India 2020 Part 15

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Quality of life Ability to make strong contributions to health, Human welfare and the environment both Domestically and worldwide Opportunity to lead markets Ability to exert and sustain national Leaders.h.i.+p in a Technology that is of Paramount importance to the economy or National defense.

Strategic Industries Criteria Description Performance/quality/ Ability to cause revolutionary or evolutionary Productivity improvement improvements over current products or processes In turn leading to economic or national defense Benefits.

Leverage Potential that Government R & D investment will Stimulate private sector investment in Commercialization or likelihood that success in The technology will stimulate success in other Technologies, products or markets.


Vulnerability Potentially serious damage may be caused if a Technology is held exclusively by the other countries And not the United states.

Enabling/pervasive Technology forms the foundation for many other Technologies or exhibits size/strong linkages to many Segments of the economy.

Size of ultimate market Ability to exert a major economic impact through The expansion of existing markets, creation of new Industries, generation of capital or creation of Employment opportunities.

Source: Report of the National Critical Technologies Panel, March 1991.


It can be seen from the above that the criteria for selection of critical technologies mentions national defense only as one element. Other criteria include their ability to enhance the quality of life for the American people, industrial compet.i.tiveness and energy security. Americans are acutely aware of their dependence for oil on the Gulf countries.

What would be the critical technologies in the Indian context? Would it mean defense technologies alone? Definitely not! Would it mean s.p.a.ce or atomic energy alone?

Definitely not! Elements related to these areas would be certainly included, but there should be much more. Besides, even in the sectors of defense, s.p.a.ce or atomic energy there are a number of items, which are not that, critical in the sense that they would be available relatively easily from several sources. Many of the items would not involve numerous complex operations or be very costly other items could be relatively easily stockpiled for future consumption. We should then be selective in what we term as critical technologies.

Defense supplies in India Let us look at some facts and figures about the nature of the defense equipment and supplies in India. The indigenous production is about 30 percent and there is a general feeling that this figure is ought to be brought up to 70 per cent in the longterm interest of our defense needs. In order to achieve this we need to take several steps towards developing certain technological processes in our industries. However, most of these activities would not really qualify as critical technologies. The absence of certain process in India so far has often been due to the same reasons as it is in the commercial sector: insufficient attention to absorb, adapt and to upgrade imported knowhow and equipment.

In the process, we have become stagnant technologically and industrially, and have missed out on indigenous improvements to imported systems. In most of these areas, it is possible for us to achieve selfreliance in a relatively short period provided defense R&D, industries, the defense forces and other policy makers work together as a mission. This will not be a cakewalk, but with a concerted effort to build a few prototypes, modify them and subsequently go into production we can meet our needs. We have experience in most 175.

Element. Other criteria include their ability to enhance the quality of life for the American people, industrial compet.i.tiveness and energy security. Americans are acutely aware of their dependence for oil on the Gulf countries.

What would be the critical technologies in the Indian context? Would it mean defense technologies alone? Definitely not! Would it mean s.p.a.ce or atomic energy alone?

Definitely not! Elements related to these areas would be certainly included, but there should be much more. Besides, even in the sectors of defense, s.p.a.ce or atomic energy there are a number of items, which are not that, critical in the sense that they would be available relatively easily from several sources. Many of the items would not involve numerous complex operations or be very costly other items could be relatively easily stockpiled for future consumption. We should then be selective in what we term as critical technologies.

Defense supplies in India Let us look at some facts and figures about the nature of the defense equipment and supplies in India. The indigenous production is about 30 percent and there is a general feeling that this figure is ought to be brought up to 70 per cent in the longterm interest of our defense needs. In order to achieve this we need to take several steps towards developing certain technological processes in our industries. However, most of these activities would not really qualify as critical technologies. The absence of certain process in India so far has often been due to the same reasons as it is in the commercial sector: insufficient attention to absorb, adapt and to upgrade imported know how and equipment.

