Rain: Healing Rain Part 12

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Raina's eyes light up, and Kas shakes his head, loving how she is so easily pleased. They take a long stroll through the quiet woods. Kas allows her to take the lead. Warmth spreads through him at how she excitedly takes him down the different paths, pointing out her favorite spots. He laces her slender fingers through his long, powerful ones, pulling her closely into him, "I love you, Raina Pierce."

Her response is a heated kiss, and her fingers slip underneath his jacket and sweater, sliding up his back. She presses her body into him, deepening the kiss. Her green eyes blaze with desire when she pulls away, and Kas wishes they weren't in the middle of freezing woods so he could strip her down, exploring every inch of her. He sees the mischievous glint in her eyes before he feels the cold shower of snow falling on top of his head from the branch she just pulled. She covers her mouth before laughing and turning to run.

"You better run," he calls out after her, laughing as he shakes the snow out of his hair. He gives her a good head start before taking off after her, reaching her at the edge of the woods. He grabs her waist, swinging her around as she squeals. "You're going to pay for that."

Raina grabs a handful of snow, throwing it at him as her beautiful giggles fill the air.

"Are you asking for a fight, Mrs. Pierce?"

A s...o...b..ll smacking him square in the chest proves that she is, and he lightly packs one, tossing it at her as she darts away from him.

"Can't you do any better than that?" she taunts, biting her lower lip as she peeks at him innocently through her lashes.

"I'm going to take you down, darlin'. Don't say I didn't warn you," Kas reb.u.t.tals, grabbing for more snow as she takes off through the field, her beautiful laughter echoing in the wind.

Raina dodges and throws better than he expected as they continue their s...o...b..ll fight, and he ups his game. He races after her, catching her, and she pulls a move she has learned from Si fu Shang, side stepping his advance, and he arches his eyebrow. "Well, done, darlin', but you're forgetting one thing," he smirks, "I already know all those moves." He lunges at her, playfully wrestling her onto the snowy ground. The heat of his kiss sears her lips. "I won, you're mine now. I'm going to take you inside and have my way with you."

Raina squeals as Kas hauls her over his shoulder, making his way back through the snow to the cabin. Once inside, he lays her down next to the roaring fire, stripping her of her snow covered clothing, fulfilling his promise.

They spend the rest of his birthday making love, taking breaks only to eat and snuggle as they talk, lying on a blanket next to the fire. It's late by the time Raina falls asleep, exhausted from his talented body delivering ecstasy, repeatedly, to her. He watches her as she sleeps next to him, and he brushes a strand of auburn hair off her cheek as he watches the light of the flames from the flickering fire kissing her skin. Softly, he runs his hands up and down the creamy ivory skin of her bare back, amazed by the immense depth of his love for this woman.

Chris stares at the photo of Raina, touching every inch of it after not being able to see it for the three days he was in solitary confinement. He thinks of ways to punish Raina for her betrayal, knowing the experience will be extremely unpleasant for her, but he will hold her afterwards, soothe her while she cries, letting her know that he is there for her, proving that he is the one who really loves her. He is sure that she will forget all about Pierce once he has taken her to Colorado. Caressing Raina's face on the photo, his thoughts are absorbed with her and how he will take her away, making her his. He thinks of how happy they will be while they spend the rest of their lives together. He marks off another day on his calendar. "One more day closer," he whispers to the picture, smiling.


Birds chirping happily outside the bedroom window cause Raina to stir and smile as she listens to them, their song proclaiming the arrival of spring. Raina glances at Kas, admiring his muscular chest, rising and lowering slowly with each slumber-filled breath. She traces a finger down the outlines of his muscles, feeling so safe next to him and his raw power. It's hard for her to believe that she has already been married over three months. Quietly, she slips out of bed, taking out the needed materials to make Kas his favorite breakfast, glazed orange rolls and a western omelet.

Kas yawns as he makes his way into the kitchen, giving Raina a mock stern look, "I'm supposed to be making you breakfast, it's your birthday."

Raina takes the juice he pours her, slowly taking a sip as she gazes hungrily at her husband. She muses at how they may never eat the breakfast she's cooking if he doesn't throw a s.h.i.+rt on over his masculine, toned torso that is begging to be touched. Her gaze lowers to his bare feet, and a grin spreads across her lips at how it still does funny things to her seeing him barefoot and only in his checkered pajama bottoms.

