Breaking The Rules Part 16

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Brian told his story.

George was a widower with three boys, ranging in age from thirteen to six. His grandmother, a woman who spoke in a mingling of Spanish and English, fixed them a huge lunch. Mattie and Zeke sat with the family and two hands from the barns.

And this, too, was an adventure, something she'd only read about: a ranch-house meal served at a huge kitchen table covered with a blue gingham cloth. From what she'd read, she expected fluffy biscuits or pot roast; instead, tortillas, chili, beans and shredded beef were served in the same staggering portions and downed with the same gusto. Mattie ate as much as any of them, her appet.i.te heightened by the good mountain wind and the mouth-watering smell of the meat.

The thirteen-year-old flirted with her and the six-year-old bragged to her about his horse, which was bigger and better and smarter than all the other horses in the world. Mattie smiled in appreciation, winking at the older boy over his younger brother's head.

Zeke and George talked horses. Endlessly. The visit lasted three hours, and they were still talking horseflesh when a thin line of clouds appeared on the western horizon. "We have to get back up the mountain," Zeke said with some regret. "It was sure good to talk, though."

Mrs. Romero halted by the stove. "Stay over a night, why don't you? Plenty of room."

"Well, I appreciate the offer, Miz Romero," Zeke said, standing, "but I've got to get my supplies in."

The woman's black eyes sparkled. "Ah. Okay, Zeke, but next time, you stay awhile. Give George some company."

"I'll do that."

She packed food into plastic containers and pressed the paper bag into Mattie's arms. "Good to seea young woman eat so well," she said with a wink. "Got to keep up your strength, eh?"

Mattie blushed, but thanked her.

And then they were back on their way up the mountain. "I think we're going to have a race on our hands," Zeke said. "Sorry about that. You might get wet again."

"It's no big deal. I'm not sugar. I won't melt." But the air temperature dropped fast as they climbed and the clouds moved in. Mattie pressed close to Zeke's back, putting her arms around his waist and leaning against him. He touched her hands on his stomach once, as if to a.s.sure her he didn't mind. The wind started to whip through the forest, buffeting them. Mattie felt Zeke's struggle to keep the bike under control in the face of that wind, felt the muscles in his whole body going into the fight. Once again, she was impressed by his physical strength. Lightning cracked through the sky, bright and terrifying, companion thunder tearing across the clouds, and rain exploded from the sky in a torrent. "I'm gonna pull over," Zeke shouted.

Blinded by the driving rain when she lifted her head, Mattie ducked behind the s.h.i.+eld of Zeke's shoulder. He pulled off the road and parked the bike under some trees, the grabbed Mattie's hand. "Run!"

He led, down a path on the mountainside, through the trees. Lightning flashed, thunder boomed and the rain pounded down upon them as they tumbled down the hill.

Mattie found it exhilarating. She felt as if she were flying, dancing over tree branches and rocks, skirting shrubs. She was soaked, but it didn't matter; she shook her head and tossed rain from her eyes and kept running. Her blood sizzled with the wild flashes of light and sound.

Near the foot of the hill by a stream, an outcropping of rock formed an open-sided cave. A single shelf of sandstone jutted out over the ground, creating a natural shelter. She and Zeke ducked under it.

Mattie laughed, wiping water from her face. There was such a wild exhilaration in her chest, she wanted to whoop. Beyond the sheltering rock, rain poured down in a misty gray curtain, furious and blinding. "Wow!" she cried. "That was great!"

Zeke made no response, and Mattie glanced over at him, wondering if he'd turned an ankle or something on the way down.

He stood there under the shelf of rock, his head nearly touching the ceiling. Water streamed over his hard-carved face, and his s.h.i.+rt clung to his beautiful flesh, outlining every rise of muscle, every curve of bone ... everything.

His fists were clenched at his sides and Mattie saw the boiling was back in his eyes. This time, he didn't have to say it. Mattie knew.

A low, frustrated growl came from his throat. Mattie faced him squarely. "It wouldn't be so hard if you didn't fight it so much," she said.

His gaze skimmed over her body and Mattie realized her clothes were probably as invisible as his; her s.h.i.+rt was pale pink cotton, thin and worn. She could feel the way it clung to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and waist. Nervously, she plucked at it. His eyes were unreadable when they flickered back to her face. "It doesn't help."

