Rain: Healing Rain Part 14

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"That's enough of that," Austin laughs, wrapping his arm around Raina's shoulder. "Ready to go celebrate?"

"Depends on what your version of that means today," Raina counters playfully, knowing his celebrations can range from a calm dinner to an all night party rivaling the best of the wildest fraternities.

"We'll keep it respectable today, seeing as you're all dressed up with a doctorate and everything."

Shedding the sauna draped over her, she throws the gown in the back as Kas holds the door open for her. She turns around, leaning against the vehicle and pulls Kas close to her, pressing her lips against his. The way he looks so freaking hot in the dress clothes that seem as if they were tailored just for his long, masculine frame makes her ooze with desire for his s.e.xy body to be all over her needy one. Her fists grab handfuls of his gray dress s.h.i.+rt, wis.h.i.+ng she could run her fingers over the muscles underneath.

"We're not going to make it to the restaurant if you keep this up," he whispers, running his hand behind her neck, his thumb caressing her skin.

"I'm okay with that," she breathes, tugging on his tie as tingles spread all over her sensitized skin.

Kas' laugh sends liquid heat warming her lower belly, and it's all she can do not to push him in the backseat and have some post graduate fun.

"I know that look in your eyes, darlin'," he gives her another kiss before pulling away, "later, baby, right now, you have a crowd of people waiting on you."

She puffs her bottom lip, grazing it between her teeth, "Promise?"

"Oh, I promise. There's nothing that can keep my hands off of you when we get home."

They pull into her favorite restaurant on Main, and Kas grabs her wrist as she slips out of the jeep. "I think I have something for this," his smile full of mischief and pride as he brings her wrist to his lips, delicately kissing her pulse, sending her hormones shooting into orbit again.

He leans into the car, his body delivering sweet torture as it presses against hers. Raina watches as he pulls a long box from the glove compartment, her eyes widening as he takes out a charm bracelet, slipping it on her slender wrist.

"Kas, you didn't have to get me anything," she gasps, her fingers lovingly admiring the charms. Her eyes shoot to his, love br.i.m.m.i.n.g in them as she stares at her husband, amazed at his thoughtfulness of picking out charms from their experiences together. "Thank you," she whispers, tears pooling in her bright jade gaze as she takes in the carefully selected charms of the leaning tower of Pisa, a snowflake, laughing when she sees the charm of a steering wheel, remembering when he taught her how to drive.

"The heart is pretty obvious," he tells her, placing her hand on his chest over his. "I love you, Raina Pierce. There's plenty of room on that bracelet to add many more memories."

Raina doesn't know what to say, so she lets her lips show her appreciation.

It's dusk when they pull into their drive, and Raina is simmering with antic.i.p.ation of Kas' touch. He had mercilessly teased and taunted her all evening with his fingers brus.h.i.+ng her skin, his whispers giving erotic details of what he is going to do to her, and his eyes practically blazing with raw desire every time he looked at her. At one point, she nearly spilled her gla.s.s all over Russo's shoes when Kas leaned close to her ear and quickly breathed an explicit s.e.xual fantasy inducing the onset of fluttering palpitations that nearly knocked the breath right out of her at the realization that he would soon be making the fantasy a hot, feral reality.

A large bouquet of red roses is sitting on display in front of the door, and Raina glances at Kas.

"Those aren't from me."

She picks up the bountiful bouquet, inhaling the sweet fragrance, and Kas unlocks the door, heading straight to the bedroom to shed his stuffy dress clothes and shoes, beyond ready to deliver what he promised to his lascivious wife.

Raina pulls the card out, placing the vase on the table. Her breath leaves her in a rush as she stares at the card. Forcing herself to focus, she concentrates on what is written.

Kas calls from the bedroom, throwing on a pair of jeans when she doesn't respond. When he sees Raina's blanched face and trembling hand, he rushes to her. "What's wrong?"