In the process, we have become stagnant technologically and industrially, and have missed out on indigenous improvements to imported systems. In most of these areas, it is possible for us to achieve selfreliance in a relatively short period provided defense R&D, industries, the defense forces and other policy makers work together as a mission. This will not be a cakewalk, but with a concerted effort to build a few prototypes, modify them and subsequently go into production we can meet our needs. We have experience in most Of the industries of this sector. There is a tendency even in advanced countries to source out defense equipment and products from many a.s.semblies and suba.s.semblies drawn from the civilian sector making other similar products. Such an approach can also be 176.

adopted to speedily achieve the goal of selfreliance in at least 70 per cent of products and systems for the defense forces.

Is that enough? Even while this target is important, there are some critical areas in which India will not be given technologies easily by other countries, irrespective of whether or not India signs some of the existing unequal treaties. That is because they are critical technologies not only for defense, but also for several other purposes, as shown in table 9.1. Some examples would be submicron level microelectronics or advanced transgenic biotechnology. The countries, which possess submicron technologies, for example, can gain a top position globally. Advanced transgenic biotechnology can lead to global markets in agriculture, food products and medicines.

The Indian s.p.a.ce programmed Let us look at the Indian s.p.a.ce programmed. Several elements required for launch vehicles including the materials, propellants, guidance and control and so on have been indigenously developed and are manufactured here. India has faced difficulties in achieving all this, as for example, when it attempted to speed up the schedule for the launch of the Resynchronized Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) through import of cryogenic technology. Some countries were willing to sell it to us. But when one of them agreed to the sale of a full engine, other countries pressurized them into not selling it to India. In a few years India should acquire capability in this field. Nevertheless, as far as satellites are concerned, many of the electronic components and some materials are still sourced outside the country, through India has successfully made many of the a.s.semblies: control system components, guidance systems, sensors, various other electromechanical and electronic parts. The dependence for many of the s.p.a.ce / spherical quality electronic components can, however, still be a problem for the Indian satellite programmed, especially when it must be compet.i.tive internationally.

The end of the Cold War has led to shrinkage of markets for aeros.p.a.ce and defense industries in the developed world. They are in stiff compet.i.tion with each other and do not want other countries or companies to emerge as suppliers of satellites as their own market shares would be further reduced. It is in this context, in our endeavor to achieve 177.

this commercialization of our strength in satellite technology, that many components required for Indian satellites may still have to be considered critical.

The nuclear programmed Atomic energy programmers have been subject to severe restrictions for very obvious reasons as the Department of Atomic Energy in becoming selfreliant in areas in which only a few countries have such capability. There are a number of items in the atomic energy programmed, which are being made indigenously. However, commercial aspects of exploiting nuclear capabilities, especially for power generation programmers, have been recently given high priority. Given the overall energy situation in India, the use of nuclear power in some measure is inescapable even while thermo and hydropower continue to be the dominant elements. Even to meet commerciallevel powergeneration capability, with its commensurate safety and nuclear waste management arrangements.

Thus in the Indian context energy security is also crucial, perhaps much more than it is for the USA, because India imports a good part of its crude oil requirements, paying for it with precious foreign exchange. The growth of nuclear technology indeed has become a trendsetter for many high technologists in India.

Dualuse technology This discussion of strategic industries mainly concerns defense, s.p.a.ce, atomic energy and also critical technology areas, which have potential of multiple uses in the defense and civilian commercial sector in the future. Not that other areas do not have multiple uses.

For example, canning or processing of food or preservation of food is equally applicable to the civilian sector, to the export sector or for supplies to the defense forces. But since these are relatively wellstabilized technologies, which can be handled by inputs from several sources, including, often, imports in the first instance, we are not covering such dualuse items.

Newly emerging technologies such as robotics or artificial intelligence, which would have a crucial impact on future defense operations and also on many industrial sectors if they have are to be really compet.i.tive, merit a closer look. As we look at the 178.

emerging manufacturing scenario, it will contain many elements of artificial intelligence and robotics in the mediumterm future. If Indian products have to be compet.i.tive worldwide and if we aim to earn substantially through valueadded products and services, India has to master these technologies. To import them fully from others will often not be costeffective since the competing foreign countries would not like to part with their best technologies. Often enough not even the better ones will be sold. Thus, even if we do manage to purchase some technologies from them, they will be at a point of technological obsolescence where one has to struggle with very low profit margins, which is not good for any business.

