the door.

His eyebrows lowered, and his eyes flashed at her. I felt like everything in the room froze for a moment. We all watched the man. I guess that was thirty minutes of my day wasted on training. He dismissed her by turning his attention onto us.

She ducked her head and quickly returned to her desk, and I almost felt sorry for the woman. If he gave me that look, I would probably pee myself.

Mr. Fordes indigo gaze slid over Aunt Nora, and then me, as if he was memorizing every physical trait we possessed. Ms. Basey and Mrs. Shephard, if you would follow me?

His voice was deep, and although he phrased it as a question, his words were clearly an order. Something that in other circ.u.mstances might have been irritating, because I typically s.h.i.+ed away from arrogance. Somehow his glare, his tonethey made me believe he was not only competent but he might be a superhero. He wasnt being a d.i.c.k; he knew that he was that good.

Still, for a split second, I considered turning and making a run for it. Standing in this mans presence made me feel alive. I wanted to laugh hysterically at how stupid I was being. I needed to be numb. That way I couldnt be hurt any more. Within thirty seconds of seeing Mr. Forde, I felt things and that scared me.

We followed him down a long corridor. He paused at a door and motioned us inside. As I pa.s.sed him, our gazes met, and he smiled. Could he tell hed unnerved me? Was he amused that he could have that effect? And dear G.o.d, he had a great smile, white teeth and full lips. Well, to be honest, he had a nice everything as far as I could see.

My heart hammered in my chest. This was going to be bad. I was admiring him when I should be thinking about how he could help me. If he would help me? I felt my face warm, and Im sure it was beet red. I didnt have a lot of experience with men like this"hot and so confident. I mean, at The Blue, a sports bar where I used to waitress, I brought guys food and drinks and sometimes laughed at their jokes, but Id never met someone so masculine and in control. I dropped my gaze to the floor. I had the sinking feeling that the dangers surrounding me had just grown exponentially as I walked into Lucas Fordes office. I silently prayed, Dear G.o.d, please dont let me do anything stupid.

Chapter Two.

The photos in the file didnt do Marlena Shephard justice. In person, her eyes were greener and her hair was longer and darker than the light brown I had expected. She was five and half feet tall and built on the generous side, with lots of t.i.ts and a.s.s. Shed done her best to conceal her curves under baggy pants and a generous-sized knit s.h.i.+rt as though she wanted to hide the fact she had a womanly body.

For a second, I thought she was going to turn and run. I flashed a smile. I wasnt going to eat her, yet.

But she straightened her spine and walked into my office, but not before I saw the flash of panic in her eyes. For a split second she had weighed her options. The good news was that she didnt cut and run.

Once the ladies had taken their seats in front of my desk, I made my usual, cursory offer. Can I get either of you something to drink?

I would pour the drinks myself since Gina most likely wouldnt be able to operate the door, again. She was our third receptionist in two months, and I knew Id soon be looking for a fourth. Luckily, neither lady was thirsty. Now onto business.

Mrs. Shepherd, I understand youve run into some trouble. I hadnt missed the slight swelling along her cheeks and nose. Shed tried to cover the bruising under her eyes, but if one knew what he was looking for, it was there. I pushed down the burst of anger that ran through my gut. I continued studying the woman who had taken a blow to her pretty face.

Marlena and her friend were attacked on the street, and the police havent caught the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Ms. Basey told me. She has enough problems; she doesnt need another. I can barely sleep for worrying about her.

I barely contained a grunt of irritation. The aunt thought she was going to run the show, skewing the information to her point of view, which started with how she had been affected. Id only agreed to talk to them to repay an old marker. Apparently, Willard Stearns was involved with Ms. Basey, and I always repaid my debts. I turned my gaze from the aunt to Mrs. Shepherd. Im aware of your husbands murder, and you have my condolences. I waited for Mrs. Shepherd to look at me. Shed been studying her shoes since shed sat down.

After a moment, she met my look and nodded. Then those bottle green eyes returned to her shoes.

I wanted those eyes looking at me, dammit. She was an intriguing mix of demur and inner strength, I wanted to push to see how she would react. Do you believe the attack was linked to the other case? I watched Mrs. Shepherd as I waited for her response.

