Kyn: Blood Vow Part 3

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Still, she might have believed the little act and allowed herself to be swept along in the moment, a kernel of longing in the center of her chest trying to expand at the romance of the moment, if she hadnt known this had all been prearranged with her father.

Really? Unable to help herself, she injected a note of breathy surprise in her voice to mimic the air-headed n.o.blewoman she needed them to see her as. She turned to face him fully, trying to keep her expression level.

Youd marry me? Even though Im Shrugging, she looked away, her own shy act making her feel sick to her stomach. But it was essential. She was so close to getting out there and actually making a difference against the rogues, the last thing she needed was for them to see through her and put her on lockdown. Even she couldnt break through the steel shutters and doors that locked the hall at sunrise. Each room could be operated independently as well. So her father could lock her in her room, literally, and there would be nothing she could do about it.

Gentle fingers pulled her chin up, and she was forced to look up to meet his eyes. Even though what?

Even though Im a Biting her lip, she trailed off, as though she couldnt bear to say the word, couldnt bear to admit her failings to him, and waited. If he was sweet about it, and told her that she couldnt help the way she was born, that it didnt matter to him"

Im prepared to look past that because I care about you, he murmured softly. His pale gaze warmed as it dipped to her lips, thumb sweeping over her cheek, and he smiled softly as he registered the tremble that rolled through her body. Dont worry. Ill be a gentle husband. Ill look after you and care for you.

What the ever-loving She closed her eyes as rage ripped through her so completely she was surprised she didnt burst into flames on the spot. Schooling her body, she forced herself to remain still as he stepped closer and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, counting to a thousand. Anything to stop the terrible urge to pull her arm back and punch him right in the face.

Ill talk to your father, he murmured softly, letting her go and stepping away.

She opened her eyes to find him watching her and managed a tight smile, not trusting her voice just yet. Shed be talking to her father herself but later tonight, after shed been out.

Because, after that, she wouldnt marry Verran if he were the last man on Earth.

The darkness of night wrapped around her like a concealing cloak, easing the ache in the center of her chest.

Dressed for hunting, Maria made her way quickly through the streets, using the natural cover the night afforded her and her own inborn ability to cloud human minds to keep unwanted attention away. Her movements when shed first left home had been jerky and full of anger, but before long, a sense of purpose washed over her, easing her movements back into something approaching her natural grace. Screw men. She didnt need them. Neither Verran with his elitist att.i.tude nor Mikal with his conviction she was going to get herself killed. Screw him. Shed show him she was just as good at hunting as he was. If not better since she wasnt lugging around an ego the size of the d.a.m.n state.

Hey! No training tonight?

She turned in surprise as the tall, blond warrior shed seen with Mikal the first night dropped into step beside her, an easy grin on his face. If she didnt know his friend, shed have thought this man was the most handsome man shed ever seenbut her tastes ran to huge, dark and brooding these days.

Nope. She grimaced and rubbed at her elbow. I screwed up and Mikal got me a good one. Arms bruised to h.e.l.l so Im gonna head on home and have a hot bath, try to nip any stiffness in the bud so Im not out for days.

She held her breath as they walked, hoping hed buy her lies without asking questions. Even though she didnt know him, she was female. All kyn males were highly protective, so if he got even the merest hint that she was hunting on her own, hed be just as bad as Mikal. He gave her an odd look she couldnt figure out and her heart stilled. Hed seen through her Trying not to make it obvious, she looked around for exit routes from the back alley they were in like Mikal had taught her. She couldnt hope to fight him off if he got hold of her, but she might be able to outrun him.

Then he lifted a shoulder into an elegant shrug. Make sure you put some aloe on it. Brings out the bruising fast and gets you back on your feet. Hey did Mikal say which area he was going to patrol tonight?

He believed her. Relief hit her in an almost dizzying wave. Hmm, Southside I think? He was going to check out the clubs on the quay.

Cool beans. You wanna hurry up and get on home then before the kyn get lively. The warrior smiled, a swift flash of white teeth and fang, and turned to disappear into the night.