The technology areas critical for the growth of strategic industries for India, given the above broad considerations, are in the aviation and in propulsion sector, high and electronics, sensors, s.p.a.ce communication and remote sensing, critical materials and processing, robotics and artificial intelligence. Before looking into some of these technologies, it is worth understanding something about the defense technologies and industries as they pertain to India. In India, both the Defense Research & Development Organization and defense industries started experiencing certain restrictions on acquisition of technology and products from the developed countries, particularly from 1985 onwards. At the same time, developed countries wanted to make India one of their main customers for arms and defense equipment. Obsolescent systems were offered for sale coupled with licensed production for a political price. Liberal credit and deferred payments were provided to propagate the business and make us perennially incepted.

What was the situation in India then? The industrial ambience had led to excellence in fabrication in limited areas. This means that after a design had been converted into fabrication drawings, our industry was in position to convert it into a finished product. For low and medium level technology, there were large industrial complexes where most of the facilities were established under licensed production. In defense production, the private sector played only a limited role. As far as the academic and R&D inst.i.tutions were concerned, they were interested in working towards self reliance and to break away from the licensed production syndrome. The DRDO itself was preoccupied with a large number of single discipline projects concentrating on self 179.

reliance through import subst.i.tution and/or indigenization. The end users often would like to see full systems.

Subsystem development During the next ten years, that is, by 1995, certain industries graduated to design and development of subsystems. This was due to active partners.h.i.+p of the national science and technology agencies such as ISRO, DAE, DRDO and the industries. Many in the private sector who were hesitant to enter this field ten years earlier, started vying with defense Puss and other public sector companies to take up defense R&D tasks at the sub system level. For example, private sector industries were in a position to develop phase s.h.i.+fters, displays, tank age, communication systems, and certain types of electronic warfare systems, onboard computers, onboard transmitters, thermal batteries and even airframes. This marked a very important step for both the DRDO and Indian industry.

Because of such interaction between R&D and industry, the enthusiasm and confidence of industrial establishments grew and enabled them to design subsystems and to absorb the specified stringent process of technology. Above all it enhanced their willingness to take risk and go through the rigorous quality a.s.surance and certification process required for military systems.

During the progress of large R&D projects, there were undoubtedly delays and cost overruns. There was some criticism in the press about this. But here it needs to be underline that these projects needed support through difficult phases of their development. In fact, R&D in India survived only because of the efforts of a few visionary scientists and leaders. But for them the nation would have been satisfied with making small items, surroundings to business interest that would use all means to convert India into a perpetual 'buying nation'. Defense R&D is now taking the lead to reverse this trend through its selfreliance mission in defense systems. In DAE and ISRO too such an impulse for selfreliance is in the forefront.

We forecast that by 2005, more industries will be in a position to take up stand alone mode systems engineering and systems integration to the specified requirement of R&D organizations. Subsystems like multimode radar, 'knavery' cla.s.s aircraft engines, 180.

all composite carbon fiber composite wings, display systems, flybywire systems for Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) and for futuristic aircraft, mission computers and air frames will be developed, engineered, produced and delivered for integration and checkout. Of course, this is the Dodo's vision. We believe that the Indian industry will respond given the national will on other fronts. We believe that when Indian industry becomes strong in systems engineering and systems integration as well as subsystem development and fabrication, the nation will have multiple options on choice of systems and industries to make them compet.i.tive and cost effective. In certain subsystems or technologies we can even compete globally. There would also be a number of civilian commercial spinoff products and services, which can be marketed domestically and in foreign markets.