Uncertainty filled her. Earlier, she'd felt very clear about wanting him, but his words at the ranch had shattered a little of her optimism. She didn't know how she'd feel if she let go with this man, didn't know if she could just walk away without regrets when it was all done.

"Having second thoughts, now, aren't you?"

Mattie looked away, s.h.i.+fted, feeling exposed and uncomfortable and unsure.

With one swift move, he grabbed her arm. "I think it's too late for second thoughts," he said, and Mattie looked up. She saw the blaze of wildness in his eyes, the dark hunger in his face, and she swayed toward him as he hauled her close so close and hard against him.

His mouth was wet and hot and intensely demanding, so sharp and piercing with need that it broke through Mattie's defenses the way nothing else could have. A burst of excruciating hunger made her almost frantic with wanting him. She s.h.i.+fted in his arms and met his kiss wide open, giving as furiously as she took.

"Oh, Mattie," he said against her mouth. "I've never wanted a woman in my life like I want you. You're driving me crazy."

He kissed her chin, her throat, the half circle of flesh visible above her s.h.i.+rt. With one hand, he tugged her s.h.i.+rt from the top of her jeans and skimmed a hand beneath the fabric, roving upward.

Abruptly, he dropped to the ground, and dragged Mattie into his lap, kissing her as he tugged her s.h.i.+rt over her head. Mattie willingly lifted her arms, s.h.i.+vering when the wind touched her bare skin. Zeke groaned, and nestled them closer together, Mattie straddling him, her heat against his.

There was sureness in her movements, a sense of utter rightness. Without shame, she let him unclasp her bra and skim it down her arms, his hands coming back to circle and lift her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. A sound, dark and wordless, came from his throat as he touched her, no longer rus.h.i.+ng. She watched his face as his fingers curled around her, as his thumbs traced a circle around her nipples. His beautiful face, so ravaged ... her fingers curled against his cheeks, and he lifted his gaze to her, showing her the sultriness in the green irises as his hands teased and stroked her into a quivering she couldn't control. Over and over his thumbs skimmed her nipples, until they felt so rigid and engorged she was embarra.s.sed.

Mattie thought she was the one in control, the one who was letting this happen, but Zeke didn't tremble now, and there was a sense of masterful orchestration in his movements, in the way he turned, still holding her gaze, and sucked her finger into his mouth, then let her go and bent his head to her breast.

She cried out as his mouth closed over one nipple, hot in contrast to the cold rain around them. Slow, slow, slow his mouth moved, suckling, then not, and laying, his head only lifting to give the same attention to the other side.

Mattie's trembling increased until she could not control it. She clutched his shoulders. "Zeke," she cried softly, not knowing what she needed, how to stop the quaking in her limbs.

It was only then that she realized how remote he seemed. There was nothing specific, no change in his movements, but all at once, she felt as if she were being serviced rather than loved.

He reached between them to unsnap her jeans, and Mattie froze, suddenly aware that she didn't want this, not here, not like this. Not with him so cool and unemotional. She remembered the kiss he'd blown her back in Kismet that aloof and cynical kiss She grabbed his hands. "Stop."

He yanked her closer to him, pressing the rigid weight of his arousal against that aching place between her thighs. She bit back a moan, struggling to control the shaking in her body.

"You don't want to stop, Mattie," he said, but she didn't like his tone of voice. Too sure, too He moved himself against her and Mattie felt the answering rise of her body, a pulsing that began deep, deep inside.

"d.a.m.n you!" She shoved him away and stood up, crossing her arms over her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She nearly stumbled in her haste, and sc.r.a.ped her upper arm on the wall. Furious and frustrated and trembling, she blindly looked for her s.h.i.+rt.

Zeke's lay in a heap near her foot and she grabbed it, instead, shaking the wet, tangled fabric and yanking it on as well as she could. "You're such a jerk!"

He didn't move, just knelt where he was, hands on his knees, looking savage and beautiful and as angry as she. His eyes blazed. "That's what I keep trying to tell you."

"I didn't ask for that." She clasped the s.h.i.+rt around her closely, folded her arms defensively.

"No, you're asking for a whole lot more, aren't you, Miss Mary?" He stood up and advanced toward her. "You want to lead me to the light. Or you want the bad boy you thought you saw out there in Kismet on motorcycle. You can't see me for me at all."

"You won't let me."