Of course it is, Ms. Basey said, waving a dismissive hand.

Again, I ignored the aunt. At any point during the attack, did the man say anything about your husband, Mrs. Shepherd?

Mrs. Shepherd raised her head, blinked once slowly, then met my gaze. But I read resignation in her eyes. He said, b.i.t.c.h, you gonna pay. Then he grabbed Zoes arm and threw her to the ground. Her breath hitched, her chest lifting the loose fabric of her Emtees Travel Plaza s.h.i.+rt. I mean, shes pregnant. Who pushes a pregnant woman to the ground? She closed her eyes and rubbed her temple as if it had started to ache.

And then he punched you in the face? I had read the report, but I wanted to hear her description.

I took a step toward Zoe to see if she was all right. It all happened so fast. He was on me. He had his arm around my waist. I kicked his leg, not his knee, but it must have hurt a little, because I got free for a second. Then he jerked me around by my shoulder and punched me. I fell back against the pa.s.senger door of Zoes car. I hit it so hard that it set off the alarm, and he ran off.

I studied her throughout her description of the a.s.sault. Not once did she touch her face, nor did she sound that upset. She spoke in a monotone, like she was tired of telling the story.

I didnt like it. I never liked it when a woman was attacked, but something about her recitation got to me. It was like shed accepted that she should be hurt.

Since the murder, have there been other threats or events? Any strange happenings around your home that made you feel uncomfortable? I knew the answer, but again, I wanted to hear from her.

No, not really. Ive moved, and I now live in a different part of the city, she said, again without emotion. However, she didnt let her gaze drop.

Ms. Basey leaned forward to add her part. I put her in one of my houses. Not only am I a realtor, but I also flip houses. Shes living in one Im renovating.

Her insistence on being noticed was almost amusing. Ms. Basey had been dying to speak. Mrs. Shepherd frowned at the interruption and her aunt. She continued, I drive to work taking different routes; I park in front of the house or behind it, but I always check before I walk out the back door. My mail isnt delivered there. Sometimes, I take the bus. I vary my routines. She paused as she crossed her legs. Sure, I worry that somebody can get to me, but She finished with a shrug.

But what, Mrs. Shepherd? I was curious what was going on in her head. Id seen this kind of disconnect with abuse victims, but today, my gut was unhappy to see this particular woman in such a state.

Nora gripped the arms of her chair. It would be stupid for one of the Cancerberos to kill her. Shes already given her interview and deposition on video.

Thankfully, she didnt realize that the reason that the prosecutors had recorded her was that she might be too dead to testify at the trial.

Finally, I asked her the one question Id been most curious about after reading through her file. I know that you were offered police protection. Why arent you taking advantage of that?

This time when Marlena answered, anger flashed in her eyes. I need to work Mr. Forde. If Im locked up in some extended stay hotel or some tiny apartment, I cant work. If I cant work, then I dont have any money. Finally, her composure cracked. I have to go on, so I need to work. I cant sit around in delay mode until all of this is taken care of. I have to be doing something.

She pursed her lips, maybe trying to control some deep emotion. There were no tears; her hands werent shaking. Without knowing her better, I couldnt get a read on what was going on in her head, but clearly she was a fighter. I liked that about her. Your husband didnt provide for you? Again, I knew the answer.

Her upper lip curled. A junkie doesnt really think about anyone or anything except their next fix, or so Ive learned. She started to rub her nose, and then jerked at the touch. We were upside down in our mortgage. Luckily, the bank was willing to take possession if I agreed to move out quickly. Brian had cleaned out our savings and left only a few dollars in the checking account. I sold almost everything to cover expenses, but I still need regular income. She thrust out her chin when she was finished as if she dared me to judge her.

Thats why I gave her a place to live, Ms. Basey added. You know, to help out.

I pay you rent, and I oversee the workmen, Mrs. Shepherd said through gritted teeth.

I gave the older woman a sharp glance. You are her fathers sister? The relations.h.i.+p was unclear from the basic information Jennifer had pulled together. Marlena Shepherd hadnt had much family support growing up. I was curious as to why Ms. Basey was stepping up now.

