Rain: Healing Rain Part 3

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She races after him, "Cliff, wait, it's not what you think. Kas-"

Kas steps onto the landing at the top of the stairs, interrupting her as his carefree gaze quickly morphs into confusion when he is met by the scorching glare of his father. Raina steps in between the two men, her eyes frantically darting between the red hot anger and worried confusion.

"I saw the bruises on her neck," Cliff's words slice through the air in a fiery blast, replacing Kas' confusion with pained shock from the harsh realization that his own father would think him capable of marking her.

Raina frantically grabs Chase as he steps beside Kas, pulling him in between as an extra barrier. Her eyes plead with Cliff as she spits out what she tried to say seconds ago, "Kas didn't do this, he would never hurt me." The raw pain from his father's accusation burns in his eyes, and her heart shatters. "I'm so sorry, Kas. Tell your dad whatever you need to. Tell him everything."

Chase slips her hand in his, leading her downstairs so Kas and his father can talk. The guilt of what her secrecy has caused engulfs her, and he gives her a gentle chuck on the bottom of her chin, seeing her anguish, "Hey, Rain, this isn't your fault."

"Cliff thought Kas did this to me. I'm the one that didn't want him to tell anyone, and look what happened because of it!"

"They'll work it out, Rain," he promises as he takes her in his arms.

"I've never raised a hand to her, Dad," Kas chokes out, the disappointed hurt edging his words.

Cliff's body tenses with regret at the pain his accusation caused, "I'm sorry, son, when I saw the bruises, and she tried to hide them, then I saw her expression, I didn't know what else to think." He rubs his hands slowly down his face, "I've seen too many good men come back from war changed, doing things they never would have done before."

"I've never been to war," his voice is low, pain still clear in his tone.

"Not on foreign ground, son, but what you do is a form of war. I've seen how that kind of stress can do crazy things to people."

"I wouldn't hurt Raina, nothing would ever cause me to hurt her."

Cliff places his hand on his shoulder, deep regret br.i.m.m.i.n.g in his eyes, "I know, son, I'm sorry."

Kas nods, trying to let it go, knowing his father was just trying to protect Raina, and he appreciates his dad for that. He remains quiet a few seconds, trying to tame his emotions. "Her father did that to her," he finally admits, blinking back tears from the tsunami of emotions he's experienced the past few days. "Raina was emanc.i.p.ated when she was sixteen," he explains, "her father found her, and he hurt her again." Kas looks at his dad, sorrow darkening his eyes. "He used to beat her. Dad, he beat her so badly." A tear escapes as he confesses Raina's dark childhood to his father, who has to sit down as Kas recounts the harsh reality of Raina's past.

Cliff stares at his son proudly when he finishes, wis.h.i.+ng he could erase his turmoil, or take it as his own, "I'm so proud of you, son."

Kas leans into his dad's fatherly embrace, relieved that he finally knows. "I've wanted to tell you for so long now. I need your advice."

"Advice on what? It seems like you have handled this very well so far."

"Her dad has screwed with her head, made a part of her believe she deserved to be beaten. He made her believe lies about herself. She told me that she wasn't good for me. How can I erase what her father has done to her?"

"You can't erase what her father has done, what he's said, but you can make her believe that it's not true, that she didn't deserve it." Cliff squeezes Kas' shoulder rea.s.suringly, "Keep doing what you are doing, son. Love her, with time, she will see the truth."

Raina is sitting quietly on the couch as Cliff and Kas descend the staircase, and her gaze immediately drops when Cliff looks at her, making him want to spend just five minutes alone with her spineless father. He takes her hand, gently pulling her off of the couch as he leads her upstairs, "I want to talk with you a minute."

Raina follows him, full of nerves and guilt as he shuts the door, giving them privacy. "I'm sorry," she apologizes sincerely.

Cliff pulls her into his arms, quickly trying to dispel her uneasiness that he is going to reprimand her. "Honey, there is no reason for you to be apologizing. I didn't bring you up here to scold you, you didn't do anything wrong." He tilts her chin, "Your father was wrong in what he did to you." He watches as her gaze can't hold his, and his heart aches for her, not understanding how her father, how any father, can ever beat his child. "I just want you to know that I am very happy and proud to have you as my daughter-in-law. You are an amazing young lady, and I love you."

Raina doesn't know what to say, she is touched by Cliff's warm words. Appreciation fills her as she sees the same kind warmth in his eyes, "I love you, too."

