Rain: Healing Rain Part 22

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Kas leans against the wall of the barn, staring out at the autumn, evening sky. "How do you do that, Pops? How do you always read my mind?"

"Where do you think you got your skills from?" he laughs, tapping him on the back of his head.

They hear his grandmother calling them in for dinner, and Kas breathes in the fresh, country air, dreaming about moving there with Raina someday. After dinner, they move into the living room, staying up late as Kas' grandmother thoroughly him by showing Raina pictures of him growing up. It's him that blushes this time, when Raina coos over how cute he was as a baby.

"When are you two going to give us some great-grandchildren?"

Raina blushes, looking at Kas for a.s.sistance.

"We want to wait a couple of years before trying."

"Just don't wait too long, or I won't be able to run around with them in the yard," Pops chimes in.

Raina flips through more pictures, thoughts of having Kas' children dancing around in her head. She's overwhelmed with how happy the thought makes her. Looking up at him, she watches how he laughs with Pops at something on the television, seeing how his smile reaches all the way up to his kind eyes. She thinks of how good of a man he is, of how he can be bossy and over-protective, but how gentle he is with her, even at his angriest. She knows he will be a wonderful father, and she brings her hand to her mouth, her fingers slowly running across her lip as she thinks of having his baby, the thought of two years suddenly seeming so far away.

Laying her head on Kas' shoulder in bed later that night, she trails her fingers slowly across his chest.

"What is it, Rain?" he whispers, knowing she's contemplating something in her pretty head.

"I know we haven't been married long, but when your grandparents were talking about children earlier, I got to thinking," she pauses.

Kas tilts her chin to where she's looking at him, "Thinking about what, darlin'?"

"Maybe two years is too long to wait. I'm thinking that I would like to start trying after a year, if that's okay with you."

Kas rolls on top of her, holding himself over her as he looks down, his eyes full of love, "I'm more than okay with that, Rain." Lowering his mouth to hers, he teases and tastes her. "In fact, I think we should start practicing right now," he whispers in her ear, his heart swelling at the sound of her beautiful giggles. He covers her mouth again, making love to her as the moonlight spills across the bed.

The crow of the rooster awakens Kas, and he runs his hand down Raina's bare back, kissing her on the shoulder as she stirs to life.

"Can I help you feed the animals?" she asks, snuggling her head under his chin, his morning stubble tickling her nose.

"Sure, but it can be pretty dirty work," he warns.

"I'll shower after, then."

Kas bites the inside of his cheek as he watches Raina trying to move the large hogs out of the way so she can pour their slop in their trough. "You're going to have to show them you're the boss," he calls to her, trying very hard not to laugh.

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that?" she asks, brus.h.i.+ng an auburn curl behind her ear.

Climbing over the railing, Kas gently pushes against the hogs hindquarters to move them out of the way so Raina can give them their breakfast. He helps her back over the railing before climbing over himself. "Feeding the chickens is much easier," he teases.

She slaps his arm, "Go easy on me, I'm a beginner."

"You're doing great," he tells her, handing her the feed, grabbing a handful, showing her how to do it. He watches how she smiles at her triumph when the chickens scatter all around her feet, pecking at the feed.

"Ready to milk the cow?" he asks, falling into a fit of laughter at the shocked expression on her face.

"I'm not so sure I'm ready for that."

"I'll show you. You just have to be gentle, or she'll swat you with her tail."

"Sounds, well, it sounds kind of scary if you want to know the truth," she laughs nervously.

"It doesn't hurt," he a.s.sures her, pulling her behind him, continuing to chuckle at her panicked hesitation.

He sets a stool down and grabs the bucket, showing her how to do it before asking if she's ready to try, pulling her towards the stool when she shakes her head no. "She won't bite," he teases, switching places with her.

"What if I hurt her?" she asks, her beautiful eyes full of concern.

"She'll let you know. Just start off really gentle."

Raina tentatively starts doing just as Kas showed her, jumping when the cow lets out a loud moo. "I don't think she likes me."

"She can tell you're nervous. Try again," he encourages.

Raina tries again, and milk actually comes out, causing her to squeal excitedly. Kas watches with pride at how Raina finishes milking the cow and helps him clean out the horse's stalls before heading to shower before breakfast.