He rakes a hand through his s.e.xy, disheveled hair before grabbing her, pulling her into him, "Let me give you a proper happy birthday kiss, then."

She forgets everything else as she melts into his lips, her body awakening at lightning speed. Pressing her body tightly against his, she deepens the kiss, pa.s.sion radiating off of her like a wild fire. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her even closer into him as he plunges his tongue, exploring and teasing her until she feels she is going to come undone. Feeling her need, he grabs her by the waist, effortlessly picking her up and setting her on the counter top. Roughly, he grabs the skillet, pus.h.i.+ng it off of the stove top eye before turning his full attention back to her, placing his hands on her knees, spreading them apart. He settles himself in between her thighs and grabs her backside, firmly pus.h.i.+ng her against him as he keeps his hands in place. His mouth moves lower down her neck, stopping at her chest to take his time delivering sweet torture.

When she feels she can't possibly take anymore without him making her his, he wraps her legs around his waist, pulling her intimacy hard against his solid length. She gasps, needing him so desperately she physically aches. "Please, Kas, please!"

She doesn't have to beg any further, he lays her down on the kitchen floor and tears the clothing off of her, his need for her burning as hot and furious as hers for him. Knowing she is already ready for him, he takes her hard, being sure to gauge her reaction, not wanting to be too rough. Her response is full of need, her body begging for more, so he obliges. He thrusts harder. She loudly gasps with shocked pleasure. Her hips arch, meeting his boisterous thrusts hungrily, greedily. He wraps his hands tightly around her waist, his fingers dig into her as he gives her everything she wants, needs, and then some, slamming into her as she cries out, her gratification making him lose himself with her.

Her head is resting on his arm, the cool wood floor feeling heavenly against her heated, flushed skin. Kas' breathing is slowly returning to normal, his body recovering from the blissful satisfaction Raina always magnificently provides. He is addicted to her. He needs her heart, her love, her touch, like a drug. He runs the back of his fingers across her cheek, "You are the most amazing woman, Raina."

"Well, you're not so bad yourself, Pierce. That was so much more than just a happy birthday kiss," she breathes, her body still recovering from the exertion that has left her nearly breathless and completely sated.

He rolls over, hovering above her, his hands on either side of her head as he lowers his mouth, giving her a long, sweet kiss. "I'm starving," he whispers, his eyes telling her that he is not talking about food.

"Me too," she replies softly, her teeth tugging at her bottom lip, causing him to groan.

Kas takes her hands, pulls her up and sweeps her into his arms, carrying her into their bedroom. His eyes stay locked on hers as he gently lowers her to the bed, taking his time loving her, feeling every inch of her before he takes her back into the happiest place she's ever been.

Reluctantly, they tear away from each other's arms. They shower quickly so they can make it to work in time. Kas gives her another hot, head-spinning kiss as the doors to the elevator ding. Raina tries to tame the flaming flush on her creamy cheeks, her gaze dropping to the floor in embarra.s.sment as Scott snickers when he enters the elevator as they exit.

"I will see you at lunch," Kas calls out to her.

"Hey, Erik," Raina greets her yawning friend when he walks through the door. "The coffee's brewing," she laughs when he yawns again.

"You're a life saver," he plants a kiss on the top of her head.

Raina flips the switch, bringing the machine in front of her to life. Their search to narrow down the Evan Parkers has been tedious, but they have successfully ruled out over seventeen thousand. Their time has been divided, mostly letting the system they set up monitor and weed out the Parkers they don't need while they work on the equipment continually being brought in from other raids.

The morning drags by until it's finally lunch, and Raina jumps up from her chair, excited about her date with Kas. She glances at Erik, not wanting to leave him out, "You wanna come?"

Erik winks, "I've got a lunch date of my own. I might be back a little late."

Raina blushes, knowing that the reason he came in so tired this morning is the same person he is meeting for lunch, "Tell Susanna h.e.l.lo."

The working day is finally done, and Raina is excited about the quiet evening she has planned with Kas, smiling when he walks through the door.