Maria paused for a moment and pa.s.sed a shaking hand over her eyes. Holy c.r.a.p, shed been so sure hed seen right through her Gathering herself, she shoved her hands in her pockets and picked up speed, heading to the north side of town, well away from any meddling kyn warriors who might be out there in the night.

Maria was late.

A chill breeze whipped through the alleyway, trying to ruffle Maraks hair and forcing a scowl to his face as it pa.s.sed. A bite in the air signaled the approach of winter, which was never a good sign. Not only did the colder weather force the rogues to hunt more often, but it also meant the start of the kyns social season. There would be b.a.l.l.s and engagements he couldnt avoid, not even with a royal decree, and half the n.o.bility were worse than the rogues he hunted. At least rogues just tore a mans throat out instead of bleeding him dry.

Sighing, he leaned back against the wall, one booted foot on the brickwork as he waited. A sense of unease filled him. Shed never been late before, always arriving early and eager to begin training. An empty chip packet rustled across the broken and dirty concrete, made to dance by the wind. He checked his watch again. Five minutes after the last time hed checked.

Perhaps she was caught in traffic? As soon as he found himself making the excuse, he dismissed it. Like him, she always arrived on foot from different directions. Because of that, he had no idea where she lived. Hed tried to follow her home one night, a few days after theyd started training, telling himself it was to make sure she got home safely. In reality, hed wanted to learn more about her. To see what kind of home she lived in, and with whom He hadnt managed to get any answers. Within minutes it became obvious she was aware she had a tail and was leading him on a dance through the more public areas of the city before, without warning, hed lost the trail. A neat trick that filled him with both frustration that she could so easily elude him and approval that she could. It meant the rogues couldnt track her either.

But it also meant he couldnt work out what route she might use to get here and go check it out in case shed run into trouble. He bit back his frustration, driving his hands into his pockets. Perhaps the males in her life had discovered what shed been doing at night and put a stop to it? A grumble rose in the back of his throat at the thought of any male telling his Maria what to do, but he quashed it. It was as it should be. Any male would have to be out of his mind to let such a delicate female out into the night. It was dangerous, as hed been trying to tell her since theyd met.

But despite the fact hed been planning to tell her they werent training any more, that she had to stop this ridiculous campaign, he wanted to be the one to do sonot her family, whoever they might be. In fact, if he did meet them, hed have a few choice words on letting her put herself in danger as she had. But then, these were the self-same males that had allowed her sister to be taken by rogues Worry escalated, welling up in his chest. Something had happened. He just knew it.

Hey. Maraks head whipped around at the voice to see Kalen stroll into the alley. Hows it hanging, Mikal?

The words froze Marak in his tracks. What did you say?

Kalen leaned against the wall next to him, routing in his pocket for a cigarette case. Pulling it free, he retrieved a cigarette, turning it over in strong fingers as he looked at Marak. He didnt smoke, not anymore, the gesture a holdover from years past. I know you have to keep a low profile, man, but if Mik knows youve been posing as him, well never get his head through the door again. You do know that, right?

Marak snorted in amus.e.m.e.nt. Most of the warriors had a bit of a case of hero wors.h.i.+p for the older warriors when they first joined the hunting teams, but Mikals had stuck a little longer than usual. For months hed trailed Marak like a puppy. It was years ago, but the warriors still teased the poor guy about it.

It was the first name I thought of. Nothing more to it than that. He slid a sideways glance at the other warrior. I didnt know you and Maria had been talking Jealousy tried to rise, tinging his vision red at the edges, at the thought of Kalen anywhere near his little human. The tall warrior had the kind of rangy good looks women found irresistible.

Kalen shrugged. Only just met her on the way home. Say, man, you might wanna take it a little easy on her, you know? Humans arent built to take the same kind of punishment we are.

Maraks heart paused in his chest. What do you mean, way home?

After you clocked her good in the arm? Kalen favored him with a look that clearly said he thought Marak was losing it. Then his expression s.h.i.+fted. You havent seen her tonight, have you?

