Kyn: Blood Vow Part 4

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But those little fangs G.o.d, he wanted to feel them again. In his wrist, in his throat as she moaned under him. Or as she rode him A low moan escaped his lips as his imagination presented him with image after erotic image, tormenting his aroused body further.

He blanked his mind, exercising the iron control he was known for, and carried on with his task. His hand hovered over her belt buckle, pausing as a war raged within him. Slowly it closed again. He couldnt do it. Already his fangs were extended, as full and heavy as his aching c.o.c.k. Ready to feed. If he undressed her, saw her naked in his bed, he was going to lose it and take her anyway.

Backing up, he left her lying on the bed, still with her t-s.h.i.+rt and pants on. They were covered in blood, but shed have to deal with that. He moved to the other side of the room, putting distance between them before he lost all sense of honor and claimed her before she could say no.

Easing himself into the chair by the window, he watched her, every cell in his body attuned to her. And only her

Chapter 6.

Darkness surrounded her, as warm and comfortable as a mothers womb, supporting and protecting her all at once.

Maria floated peacefully, resisting the pull of consciousness. Something bad had happened in the waking world, and she wasnt ready to return and face it just yet.

She snuggled down deeper into the softness. Far better to stay here in the darkness. Because she wasnt alone. He was here. Who he was she wasnt quite sure, but it didnt matter. She trusted him. Knew instinctively he was here to protect her, not hurt her.

Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her into their circle of protection with her back against a hard body. She murmured in pleasure as his breath whispered over her throat. Moaning, she turned her head as the sharp edges of a set of fangs trailed over the delicate skin at her jugular. Hot and cold chills raced through her body, making goose b.u.mps rise on her skin.

Oh G.o.d, she needed him to bite her. Needed those fangs to pierce her skin and drive deeply. She s.h.i.+fted restlessly. Her skin was too tight, her clothes too restrictive. Arching her neck, she tilted her head to the side to bare the line of her throat in invitation. He had to bite her. Just had to. Need rose within her to a crescendo, a fine tremble in her limbs as the moment spun out. Then he bit her, and the white hot pain forced a cry from her lips. Pleasure followed on its heels, arching through her body like lightning. Even though shed never been with another kyn, it felt right. Familiar. He was feeding from her throat, a place shed only let a lover touch. So she must know him, must love him.

A frown formed on her face as, even in the dream, reality started to intrude. Shed never been bitten; no male kyn would bother with a dhampir girl when there were other, full-blooded kyn females to choose from. Desperately she tried to hold onto the dream, wanting to wrap the fantasy around her for just a little bit longer. It faded and she s.h.i.+fted on the bed as she came to.

Memory caught up with her and she sat bolt upright, eyes wide with fear as a gasp escaped her.

The rogue.

Her hand flew to her throat. Her last memory was of the rogue, the foul smell of its breath and the look of glee in its eyes as it lashed out. The terrible pain as claws ripped through her skin. Hot blood bubbling out, flowing over her hands as she desperately tried to hold it in Oh G.o.d.

She shuddered, fingertips exploring her throat. Relief hit her as her hands met unbroken skin.

Had it all been a dream?

No, it couldnt have been. The memory was too clear and vibrant in detail to be a dream. Then she found them and her fingers stilled. There were hard ridges in her skin, areas that felt different. Long lines across the soft flesh right where the pain of the rogues touch had been.

Some hunter you turned out to be, the little voice in her head sneered. Almost killed your first night out solo.

She ignored it, her fingers still exploring the nearly healed wound. Her body healed fast, much faster than a normal humans would. But there was no way she could manage healing like this on her own. Not before she bled out anyway. So someone had helped her, but who? And where the h.e.l.l was she? She looked around, studying the luxurious room around her as the fog cleared from her brain. Which was when she saw him, the large figure shrouded in shadows by the window, and gasped.


Hi, he said quietly. How are you feeling?

Maria s.h.i.+vered, the deep voice stroking along what felt like every nerve ending she had.