"You're one of us, kiddo, a part of this family. If you ever need anything, you can come to me, I'm here for you."

It feels so good to hear his acceptance of her, his inclusion, "Thank you."

Raina is with Cliff, on their way to the airport to pick up Judge as Kas makes additional calls home. He is extremely grateful for the rush Dexter and Eugenio put on the paperwork so they can marry soon. He checks in with Dexter again, frustration p.r.i.c.king him that Waterford is already out of D.C., out of Dexter's current reach. He paces as he hangs up, his thoughts on delivering painful retribution.

Chase witnesses the dark affliction in his best friend's eyes, and he worries about what Kas is going to do. "C'mon, let's go get some lunch before meeting everyone at the Consulate's office," he offers, hoping to distract him.

They choose a quaint restaurant in Lucca, ordering the special made from the beef of the local butcher, deciding on a gla.s.s of wine instead of a beer since they are in Italy. Kas has relaxed during the meal, the tension calming as he talks about his wedding in two days. He suddenly stops, his fork suspended in mid-air, as he swears under his breath.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't have any protection with me."

Chase lets out a hearty laugh. "That's going to make for a very disappointing wedding night," he jokes. "I'll take care of it after we get done with the Consulate," he a.s.sures Kas, putting him out of his misery.

Signing the necessary doc.u.ments doesn't take much time. Judge takes Raina shopping for a wedding dress. Cliff and Kas look for tuxes. Chase sets out on his mission of saving the honeymoon. They meet up a couple of hours later at La Buca di Sant'Antonio. Kas pulls Chase aside to see if he got the goods.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to ask for condoms when you don't know the word in Italian? You do not even want to know how I got my point across."

Kas smacks Chase on the back gratefully, relieved that he isn't going to have to explode from the s.e.xual tension radiating through his entire body, "You officially earned the t.i.tle of the best 'Best Man' in existence."

Raina has a huge smile on her face, lighting up her jade eyes, as Kas pulls her into a hug when she walks through the door. "I found a dress," she exclaims excitedly.

"I can't wait to see you in it," he lowers his lips to her ear as he whispers, "and out of it."

Raina's cheeks flush a deep scarlet, and Kas groans, wanting so badly to strip her down, searching every inch of her for other flushed areas. Judge joins them, and Kas laughs at how the scarlet turns impossibly richer, "C'mon darlin', it looks like you could use a large gla.s.s of ice water right about now."

Raina admires the comfortable atmosphere of the restaurant, smiling at the charm of the copper pots hanging warmly from the ceiling. The waiter leads them to a table topped with an elegant white tablecloth and places a wine gla.s.s in front of each of them, chatting in English laced with his heavy Italian accent. They order traditional dishes specific to Tuscany, and Raina's stomach growls as she antic.i.p.ates her pasta with Bolognese and lentil and wheat soup.

Judge looks at Raina, his hazel eyes starting to mist, "I can't believe you're getting married. It seems like yesterday when I saw you cuddled in your mother's arms." He squeezes her hand, "She would be so proud of you, Raina."

Raina blinks back tears as she hugs Judge, happy and thankful that he is there. He kisses the top of her head, pus.h.i.+ng back his anger at her father, the man he once called his best friend. He loves Raina like she was his, and it tears him up knowing she has suffered so much in her young life.

The waiter returns with a large plate of breads and various cheeses, filling the with sweet red Malvasia Di Casorzo wine. The evening is spent laughing, enjoying regional dishes of fish, rabbit, and antipastas as Kas steals glances at his fiancee, his heart constricting from the intensity of his love for her. Raina gives them a piece of history, sharing with them that the restaurant they are currently eating in has been there since 1782 and has a history of housing books that were banned. Kas fills with pride as he listens to Raina talk, pa.s.sion in her words with things that interest her. He reaches across the table, sliding his hand over hers, her lips curving into a sweet, seducing smile as she sips on her water, her eyes reflecting the same fervent emotions.


Raina stares at her reflection, overwhelmed with the emotions swirling inside of her. In less than an hour, she will officially be Mrs. Kas Pierce. Exuberance consumes her, and she has a strong desire to dance around the room like a giddy little girl. A knock on the door interrupts her elation.

Judge steps inside, stopping in his tracks when she turns around. "You are so beautiful," he whispers as his hazel eyes begin to tear. He removes his, busying himself cleaning them as he tries to pull himself together.

