The Change: Better Part 20

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n.o.body wants that. It takes manpower, and we both lose money.

We could lose a lot more She said it so quietly that I think it was more to herself than to me. It wont come to that. I really didnt think it would, but at the moment, Vador was not in control of his people I need to know. This is about me, so you have to keep me updated.

I dont want you to worry about s.h.i.+t you cant control. The trial starts next week. You already have that on your mind. I knew she was nervous about it. She was baking every night, not that my staff at Limited or at Tyes firm minded, but I knew it was always on her mind.

Forde, Im telling you I need to know. She turned to me, her eyes pleading. Dont cut me out. I cant be cut out, not after everything that happened before.

I didnt like that she compared the s.h.i.+t that had happened with her ex to what was happening now, with us. I hated that she compared me to Brian Shepherd. I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. If you keep looking back at the past, youre going to miss our future.

She sucked in a breath. Youre nothing like him, she whispered.

I arched a brow. Then remember that when youre comparing us.

I know that, Lucien. I do.

Good. Now get your a.s.s into the shower. I smacked a cheek as she climbed out of bed.

She froze and looked back at me over her shoulder. Youre so much better. Then she winked.

G.o.d, I loved my woman.

Chapter Nineteen.

Several days had pa.s.sed with no new events. I dont know what it said about my life, that I measured my days by the number of catastrophes. Working at Limited, Id learned there was an entire segment of society that I knew nothing about. Sure, growing up in my neighborhood Id heard about criminals, but mostly they were small-time. Here, I was getting educated about highly organized, tiered officialdoms. They had territories, treaties, and a code of conduct. I tried to be a sponge and soak up all of the information. I needed it for the job and so that I could be good for Forde, a part of his world.

I was reviewing the billing from the day before. Id set the rule that paperwork had to be to me by fourteen hundred, which to us, regular folk, was two in the afternoon. At first, the boys complained, but when I made it clear"no paperwork, no pay"they changed their tune.

My cell rang, and I recognized the number as ADA Millers.

h.e.l.lo, I said. My thigh muscles tensed, and my toes curled as if they wanted to get a better grip on the floor through my shoes.

We need to set up a few meetings. Corrine Miller did not waste time on niceties. She was all business. I found her att.i.tude a little off-putting and, in the past, shed intimidated me.

Id like for Lucas Forde in on those meetings, I said. He might have questions I forget to ask. Hed already made it clear he was going to be involved in every step of this process. I thought I would warn her before he showed up, and then refused to leave.

If he must.

I heard her sigh as I checked to see if Forde was using his office phone. Please hold, while I locate him and put us on speaker. I hit the mute function on my phone. I didnt care about her reply.

I hustled to the door to Fordes office. I knocked and saw him look up from his computer.


So much for keeping work and home separate. My stomach did a little flutter because I liked it. I have ADA Miller on the phone. She wants to set up some meetings. I thought I could put her on speaker in here.

Fine, but you might want to come in. He raised one brow, which irritated me because I couldnt do that move. Id tried it in the mirror; I didnt have the coordination.

I took a chair in front of his desk, and he came around and parked his a.s.s on the edge of the desk in front of me.

I tapped the mute b.u.t.ton. Ms. Miller, thank you for holding. Mr. Forde is with us, and I have you on speaker.

A regular professional, isnt she, Forde? Her disembodied voice was snarky.

I shot Forde a questioning look, and his mouth tightened. Corrine, Im not sure I like your tone. Lets try to keep it cordial today.

Just an observation. Youve taken in our Mrs. Shepherd, given her lodging, a job, and your protection. Now, her phone skills are impeccable. Im sure that is due to your training.

I didnt like her tone, her words, or the insinuation that I was stupid, and Forde had to teach me to be professional. Time to take control. You said something about setting up some meetings. I have our calendar open. My voice sounded frigid. I wanted her to know I was not happy with her conclusions.

Forde smirked as I gave him a what look.

Im in court tomorrow morning. How about three oclock? Corrine suggested.

Forde held up four fingers.

I nodded, liking that he was letting me take the lead. Threes bad for me, but we can make four.

Our meeting could take several hours. I hope you wont be missing dinner plans, she said with false concern.

I was feeling catty. Well be fine. It turns out Im very flexible.

Forde snickered. This was fun.

I suppose this means youll be available to accompany her? Corrine didnt attempt to hide her displeasure.

Yes, I will, and I think Ill bring Tye, if hes free. Forde flashed an evil smile.

Really? Will that be necessary? It was almost a whine from Corrine.

Promise to play nice Corrine, and so will I.

I shot him a look. There was something going on. I guessed they had some kind of history.

Tomorrow, four oclock. She clicked off.

I picked up my phone and shoved it into my pocket. So which one of you f.u.c.ked Ms. Miller, or was it f.u.c.ked with? I shot Forde a sideways look.

He chuckled and shook his head. It was Tye. He was in it for fun and she thought it was more. It didnt end well.

I had a hard time picturing the free-wheeling Tye with the very b.u.t.toned up Corrine Miller. And you?

She doesnt approve of my work. He frowned. Ms. Miller has a very definite idea of right and wrong.

I nodded. Forde and others moved in that gray area between the two.

She doesnt see the in-between. Her work involves it, but she refuses to see it. He shrugged.