Like I got hit by a bus. Rolling her shoulder, she winced.

Her neck was still sore from the attack, a sharp ache warning her against sudden movement. She didnt remember much after her throat got slashed; the trauma had blanked her mind. There was just a deep red haze of pain when she probed the memory. There were voices, deep, comforting voices that made her feel safe. And arms holding her against a powerful chestthen a hard body moving over her as fangs sank deep into her neck. Ambrosia sliding down her throat as she drank, long and deep.

She turned wide eyes on Mikal.

s.h.i.+t. It had to have been a dream? Didnt it?

The moan almost left her lips as she read the truth in his eyes.

It hadnt been a dream.

Her hands flew back up to her throat as everything made horrible sense all at once. How shed healed so quickly, the hot and heavy dreams of a man holding her, the taste of blood in her mouth.

His blood. Mikals blood. His fangs in her throat as he held her You bit me. Her voice was barely there, an almost soundless accusation, but he heard.

Yes. You would have died otherwise.

His expression unreadable, he moved closer. Almost stalking her, but she didnt feel in danger. Not of her life anyway. It was an entirely different kind of stalk. It was the stalk of a kyn male approaching his female.

Shed seen it time after time with bonded couples in the courts. The utter focus of the male, the almost shy, but interested glances of the female as she waited for her man to approach. The look Maria had been waiting for her entire life. Her breathing hitched as longing and hope cascaded through her body. Shed always wanted, hoped, that a kyn male would find her enough to look at her that way. The way Mikal was right now.

Relief hit her hard and fast as another thought occurred. Hed converted her. She was fully kyn now, or would be soon. He never needed to find out shed been born a half-breed freak.

Hot on the heels of relief came worry. The half-remembered stories whispered in shadows as she pa.s.sed. The old wives tales said half-breeds couldnt be converted. They either burned up, or the conversion was dangerous made female dhampir irresistible to kyn males, pus.h.i.+ng them into the blood rage with the need to claim her. Forced them to fight each other until only one was left. What if it was all true? If that was the reason he looked at her that way?

Her eyes widened, panic filling her. She couldnt let that happen to him.

No! Get away from me!

Fear added wings to her feet. She launched herself from the bed and sped across the room away from him. She needed to escape, save him from her and the effect she would have on him.

No! The masculine roar behind her told her that he gave chase and she yelped as the door crashed open behind her. But she was already across the room, moving faster than shed ever been able to before.

Nooh G.o.d, no! She stopped dead in the corridor, the two warriors there looking at her with surprise when she appeared suddenly, barefoot and covered in blood, her hair wild about her head.

Warily, she backed up, watching their eyes for the slightest hint of red that would indicate they were slipping into madness. Butnothing. Their eyes didnt change, just mild surprise there as they watched her antics. Surprise that changed to respect as they looked behind her. Without looking, she knew Mikal was there.

Ill deal with this. Go about your business, he ordered, his deep voice full of command as his hands closed over her upper arms.

She closed her eyes, the slight clink of weaponry the only sound in the corridor as the two men left them alone. Mikal was right behind her, the heat of his body calling to hers. She s.h.i.+vered, craving that heat. Why was she so cold? It was like shed never be warm again.

Shhh shhhh, he murmured, pulling her back against him and wrapping strong arms around her. His lips brushed her temple. I know youre scared. Its a lot to get used to, but you will. I promise.

She nodded, giving into the temptation to relax into his hold. Letting out a shuddering breath, she stayed there for long moments. She wasnt a risk to him. The stupid stories were just that, stories. She wasnt going to hurt him. Trusting his strength, she turned slightly to rest her head against his broad chest. Without a word, he turned her around, enfolding her against him.

In silence, he reached up and, two fingers beneath her chin, eased her head up so he could look at her. Everything will be okay. I wont hurt you. No one will hurt you ever again.