Raina fights back tears of her own as his gaze finds hers again. "Thank you," she whispers shyly, b.u.t.terflies fluttering in her stomach furiously. "Judge, will you walk me through the doors of the wedding hall to Kas?"

"It would be my honor." He takes her arms gently in his hands, "Kas is very blessed to have you, sweetheart."

"I'm the one blessed to have him, Judge."

He pulls her into a hug, then pulls back, "I don't want to wrinkle your dress."

Raina smiles as a new wave of effervescence bubbles through her. She turns back to the mirror, checking her appearance one last time before the wedding. She feels like a princess in the gorgeous white wedding gown, the sheer sleeves embellished with delicate lace rests elegantly just below her shoulders. The fitted, wrapped bodice fits perfectly, the same delicate sheer lace tr.i.m.m.i.n.g the edging, flush with the top of the sleeves. The bottom of the gown cascades in tiers just below the waist, like a satin waterfall streaming all the way to the floor. Her long auburn hair falls softly down her back in feminine curls, a braid is elegantly plaited at the crown of her head, with her long bangs flowing gently, pinned loosely to the side.

"Ready, honey?"

Raina turns around, her smile showing just how ready she is. Judge takes her hand, slipping it through his arm as he leads her out of the room and up the dazzling stairway lined with red carpeting. They stop at the landing, and Raina takes a deep breath as Judge opens the door to the cozy, elegant Sala Verde marriage hall.

Kas is looking down at his hands nervously as Raina steps into the green silk tapestry room. When he raises his eyes, his breath catches as he sees her walking towards him, looking absolutely breathtaking, and all words leave him. His eyes are full of boundless love. Slowly, his senses return as Judge takes her hand, placing it in his, wordlessly telling him that she is his, to love, to honor, and to protect.

"You are . . . stunning," Kas whispers, not able to find a word that can appropriately describe his feelings right now.

Raina bites her lip as she looks up at Kas, her eyes glistening from pure happiness. The fire burns warmly on the far wall as they exchange their vows. Kas' voice cracks from emotion at one point, causing him to press his forehead to Raina's as he regains his composure, before meeting her gaze again, adoring her with his eyes as he promises his life to her. Raina can't tear her eyes away from Kas as she vows herself to him, the absolute truth behind her words is undeniable.

They are p.r.o.nounced 'husband and wife,' and he pulls her into his arms, lowering his mouth to hers, kissing her pa.s.sionately, reverently. He steps back, his face beaming with love and pride as he takes her hand, turning to his dad, Chase, and Henry. "My wife," he exclaims, wrapping his hand around her waist, showing her off.

Cliff gives his son a hug before pulling Raina into a warm embrace. Chase congratulates them both, jubilantly pulling them at once into his arms. Judge shakes Kas' hand before turning towards Raina, "I'm so proud of you, honey."

Raina slips into Judge's arms, sinking into his fatherly embrace, "I love you, Judge."

"I love you, too, sweetheart," he whispers hoa.r.s.ely, not able to hold back the tear that rolls down his cheek. He turns to Kas, "You take care of her."

Kas smiles broadly, "Always, Henry, always."

Kas and Raina wave to Cliff and Judge as they walk to the cab. Chase turns towards them, "I'm so happy for you two."

Kas smiles, giving Chase a look of appreciation, silently thanking him for being there when he needed him the most. Raina leans into Chase, giving him another hug before he leaves, "Thank you for taking Claudia her Christmas gift. Please tell her that I will visit her when I get back."

"Will do. Now, you two have fun," he winks salaciously as he grabs his bag and heads towards the cab.

Kas turns to Raina as the cab drives away, his eyes molten chocolate, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with unadulterated desire, and Raina's stomach does somersaults from a heady mixture of excitement and nerves. She slips her hand in his as he leads her back inside, up the stairway, to the bedroom. The curtains on the French doors are pulled to the sides, allowing the light of the early moon to wash the room in ethereal beauty. Kas stares at her, wanting her, needing her so badly he has to remind himself to take it slow, wanting to savor every second with her tonight.

"Give me a minute to change," she whispers, her voice a strong concoction of raw antic.i.p.ation and b.u.t.terflies.

Kas steps into the bathroom as Raina slips into the silk negligee she hopes Kas will like. She glances in the mirror, her eyes stare back at her, wide with a combination of nervous innocence and wanton l.u.s.t. She hears the bathroom door open, and she slowly turns around as Kas steps out, delicately placing a box of condoms on the nightstand before turning back to her. She can't hide her amus.e.m.e.nt at the size of the box, and she laughs, happy and relieved that some of the nervous tension is broken.