No, the woman shook her head. Her mother was my sister, but we didnt get along, and after she died, poor Marley had no one. So I took it upon myself to reconnect and help her.

I waited to see how that went over with her niece.

After a moments pause in which Mrs. Shepard uncrossed and recrossed her legs, she elaborated, Growing up, my mother estranged herself from her family. She claimed to have no idea who my father was, so there was no one to turn to there. After her death, Nora was the only one who wanted anything to do with me. She didnt meet my gaze. She has helped out a lot.

I didnt like this. Marlena Shepherd was too exposed and too beaten down. I had a.s.signed the case to another investigator, but now, I wanted to work it. She was a good, hard-working woman who was a victim of circ.u.mstance. The fact that she was gorgeous didnt have a thing to do with my eagerness. Really.

You dont think the attack could have been directed toward your friend, Mrs. Alessi? I had to ask the question, just to be thorough. The police clearly didnt think so.

Mrs. Shepherds brows drew together. No, not a chance. The guy came right at me. Zoe got in the way to protect me, but he was coming for me.

I wrote some notes and watched the pair out of the corner of my eye. The aunt s.h.i.+fted restlessly in her chair while Ms. Shepherd barely moved. I moved my pad and pen to the side and rested my elbows on my desk ready to share my conclusions. Mrs. Shepherd, Im concerned for your safety. I can keep going over the reports and talk to a few contacts. You couldnt ID the suspect, but I dont think itll be too difficult to have the Cancerberos name your attacker.

Mrs. Shepherds eyes widened. You can make them do that? She licked her full bottom lip then bit it.

Whoa, I needed to focus on the job. I nodded. I rarely handled a case like this anymore, but something about this woman got to me. I would have Rick, my second in command, set up a call to Salvador Ulloa, the leader of the Cancerberos. Wed had dealings before.

My view of the world was this: youre either a predator or prey. I was an alpha predator same as Vador Ulloa. I couldnt claim that there was a mutual respect, but we were aware of one another.

Of course, he can, Ms. Basey informed her niece. Thats why were here, I cut off Ms. Baseys explanation with a deliberate stare at her niece. Ill need to talk to Mrs. Alessi. Please let her know Ill be calling. Also, I may need to talk to you again I kept my gaze steady until hers locked with mine. To go over any additional questions.

She gave me the briefest nod.

I turned over the prepared doc.u.ment on my desk and pushed it forward. Heres my standard contract.

Marley, why dont you wait out in the reception area while I take care of this? Ms. Basey looked toward the door. This is for me and Mr. Forde to discuss.

Mrs. Shepherd stared at her aunt, but after a long moment, stood. Thank you, Mr. Forde. She put her hand out for me to shake.

Take care, Ms. Shepherd. I mean that. I took her hand briefly, noting its softness. I let it go as I rose to walk her to the door. Being polite would also give me another chance to imagine what was hiding beneath those ugly clothes.

When I returned to my desk, Ms. Basey was reading through the contract. I didnt want to discuss our terms in front of my niece. That girl can be too proud for her own good. She gave me a half smile. Shes worked since she was ten, first babysitting, then she started at Emtees, cleaning up the parking areas and stocking the shelves. When her mother got sick, she took care of her and worked more hours. Shes keeping track of every dollar Ive spent on her since Brian died. Shes vowed to pay me back, and I know she will even though she doesnt have to.

I will do my best to tie this up as quickly as I can.

That would be good. And I dont mean from a money standpoint. Marlena needs closure. Learning the truth about Brian has knocked her down, really shaken her world. Im not sure shes ever going to get over it. If he wasnt already dead, Id kill him for stealing her happiness. She used to laugh all of the time. She had the biggest heart, was always doing something for her friends. Now, she works and goes straight home. I cant remember the last time I heard her laugh.

I felt a rush of excitement as I filed away the very personal glimpse into Mrs. Shepherds personality. My gut tightened as I thought about how drastically her life had changed and how hard it must be for her. Suddenly, I wanted very much to hear Marlena Shepherd laugh.

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The Change: Better Part 1 summary

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