"You're not afraid of anything are you, darlin'?" he praises her as she rubs the conditioner in her hair.

"I don't know, Old Bessie was making me pretty nervous."

"You did good." He turns her around, tucking a wet strand of auburn hair behind her ear as he looks at her. "You never cease to amaze me."

She presses her lips to his, and he kisses her back feverishly before pus.h.i.+ng her against the shower wall. He presses his body against hers, loving making love to her in the shower, her hot, wet body moving against his, her arms wrapped around his neck, her legs tightly around his waist, as she gives herself fully to him.

Pops places the gravy in front of them when they sit down for breakfast. "Looks like you worked up quite an appet.i.te," he tells Raina, handing her a biscuit.

Kas slips his hand on her knee when she almost chokes, leaning close to her ear. "He's talking about taking care of the animals this morning," he tells her, having to make himself not laugh at the horrified expression on her face when she thought Pops was referring to their other morning activities.

Pops brings out their tamest mare after lunch, showing Raina how to saddle her. Kas helps her on the horse before he mounts one of the stallions. "We'll take an easy trail. I'll stay right beside you," he a.s.sures her as he takes both bridles in his hand. "I'll lead you out into the field then hand her over to you. She's very tame, you don't have to worry about her running off."

Raina is filled with excitement at learning to ride a horse. She has always wanted to go horseback riding and can't think of a more perfect setting than riding next to Kas on a trail at the beautiful ranch. They go slowly through the trail in the woods, and Raina is in awe at the vibrant colors of the fall leaves, the hues so much deeper than the woods back home. Kas watches Raina as she takes in the beauty of the scenery around her, and he wishes they could stay there forever, the day after tomorrow coming way too quickly for his liking. He's not ready to have to return home, back to reality, back to Sutton.

They dismount at the stream, letting the horses rest and drink before they head back to the house. Kas leans against the barn stall as Raina brushes the mare, rubbing her hand down the horse's soft muzzle. He hands her a carrot, telling her to be sure to keep her fingers away from the horse's teeth as the mare greedily takes it from her open palm.

The evening is warm, and they all go for a walk after dinner. Kas' grandparents stroll hand in hand down the road while Kas wraps his arm around Raina's shoulders, pulling her closer to him as he kisses the top of her head, "That's going to be us someday, you know."

"I'm counting on it, Pierce." Raina slips her arm around his waist, resting her head on him as they walk down the peaceful country road.

Kas takes Raina riding on a more challenging trail after lunch the next day, taking her up the mountain a little so he can show her the views over the valley. Seeing how content Kas is there, Raina wishes his life could be less complicated. She thinks of Prizrak and how he has been so hard to catch. They will be back to working long hours, trying to find something to prove his involvement in the s.e.x trafficking and deaths very soon, but for now, she pushes that aside, allowing herself to enjoy the tranquility of the farm with Kas for the little time they have left there.

Raina clears the dinner plates, and she and Kas send Mamaw Pierce and Pops to the living room while they wash the dishes. The air from the open windows blows her hair, and Kas brushes his lips across her forehead. After finis.h.i.+ng the dishes, they spend the rest of the evening pa.s.sing bittersweet time with his grandparents before they have to leave the next morning.

The rooster crows, waking Kas and Raina, and they reluctantly pack, not ready to leave their mini-vacation away from the depravity waiting for them. They have breakfast with Pops and Mamaw Pierce before they go. His grandparents walk them to their jeep, his grandmother pulling him into a tight hug as tears well in her eyes. Raina gets teary-eyed watching her telling Kas bye. She pulls Raina into a warm hug next, and Raina hugs her back just as tight, promising to visit soon. Pops gives Kas a squeeze, pulling away, looking him straight in the eye, his voice a combination of a warning and a plea, "Remember what I said, son."

"I will, Pops," he a.s.sures him.

Pops wraps Raina in a big hug before telling her to come back anytime she wants. They wave as they pull away, both dreading what's waiting on them back home.