She nodded, eyes wide as he bent his head and claimed her lips. It was a careful kiss, his lips moving over hers gently, as though he was worried about scaring her. His hands moved over her back, gentling her as he held her close. The dichotomy of the harsh, almost feral warrior with his tender embrace enthralled her. Shed heard warriors took what they wanted, when they wanted, their lovemaking brutal, but Mikal was the opposite. His caresses were perfectly controlled, even when she murmured and moved closer. Her hands slid up his chest, sweeping over his broad shoulders as she lifted on her tiptoes to kiss him back.

His breathing caught, kiss becoming firmer and more insistent as she responded. His hands tightened on her waist and he turned them, backing her up until her shoulders met the wall behind. Within a heartbeat he was there, body hard and urgent against hers and she broke away with a gasp, her breathing ragged. Bracing himself with a hand on the wall by her head, he trailed kisses along her jaw, each caress leaving a white-hot imprint in her skin.

Moaning, she turned her head, seeking his lips again. This time his kiss was harder, more demanding, as he pressed her back against the wall. She parted her lips in invitation, reveling in the small grunt of surprise he gave before he surged forward. Driving his tongue into her mouth, he sought hers, groaning when she met him halfway. She stroked her tongue along his and then moved away in a gentle, sensual tease. He growled, hard hands on her waist and the back of her neck hauling her away from the wall and leaving her totally at his mercy as he bent her back. Plundering her lips, his kiss was ruthless as he took what he wanted and gave pleasure in return.

Then he tore himself away, breathing short and hard as he pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes closed.

We have to stop, little one he murmured, his lips gentle on her temple as a shudder racked his body. Or I wont be able to.

Her hand spread over his chest, and she closed her eyes for a second. Her life had changed in a heartbeat, but she couldnt find it in herself to regret it. Not the path that had brought her into his embrace, nor the fact that his fangs in her throat had brought her into the world of the kyn completely. Sure, it changed everything, but that was something she could deal with tomorrow. Right now, all she could think about was being in his arms, the heat of his body against hers, the feel of his lips over hers One night. She could have one night with her warrior before she went home, before everything changed.

One night to last a lifetime because the instant he found out who she was, he would feel honor-bound to offer for her hand, and she didnt want that. She didnt want a loveless marriage nor the condemnation in his eyes when he found out she hadnt been born either human or kyn Pulling back, she looked him in the eye. What if I dont want to stop?

His eyes darkened to the color of midnight, the sensual heat and need there taking her breath away.

Careful what you say, he murmured, reaching up to stroke his thumb over her lower lip. Im not human, Maria, and my control isnt limitless.

She parted her lips and flicked her tongue out to brush the pad of his thumb. He sucked a hard breath in, a shudder rolling through his large, heavily muscled body. When he looked back down at her, the heat in his eyes was enough to burn all the way down to her soul.

Im not human now either, am I? she countered, sliding her hands under his s.h.i.+rt to rest lightly on his waist, fingertips flirting with the skin above the leather. Besides, I trust you. You wont hurt me.

As the words left her lips, she realized they were true. She trusted him more than shed ever trusted anyone in her life.

A soft smile curved his lips. Where did I get so lucky as to find you?

Her breath paused in her throat as he bent his head again, but instead of the gentle kisses hed gifted her with before, this one was hot enough to blister paint. Lips firm on hers, he parted them with a hard sweep of his tongue and drove within. She whimpered and clung to him when he hauled her up against him, feeling every hard inch of him where they pressed together chest to thigh. And he was hard. All over.

A whimper caught in her throat at the feel of his hard c.o.c.k pressing insistently against her soft belly. She wasnt an innocent. The son of one of her fathers human footmen had seen to that before she was out of her teens, but shed never been with a kyn male before. He was a lot bigger than shed expected. Rather than scare the life out of her, a deep craving surged through her blood instead. A need for him to fill her. Press her back against the wall behind them and slide that thick, hard c.o.c.k deep inside her.