"Ready, birthday girl?"

Erik's eyes dart to Raina, "It's your birthday, and you didn't tell me." He ruffles her hair, "Happy birthday, girl." He grabs his jacket, then turns back to them, realizing it's a coming of age birthday for her, "What are you doing to celebrate?"

"Just hanging out at home."

Erik gives her a look of horror, and Kas laughs as Erik grabs his chest, "It's your twenty-first birthday, and it's a Friday night." Erik grabs her hand, "I would be the worst best friend in history if I let you go home tonight. No way, I have a reputation to uphold here. We're taking you out to celebrate."

Raina gives Kas a pleading look, and he winks, shrugging his shoulders.

Erik calls Susanna, informing her of the change in plans as Jake steps into the room, handing Kas a file. Jake overhears Erik saying it's Raina's birthday. "Happy birthday, Rain."

"Thank you."

"We're taking her to the bar on East St., you've gotta go, tell the rest of the team," Erik informs him, hanging up his cell.

"That's really not necessary. I mean, thank you, but I'm a little tired-" Raina begins, but is cut-off.

"No excuses, you only turn twenty-one once."

Jake agrees, asking if they mind if he brings his new girlfriend, Maya.

"Bring her, the more the merrier," Erik answers for Raina, and Kas laughs at the overwhelmed expression on his wife's beautiful face.

"Catch Michael before he leaves," Erik calls out to Jake, wanting to be sure to invite the visiting agent they have all befriended over the raids they have joined forces on. Michael has been a.s.sisting Kas and Derrick's teams to plan the raid at the abandoned apartment building where they took out a group of traffickers with ties ranging from D.C. to Boston.

"We'll meet you there in an hour," Erik states, grabbing his laptop before heading out the door to pick up Susanna.

Kas grabs his cell and is dialing when Raina looks at him quizzically, "What are you doing?"

"Inviting Chase and Sara." He bites back more laughter when she shoots him a look like he's just morphed into Benedict Arnold. "You might want to call Seth," he tells her, not able to hold back the laughter anymore as she throws Erik's empty paper coffee cup at him.

Raina is absently chewing on her lip on the drive to the popular bar, and Kas puts his hand over hers, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. "What's bothering you, Rain?" he asks, already knowing the answer, and hoping tonight will help her overcome some of her carefully established rationalities behind her father's cruelty.

"I don't want to drink."

He squeezes her hand, "You don't have to, darlin'." He glances at her, "But, I want you to make that decision based on your wants, not on your history with your father." He pauses, wanting his next words to sink in, "You're not like him, Raina."

Imploring jade eyes meet his, the uncertainty echoing her discomfort.

"Sweetheart, there's no way you will ever be like him, it's not in you." He takes a deep breath, "Your father's cruelty isn't a byproduct of the alcohol, it was already inside of him. I'm not saying the alcohol didn't harm him, or push him, it's obvious he's an alcoholic, but it's not the root of who he is."

Raina gazes out the window, lost in thought.

"Look, I'm the first to say that if there's any indication at all that someone may have a problem with alcohol, they need to stay far away from it. If there's a genetic history of alcoholism, it's wise to never test the theory that it can be pa.s.sed down, but you're adopted, Rain." Kas squeezes her hand again, "I'm not a fan of people getting drunk, or drinking until their control starts to slip, but, the way I look at it is, if you can be responsible, then I don't see an issue with having a drink every once in a while."

He senses her lingering hesitance, "I don't want you ever doing anything that makes you uncomfortable, Rain. Neither does anyone else that will be there tonight. If you don't want to drink, don't drink. If you do want to try one, I'll be right there with you the whole time, okay?"

"Uh huh," Raina responds pensively, her intellect battling her emotions as she digests his words until they arrive.

The upscale bar is packed, b.u.mping shoulders and turning sideways to get to your table kind of crowded. They quickly learn that it's karaoke night when they hear a very tone-deaf man butchering some song about not wanting the night to end.

Austin grimaces, leaning into Jake, "I want this song to end! Dang, he's just all kinds of wrong up there."