Raina s.h.i.+vers from the sudden chill was.h.i.+ng over her, "I don't think it was Mr. Sutton making the calls."

"Why?" he demands, his alarm growing as he takes the card from her hand. Anger and fear sting him as he looks at the complex mathematical equations, not understanding what they mean, but knowing exactly who sent it. "What is this, Raina?" his voice is cold steel as he stares at the card.

"Mathematical equations," she whispers, not wanting to tell him anymore.

Kas hears her hesitance and demands, "Raina, tell me what this means."

She turns away from him, but he grabs her arm, his gentle grasp polar opposite to the fierce blaze burning brightly in his eyes.


She jumps at his tone, knowing the harshness isn't directed at her, but nervous from the strength of the threatening vengeance she can practically taste radiating off of him.

Kas grinds his teeth and takes a deep breath, trying to calm his anger, not wanting to scare her. Soothingly, he runs his hands up and down her cold arms. "Baby, please tell me what these mean," he requests, softening the edge in his voice.

"I'm familiar with these types of equations. Chris used to leave me notes like this to figure out, taped to my door, or at my station at the computer lab. The answer to each equation corresponds to the number of a letter in the alphabet."

"What do these equations spell?" he asks, not sure he wants to hear the answer.

Her frightened eyes meet his, her voice shaky as she tells him, "You are mine."

Kas wants to rip the card into a million miniscule pieces but refrains, needing it for evidence. He pulls Raina into his arms. "It's okay, baby. I won't let him hurt you, not again," he promises.

She tries her best not to tremble, not wanting to succ.u.mb to any fear, especially fear from Chris. She leans into Kas, allowing the warmth of his embrace to shelter her. He holds her for several minutes before kissing her forehead, his eyes promising to protect her as he dials Pete. She listens as he informs Pete of the new information as she runs her fingers slowly across his toned torso, feeling the relief of his strength.

Raina is sipping on warm tea that Kas insisted on making her, needing to do something for her to hopefully ease her worry, when Pete arrives. They talk about all the possible ways of Chris obtaining a burn phone in prison, and Pete a.s.sures them that he's investigating how that happened. He checks for prints on the card and flower vase, but only finds theirs.

"I want his sentence extended," Kas demands, barely containing his anger. "Don't tell me there's nothing you can do."

Pete lets out a long breath, wis.h.i.+ng there was something he could offer to ease his friend. "Without any proof, I can't request his prison term be lengthened." He looks at Raina, "Do you still have the notes he left you with the similar equations?"

She shakes her head, "I got rid of everything he gave me after he-after he left the night I broke up with him."

Kas squeezes her hand, hating she is having to relive the night Chris viciously beat her and attempted to rape her. He looks at Raina, his gaze hopeful, "Can you prove he sent the flowers?"

She shakes her head skeptically, "He is brilliant, a genius."

"So are you."

"I've told you before, I'm not a genius," she corrects him. His resounding a.s.surance in her eases her current state, and she wishes his belief in her could make her perform miracles. "If he used a computer, I'll have him," she states, witnessing the relief in Kas' eyes, and she quickly snuffs his premature relief, "but he knows that. He wouldn't have used a computer."

"I want the list of all of his visitors, who his cellmate is, who he has befriended, h.e.l.l, I want the name of every person he's spoken to in there. If he didn't have the flowers delivered through some access he has to a computer, he's had someone else do it."

Pete bites back his sigh, knowing he would feel exactly the same if some obsessive ex-boyfriend was stalking his wife, but realizing how guarded inmates are when it comes to any form of questioning from police. His chances of finding anything out from them are slim, if any. "I will do my best," he promises, meaning every word.

Kas holds Raina in his arms that night, desperately wanting to make all of this go away for her. He knows he can't erase her past. He can't make her forget everything that has happened to her, but he can distract her for a while. He hovers over her as she looks into his eyes, her sweet smile trying to soothe him. Her trying to make him feel better rips through his heart. He remembers her words, 'why can't we protect each other'? and he kisses her feverishly, needing to give her something good right now, something stronger than fear.