Not here, he broke away to gasp, lifting her.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, he walked back into the room shed woken up in, his lips not leaving hers every step of the way. She gave as good as she got, testing and teasing him until he growled, holding her in his arms at the side of the bed. Instead of sliding her down to her feet as shed expected, he tumbled them both forward onto the soft surface.

She whimpered at the feeling of his hard body braced over hers, the brush of his broad chest against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Even with clothes between them, it was enough to set her on fire. He held himself easily over her, his kisses drugging. He drank from her lips, alternating long pa.s.sion-filled kisses with soft nips and the occasional brush of fang that drove her wild with need.

Cupping his face, she lifted up for his kiss, needing it more than she needed air to breathe. With a groan, he broke away, leaving a feverish trail down her throat. Pausing over her jugular, he sc.r.a.ped the edge of his fang over the skin and forced a cry from her.

Soon, sweetheart, he murmured. Soon, I promise. Ill give you what you need. What we both need She nodded, trying to pull him back up to her, but he had other ideas. Bunching the front of her t-s.h.i.+rt in a big hand, he tore it from her with one movement. A gasp escaped her lips as she was exposed to his heated gaze. Instinctively, she arched her back, displaying herself to him. She wasnt tall and slender like most kyn women, but he didnt seem to mind. The heat and reverence in his gaze eased any worries of his attraction to her.

Beautiful. The word was m.u.f.fled against the soft skin of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he bent his head to pay homage to them. She whimpered, trying not to wriggle beneath him as he laid a trail of kisses down the deep swell of her cleavage. His hand slipped between them and, with another hard jerk and the sound of tearing fabric, her bra was gone, discarded on the floor beside the bed. Instinctively, she lifted her hands to try and cover herself.

No, he growled, hardness returning to his voice as he captured her wrists and held them pinned above her head. Heat blazed in his eyes as he looked down at her. Dont. You dont hide, not from me.

She nodded as he let go of her wrists, leaving them where they were above her head as his hands slid down her arms. A s.h.i.+ver hit her as they reached her sides, strong fingers sliding underneath her shoulder blades for a moment before he moved them in to cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His hands were large and warm. He cupped and caressed, molding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his palms before stroking the tips of his fingers across them. She bit her lip, trying to stay still as he found her nipples, rolling them in clever fingers until she was moaning in pleasure.

Leaning down, he swirled his tongue around one beaded tip, adding the of a fang. Then he closed his mouth around it, sucking and teasing with tongue and teeth. Biting her lip, she pulled at his s.h.i.+rt, the craving to touch him driving her out of her mind.

Pulling away for a moment, he granted her hearts desire and yanked his s.h.i.+rt over his head. She sucked in a hard breath at the sight of him, all smooth satin skin over steely muscle. Reaching out to touch him, she paused halfway, hardly believing he really was hers.

Please, he begged, his voice ragged. Touch me. I need you to touch me.

She did, just her fingertips brus.h.i.+ng his chest at first, then her whole hand, fingers spread out over his skin. At his bitten off groan, she grew bolder, spreading her hands out over his pecs and then sliding them down. He closed his eyes, expression tortured and ecstatic at the same time as she stroked a hand over his cobbled abs. When she slid them further, though, his eyes snapped open, the deep blue filled with desire and warning. His hand snapped closed around her wrist, but rather than push her away as shed expected, he shoved it further until she cupped his hard length through the leather.

Oh lordy, he really was huge.

Well go slow, he whispered, catching onto her nervousness. Itll be good, I promise. Ill make it good for you.

She nodded, stroking him through his pants. His c.o.c.k jerked and pulsed under her touch, as though eager to be released of its leather confines. He groaned, dropping his head and letting her do what she would with him. She wriggled beneath him, using her free hand to bring his head back up so she could kiss him. Growling, he filled her mouth with urgent thrusts of his tongue, hips rocking to shove his c.o.c.k against her hand.