Kas sheepishly shrugs as he turns towards her, his eyes blazing with raging desire as he sees her standing there, her ivory skin s.h.i.+ning in the moonlight, her body slight and perfectly curved in the white silk gown that hugs her feminine frame. He swallows hard as he steps towards her, his heart pounding in his chest, "You are breathtaking."

Raina blushes, lowering her gaze before peeking up at him shyly through her long, thick lashes. She bites her lip as she looks at Kas, then looking at the box, evidence of how he plans on keeping her up all night long. Raina looks at him shyly, "You don't have to use those unless you want to."

"As much as I want to have a house full of children with you, I don't want to get you pregnant...not yet anyway," he steps towards her, not able to be away from her a second longer.

"When Judge found out that we were dating, and he saw that I was falling in love, he made me promise to start birth control, even though I told him that we weren't having s.e.x."

Kas' smile spreads across his face, extremely relieved at the news, "Remind me to buy Henry season tickets to whatever sport is his favorite."

Raina laughs, then stops, "A house full?"

Kas smiles, sliding his hands down her arms, pulling her close to him, needing to feel her body against his. "One, two, five...we have plenty of time to talk about that later. Right now, I want to focus all my attention on you." He leans towards her, his eyes never leaving hers, as he covers her mouth with his. The hunger between them is palpable, and Raina leans into the kiss, matching his intensity as she slides her hands underneath his s.h.i.+rt, delicious goose b.u.mps spreading all over her as her fingers brush over his toned muscles.

Kas runs his hands down her sides, down the outside of her thighs, and she practically whimpers from need as he slips his hands below the curve of her bottom, pulling the most intimate part of her against his hardened state. She gasps as she feels how much he wants her. Kas pulls back, needing to slow the pace. He sweeps her into his arms as Raina's surprised giggles escape. Gently, he lays her down on the bed, stepping back to look at her.

The sheets are like silk against her sensitized skin. She's reeling from the heady mix of antic.i.p.ation, nervousness, and burning desire. Kas looks at her so intensely that she can feel the heat tingling her skin. He slips his s.h.i.+rt over his head, and she stares unabashedly at his chest, his muscles rippling perfectly down his torso, and she feels the heat burn lower and runs her tongue across her lips that have suddenly gone dry.

The heat is burning deliciously lower, and she slides down the bed, not able to wait a second longer to touch him, to run her fingers down his muscles to his navel, to the dark, curly trail leading her to what she wants so badly that she feels she might burst into flames. She traces her finger down the tantalizing trail to the b.u.t.ton of his jeans, and the cool metal teases her heated touch.

Slowly, she raises her gaze to Kas' and almost comes undone from the unadulterated need smoldering in his eyes. She fumbles with his b.u.t.ton, her fingers shaking, but manages to free the restraint keeping him from her, sliding the zipper down, never taking her eyes away from his. She needs him as badly as he needs her, and she can't get his jeans off quickly enough.

"Easy, baby, we have all night, I want to take my time and enjoy every last inch of you," Kas whispers, his voice a sultry intoxication, sending her senses to hyper-drive wanton l.u.s.t.

She continues to melt into his chocolate gaze as she slides his jeans down his legs. Running her fingertips slowly down the back of his powerful thighs, she fantasizes about how they will feel wrapped around hers, pulling her closer to him while they make love.

Kas grabs her hands and kisses each of her fingers, suckling the tips of each one, leaving her writhing in desire. He pulls her arms above her head and slowly pulls the silk negligee off of her, the soft material teasing her skin. Smiling, he wets his own lips as his gaze travels over her naked upper body. He briefly tenses when he sees the bruise on her ribs, but he bites back the rising rage, not wanting to mix anything ugly with what they are going to share tonight. He is going to love her, cherish her, like she deserves to be loved. She blushes as he runs his knuckles down her cheek, softly running his fingers down her throat, whispering "You are so beautiful."

His fingers continue their journey down to her chest, and he softly runs his fingertip around, circling the fullest part of her breast, and she moans, pus.h.i.+ng her chest closer to him. Cupping her breast, he runs his thumb over her nipple, causing a current of electricity to shoot straight through her. She rubs against the bed, the heat begging to be quenched. He does the same thing with her other breast, and she grabs the sheets underneath her hands as liquid heat pulses in the place that she desperately needs him to be.