They grab a few tables close together as a new, enthusiastic singer takes the stage, doing a fairly decent job of soothing their pained ears. The noise level is booming, and Raina is almost having to yell to talk to Kas who is seated right beside her. They place their food and drink orders with the waitress hurriedly pointing at them from the front of the table. Raina smiles and nudges Kas when Jake slips his hand over Maya's, the look in his eyes showing just how smitten the shy agent is with her.

The waitress places a margarita in front of Raina, along with the actual drink of choice she had ordered. She scoots her water closer to her and is getting ready to hand the margarita back to the waitress, thinking she gave her someone else's drink, when Austin chucks her under the chin and wishes her happy birthday as he plops a straw in the fruity, salty concoction.

She shyly thanks him, then glances at Kas as he leans into her, "You don't have to drink it, darlin'. Like I said, no one wants you doing anything you don't want to do."

Raina feels eyes on her, and she glances up, seeing Chase studying her empathetically. She knows he's wondering what her decision will be, and she suddenly has a strong desire to prove to herself that she isn't her father, that she is stronger than him. She takes a tentative sip. Kas' earlier words pop into her head, and she has no doubts that she will ever let alcohol rule her life, not after it has ruled it for way too long already. She's just worried about not knowing how to gauge it's effects. Her hesitant eyes meet Kas', and he can read her thoughts like the words were spoken out loud.

"Don't worry, baby, I won't let you get out of control," he whispers to her sincerely, before winking mischievously, "I won't let you dance topless on the table or anything, not until we get home anyway."

Raina slaps his arm, taking a very small sip, leaning her back against Kas' strong chest.

They eat and laugh. Austin and Frank critique the singers after each song. Michael looks like he is going to fall off of his chair from laughing hysterically at Austin's not so gentle quip about the last person who sounded more like a wounded coyote than a singer. Raina chastises softly, telling them to be nice.

Mercifully, a slow song comes on, one that is recorded, not a pitiful rendition, and Kas grabs Raina's hand, "Dance with me."

Raina lays her head against Kas' shoulder, running her hands down his toned waist, feeling indisputably loved by her husband and all her friends. She snuggles closer to Kas as he rubs his hand down her back, pulling her body closer into him, making her wish they were at home so she could feel her body pressed against his skin to skin. She wraps her fingers through his belt loops, giving him a sweet kiss, her eyes s.h.i.+ning of her love for him.

Kas' eyes return the same intense emotions as he kisses her back, their bodies swaying to the soft music. The song ends too soon, and Kas reluctantly releases her, grabbing her hand as he walks her towards the table.

Seth's favorite song comes on, and he grabs for Sara's hand, but she pulls it back, laughing, "I have seen you dance, there's no way I'm getting on that floor with you."

Seth feigns hurt as he throws his hand over his heart, then grabs Raina's hand, "Can I borrow your wife for this song?"

Kas lets go, bursting into laughter at Raina's glare, knowing she is going to kill him later, after all, he has seen the poor boy try to dance. Michael takes pity on her and decides his reputation can't be damaged too much by being seen with Seth's flailing moves since he doesn't live there. He grabs Raina, taking over with her as Seth attempts to dance next to them.

Everyone at their tables is clapping as they return, and Seth bows, knowing they are only ribbing him in good nature.

The karaoke begins again, and Kas nudges Raina, "You should go up there."

Mandy, Austin's date overhears, "You sing?"

Raina starts to shake her head no, but Kas jumps in, "The girl can sing."

Raina shoots him a combined look of panic and disbelief at all of his outrageous encouragements tonight as Mandy, Sara, Susanna, and Maya grab at her, telling her to get her b.u.t.t on stage. She adamantly shakes her head, her cheeks flus.h.i.+ng at their insistence.

"We'll go with you," Sara chimes in as she grabs her hand, but Raina doesn't budge.

Susanna grabs her other hand, and Maya and Mandy grab her arms as Kas gives the final push, sending her to her feet. They pull her towards the stage. Raina steps onto the platform, the lights momentarily blinding her as she is pushed towards the microphone. Her heart is beating wildly, feeling like it's going to pump straight out of her chest as she stares out into the crowd of people. In a panic, she turns to go, but the girls are in front of her, and Sara has already called out a song to the deejay. The music starts to play, and Raina freezes. Susanna nudges her and points to the screen, telling her to sing the words rolling across. Raina remains quiet, motionless, and someone in the back lets out a loud yell, "Sing, or get off the stage."