More, she whispered against his lips. Please, more He surged forward until he was over her, hands on the fly to her pants. Their clothing disappeared, some items torn in their haste to get skin to skin, and she whimpered with impatience as he parted her knees with a hair-roughened thigh. Reaching between them, he slid broad-tipped fingers through her p.u.s.s.y lips and she flushed at the slickness he found there.

So hot, he murmured against her throat. So responsive but I need more from you.

She frowned. What more could she give him? And then his fingers started to move. He found her c.l.i.t and stroked it, building tempo and rhythm as she clung to his shoulders.

Thats it, little one. His voice was a dark temptation as she rocked her hips, a small cry of need in the back of her throat as she sought more sensation. I want you good and wet when I make you mine.

She nodded, nails biting into the muscles of his upper arms, and fought back a cry as he slid one finger, then two, deep inside her. Her p.u.s.s.y clenched around the invasion, gripping and milking his fingers as she rode his hand. All the time he murmured encouragement, holding her close as he brought her to pleasure.

Tension filled her, the dark wave of her climax rising up out of the blue. She cried out as it shattered over her, filling every cell in her body with the white heat of her release. All through it, she held onto him, trusting him to guide them through the maelstrom of pa.s.sion.

Gently, he pulled his fingers free, and moved over her. She bit her lip as she felt the broad head of his c.o.c.k pressing against the entrance to her body. Opening her eyes, she watched as he pushed forward, their gazes locked as he slid into her inch by thick inch.

Her breathing caught, body stretched more than she ever had before. Panic started to rise when he didnt stop there was no way she could take it all when suddenly he was there, his hips meeting hers as he filled her to the hilt.

G.o.ds, youre so tight, he groaned, his expression rigid with control as he held perfectly still. She could see what it cost him written in his eyes. See the tension as he fought his very nature for her comfort. Her heart melted, and in that moment she knew she loved him. Somehow, impossibly, shed gone from thinking he was a pain in the a.s.s, overprotective warrior to loving him with all her heart and mind.

But the need to move overwhelmed all else. The slightest s.h.i.+ft of her hips sent shock waves of pleasure through her and dragged a tortured curse from his lips.

Love me, Mikal, she begged, offering her lips for his kiss. Take what I offer freely and love me.

The ritual words slipped from her lips before she could stop them, a hint she was less human than shed made out, but he was too far gone to notice. A feral growl slid from his lips and he crushed her mouth beneath his, finally moving.

She whimpered as he grabbed her wrists and stretched her out beneath him, every inch of his big, powerful body bent to one purpose"pleasure.

The room filled with the sounds of s.e.x, the slap of skin on skin mingling with soft feminine moans and deeper, male groans. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she welcomed him. Every hard thrust and pleasure-filled withdrawal drove the tension in her body higher. She needed this, needed himneeded everything.

Turning her head, she offered him her throat, craving his bite as much as his c.o.c.k filling her. Please He struck without warning, driving his fangs deep, and she shattered, a scream on her lips as the o.r.g.a.s.m hit her like lightning. Her p.u.s.s.y tightened around him, milking him as she rode the waves. Each hard pull of his mouth on her throat sent another bolt of pleasure straight down to her c.l.i.t, her womb clenching hard as her p.u.s.s.y gripped him. The pleasure barely ebbed as he slid his fangs free of her throat and turned them over so that she rode him.

His hand on the back of her neck, he pulled her down, offering his own throat. She didnt think, just followed instinct and struck, her tiny fangs breaking through the skin. His blood filled her mouth and she moaned, another climax hitting her as he groaned beneath her. Slamming up into her one last time he, too, reached his release. She drank, each swallow of his powerful blood filling her with warmth and making her feel light-headed.

Thats enough, little one, he murmured after a while, breaking her hold on his neck. She murmured in disagreement but had no more strength than a week-old kitten against him as he slid out of her. Tucking her against his side, protected and sheltered, he kissed her forehead.

Sleep now youll need your energy for later.

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Kyn: Blood Vow Part 4 summary

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