The Change: Better Part 17

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He grinned. I love how you continually make up new words containing bada.s.s.

Well, since Im surrounded by it twenty-four seven, Ive made it my lifes mission, I said, returning his smile.

He put his big hand on my shoulder. We got this Layla.

I know. I meant it.

I headed to the bosss office. I rapped my knuckles on the door frame after sneaking a peak to see if he looked busy.

Yeah? He looked up from his laptop.

Got a sec? I stayed in the doorway. I always waited for him to invite me in. I didnt want him to think I didnt respect his position.

Sure, and close the door. He gave me a wary look.

I did as instructed and moved closer to his desk. I continued standing and leaned my arms on the back of one of his wing chairs in front of it. Id given him plenty of s.p.a.ce today. I wasnt sure about how, or if, he needed to prepare for the meeting. Zoe called and invited us over for dinner tonight. I saw that he was going to say something, so I held up my hand to stop him. I know youre going to be busy. I told her I was coming, but if you have a problem with that, I can call her back.

He didnt say anything so I continued. I didnt answer for you, and I didnt tell her much"just that you had a meeting later on tonight. She and Tony agreed I could hang there until youre done with your business. I figured youd be okay with me being there since Tony can handle problems.

I was proud of myself. I didnt push him, but I laid it all out.

He studied me. Would it make it easier on you to hang with them?

I nodded yes.

Fine with me. He shrugged one shoulder.

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. About dinner?

What are they having? He surprised me by asking.

Oh, Tonys going to grill something. Zoe says he loves to grill.

Then, Im in.

I didnt know how to bring up the next thing on my mind. I wasnt sure if I should. Since Forde had told me the meeting was a go, I hadnt mentioned it.

Something else on your mind? He leaned back in his chair.

I bit my lip trying to think how to phrase my thoughts. Maybe.

Not going to try to guess. Ive got s.h.i.+t to do. He looked pointedly at his laptop, and then his watch.

He wasnt being rude. Well, maybe he was, but I took no offence. He was blunt like that with everyone. Everybodys being really nice today, but its making me feel weird.

He leaned forward, onto his forearms in what I called the all business posture. You look worried. They dont like it. They care.

I started pacing while I worked through that. Im not really worried. I shook my head. Wait, thats not quite true. Its not that I dont think that you can handle this. Ive got no doubts about your skills. I glanced to find that he was watching me like a jungle cat waiting to pounce on prey. And Ricks good too, I know that.

Lay, come here, he said softly. His expression had gone warm.

I moved tentatively toward him. My heart was pounding in my chest.

He stood and pushed me back until I was sitting on the side of his desk. His arms were on either side of me, caging me. Continue.

It was harder being so close to him. I knew he didnt miss anything going on with me. He could read me like a book. Im worried for you.

One side of his mouth tilted up. Because My throat had gone dry. After clearing it I said, Because, youre doing this for me. Because When my chest suddenly tightened, I struggled to inhale. Because, Im yours.

His arms came around me, and I saw something in his gaze change. It was hotter, more focused, and hungry.

If things go badly, My voice was so soft, it could involve a lot of people. People we care about. I was thinking about pregnant Zoe and sweet Nahla. I get that youre going in there, carrying a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. I dont like that it came to this, but Im proud its you whos taking care of us, of me.

He kissed me hard. His embrace was possessive and the kiss was filled with hunger. When we finally came up for air, my man said, Lay, thats why youre mine. You get it, you get it all. Then he kissed me again. His hands pulled my new rose colored silky blouse from my skirt.

I moaned as his calloused hands roamed my back. He pulled the blouse over my head and dropped it. Next, he unhooked my bra and then his hands were on my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kneading them roughly, and his lips were on my neck.

Need you, Lay. He said against my skin.

I ran my hands along his wide shoulders and made a purring sound. G.o.d, I loved his rough handling.

Naked. He was pulling me to my feet.

Now? I started to fight off the hands going to the zipper at the back of my skirt.

Now, he growled as he pushed my hands away with authority. He pulled at the zipper, and I turned my hips away.

Dont tear it. Ill do it, I said breathily. I wanted this too. I pushed the skirt to the floor, kicking it and my pumps to the side.

Immediately, his hands were pus.h.i.+ng down my panties.

I didnt lock the door. I glanced at it worriedly.

n.o.bodys going to come in without my permission. He pushed the lace below my knees so they dropped to the floor, then put me back on his desk.

Forde? I wasnt sure about this. It felt exciting and dirty, but I was worried someone would come in.

Layla Something in his voice made me look up at his face.

I need you here, right now. It was an admission from my bada.s.s.

I reached for him and grabbed the waistband of his cargos. Okay.

He pushed me onto my back then bent my legs up. Not the most flattering look or feeling, I have to say, being on the cool gla.s.s cover and so exposed.

Jesus, I heard him say before I felt his mouth on me.

I had never been a big fan of a guy going down on me. I worried about how I smelled, how I tasted, and well, what to do with my hands. It took me a little while to get into it. Forde gave me that time. He liked going down on me; he liked it a lot.

I had my hands in his hair trying to grind my p.u.s.s.y against his face to drive his magic tongue deeper. I knew I was getting close to coming. I could feel the electricity move through my body. I tried to fight against it, but Forde put a stop to that by smacking my hip hard. G.o.d, I loved that bite of pain.