After a few hours, they stop for lunch, then stop later for dinner. Raina knows that Kas is trying to prolong taking her anywhere close to Chris for as long as he can. It's very late when they get back home, and Raina has fallen asleep in the jeep. Kas opens her door, sliding her out of her seat, into his arms, shoos.h.i.+ng her gently when she protests. He carries her to the bedroom and sets her down on the bed, grabbing the hem of her s.h.i.+rt and pulling it over her beautiful, sleepy head.

"I can undress myself," she yawns.

"I know, but it's so much more fun when I do it," he winks at her, causing all of her sleepiness to vacate her body, leaving tingles of antic.i.p.ation in its wake.

Raina is working with Erik on recovered equipment when Kas pops his head in the room, telling her that he has to follow up on a lead and will have to miss their lunch date. He reminds her to eat, winking at her when she gives him a playful smirk. He glances at Erik, who gives him a quick nod, silently telling him that he'll make sure she eats, knowing how her appet.i.te has diminished the past few days since they got back from Tennessee.

Raina is painstakingly working on a damaged platter when her cell phone rings. She asks if Erik can answer it for her so she can finish what she's doing. Erik talks with Kas on the phone for a few minutes before handing her the phone when she's ready.

"Hey, I thought you were following a lead?"

"I had a few minutes to talk." She hears Kas' voice on the other end, worrying at how he sounds a little hoa.r.s.e.

"Are you getting sick?" she asks, knowing that he's exhausted, not getting enough rest.

"No, I'm just tired, baby. I need you to meet me at the docks. There's someone I need you to translate for."

"I'm in middle of recovering data for Lawson, do you need me right now?"

"Yeah, it's important."

Raina slips off her gloves, "Okay, I'm on my way. Love you."

She hears a pause on the phone before she hears Kas' voice again, "I love you, too."

"Do you mind letting Lawson know that I will finish this as soon as I get back, Kas said he needs me to translate, and it's important."

"Sure, I'll walk you to your car," Erik tells her, grabbing his jacket on the way out the door.

Raina waves to him as she pulls out of the parking deck, driving towards the docks, wondering why Kas needs her to meet him there, he usually brings everyone to the office. Turning on the radio, she sings along as she drives, her mind wandering to Kas and the feel of him making love to her that morning. Pulling into the empty dock, she looks for Kas' vehicle when she steps out of her car, not seeing it anywhere.

She hears his voice calling her from inside. It takes her eyes a few seconds to adjust to the dim lighting as she walks into the concrete room. Once her sight has acclimated to the darkness, she glances around, calling for Kas. Her heart stops when her eyes land on the person standing in front of her. Her breath leaves her in a rush, and an ice cold s.h.i.+ver violently quakes through her body when she sees Chris staring back at her, a gun pointing straight at her head.

Chris tilts his head, his smile chilling, as his haunting gaze runs over Raina, "Hey, honey, did you miss me?"

I hope you enjoyed Healing Rain, the Second Novel in the Rain Trilogy. To read the rest of Kas and Raina's story, look for After the Rain, the Final Novel in the Rain Trilogy. Visit for excerpts of my other novels, Ash to Steele and Feel, and for updates on future works. You can also follow me on Twitter, @SKarenAnne.

To report Human Trafficking or receive information call 1-888-3737-888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733). Contact information was received from the Polaris Project for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.

About the Author.

A New Adult author who doesn't shy away from hot heroes or sensitive issues.

Karen-Anne Stewart has always adored reading and has now fallen in love with writing. Her written works are The Rain Trilogy: Saving Rain, Healing Rain, and After the Rain, Ash to Steele, and her newly released paranormal romance novel, Feel. Her debut novel, Saving Rain: The First Novel in The Rain Trilogy, was a nominee for the Book Junkie's Choice Awards, and Saving Rain and After the Rain were nominees for the 2014 RONE Awards.

When Karen-Anne isn't writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, hiking, and visiting new places. She fuels her addiction of creating new stories by her only other addiction, caffeine, and listening to a myriad of musical genres. Tucked away near the Blue Ridge Mountains, Karen-Anne lives with her husband, daughter, three dogs, and their cat. She plans on writing new adult romance as long as her fingers maintain dexterity.


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Rain: Healing Rain Part 22 summary

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