Growth of technology capability in DRDO The DRDO was established in the 1960s. Its major task was to build science based capability towards making improvements in the available imported systems and weaponry. In the '70s we production and in '80s a tremendous thrust was given to major system programmers in design and development which lead to product ionization of electronic warfare system, communication system, missile system, aircraft, main battle tanks and radars. These programmers gave a new impetus to multiple design and technology development centers resulting in the production of design capability for an integrated weapons systems in the nineties. Now the vision for the DRDO is to promote the corporate strength of the organization, and to make the nation independent of foreign technology in critical spheres. Technology innovation is expected to lead the DRDO and its industrial partners to global compet.i.tiveness in system design and realization. Let us look at the technological growth of a completed missile project, Pith and an advanced development project, LCA, under progress. The following observations are drawn from some of my talks on these projects.

Pith missile system In 1982, a detailed study was carried out for evolving advanced missile systems in order to counter the emerging threats to the security of India. Experts and members of the armed forces look part in this study and it resulted in the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programmed comprising five projects. In July 1983, the government 181.

approved the programmed, whereby a unique management structure was to be established, integrating the development, production, and the user services, with government machinery for expeditious implementation.

The Guided Missile Development Programmed The Guided Missile Development Programmed envisaged the design and development of our missile systems, Pith, Trisha, Abash and Nag, leading to their production. It also established the reentry technology capability through Aging. The re entry technology demonstration was completed by 1992, through first tests of Aging. Pith was the first of the four of the operational missile systems to be inducted into the armed forces.

The technological goal of the programmed is to ensure that the systems will be contemporary at the time of their induction into the armed forces. The systems have been designed to be multipurpose, multiuser and multirole in nature. The programmed has adopted the philosophy of concurrent development and production to reduce the time cycle from development to induction.

Brief description of the Pith system Pith is an allweather, mobile and surfacetosurface guided missile, which can engage targets quickly and accurately over a range of 40250 km. the weapon system, is designed to engage targets beyond the range of field guns and unguided rockets. The system is highly mobile with a minimum reaction time and has a capability of being deployed at short notice at desired locations. Its mobility also provides fire and scoot capability.

The Pith missile is a single stage system and uses two liquid propulsion engines of threetone thrust capability each. The guidance system of Pith is based on a strap down inertial navigation system along with an onboard computer, which offer integrated solution to navigation, control and guidance requirements. Its flight control system allows the missile to follow the desired trajectory, by controlling the vehicle in three mutually perpendicular planes viz. pitch, yaw and control. The electrohydraulic actuation system is used to control the positioning error. The errors induced due to weather conditions such as wind, shear and gust can be corrected by the guidance and control system of the 182.

missile. It is also possible to maneuver the missile in the final phase. The ground support system is equipped with special vehicles to carry out the mission, command and control, maintenance, logistic support and survey. The modular design and built in checkout and calibration facilities help in equipping the missile in the deployment area with the desired warhead and for carrying out a quick check of the missile's operational readiness.

The effectiveness of Pith A maneuverable trajectory, its high mobility, low reaction time, its self contained and selfsupporting features and low footprint area make the Pith missile system difficult to counter. Besides, the high accuracy of its system, its high warhead capabilities and absence of vulnerability to countermeasures. Including Electronic counter measures (ECM), make the Pith missile system potentially dangerous for the enemy. Possession and deployment of a large number of Pith missile can act as a deterrent and prevent a missile attack from our adversaries.

In case of war, the powerful explosive and high accuracy of the Pith missile has enormous potential to bring life to a standstill in cities and urban areas, to affect the morale of the enemy. Also, a sizeable portion of the enemy air force would be engaged in neutralizing the mobile missile launchers (as borne Out by the experience of Allied air forces in the recent Gulf war against mobile scud sites). Pith is a costeffective weapon Usually, Vital Areas (Va.s.s) and vital points (VPs), which are of high tactical and strategic importance, have a high level of air defense protection. Much of this air cover is multilayered, with some overlapping redundancy and is networked thought computer communication links for ensuring effective command and control. The deep penetration capability of the Pith missile, up to 250 km range, will enhance the firepower of the air force against heavily defended targets in adverse weather conditions. In addition, the night attack capability of this missile will be useful for attacking targets like factories petroleum dumps marshalling yards and other static installations. The accuracy of the system at 250 km will be further improved upon in phase II, when terminal homing guidance or antiradiation systems will be integrated into the Pith system. A scheme for retrofit is being contemplated and designed. This 183.

capability will be an a.s.set in attacking hard targets like armored concentrations in there parking sites.

