Once A Soldier Part 21

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"How about if we pack it into a few wooden boxes and set them along the enemy's line of march? Then fire into the boxes when they come by. The times we've done that, it's been effective." Tom smiled. "Makes a fine great bang, it does."

Will considered. "That works well in some cases, but it uses a lot of gunpowder. Even if we try to disguise the boxes, they might call attention to themselves as being out of place on a reasonably clear road. Plus, shooting them will be difficult if the French come through in the dark, which seems likely."

"All good objections," Tom said with regret. "What about grenades?"

"I'm thinking they're our best choice." Will studied the sunken road again. "Wine bottles made out of the thinnest available gla.s.s with black powder inside, sealed with wax and a wick."

"They'd have to be thrown by the steady men who have been in combat before," Tom said. "They'll terrify the inexperienced militiamen."

"True. We don't want to put grenades into the hands of someone who will blow up the wrong people." Another thought struck. "We can create a form of shrapnel by putting pebbles or nails and sc.r.a.p metal into the grenade bottles. When they go off, the pieces will shoot all over the road. It should be particularly effective in the dark."

"I like that idea!" Tom grinned. "We're a bloodthirsty lot, aren't we, sir?"

"Yes, but in a good cause." Will began walking along the embankment, studying the ground. "We'll survey up this side and come back down the other so we know where to position our men. Then off to the Alcantara winery to beg some bottles. First a test grenade. If it works, we have enough gunpowder to make a couple of dozen."

"Roughly one for each experienced soldier. We'll need covered lanterns to light the fuses from. I'll ask Senora Oliviera for some."

With plans and grenades in prospect, Will felt a little more hopeful. If he was really lucky, he might make it back to the castle tonight.

The castle courtyard was getting crowded as whole families moved in and set up camp. As the most defensible site in San Gabriel, the castle was the designated sanctuary for much of the town and the surrounding countryside. The elderly and unwell were sheltered in outbuildings, but the weather was pleasant enough that most people could stay outside comfortably. In fact, Athena guessed that a fiesta might start soon. The Gabrilenos were a resilient lot.

With Sofia overseeing the refugees in the castle, Athena and Senor Oliviera rode to the town of Espirito Santo at the other end of the valley to put the evacuation wheels in motion. There was less urgency here, since the castle area was much closer to the Spanish road and this end of the valley would have more warning.

But if the French survived the ambush in good order and swept into the valley, no place would be safe.

If that happened, Will would probably be dead; he wouldn't run away in terror. He'd try to rally his men, but what if not enough of them stood their ground?

She shuddered at the thought. Though she'd accepted that their affair would be brief, she'd hoped for more than a single night. She needed more than a single night. She needed his understanding, his humor, his deep caring. And his pa.s.sion, which made her feel desirable and . . . loved. Loved as she'd never been before.

She spent the long hours on the road praying that the French would be defeated, with no Gabrileno casualties. Most particularly, not to the commander in chief.

Chapter 30.

It was late when Will returned to the castle. For form's sake, he debated whether he should go to Athena's room, but he already knew what he'd decided. After a brief washup in his room, he walked silently to the far end of the corridor.

Though the courtyard outside buzzed with people, the family quarters of the castle were silent. He was glad to find that Athena's door wasn't locked. He pushed the handle down and stepped inside. "Athena?" he asked softly. "Don't shoot, it's me."

"Will!" Athena leaped from the bed and closed the s.p.a.ce between them in three long strides. She hurled herself into his arms, locking him in a rib-bruising embrace. "I'm so glad you came! I'd given up thinking you'd be back tonight."

The simmering emotions he'd felt all day flared, shooting through him like a rocket. His lover, his beloved, his mate. "I almost didn't make it. I'm sorry it's so late."

For reply, she found his mouth and kissed him with fierce urgency. The world dissolved, leaving only his frantic need to make love to her. "Athena," he gasped. "My G.o.ddess . . ."

They stumbled over each other on the way to the bed, luckily landing on the mattress rather than the floor. He discovered that she wore nothing under her loose nightgown, and that she was extremely adept at undoing the b.u.t.tons that secured the fall of his trousers.