I felt the burn deep in my belly, and then it spread through my body, like flames took over my veins. I started to moan and he covered my mouth with his hand. G.o.d, that was hot.

Gotta be quiet babe, he grunted.

That made me come harder, and no, I wasnt quiet.

My p.u.s.s.y was still pulsing when he drove his c.o.c.k into me. It was fast and hard. I loved it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and met his thrusts. I covered my own mouth this time as I came.

Later at the Alessis I realized Zoe was right. Tony was a master at the grill. The beef brisket was super tender. Zoe had made blue cheese coleslaw, and when we stopped off at the condo to change, Id grabbed the ingredients for Rosemary potatoes. I threw that together when we got to their house.

Zoe and I worked in the kitchen. Well, I kept Zoe seated with her feet up while I moved around at her direction. She didnt ask a lot of questions, but I could tell she knew something was up. I guess when youre married to a guy who has worked undercover you learn when to push and when to back off.

Forde and Tony stayed out on the deck with the grill. Whenever I glanced their way, they looked to be in serious conversation.

We were finished with dinner and sitting around the table talking, sticking to light, general topics. Forde glanced at his wrist. This has been great, but I need to get going.

My stomach dropped.

Tony and Ill go check on the grille, Zoe said with an understanding look. Tony strode forward then helped Zoe to her feet. She gave Forde a kiss on the cheek, and then the couple headed back to the grill.

So, I started, trying to sound brave.

Zoes cool. She doesnt say much, but she gets it, Forde said.

You dont need to worry about me. I feel safe here. I wanted him to focus solely on what was happening tonight.

Tony and I talked. He might be doing some work for Limited, nothing dangerous, some consulting, help with planning our more involved activities. Forde took my hand and pulled me over so that I had to move to his lap or fall on the floor.

If Tony was going to consult, then he must really be something"like a mega-bada.s.s. That would be good. I liked the idea of the Alessis having ties with us.

Tonys going to stick close to you tonight. I dont think there will be a need, but if something happens, you do whatever he tells you. Hear me?

I nodded.

Even if youre worried about Zoe, you follow his instructions. Hes got it handled. Forde was staring intently into my eyes.

I arched an eyebrow. I like it that you didnt call them orders. I smiled.

Im learning.

Ill be good, I promise. I rested my cheek against his cheek. Promise me youll listen to your gut, because I want you to be safe.

Always Lay, always. And then he kissed me.

I tried to memorize how it felt, being in his arms.

I heard footsteps. They were purposely noisy.

Tonys gaze went to me. Dont mean to intrude, but Zoes getting tired, and she wanted to talk to you before she goes to sleep.

I need to go. Fordes hold on my waist loosened.

I climbed off of him and stood. I squeezed his hand. See ya later.

Ill call when its done. He squeezed my hand in return.

As I moved away, I could feel the tears start to come. I didnt want him to see me cry. Not now.

Ill walk you out. I heard Tony say as my stomach began to churn.

I drove to the prearranged point in a strip mall that was about eight blocks from the Red Rocket. Rick was leaning against his ride. He opened my vehicles pa.s.senger side door and climbed in.

In the dim lighting, his teeth were very white against his brown skin. Were good to go.

Osi? His job was to rove tonight.

Hes a ghost. Rick smiled. But hes out there, waiting.

I had called in all of my staff for tonights meeting, except for Layla. Jenn was working from home but she was watching the feed from the surveillance cameras that shed hacked into earlier in the day. I had three men driving around the area. They were to act as eyes and ears on the street, watching for an increase in traffic or a dramatic decrease. Two of my freelancers were in the parking lot, and I had three more inside posing as customers. Then there was Osi, and G.o.d only knew where he was hanging. He would be armed to the max and ready to kill everything in his path.

I was certain that Vador had the same man and firepower in the general area. These meetings always involved posturing and small talk. It was a dance on the blade of a knife. Everybody was pumped up and on edge. Tonight would be more volatile because both Vador and I knew he had a problem within his organization. That was dangerous for him, but more so for me. Men like Vador did not like to have any weakness exposed.

I pulled into the lot of the bar, turning sharply to the left in order to avoid a crater in the parking lot. The property had seen better days, however it was in what was considered a neutral zone, so it was handy.

Rick tapped his earpiece, Jenn, what do you see?

Thank G.o.d you guys finally showed, my eyes are so tired. Its very slow at the good ol Red Rocket. Weve got one bartender, one guy on the door who takes a smoke break every ten minutes. Seven legit patrons and four C-bros inside that Ive identified. Two in the lot, red pick-up and the suh-weet Charger by the door. No Vador and his entourage yet.

h.e.l.l make us wait fifteen to twenty. It was nine fifty-eight, and I scanned the lot, marking the two vehicles Jenn had identified.

Stay on it, girl, Rick told her.

Yup. And be careful. Id hate to have to look for a new job. Jenn ended her transmission.

Im keeping this short. I cut the engine and pocketed the keys.

Short is good. Rick opened his door and slid out.

I stood by the side of the SUV and scanned the street and the lot. Satisfied with my guys positions, I headed to the door.

Inside, the stale smell of cigarette smoke and old beer hit me as I caught the bartenders eye.

He gave one jerk of his head to the back.

Rick followed me to the back, our boots making noise on the wood floors. The door to the backroom was open and I went in, leaving Rick to watch the door. I knew Jenn would move one of my men to the alley behind the building.

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The Change: Better Part 17 summary

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