He pulls his t-s.h.i.+rt over her head, loving how she puts on one of his s.h.i.+rts whenever she is stressed or anxious. He moves his mouth lower, sliding his hand over her warm skin, continuing lower until he finds where he wants to be. He takes his time loving her, making sure to give her as much reprieve as possible until she curls up in his arms, her head laying on his chest as she drifts into an exhausted slumber. Kas just holds her, his mind far from sleep as he counts down the mere handful of months left before Chris is released from prison. He vows that he will protect her, no matter what it takes.

Raina's head is buried in a transcript as Kas is on the phone with an undesirable informant who's keeping his ears open for anyone referring to the name Evan Parker, or his aliases, when Michael steps in the doorway, knocking on the frame. He walks inside when he sees Raina's wide, welcoming grin.

Michael pulls her into a hug, giving her a good squeeze, "Congratulations on getting your doctorate a couple of weeks ago, I'm sorry I missed it. I would have loved to be there, especially if it meant I could've ditched being undercover in that motel."

Raina laughs as Kas ends the call before slapping Michael on the back, "I didn't know you were coming. We were getting ready to grab some lunch if you want to join us."

"That sounds great."

Kas' picks up on the hint of apprehension in Michael's voice. "Everything alright? Gotta a problem with a case?"

Michael nods his head, rubbing his chin hesitantly.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Kas asks, a little concerned, Michael has never been one to beat around the bush.

Michael puts his arm around Raina's shoulder, "Actually, I need your wife."

"Sure, how can I help?" Raina answers eagerly, thinking he needs her to help with something technical.

Kas bristles at the resigned supplication clouding Michael's eyes. "What exactly is it you need Raina to do?"

Letting out a quick breath, Michael throws the question out there, already knowing the reaction he will receive, "I need Raina to come to New Jersey with me to help infiltrate a ring of traffickers we've been after for months, but can't seem to get a strong hold on."

"And you need my wife for this stronghold?" Kas asks, his declination already evident in his tone.

"The suspected leader owns a night club, and they are currently looking for a guitarist and lead singer for their band. The last ones there had a falling out and split. You've met Brent, one of my agents. He has killer chops, making a grown man all teary when he plays his guitar."

"You want Raina to sing." He shakes his head, "I'm sorry, Michael, but we need her here."

Even without Kas' freakish skills, Raina picks up on Michael's disappointment. "Kas, can I talk with you for a moment, please?" she asks, her jade eyes imploring his. Her gaze doesn't waver when he gives her a look, clearly telling her it's not going to happen. "Please," she requests again, the tone of her plea making it a little harder to ignore.

Kas' jaw tightens, knowing his headstrong, determined wife is getting ready to try to change his mind.

Michael sees his only chance and heads towards the door. "I'll let you two have a moment."

"No, Raina," Kas' tone is adamant before she even begins.

"Erik can process the information on the Parker's being monitored. If I can help Michael's team to stop this ring, I want to."

Kas sighs, brus.h.i.+ng his knuckles across her cheek, "It's not happening, Rain."

"Why?" her is voice edged with belligerence at his finality.

"Raina, drop it!" he spouts, turning away from her.

She places a hand on his arm, knowing exactly why he doesn't want her to go, understanding the strength behind his need to protect her. "I'll be fine. I've learned a lot from Si fu Shang, I can take care of myself."

Despite his best effort not to, his lips curve into a smile at his wife's stubborn tenacity. "Darlin', both Si fu Shang and I are impressed with your quick progress, but you're still a newbie."

Michael bursts through the door, "I'll watch out for her, Pierce."

Raising his brow, he rests his irritated, resolved gaze on Michael.

"Sorry, these walls are paper thin."

Raina launches her next tactic, "It would provide a needed distraction."