They came together with a force that should have made the heavens shake. As their bodies clashed, their spirits melded. He hadn't known desire could be so intense, or so satisfying. Even better was knowing how well he satisfied Athena. She moaned with ecstasy, her nails digging into him as they fought for completion. His G.o.ddess, his little owl, who had never been loved as well as she should have been, and who deserved everything he could give her and more.

"Will . . ."

Her climax triggered his own and nearly melted his mind. Also his body, as the tension flowed away and he folded himself around her. When his brain began working again, he panted, "I didn't actually come here to ravish you. At least, not right away."

She gave a choke of laughter. "I don't think it's ravis.h.i.+ng when I'm trying to tear your clothes off."

He rolled to his side and pulled her close against him, then tugged the coverlet over them. "As busy as I was all day, in the back of my mind was the fear that I wouldn't see you again. I feel as if we're just beginning to really know each other. I hate thinking this might end almost before we've begun."

"I feel the same way." Her voice half teasing, she added, "I've never known a man like you. I want to spend enough time with you to discover if you really are as wonderful as you seem. But everything is in limbo. I feel like the sword of Damocles is hanging over our heads."

He stroked her neck and shoulders, gently kneading the tight muscles. "Exactly, except that it's hundreds of swords."

"More likely muskets. Were you able to complete what needed to be done today?"

"Yes, by tonight we'll be as ready as we can be. Today we surveyed the ambush area, sent off a scout to look for Baudin and his forces, and I spent the afternoon making grenades out of wine bottles and black powder."

She stroked a hand from his neck to his waist, her fingers light and soothing. "That sounds like a more interesting day than mine. Did you know that you have a lovely back? All strong and touchable, even when you're wearing several layers of clothing."

"I haven't actually thought much about my back," he said with mild surprise. "Mostly, I take for granted that it will do what I want it to do. How was your day spent?"

"Senor Oliviera and I rode through the valley and encouraged everyone to withdraw to the safe houses and caves with enough water and food to hold out for at least a fortnight. People are anxious but not panicked. They're better prepared than last year."

"The weeks of planning and drilling haven't been wasted, though I didn't expect a full-scale a.s.sault on San Gabriel," he said wryly. "I feared a few dozen bandits, maybe, but not this."

"Now that you've surveyed the ambush grounds and made your grenades, do you have any better sense of what might happen?"

He frowned. "I really have no idea. Once fighting begins, plans go out the window. The ambush ground is good. The scout Gilberto found us should be able to give us enough warning to position ourselves.

"But we're still dramatically outnumbered, perhaps two to one or worse, and only about one in ten of our militiamen have any combat experience. Most should be able to manage as long as they're on the high ground shooting down into the road, but when the French start fighting back-and they will-some of the raw militiamen will probably break and run. When that happens, usually more men follow."

"It sounds like you need as many experienced shooters as you can find," Athena said slowly. "I'm going to join the ambush."

"What!" Will jerked up and stared down at her, unable to read her expression in the dim light. "You can't do that!"

"Why not?" she said reasonably. "I'm quite a good shot, and you said yourself that my nerves are steadier in battle than those of many experienced soldiers."

"Yes, but I can't bear to think of you going into such danger," he said flatly.

"How is that worse than me seeing you go into battle?" Athena asked. "You need people who can shoot and not run away. I've proved I can stand my ground and do what is necessary."

He couldn't deny that, yet the idea of her engaging with the French in battle appalled him. "No! I'm the commander in chief and I give the orders, no matter how irrational I may be."

"I'm not a soldier under your command," she pointed out. "I really don't think you can stop me. The ambush is strung some distance along the road, isn't it? I can take a position and you won't even notice in the dark."

All the horrors of battle pa.s.sed through Will's mind as he stared at Athena. "You don't belong on a battlefield."

She raised a hand and cupped his cheek, her gaze sad. "No woman ever born has been happy to see her husband or son or brother go to war, but sometimes, war can't be avoided. I am English in my bones, but San Gabriel has given me the best things in my life. A position, a home, a family." She smiled a little. "You. I have taken much, and now I must give back, even if it means risking my life."