Marak shook his head, pus.h.i.+ng off from the wall as panic gripped him tightly. No, she was a no show. Take me to where you saw her. NOW.

Chapter 5.

It took them less than half an hour and three rogue bodies to find her fighting a fourth in the alley between two warehouses. The overhead lights were busted and flickered badly, giving the whole scene a strobe-like surrealism as Marak paused at the corner. He looked up and whistled to get Kalens attention. The other warrior was crouched on a roof a couple of buildings away, watching the street below. When he looked up, Marak c.o.c.ked his head at the alley and leapt down, the three-story drop nothing as he landed as lightly as a cat.

Kalen landed at Maraks side a few seconds later, only to stand just as dumbstruck as his friend, watching the little scene in the alley. Maria was in the middle, dodging and weaving like a pro, her blades silver blurs in the air. The rogue bounced off the walls and floor around her, trying to get through her iron-clad defense.

Huh Shes good. Better than some noobs we get.

Marak didnt answer, shaking his head in disbelief as he watched. He still couldnt get over how fast she was for a human. She danced around the rogue, delivering punis.h.i.+ng blows that would have incapacitated a mortal easily. It wouldnt last long. Marak had fought more than enough rogues to know that once the creature got its bearings, Maria was dead.

Cute though. Nice a.s.s. Kalen folded his arms and leaned against the wall, his eyes on the fight.

A surge of jealousy ripped through Marak, the snarl rising from the middle of his broad chest, his gaze still locked on the pet.i.te woman. She was his, and hed rip the arms off any male that touched her.

He tensed, about to wade into the fight, when it happened. The rogue darted forward, a flash of movement with all the speed of the kyn race. There was no way Maria could avoid it.


Both men realized the danger in the same instant and reacted like lightning. Even as they were drawing weapons, the rogue closed in"faster and nearer to his target.

They werent going to make it in time.

The rogue bore down on the tiny woman, knocking her block aside and las.h.i.+ng out. Her scream echoed in the narrow alley as deadly claws tore through her skin. Spinning from the impact, her hands flew to her throat, pressing against the terrible wound as she staggered away. The scream trailed off to a terrible gurgle. The rogue went to follow her, instinct driving it to finish the kill, but then registered the two warriors. It turned to roar at them. Blood red eyes glowing in the darkness of the alley, it tracked the two males, turning to try and keep both in sight as they circled it.

Cmon, handsome, how about you take on someone your own size? Kalens blades spun in his hands, lazy circles of deadly steel.

The creature hissed, its eyes darting from one to the other and then past Marak to the woman slumped against the wall. The source of the tantalizing blood scent lingering in the air.

Mine! it snarled and launched itself at Marak.

For a moment the world went red, and then he moved without warning. One moment he stood unflinching in the face of the rogues charge, and the next his blade flashed through the air in a glittering arc. Rage fueled his arm. This foul creature had hurt his little human. His woman. And now it was going to pay. Surprise crossed the rogues face as a second grin opened along its throat.

Marak kicked the creature aside as the head fell away from the body.

Oh G.o.d, Maria. Marak dropped to his knees by the fallen woman, his blades falling to the ground with a clatter.

She looked so tiny, a crumpled figure against the wall, her skin pale in contrast to the darkness of the brick. Dazed chocolate eyes locked onto him as he approached, still tracking movement despite the thick blood oozing sluggishly from her ruined throat. Her heart stuttered, loud to Maraks enhanced hearing, struggling to pump blood that no longer filled her veins.

Guilt hit him like a speeding truck.

This was his fault. He should have been quicker, nailed the d.a.m.n rogue as soon as hed seen it. Not idled about and watched her fight it. Fighting rogue vampires was a warriors job, not one for a cute little human female, however fast she was. He cursed under his breath, feeling helpless as the light in those beautiful eyes began to dim.

Shes not gonna make it, man. Want me to call in Feral and Vix for a cleanup?

Kalens voice was nonchalant behind him. Just another body to clean up, business as usual. Marak frowned, something inside him unable to leave it like this. Shed been beautiful, unafraid as shed battled the rogue. He ignored Kalen, hauling the womans body into his arms. She wasnt gone yet. She couldnt be. This was his fault and he would make it right. He had to make it right.