Raina is more than happy to oblige the unseen man and leave the stage, but her friends will hear nothing of it as they sing and push her to join in. Kas stands, making his way slowly to the raised platform, all the while keeping his gaze steady and locked on hers. He gently nods his head, encouraging her to go ahead. She again vehemently shakes her head no, her hands shaky as she holds the microphone. Kas mouths at her, telling her to look at him, his eyes willing her to forget everyone else, to just concentrate on him, and she softly nods. Sara yells for the deejay to start the song again, and Kas smiles, shaking his head at the choice, a song of independence, perfect for his independent, tenacious wife.

Raina's voice is quiet at first, beginning the song timidly. Her eyes lock on Kas', and he smiles, encouraging her to let go. Her voice rises as she slowly lets herself get lost in the song. The other girls stop singing as Raina's sultry voice picks up, soothingly singing the slower part of the song before her voice booms just at the right second when the song's tempo quickly picks up speed. With every second, she gains more attention from the rowdy crowd. People stop talking, and heads turn towards her as she belts out the chorus.

Kas fills with pride as Raina's confidence grows, her voice sounding amazing, professional up there on that small stage. The whole team stares at her in bewilderment. Seth's jaw drops slightly as they listen. People start to join in with her, and Raina grabs the mike, her fingers moving with the pitches as her voice belts out the song incredibly. Once the music stops, there are loud whistles and catcalls throughout the room as Kas grabs Raina's waist, lowering her off of the stage, into his arms.

"You were beyond amazing, Rain," his praises her, his eyes overflowing with love and pride. His body reacts violently when she blushes and looks up at him shyly. "I've got one very hot, very talented wife," he whispers in her ear, giving her a heated kiss before making himself pull away from her in the public setting. He grabs her hand as they make their way back to the table.

All of their friends cheer as she takes her seat, and her cheeks flush a deep scarlet. Erik pulls her off her seat into a hug, "How dare you keep something like that from me!"

Michael shakes his head, leaning towards Kas, "That girl of yours should be all wrapped up in bright yellow caution tape, tied into a pretty, little Christmas bow."

Kas lets out a hearty laugh, "I couldn't agree more."

Monday morning is welcomed with a cold, hard rain. Kas is awakened by the furious pelts of rain hitting the tin roof, and he rolls over, pulling his sleeping wife tightly into his arms. He glances at the clock, deciding he will spend the last few minutes before the alarm goes off enjoying the feel of Raina in his embrace. He brushes her auburn waves off her neck as she softly moans and tucks her head underneath his chin. Kissing the top of her head, he wraps his arm around her waist, wis.h.i.+ng he could spend the whole day in bed with her.

He cuts the alarm off before it blares, kissing Raina's neck, just below her ear. She softly moans again, and Kas whispers in her ear that it's time to get up. He playfully pops her on her delectable derriere, "Time to get in the shower, darlin'."

"Do I have to?" she grumbles, her eyes still closed as she scoots closer to him.

"Yes, you do, now move that cute b.u.t.t."

Raina takes his advice and wiggles her bottom provocatively against him, biting her lip to suppress her smile at the rock hard state she caused. She throws back the covers and starts to slip out of the bed, but Kas wraps his arms around her waist again, pulling her on top of him. "Oh, no you don't," he breathes, his voice gruff and husky with desire.

Raina giggles as he flips her onto her back. Brus.h.i.+ng his thumb against her cheek before making love to her, they ring in the rainy morning with her breathlessly calling out his name.

Raina sits in the chair, her legs curled up as she translates more transcripts. The rain tapping against the large gla.s.s window in Kas' office makes her sleepy. Standing up to stretch, she jumps as her phone vibrates in her side pocket. Kas walks over to her when he sees her expression as she reads the alert sent to her cell.

"What's wrong?"

"I set my phone to notify me on the progress of finding Prizrak. We've narrowed it down to three Evan Parkers," she proclaims, excitement and dread hitting her at once.

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Rain: Healing Rain Part 12 summary

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