The development and production experience Of Pith India had certain strengths in design, materials and engineering when the project was initiated in 1983. However, the development of Pith required aeros.p.a.ce quality materials like magnesium alloys for wings and certain special aluminum alloys for airframe and tank ages, and navigational sensors of a certain accuracy, all of which were not available within the country. The Missile Technology Control Regime, though not formally declared, was in effect in some from or the other. All these drove us to deliberately adopt an indigenous route right from the beginning. Harnessing the available talents within the country and using innovative management methods developed a number of critical technologies, materials and processes. The development of the Pith Inertial Navigation system is an example of this. Though we were able to get only the coa.r.s.e cla.s.s of sensors for the inertial navigation, our scientists came up with innovations to enhance their accuracy using software. The use of simulation in the design phase, and the hardware in loop simulation to fly the missile on ground, as well as the a.s.sociation of users at every stage, greatly helped in improving the effectiveness of the missile and reduced the number of user trials.

Throughout, the project was driven by goals of excellence in performance and of meeting schedules. Concurrency was built into every activity of the programmed to reduce the time from development to induction.

Aside from strengthening the country to face the threats from across our borders.

Pith has demonstrated that India can develop worldcla.s.s high technology systems and devices by using its own indigenous strength, and thereby defeating the control regimes. An important benefit of the Pith programmed is the new breed of technologists and leaders, who can make our country stronger and selfreliant.

Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) One of the largest programmers of the DRDO is the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). It has got all the potential elements of high technology thirtythree R&D 184.

establishments, sixty major industries and eleven academic inst.i.tutions are integrated and working together on this project.

There are two types of fighter aircraft, Light Combat Aircraft and the Medium Combat Aircraft. The Medium Combat Aircraft weighs about 15 tones at takeoff, whereas the Light Combat Aircraft has below 10 tones takeoff weight. This new generation aircraft has primary structures made of composite materials and advanced avionics. The LCA has technologies of based mission computer, low RCS, high weapon carrying capability, high maneuverability powered by a uniquely designed 'knavery' engine. The LCA design caters for topcla.s.s maneuverability and high performance. In addition, its mission capability and survivability characteristics will be superior to those of the heavier aircraft that would come into the market within the next few years. The LCA will be the most costeffective aircraft in relation to performance considering the fact that our R&D cost is onethird of that of the developed countries for similar programmers. The LCA tops the lightweight fighters in its capabilities with the unique feature of fulluser commitment. The LCA can be marketed at much lower cost than the combat aircraft of similar cla.s.s.

DRDONavy partic.i.p.ation Let us look at a few other cases of building up a strategic technological strength. During 1995, in the Bay Bengal , despite rough weather conditions, our defense scientists and engineers from Bart Electronics Limited (BEL) worked with a naval team on a s.h.i.+p to commission the modified electronic warfare system for user trials. In handiworkatsea, in stormy conditions, DRDO aeronautical and electronics engineers engaged in the final phase of user trials of Pilot less Target Aircraft (PTA) 'Flashy' for the three services. Also during 1995 we had a successful flight of the PTA whose jet engine was designed and developed within the country.

The naval s.h.i.+ps gave full support in this mission for deploying the simulated missile to encounter IR targets fitted with the PTA. An experimental laboratory on the sea, Sagardhwani, sailed from the west to the east coast with a mission of characterizing the ocean depth with particular reference to temperature gradient .


Another exciting achievement of the Navy is imminent. Work has been completed for the stateoftheart submarine sonar, Panchendriya, by the Naval Physical and Oceanography Laboratory (NPOL) situated on the western coast. The new s.h.i.+ps being built will be armed with our Trishul missile system and the hullmounted sonar Hamsa. It will have its first Modulated Data Bus, which is mostly linked by fiber optics. The Government has also approved the Naval Integrated Electronic Warfare programmed (NIEWP). In four years, s.h.i.+ps, submarines and naval aircraft would be provided with the latest electronic surveillance system coupled with electronic counter measures.

