The Change: Better Part 26

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I get that shes on a sabbatical, but this job has nothing to do with the other. Tye leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

Hollys hard to explain. Jenn played with her Red Bull can. She teaches at a lousy school for a year or two. Then she gets burned out or restless and travels. Sometimes, she goes somewhere to learn something new. Shes kind of a gypsy.

Where is she now in that timeline? I was curious.

Shes spent about seven months studying Krav Maga in Houston but she says shes tired of getting the s.h.i.+t beat out of her. I told her this was a desk job, and she thought shed be ready for a little office work. Jenn smiled.

So, shes travelled, studied martial arts, and can teach. I tried to soften my words. Jenn, I just dont see how that is going to fit here.

Dude, who do you think taught me everything I know? Well, not everything, but if you want someone to get in, she can do it. She makes me look slow.

Youre s.h.i.+ttin me. I tried to picture that, because Jenn was good. I think the only reason she worked for me was that I didnt have a lot of rules. That, and I paid her a s.h.i.+tload of money. The thought of having another troubleshooter made me want to move Holly Higgins here tomorrow.

f.u.c.k, you are one lucky son of a b.i.t.c.h, Tye laughed.

Set up an interview, I said to Jenn.

One thing, she said, looking at Tye, Hollys hot. So if you try to f.u.c.k her, Ill erase you. You will no longer exist. She ended the threat with a glare. Im warning you for your own good, and all of ours. Holly isnt a good bet. She has issues with relations.h.i.+ps.

Hey, Tye held up his hands, trying to look innocent. I dont hit on every woman I meet.

Please, if she aint a client, shes a possibility. Jenn continued glaring at the attorney. You can go to the gym with her, ski a black run with her, but dont take her to bed or get attached. It wont turn out well.

I shook my head because I knew Tye, and it wouldnt work out. My phone vibrated, and I saw that it was Ryan.

Ryan. I could hear the affection in my own voice. I had a son. The fact still amazed me.

Dad. His voice shook.

From that one word, I knew something was horribly wrong. Whats happening, son? I tried to keep my tone even.

They took her. They pulled up and took Layla. He started to sob.

I snapped my fingers to get Tye and Jenns attention, but they were already paying rapt attention. I hit the speaker b.u.t.ton. Ryan, where are you now?

The grocery. In the managers office. He took in a loud breath. We were putting the groceries in the Expedition. She must have seen them coming because she told me to run.

I heard my pulse pounding in my ears. You did good, Ryan. Youre telling me that Layla was abducted from the parking lot at Johnsons, the store on College? I spoke slowly so that Tye and Jenn could get it all.

Jenn was on her phone immediately. My gaze met Tyes, and he shoved his chair back and moved to the hallway.

I heard him yell, We need help in here, everybody, anybody?

Ryan, are you okay? Did they hurt you? I tried not to sound outraged. I had to stay in control.

Im fine. I ran back into the grocery, and Im so dumb I forgot I had my phone. I just got inside and started screaming for somebody to call the cops. He sounded out of breath.

I saw Rick and Osi barrel into the tiny room. I nodded. So the police have been called?

Yeah, like eight people called them, and there are two ladies here who saw the whole thing. I told them they couldnt leave. Did I do right, Dad? Ryan sounded young then, and unsure.

Yeah, you did right. Stay in the office, son. Ill be there in ten minutes. Call me back if you need me, but Im coming to you.

Tye, Rick, and Osi jogged to the door. I was right behind them.

Three squad cars are heading to Johnsons, Jenn yelled as she followed us. I have Det. Eames on the line. Ill tell him to meet you there.

I didnt break stride. Ill call in as soon as I know anything. Send them everything you have on the Cancerberos and the Morenos.

We took the stairs at a run, not waiting for the elevator. In the garage, Rick was at the door of his SUV. Forde, man, Im calling Vadors second. If this is his move?

I didnt hesitate. Youll be talking to a dead man.

Tye was at the pa.s.senger door of my SUV. f.u.c.k. His words came out in a low rumble.

I had responsibilities, but I wanted to ignore them and start hunting. However, my son needed me. Deep down, I knew that Lay would want me to go to Ryan. Unfortunately, that would involve dealing with Tessa.

I was kneeling in front of my son a.s.suring him hed done the right thing by running. By the time wed arrived, hed convinced himself he should have stayed to fight off the men. Tye was standing in the corner taking calls and watching me convince my son that by running, he had done the best thing.

At that moment, Ryans mother arrived at the managers office. She threw a fit. Ryan finally took her by the arm and said, Mom, you should be worried about Layla. Shes the one who got kidnapped.

Tye took over the handling of Tessa. G.o.d bless him.

I stood with my phone in my hand, feeling useless. Osi and Rick were checking out known Cancerberos properties and hang outs. Jenn was running through real estate records, following every familial thread. In the stores office, I took a call from the leader of the Cancerberos. It was a very short conversation with Vador. He swore he knew nothing about the abduction. Unfortunately for us, I believed him. With Vador, I could negotiate but the Morenos"I had nothing.

I ended that call with, I want my woman back in one piece. You know what Im capable of. Think carefully about your next move.