Breaking their mesmerized gaze, he lowers his head, and his lips follow the same path his fingers just journeyed. She throws her head back in pure ecstasy as his mouth closes around the most sensitive part of her breast, his tongue circling, over and over the tip, making her wild with need. She grips the sheets tighter as he teases the other side with his expert lips, and another moan escapes as she feels like she can't take anymore. The need to have him inside of her is staggering, and she tugs at the only fabric left on him. He slides his hand down her ribs as he continues to deliver sweet torture to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and she physically aches for his touch as he slides her panties down her legs. She is so ready for him.

Quickly, she finishes disposing of the last piece of fabric between them, and his manhood is free now, in all its length and fullness. She stares appreciatively at him, briefly worrying about how all of him is going to fit in her. All worries fly away when his mouth suckles her nipple, and his hand ascends upwards again, sliding slowly up her thigh. She feels like she's going to die if he doesn't touch her there, if he doesn't take her now!

Kas moves his mouth up her chest, to her neck, leaving her practically panting. He covers her mouth with his, tasting her sweetness, gently grazing her bottom lip between his teeth. Wrapping his hand around the back of her head, he lowers her to the bed. He stares down at her, her auburn hair spilling against the white sheets, her eyes full of love and longing for him, and he feels like he might burst from the depth of his love for her.

Taking her chin in his hand, he softly rubs his thumb across her lips, "Raina, tell me if you feel uncomfortable with anything, and I will stop." Kas knows how difficult it will be to stop, but he will do it if she needs him to.

"I want you, Kas, now, please!"

Kas touches her, a smile curves his lips at how ready she is for him. He watches her carefully as he eases into her, making himself go slowly, gently, and the gasp of pleasure that escapes her lips fills him with immense satisfaction. She tilts her head back, and her lips part as her hips arch, beckoning him to make her his fully. Kas obliges and is overwhelmed with the sweet bliss that overtakes his senses as he fills her. He never knew that he could feel so much love, so much pleasure as he feels right now with Raina. He moves slowly, allowing her body to acclimate to his fullness.

Raina runs her hands through Kas' hair, pulling his mouth to hers. She kisses him feverishly, needing every inch of her body to be melded to his. She pushes closer to him, delicious sensations spiraling through her. Kas conquers her mouth, his tongue delivering bewitching s.h.i.+vers throughout her entire body. He takes his time savoring her, his body finally being able to enjoy hers, possess hers.

He is entranced in how she moves underneath him, allowing him total control over her, opening up herself fully to his lead. He marvels at her innocence, her complete trust. His mind returns to the night she finally divulged her dark past and the savage emptiness in her eyes when she finally confessed to him how Brian had raped her. Kas forces the memory out of his mind, swearing to himself that he will give her every possible pleasure he is capable of delivering, relis.h.i.+ng in how that will take all night.

Raina feels enraptured, energized, and deliciously spent all at once as Kas sends her to pure bliss yet again. Her body quivers from the after-effects of nirvana, and Kas wraps his arms around her, pulling her closely to him, softly kissing her neck as she moans, breathlessly leaning into him. Astounding ambrosial emotions overtake her, and a tear slides down her cheek.

Kas sees the tear, and his heart constricts, "Baby, did I hurt you?" Worry sears him, as he thinks of how he will never forgive himself if he has hurt her somehow.

Raina shakes her head, wiping away another tear. "No, you didn't hurt me. I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry, but they are good tears," she a.s.sures him. "I never knew I could feel so loved, so splendidly gratified as I do right now. I just got overwhelmed, I'm sorry."

His worry dissipates at her words, replaced by pride and satisfaction that he made her feel this way. "Don't apologize, that's the best thing I've ever heard, except when you told me you loved me, and when you told me that you would marry me." Kas brushes his lips against hers, "I am completely and helplessly in love with you, Mrs. Pierce. You were beyond amazing tonight. The way you moved," he stops, unable to find the words to describe how thoroughly sated he is and how she astonis.h.i.+ngly made him come undone, leaving him completely at her mercy, "I am addicted to you."

Raina blushes, so relieved that he isn't disappointed. Kas pulls her closer to him, breathing in her sweet, intoxicating scent. He rolls over, hovering on top of her as he runs his fingers across her cheek. His mouth trails against her skin, sending tingles all through her. His mouth continues to taste her as he makes her his once again, taking her back into ecstasy.


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Rain: Healing Rain Part 3 summary

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