"Surely, Sofia needs you. You've been her right hand for the last five years."

"This time she has Justin, and he can help her in ways that I can't." Athena's voice gentled. "It would be different if my going off to fight wouldn't make a difference, but in this case, it might. You need experienced fighters, and I have some experience. Can you deny that I might be of value? Or that I have no right to risk my life on behalf of those I love?"

"No, but . . ." He halted, not knowing how to express what was basically a primal scream of protectiveness.

Her voice even softer, she said, "You seem to think I'm an unusual woman, and you like that. My willingness to fight if needed is part and parcel of my uniqueness. You can't deny that without denying who and what I am."

Despairing, he realized that she was right. "I surrender, my brave, wise owl," he said with profound reluctance. "But if you're there, you'll be stationed at my left hand, where I can watch out for you."

"And vice versa." She drew him down in a long hug. "Thank you, Will. For knowing me well enough to let me be who I am. For caring enough to accept the possibilities of pain and danger."

"Apparently, women have been doing that from time immemorial," he said wryly. "But knowing that doesn't make it any easier to accept!"

Sofia was aghast that Athena was going to join the militia. "You can't go! No woman belongs on a battlefield! I need you here!"

"Sofi, my love, you're going to run out of exclamation points," Athena said as she packed a blanket, a canteen of water, bread and cheese, ammunition, and a few basic medical supplies into a canvas sack she could sling across her back. "You also sound exactly like Will."

"I always knew he was a man of great good sense." Sofia bit her lip. "It's bad enough that so many male Gabrilenos are risking their lives. You're the chief advisor of the royal princess of San Gabriel. I need you here!"

"No, you don't." Athena slung the sack over her shoulder. "You have the Olivieras, the mayor of the town, the priest, and Justin, and they are all people of great good sense."

"It's unnatural for women to fight like men," Sofia said stubbornly.

"May I remind you of your great-grandmother Queen Maria Mercedes de la Alcantara? When she was traveling here to wed your great-grandfather, her party was attacked and she led the charge that drove them away, spurring on her guards and waving a sword."

"She didn't have a choice." Sofia's gaze was stark. "You do."

"I don't." Athena's expression was grave. "You know that I have unladylike abilities because you've seen me in action. I don't seek out danger, but I can fight when it's needful, and now is one of those times."

Sofia sighed. "I know you're right, but I'm terrified for you. You're the only family I have left. Please, please, be careful! And don't let Will get killed, either."

"I'll do my best on both counts." Athena hugged her. "It's time for me to go. Will suggested that you and Justin keep an eye on Jean Marie. I don't think he's going to run off to warn Baudin, but best that he doesn't have the opportunity."

"We'll make sure he stays here." Sofia bit her lip. "I hope that by tomorrow afternoon, this will all be over and San Gabriel will be safe again. But that's not very likely, is it?"

"Will says it's impossible to predict. But I'm sure our militia will do serious damage to the invaders, and the sanctuaries and supplies we've arranged will protect most of the population. Will said that if the ambush goes badly, the militia will fall back to the castle and defend it. The Gabrileno army will be back in a fortnight or so. Your country will survive, your highness."

"But the sooner the French are stopped, the less San Gabriel will suffer." Sofia straightened. "I'll escort you down to the stables, then go to the castle chapel to pray. It's all I'm good for."

"That's not true!" Athena said sharply. "You are the soul of San Gabriel. Your courage, dignity, and compa.s.sion make you beloved, and raise everyone's morale tremendously. Don't ever discount that. Other people can shoot the enemy, but San Gabriel has only one royal princess."

Sofia supposed Athena was right, but as they went down to the courtyard together, she thought how much simpler her life had been when she was the pretty, frivolous princess with no responsibilities other than to marry well.

Chapter 31.

By early evening, the members of the San Gabriel militia had gathered in the small meadow below the embankment, where they would wait in ambush. Counting Will and Athena, 198 defenders. He had hoped there would be a few more, but what they lacked in numbers, they made up in grim determination.