Action plan for the Army Strategic technological action by the Army has been equally exemplary. Phased induction of various system and equipments needs to be linked and dovetailed with the defense selfreliance plan. This is a sure way for Indian industries to achieve the goals and the direction for preparing the business plan and for ensuring partic.i.p.ation. Likewise, the dependence of our armed forces on imported systems needs to progressively decrease.

Also, as is done elsewhere, India has to follow the induction of products in phases like Mark I, Mark II, etc. so that technology capability and production infrastructure are built in a phased way. This situation will cut down the delay of systems readiness.

Technological uncertainty will be removed and willing investment by industries may be possible. The industries should be given a clear mandatewill they be developers? Will they be fabricators of an integrated system house and for what possible areas? Once this policy is enunciated industry can fully partic.i.p.ate, as the financial aspects would be clear.

Recently the DRDO opened seven of its laboratories for industries to pick up technologies already developed. These industries have to shape the technologies for commercial application.

User trials of the systems developed are an important part of their induction by the armed forces. Normally, user trials pose a big challenge for the R&D and the industrial establishments. We are no exception. But the outcome of this exercise could help the country to become independent and selfreliant. If the Army has to gain in selfreliant.

Rethinking is required in its plans of user trials and also of the mission requirements. In view of the onset of the performance evaluation through extensive combined 186.

environmental simulation, would it be possible to plan for reduced scale user trial tests for high alt.i.tude, and desert conditions? This will result in industries moving over to series production within a short time followed by fullscale production for domestic and international markets. Of course, a series of technological and military considerations would be vital for taking such decisions.

The future The above has given a glimpse of defense research and its interface with operational systems. Future defense operations are going to be based on multiple networks of Army, Navy, Air Force and s.p.a.ce systems. Information technology is going to be used in unprecedented ways, in the planning stages, in various simulation exercises, as well as during actual operations when the need arises. Continual surveillance is going to be another feature in the years to come. This is done through remote sensing, communications and several other means. Continual improvement of systems with higher precision, speed and maneuverability would also be a part of this complex picture.

Advances in materials, electronics, advanced sensors information processing, robotics, and artificial intelligence drive all the critical elements.

Advanced sensors Advanced sensor technology has been identified the world over as one of the critical technologies for the future. Advanced sensors require ultrapure materials and ultraclean manufacturing conditions. Integrated electronic devices are using micro sensors on surface mounted devices. Advanced sensors will be used in every segment of human endeavor covering, agriculture, health services, advanced manufacturing systems, advanced avionics, optical communications, s.p.a.ce satellites, super smart highways, biotechnology, genetic engineering, pollution control, diagnostics and so on. Molecular and supramolecular systems for sensing and actuation are creating new sensors capable of measuring physical, chemical and biological parameters. In view of the strategic importance of sensors for industrial, aeros.p.a.ce and health applications, it is necessary to have a national mission on advanced sensors. We will lose out in all areas including agriculture or trade if we do not have sufficient national capability in sensors, since quality improvement, productivity enhancement and enforcement of standards will 187.

require use of advanced sensors. Environmental monitoring is another area based primarily on sensors continually looking at the quality of air, land and water.

A detailed a.s.sessment of the state of the art of advanced sensors indicates that the following are major technological trends.

Development of intelligent or smart sensing devices .

Emergence of integrated multifunctional sensors .

Smart sensors systems capable of performing integration self compensation and self correction .

Sensors integrated with actuators, and .

Development of artificial noses, which can create olfactory images, i.e.

sensors, can smell and quantify the smell!