Marak, what you doin, man?

He ignored Kalens alarmed query as he tore his wrist open with his teeth. His ancient and powerful blood ran from the wound as he held it against her mouth. In the same second, his extended claws tore her clothing from her neck and he struck, driving his fangs deep into her soft throat to drain whatever blood was left in her. The instant it touched his lips he was in heaven. It hit his body like a shot of vodka-laced Type A, and sheer pleasure coursed through him.

Holy c.r.a.p! Man, you really dont wanna be doing this! s.h.i.+t, the councils gonna have f.u.c.king kittens.

Marak closed his eyes, feeling the surge as her blood hit the back of his throat, and ignored Kalens panicked voice as the warrior paced, pulling a cell from his pocket and dialing rapidly.

Feral, pick up. Cmon, you ugly b.a.s.t.a.r.d, pick up. Feral? Its K. Listen, man, we got one h.e.l.l of a situation going on. I need you and Vix here stat.

Marak was lost to the world, his fangs buried deeply in the small females throat, his own working powerfully as he drained the last of her blood.

Moaning, he pulled her limp body closer, terrified she was slipping away from him.

Come on, he urged, dont give up on me now.

Slowly she started to respond, her lips moving against the open wound on his wrist. Marak let go a sigh of relief. She was feeding, slowly, but getting stronger. It wasnt long before she clamped on, survival instinct from the few swallows of his powerful blood driving her.

Withdrawing his fangs, he gently closed the pinp.r.i.c.ks on her neck with a stroke of his tongue. Sitting back, he cradled her in his lap. Her small hands held his wrist in a vise-like grip, holding it to her lips as she drank deeply. The feel of her little teeth in his flesh sent s.h.i.+vers of pleasure along his spine. He tightened his arm around her, keeping her in his dark embrace as she drank from him, blood that would save her life.

And convert her to kyn.

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back against the wall, chuckling to himself. Oh Lord, hed gone and screwed the pooch completely on this one, hadnt he?

Thats enough, little one, he murmured softly, easing her from his wrist.

She mewed in protest, trying to hold on to the source of life-giving fluid. Her grip was surprisingly strong for the newly converted, and she nipped him in the process. He caught his breath at the tiny bite, her teeth sharper than he expected. His c.o.c.k twitched and surged to life between them. He bit out a curse, suddenly extremely uncomfortable, as much at the lack of control as at the erection. h.e.l.l, shed been bleeding out on him a few minutes ago, and now all he wanted to do was the horizontal tango.

You are a sick man, Marak. Get it together.

Finally, he managed to pry his wrist from her, easily overpowering her weak efforts to recapture it, and sealed the wound with a quick lick of his tongue.

Hush, sleep now. More later, I promise, he told her, using a compulsion to nudge her into sleep. Her mind was open and responsive to his thanks to their blood exchange.

Gathering her into his arms, he stood. Too much blood on a first feeding wasnt good for her. All she needed at the moment was enough to kick start the conversion process and sleep for her body to repair itself, sloughing away her humanity even as it healed the grievous wound the rogue had inflicted.

She murmured something. Not a protest, but more a sound of contentment as he s.h.i.+fted her closer. The breathy little sound and the way she nestled against him, snuggling trustingly into his arms, made him catch his breath. He looked up, finding not only Kalen looking at him like hed grown another head, but Feral and Vixen as well.

Want me to take her? You look like you could do with some of the red stuff. Kalen stepped forward with his arms outstretched to take the unconscious woman from Marak.

A snarl reverberated around the alley, rumbling from deep within Maraks chest, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng dangerously.

Mine, he growled, the sound low, almost animalistic.

The patrol stepped back, wariness written across their faces. Most people stepped lightly around Vixen when she was mad, but that was standard operating procedure. If the female warrior hadnt threatened to rip someones b.a.l.l.s off at least once a week she was coming down with something. But Marak was a different matter. The big warrior king was even-tempered, his emotions held in rigid check, so the sheer rage in his voice made them back off. Fast.