Kas glares at Raina exasperatedly, knowing she's referring to the recent issues with Chris. "That's not fair," he admonishes.

Chewing on her lip, she sheepishly peeks at him through her lashes, "I know, but is it working?"

Michael pipes in, seeing Kas' defense weakening, "I'll take care of her, you have my word."

Looking back and forth between the two, he lets out a grunt in defeat, raking his hand through his hair.

Raina throws her arms around him.

"Not so fast, darlin'," Kas warns, "are you sure you can do this?"

Her self-deprecating look of waning confidence tugs at him, and he quickly clarifies his meaning. "I'm not doubting your talent, no one can argue that you have mad skills when you sing," he rea.s.sures her. "But, what if you get up there and freeze again?" he finishes softly, needing her to take that possibility into careful consideration.

He can see her mind spinning the chances of that happening around in her pretty head, and part of him wishes he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to dampen her fragile confidence. Fierce pride fills him when he sees the familiar spark burn bright jade.

"If it means that it might help save some girls from being forced into slavery, I can do it."

Michael throws his arm around both of their shoulders. "We have a couple of days to loosen her up before we go." His relieved smile meets her slightly timid one, "Now, where are we going for lunch?"


"Again. This time, don't look at me, Raina," Kas tells her, backing towards the rear wall of the college auditorium.

Raina tries to force herself to ignore Kas' presence, an impossibly difficult task when every fiber of her reacts to him just being close to her. Michael restarts the music, and Raina takes a deep breath, trying to pretend she is someone else standing on the stage. Her voice is tentative for only a few chords before she feels herself getting lost in the rhythm. Kas shakes his head, his grin spreading across his face as he watches Raina, his love for her obvious as her confidence blooms.

She finishes the song strongly and is greeted by a couple of seconds of silence, causing her shaky level of self-a.s.surance to rapidly deflate before Kas walks towards her, his loud clapping echoing throughout the auditorium. "Amazing, Rain, truly amazing."

Her cheeks flush at his compliment and Michael's affirmation telling her that she is going to nail the audition.

Everyone meets at Moe's, wis.h.i.+ng Raina good luck before she leaves with Michael tomorrow. Sara, Susanna, and Maya look at Raina conspiratorially as they leave, telling her they are coming over before she leaves for the audition, leaving Raina a little nervous about the undisclosed reason behind their enthusiasm.

As promised, the trio greets Kas as he opens the door. He glances at the bags in their hands and the sly smiles on their secretive faces. He squints his eyes, pus.h.i.+ng the door open the rest of the way so they can come in, "I don't want to know what all of you are up to."

Sara shoots him a wicked grin as they head towards the bedroom.

A half-hour later, the bedroom door opens, and the paper Kas was reading slips from his hands, dropping onto his lap as he gawks at his wife, his completely decked out wife. Make-up is on her usually fresh, natural face. Her body is dressed in the trendiest skin tight jeans. An emerald sheer lace blouse is hugging a tight black mid-riff spaghetti strap tank cut low on her creamy, ivory chest. Her feet and calves are covered in sleek, black, s.e.xy high heel boots, and a cropped black leather jacket dangles from her hand as she smiles shyly at her speechless husband, her dark red bottom lip slipping nervously between her teeth as she glances self-consciously at a gaped-mouth Kas.

"I'm going to change," she stammers, quickly turning towards the bedroom but Sara grabs her arm.

"Oh, no you're not." Sara glares at Kas, "Say something."

He clears his throat, all of his earlier reservations about her going slamming into him, and brand new reasons of why she shouldn't go are popping in his head like over-cooked popcorn. "You look . . . . hot," he begins, shoving his hands in his pockets to hide his body's treacherous response, "but, maybe the outfit's a little too revealing."

Susanna scoffs, "Nonsense, she's going to blow them away at the audition. Look at her, she's so friggin hot, she's on fire."

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Rain: Healing Rain Part 14 summary

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