It is estimated that the worldwide demand for sensors was of the order of $ 5 billion in 1994 USA has about 55 per cent share of the world market. And a.n.a.lysis of the world market for sensors indicate that industrial control, medical and scientific instruments account for 50 per cent of the global market of a sensors. Temperature sensors account for 36 per cent Pressure sensors 34 per cent and flow sensors 28 per cent of the world demand. The world market for chemical and bio chemical sensors is rapidly growing and this is one of the emerging end use applications. The demand for sensors in India will be about Rest. 500 million in 2000 and the dominant use will be in industrial control and automation applications. In spite of the fact that it is strategically important for industrial and defense applications, India has a negligible presence in the advanced sensors market, even in the use of sensors, not to mention in their manufacture and development.

Though there are a large number of inst.i.tutions active in sensors development programmers in India, most of them have not as yet aimed their efforts at a specific product or service. There is no programmed which is oriented towards industry or the health sector. A number of organizations have strong capabilities in one or other element or sensors: for example, for material development or sensor element development or sensor device integration. Their needs to be a sharper focus for the sensors programmed besides closer networking and a joint development 188.

programmed. Perhaps national teams, as is being done for LCA, could be a model to follow.

National programmed in advanced sensors India has to mount a sharply defined national programmed on advanced sensors. If India has to become a major player in advanced sensors there has to be comprehensive national mission implemented in the consortia mode. Several disciplines have to be integrated into developing focused product. Among the new capabilities required are microfabrication and manufacture. All application segments of advanced sensors need special attention with specific focus on market development.

The mission may be implemented through the existing inst.i.tutions or through the new mechanism. However, the mission has to be very clearly defined and it has to be enduse oriented. It is preferable, if industries take a lead in this mission. Unless India has strong national capabilities in advanced sensors we may lose out in all areas to newly industrializing countries, since both industrial compet.i.tiveness and trade compet.i.tiveness are going to depend upon the capabilities in advanced sensors. In future, the compet.i.tive edge in the manufacturing sector as well as in services is going to be greatly determined by the large scale use and innovative applications of sensors. Tables 9.2 and 9.3 provide a glimpse of some of strategically and industrially important sensors. It is crucial India develops major industries in these areas, with commercial level operations in the domestic and foreign markets. Let us now look at a few examples of s.p.a.ce systems, which would from a core of strategic sector industries.

Cryogenic engine for GSLV For the satellite launch vehicles, allsolid multistage rocket systems or solid plus liquid multistage rocket systems or all liquid multi stage rocket systems can be used. The cost per launch in is a way controlled by the takeoff weight of the launch vehicle system for a given payload and type of orbit enquired. The costeffectiveness in commercial 189.

launch Vehicles, that is, the cost of injecting a satellite into a geo stationary orbit will decide the choice of the propellant system for individual TABLE 9.2.

Strategically Important Sensors Area Sensor to be developed Trends Action needed Inertial sensors for a) Laser gyros Development of ultra Navigation and avionics noisefree and stable b) Fiber optic gyro lasers Development of Sensors for submarine c) Micro accelerator integrated optic detections SQUID based chips surface micro systems machining Strategically Sensors for detecting Combining nuclear SQUID sensors for important explosives such as RDX and magnetic resonance sensing ultra and sensors narcotics weak electro magnetic fields nuclear quadruple arising from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)/nuclear quadruple resonance (NQR) resonance principles Piezoresistive micro sensors Surface micro Development of machining of poly monolithic silicon silicon micro transducer including structures signal conditioning and calibration.

TABLE 9.3.

Sensors needed for Industrial Applications Area Sensor to be Trends Action needed developed Humidity sensors Polymer electrolytic, Humidity sensors heat treated polymer using changes in dielectric, inorganic permitivity and substance distributed resistance needed to polymer (change in be developed. This resistance due to will require first humidity absorption) development of sensors material and 190.

related electronic circuitry Cellulose system Metal oxide silicon polymer (change in field effect permitivity) transistor (MOSFET) using humidity absorption polymer to be developed Industrial Carbon particle process control distributed humidity and safety absorption resins (sharp changing resistance with absorption of humidity) Area Sensor to be Trends Action needed developed MOSFET + humidity Surface acoustic absorption polymer wave sensors to be (change in characteristics developed of transistor) Quartz oscillator + polyamide (change in load of oscillator) Gas sensors for Organic semiconductor process control (Increase in conductivity due to adsorption of gas) Coloring matter membrane LB membrane (fluorescence quench) Quartz oscillator + organic thin film (change in load on vibrator) Gas transmission polymer membrane + electrode (selective permeation of gas, electrochemical reaction) Area Sensor to be Trends Action needed developed 191.