Leave him be, K., Vix said, laying a warning hand on Kalens arm, which was a surprise in itself. Vixen rarely touched anyone. Im sure a big strapping lad like him can carry a little thing like that without needing help. Besides, hes already got blood on him, and I dont wanna listen to you whine about your cleaning bill all the way back to the compound.

They were watching him.

The trip back to the compound was mercifully short. The three other kyn watched Marak out of the corners of their eyes as he cradled Marias pet.i.te form to his chest. His large hand smoothed over her hair soothingly, murmuring soft nothings that made no sense, but he hoped she could hear. He avoided their eyes, looking out the window of the SUV until they pulled through the ornate gateway, the heavy steel gates closing automatically behind them.

Up to the main house, Feral, Marak ordered, pulling the catch on the door almost before the heavy vehicle had crunched to a halt on the gravel outside the main doors.

He climbed from the vehicle, careful of his burden, and headed up the steps. The stone arch over the doorway was more suited to the elegantly dressed n.o.bility of a bygone era than a leather-clad kyn warrior carrying an unconscious woman in his arms, but he didnt care.

Marak left the guys at the door and headed inside, scattering human servants before him as he stalked through the corridors with a dangerous look on his face.

Striding into his bedchamber, he shut the door with a swift kick and moved through the darkened room to lay his precious burden gently on the bed. Frowning, he looked around the room, realizing for the first time how dark it was. He didnt want her scared waking up in the dark. He had the advantage of excellent night-sight, granted by his demon blood, but she was still human until the conversion kicked in.

Reaching over, he lit one of the lamps on the bedside table. Had he ever used it? He wasnt sure. If it werent for the look of the thing, hed have moved down into the compound with the others years ago. But he was king, as the council insisted on reminding him whenever they could corner him long enough, and he had to keep up appearances. Apparently. Even so, he spent the minimum amount of time possible here, preferring to spend most of his time training in the compound or out on patrol. He shrugged; it kept him out of the way of the d.a.m.n politicians. A win-win situation.

Right now, though, he was glad he had rooms like this. His little Maria would be more comfortable surrounded by luxury. Looking down at her, he wondered where this odd need to see to her comfort had come from. She looked so fragile lying there against the deep-red silk. His heart lurched again as he realized how close hed come to losing her. Reaching out, he smoothed the dark hair from her face.

Now why does that matter so much, little one? Why should I care about one suicidal human? he mused, studying her features. Small and delicate, they reminded him of someone. Had all week. He couldnt place who though, the feeling of familiarity too vague to pinpoint. Perhaps she looked like one of the actors in the stupid TV shows Feral insisted on playing on repeat in the compound.

Lets make you more comfortable, shall we?

His voice was soft as he started to undress her. The leather jacket was ruined, slashed at the collar to allow him to get at her throat earlier. He didnt bother with the sleeves, simply extended his talons to cut the garment from her body. Her boots and socks quickly followed along with enough weaponry to arm a couple of warriors.

Maraks brows snapped together as he considered the pile on the nightstand. Hed never really gotten a good look at it before, but it was all good quality. More than that, it was kyn-made. Which deepened the mystery around her. He shook his head; it didnt make sense. She wasnt wearing a family sigil, so that cut out one of the Seneschal families, but how else had she gotten hold of kyn-blades?

He moved, big hand caressing her throat where the grievous wounds were healing. They were little more than red marks across her creamy skin. Shed need to feed again soon, more blood to carry on the healing process and continue the conversion. He gritted his teeth as his body responded instantly, his c.o.c.k hard at the memory of those soft curves pressed against him and her small fangs in his wrist. Closing his eyes to hide the reddening tint in them, he knew he looked like the monster he felt.

Dont wake yet, little one, he begged silently. Shed seen him fighting, had seen a glimpse of what he was capable of when hed kissed her, but hed never been so close to the edge around her. Not like he was now. Seeing him like this would scare her out of her mind.

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Kyn: Blood Vow Part 3 summary

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