I motioned for Tessa and Ryan to come with me. My plan was to drop them at the condo with Tye. My phone rang. Jenns number flashed on my screen. Give me something, Jenn.

I emailed lists of real estate in Marion and Hamilton counties. I need someone to come up with a statement for the press. Im getting killed with calls from the local blood suckers.

f.u.c.king scavengers. I glanced out the window. The local television stations trucks lined the opposite side of the street. Ill get Tye on that. Hed love the screen time. I motioned for Tessa, Tye, and Ryan to follow me.

Last thing. Tony Alessi called. G.o.d, that guy is pure ice. He requested you call him. He used that word, but clearly it wasnt really a request. Jenn ended with a huffing sound.

Hes former A.T.F.. I beeped the locks of the SUV, and Tye took shotgun.

Later, Jenn hung up.

I looked at Ryan and Tessa in my rearview mirror. Once they put their seatbelts on, I put the SUV in gear, and we took off. This is what I need. You, I pointed at Tye, I need you to do a statement. Say little, but enough to get the media off Jenns a.s.s.

No problem, Tye nodded.

I glanced back at my other pa.s.sengers then returned my gaze to the street. Im going to drop you two off at my place. Youll be there with Tye.

Tessa started to speak, but Ryan shushed her.

Im putting you there because its secure, and I want you all in one place. I glanced at my son in the rearview mirror.

Gotcha Dad, Ryan said.

I pulled Tonys name up on my phone screen and tapped it.

Thanks for calling, Tony said, answering on the first ring.

s.h.i.+ts happening. Whats up? I tried to keep the impatience out of my tone.

Zoe got an alert on her phone. We saw a news report on TV. He sounded concerned and angry at the same time.

Theres a problem within the ranks of the Cancerberos. It looks like the rebels took her. I didnt think I needed to elaborate.

Your location?

Heading to my condo. I want Ryan and his mother to stay there.

Well meet you there in twenty, Tony said, his words clipped.

I dont have time, I told him.

Im going with you, Tony said. Think of it as my job interview.

I figured that Lay had filled Zoe in on the news about Ryan. Zoe can keep everybody in line.

Zoe is an excellent shot, so theyll be in good hands. There was a note of pride in Tonys voice.

I tried to picture the very pregnant Zoe with a gun in her hands. I dont think thats a good idea.

Then you can try and stop her. Shes worried and itll give her something to do. Plus, I hear your ex is a handful. Zoe will deal with her just fine.

I had to admit, I liked the idea of Tessa going up against Zoe, who could put you in your place with one look.

In twenty, I bit out.

Eighteen. Tony was ice cold.

I liked it.

I parked illegally in front of my building. Zoe was seated in the lobby, talking to the doorman. Tony paced with a large duffle bag over his shoulder. I knew what he was packing.

I did introductions in the elevator on the way up. Once inside, Tony set Zoe on the living room sofa. She had a nine millimeter sitting beside her and a freshly charged phone on the armrest. Tye headed to my office to write the press release. I moved to the bedroom and went to the gun safe at the back of our closet. It was well hidden. I took more than I needed. I stopped back in the office and handed a Glock to Tye.

Be smart, I warned him.

Always, brother. He tried to grin but failed. Go get our girl.

I walked back to the living room and saw Ryan working in the kitchen. Tessa had taken a seat at the breakfast bar.


He paused his movement, giving me his full attention.

You watch out for your mom.

He ran to me.

I wrapped my arms around him. You did good, son. I kissed the top of his head.

They might hurt her, he said into my chest.

Shes smart, and shes strong, But He sobbed.

I closed my eyes. I didnt want to go there. I couldnt.

Tessa walked to her son and gently disentangled his arms from my waist. Ryan, if Forde says Layla is all those things, then thats a good start. Shes going to do everything right so that Forde or the police find her. Look how smart she was. She told you to run so you could call the police.

Im scared, Ryan said, wiping his face.

So am I, I said honestly.

Ready? Tony walked into the kitchen.

Lets go. I gave Ryan one final look and strode toward the door.

Zoe was on her feet and kissed Tonys cheek at the door. Be safe.

He placed his big hand on her belly. Always, love.

I waited until I heard her throw the lock then we left.

We drove through the Cancerberos turf and the buffer zones surrounding it. My guys worked their contacts, and Jenn was following up on any paper trails. Tony and I listened to the police radio and talked very little.

Four, Tony growled.

Four what?

If theres no ransom call, then a hostage is usually alive for four hours.

I looked at the clock on my dash. We were past two. I tried to push through the dark thoughts. Layla was savvy. She would stall. Christ, I wished Id gone over more things with her.

Itll be longer if they play with her, Tonys deep voice rumbled.

My pulse raced. I continued driving. After five minutes, I warned, You know theres going to be a point where I tell you to walk away, right?

Yes. And no. He was scanning the street.

Dont be stupid. You got a wife and a kid on the way. You dont want to get caught up in this, if I couldnt finish that sentence. I took in a deep breath and held it. I needed to stay in control.

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The Change: Better Part 26 summary

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