Will moved up the hill a little so he was above the crowd. Raising one arm, he called, "Men of San Gabriel, hear me!"

When he had everyone's attention, he said in a voice that carried through the meadow, "We all know why we are here. If our information is correct, a sizable force of renegade French soldiers under General Baudin will be invading the country in the next hours to finish what they started last summer."

His words triggered an angry murmur of voices. Will waited until that subsided, then continued, "The French are experienced soldiers. They know how to fight. But you have one huge advantage. San Gabriel is your home. You fight to protect your land, your families, your friends. That gives you a power the French cannot match."

His gaze swept the crowd. The ages ranged from very young boys to grizzled old men. Some carried muskets so old he hoped they wouldn't explode; the army veterans had rifles-the six French rifles they'd captured a few days before had been distributed to men most likely to get good use from them. He and Athena carried sleek, accurate carbines, which were lighter in weight and easier to reload, and he also carried a pistol. Not to mention the Royal Sword of San Gabriel.

What they had in common was commitment to preserving their country. "We will fight, side by side," he said more quietly. "If you're afraid, that's as it should be. You'd be fools not to be afraid. But stand your ground and fight together, and we will win!"

There was a great roar of approval. Then someone shouted, "What is Lady Athena doing here?"

"She will fight with the men of San Gabriel because she loves this country and your princess, and she shoots well," Will explained. "She has volunteered her rifle and her life to aid our cause."

"Why are you letting a woman fight with us?" another voice called doubtfully.

"Have you ever argued with an armed woman?" Will quipped.

As laughter rang out, Athena stepped up the hill to stand beside him. In truth, with the wind whipping her divided skirts and her carbine in hand, she looked like a warrior G.o.ddess.

"I have faced the French in Porto when they conquered the city, and just a few days ago when a scouting party attacked us as we surveyed the river," she called in a carrying voice. "I have shot and killed the enemy, and I have never fled in fear." She grinned. "If a mere woman can stand and fight, surely every man here can do the same!"

That produced good-natured comments and a few teasing remarks, but the mood was positive. Will said under his breath, "Well done. None of them would dare run when you're still holding the line."

"Use their male pride against them," Athena agreed with tart amus.e.m.e.nt.

Will raised his voice again. "You will be divided into squads of nine, each to be commanded by a veteran. You'll also be given the numbers one, two, or three for firing order. When I fire the shot to begin the attack, all of the number ones will fire, then the number twos, then the number threes. By then, the first group should be reloaded to fire again. The idea is to pour continuous fire into the French so they can't escape and so they think we have more men than we do. Does everyone understand?"

Most of the men nodded. They looked nervous and a few were visibly fearful, but his veterans were alert and ready. They wouldn't run when the shooting started, not when their homes were at stake. "Some of us will spend the night in ambush position," Will continued. "The rest of you can relax here for now. Hundreds of men on the march will make noise no matter how hard they try to move quietly.

"But with luck, our scout, Joaquim Cavaco, will come in advance to give us a better idea of how many men we face and how soon they'll arrive. That means that if you hear one young man and a mule coming down the road, hold your fire! After Joaquim reports, I'll pa.s.s on what he says." Will smiled, wanting to ease the mood. "Joaquim might show up and say the French have changed their minds."

"Not b.l.o.o.d.y likely!" Tom Murphy called.

"No," Will agreed. "Perhaps Joaquim will report that the French are moving more slowly than expected. Or maybe they're traveling faster. This is why we need scouts. But whenever the French come, we will be ready. We will fight, and we will win!" He pulled the Royal Sword of San Gabriel from the scabbard at his side and raised it above his head, the s.h.i.+mmering Damascus steel blazing in the afternoon suns.h.i.+ne. "For San Gabriel, for Princess Maria Sofia, and for victory!"

The roar that sounded from his troops must have been audible from one end of the valley to the other. Then the crowd broke up with the captains and lead sergeants heading up the hill to their positions and the other men finding places to get comfortable.

Will said, "Time to take our stations, Lady Athena. And if you have any special G.o.ddess-of-war magic, feel free to exercise it."

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Once A Soldier Part 21 summary

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