Sensors for Artificial noses Development of monitoring toxic multicomponent gases molecular recognition systems Industrial process Inductive proximity Noncontact metal Development of control and safety sensors detection sensors proximity sensors with wide operating and sensor range and fast alignment response techniques Semiconductor Lightemitting Light source and displacement laser diodes or position sensitive sensors semiconductor laser detector based sensors development Stages. Normally, a liquid rocket system will be of a lower weight and with a cryogenic upper stage further weight reduction is achieved.

For example, to place a 2.5ton payload in a geotransfer orbit, an allsolid multi stage launch vehicle will have a talkoff weight of 525 tons. This will reduce to 470 tons if the liquid stage replaces the solid upper stages. It will further reduce to 450 tons with allliquid stages and eventually to less than 300 tons when a cryogenic engine replaces the upper stage. The major differences in takeoff weight are evident. It is said in the s.p.a.ce community that for every addition kilogram of payload, a few lakes of rupees when utilizing the cryogenic engine will reduce the cost. The propellant used in the cryogenic engine is a combination of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen in specific ratios. The proposed cryogenic engine for India's Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV is of 12ton thrust cla.s.s. The engine weighs only 250 kg and has a length of 3.1 meters.

The engine has to be very compact with proper insulation, regenerative cooling and sealing for handling liquid oxygen and hydrogen.

The engine has to be closely coupled to the tank ages and flow control devices to form the upper stage. The propellant loading, transfer, insulating and pressurizing systems are integration into one integral system for modular handling and operation. The technological challenges in realizing this stage are many. The materials selected have to work at minus 253 Celsius as well as at high temperatures of 1750 Celsius continuously. The nozzle and thrust chamber have to be regenerative cooled using the liquid hydrogen itself. For the liquid hydrogen turbo pump, speed has to be maintained 192.

above 50000 revolutions per minute (rpm). Compare it with the revolutions of your motorcar engine, which is 5000 rpm, and of a commercial jet aircraft engine, which is almost 15000 rpm. Considering the fabrication, material technology, which is sealing, bearing, insulating technologies and the process of making the various cryogenic sub system, the country has yet to develop all these and our industries and R& D laboratories have to work together for this important task. A design and manufacturing database has to be established so that no country can come in the way of our s.p.a.ce programmers. In this context, it is essential to note that cryogenic engines cannot be used for any missile application as their storage life is limited, the filling operations can be sensed in advance and no mobility is possible. The argument that cryogenic engines can be used for missiles, Quoting Missile Technology Control Regime, is nontechnical and commercially motivated.

Where are we in aero propulsion?

Where are we in aero engines and propulsion? India with its LCA programmed is now developing a uniquely configured GT engine as described earlier. Similarly, for GSLV, India has to develop within Schedule, a cryogenic engine and stand on its own it's feet in the area of satellite launching. It can be seen that in both these areas we are lagging behind the developed countries because we did not feel their importance, given the level of aeros.p.a.ce technology mission taken up in the country in the past. Today, the priority given to commercial and military aircraft as well as GSLV, cryogenic engines and jet engines has become vital. Bridging the gap in technologies, to become a part of the leaders in the game is not an impossible, to task. The partners.h.i.+p between our inst.i.tutions and industries can accelerate development and our technology acquisition. It will also help tailor the technology acquired to our infrastructure and needs. It can be seen that with the launch of polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), we are almost at par with the developed countries in the area of solid propellant power plants. The PSLV has also established the technologies of storable liquid propellants and related propulsion.

Hyper planes of the future DRDO has entered into ram rocket systems where much higher energy levels (of above 500 sec with solid propellants and unto 1000sec with liquid propellants) ill be realized.


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India 2020 Part 15 summary

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