Is this, I circled my finger in the air, encompa.s.sing Limited, going to be a problem for her? Shes still going to do her best, right?

His mouth went hard, his lips forming a straight line. She shouldnt let our relations.h.i.+p affect things. I dont think she will, but thats one of the reasons Im going with you. If she makes more remarks like those she dished out today, Ill call in Tye.

Is that wise? I really wanted to know the story.

When he didnt respond to her continued interest, Corrine tried to make some trouble for Tye. She made calls to the managing partner at the firm he was working for. She also made some remarks at those meetings that all the attorneys attend. He moved back to his chair.

Didnt that make her look stupid? I figured that the practice of law was still a good old boys network.

Ultimately, yes but Tye had to explain his behavior to the partners, and he doesnt like to do that. Forde smiled.

I never want to get on Tyes bad side.

Id prefer that you dont get on any of his sides.

Yeah, like thats going to happen. I rolled my eyes. You are enough, believe me.

Good to know. Now come over her and give me a kiss.

I did what the boss asked.

Im embarra.s.sed to admit this, but Ive become an office sn.o.b. I looked around Ms. Millers s.p.a.ce and found the chairs uncomfortable, and her desk? Well, it was ugly. I laughed internally at my silliness. Forde was sitting next to me with a yellow legal pad resting on his lap.

Now, Marlena, we have you listed as our first witness. Youll be called and sworn in, and then Ill have you describe what happened the night that Dr. Shepherd was killed. After you finish your testimony, the defense will question you. Then I can do a follow up, which Ill use to explain or qualify anything you say during your testimony that might hurt our case.

I nodded and tried to concentrate on what she was saying. I kept thinking how weird it was to be called Marlena. I didnt feel like that person anymore.

She gave me a steely look. You will need to verbalize your answers for the record.

I started to nod, but stopped. Yes maam.

I want you to stay in the courtroom after your testimony is finished. Youre to sit on the prosecutions side, and please refrain from any public displays of affection with Mr. Forde. We need to keep your late husband first and foremost in the jurys mind. Some might frown upon how quickly youve moved on.

All right. I looked at Forde.

He was frowning.

She leaned back in her creaky chair. So, lets begin.

One moment, Corrine, Forde interjected.

Ms. Miller frowned. Im not sure if it was his interrupting or that he called her Corrine.

Id like for you to go over a few things in more depth. You need to be straight with Mrs. Shepherd about how this is going to go.

Corrines mouth got tight, and I wanted to giggle at the way Forde emphasized my name.

Sure. Corrine flashed him an unhappy look. The accuseds friends and family will sit behind him. Be prepared for them to make comments loud enough so that you will overhear them. Theyll stare at you and try to make you uncomfortable. Do not interact. I repeat"dont pay attention to them. If you need to use the facilities, I would suggest going with another woman and using one on another floor.

Forde s.h.i.+fted in his chair. Talk to her about the cross, or Ill put a call into Tye.

I was just getting to that, she said, speaking slowly. The Defense will try to shake your story. They will ask you the same question in multiple ways in order to see if you get mixed up. Theyll try to bring in personal questions.

Oh. I lowered my brows. I didnt like the idea of having my personal life discussed in front of strangers.

When they put a question to you that is about your personal life, dont answer immediately. Give me the chance to object.

I can do that. I liked the sound of that.

The judge will either sustain the objection, which means he agrees with me and you wont have to answer, or deny it, and youll have to answer. She paused and frowned. If it is a yes or no question, then answer it with one word. If you dont understand the question, admit you dont understand. If you dont know the answer, thats fine to say as well. Just dont try to help by explaining.

Keep it short, gotcha. I smiled. I could do that.

She didnt return my smile. Lets get started. Tell me what happened the night in question.

My brain is dead. I slid into the front seat of Fordes SUV. If shes on my side, then I dont even want to think about what the defense is going to do to me.

He checked his mirrors and backed out of the parking s.p.a.ce. I think she was being extra rough on you because I was there.

I guess with everything going on, I havent thought much about the workings of the trial. It was always just the end of this nightmare. I shrugged and looked out the side window.

I want to put in a call to Tye and get his input, especially from the defense point of view. He slowed to pay the parking attendant.

I blew out a breath. I think that I need all of the help I can get.

Hungry? He pulled onto Was.h.i.+ngton Street.

Can we just go home? Ill throw something together, or we can order pizza. I think I need quiet and comfort food.

Sure. He flashed a rea.s.suring smile. I like that.

You do? I didnt think he was talking about my food choices.

You called it home. He covered my thigh with his hand and squeezed.

I guess thats what it is now. I felt self-conscious and vulnerable.

Another step closer. His voice went low as he stopped at a red light.

The ringing of Fordes phone woke me up. I sat up straight in surprise. He usually had it on vibrate. Typically, I would wake at the sound of his voice and other times not at all.

The past several days had been busy and draining. With my work at Limited, and then meetings with Tye and Ms. Miller, by the time we got home I just wanted to eat and go to sleep. Yesterday, I went shopping with one of Tyes paralegals and his secretary for clothes to wear to court. It was three hours of two women I didnt know very well, handing me clothes while I stood around in my underwear.

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The Change: Better Part 20 summary

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