He loomed over her in the small s.p.a.ce, tanned and untamed and bare-chested, all his scars showing plainly. "All you have to do is look, Mattie. I'm right here in front of you."

She stared at him, not quite understanding.

He touched her lips with his fingers, trailed his hand over her chin. "I've wanted you since the first time I saw you. Wanted that mouth-" he traced the curve of her lip "-and it's just what I thought it would be."

Miniscule trembling began anew as his hands dropped lower. "You think you're all covered up, don't you," he said and touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "I can see straight through this s.h.i.+rt." Her nipple leaped to his touch and she backed away, right into the wall.

He leaned over her, putting his hands on either side of her head, bending over so his mouth hovered over hers. "I want you, Miss Mary," he said, his voice so low it almost didn't register. "I kept trying to tell myself to leave you alone, but things don't always work out the way we plan, do they?" He did that excruciating thing he'd done at the pool, rubbed his tongue over her bottom lip. She couldn't breathe. "I want you," he repeated, and nipped a little where his tongue had been, sending a sharp, delicious pain into her abdomen. "Slow and fine, wild and hot, and right-side up and upside down. Do you want me?"

Mattie reached for him, but he caught her hands. "Tell me."

The rain poured and thunder crashed. Mattie whispered, "I want you, Zeke."

He kissed her then, and it was honest and deep, with no holding back. "Then you can have me, Miss Mary. And I'm gonna have you." He lifted his head. "But it isn't going to be here or now."

She stared at him, acutely disappointed.

He tugged the s.h.i.+rt closed over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "I want you right, Mattie," he said. "If we do it here, we'll be freezing and have to climb into wet clothes and the ground will be too rough." He kissed her. "I want you right."

Mattie caught his hands. "Zeke-" she protested, but didn't know how to go on. She didn't know what to say or do. Her whole body felt as if it had been half plugged into an outlet, and she was neither on nor off.

"Say it, Mattie," he said. He lifted his hands from her body, but she could feel his heat so close. "What do you want?"

He kissed her, his tongue teasing the edges of her mouth. "Tell me and I'll tell you."

"Touch me," she whispered.

He brushed her shoulder. "Like that?"

"No," she whispered. She reached for him, no longer content to be led down whatever path it was he thought he had to take. She stroked his flat stomach and bent her head to his chest, kissing his flat nipple, trailing her tongue over the light, crisp hair on his chest.

She reached for the snap on his jeans. His huge hands seized her wrists. "Mattie, I'm serious. We'll be miserable if we don't wait."

"I'm going to be miserable if we do."

He touched her face. "Trust me."

Mattie sighed. Once again, she was going to miss out. "Fine," she said and went to sit in the corner to wait out the rain.

Chapter 13.

Even without making love, the ride back to the cabin was unadulterated misery. The rain had slowed to a mild pattering sprinkle, but the wind sliced through their wet clothes with sharp, stinging needles of ice.

Zeke felt his hair get stiff on his shoulders and knew Mattie had to feel even worse. She'd never been stuck in a rainstorm on a motorcycle before. The alternative had been to stay in the cave by the stream and freeze slowly. Even with a fire, they would have grown more and more miserable. Better to cut their losses and get back as quickly as possible.

The misery, however, did perform the necessary duty of quenching the fierce desire between them. Not even Zeke felt randy by the time they got back. He sent Mattie in ahead while he unfastened their groceries from the back of the bike. "Get out of those wet clothes and start some water boiling."

She nodded mutely. With a stab of guilt, Zeke saw her lips were pale blue.

He gave her a few minutes, then hauled in the supplies. Her clothes were in a wet pile on the floor, and she huddled on the bed, s.h.i.+vering, wrapped in his stallion blanket. "I'm sorry, Mattie," he said, dropping

the pack. His own teeth chattered and he kicked off his boots. "Go on down to the sauna. I'll bring towels and coffee in a minute."

"That's okay, Zeke. I'll get warm in a minute."

"Not like that you won't," he returned, stripping off his s.h.i.+rt and rubbing his flesh with a towel. "Go on.

The sauna will make you feel better. That's why I have it."

Reluctantly, she sat up. "Can I take the blanket in with me?"

"Yeah." He had a spare sleeping bag in the crawl s.p.a.ce.

Clutching the blanket around her, she hobbled out.

Zeke shed his soggy jeans and wrapped himself in a big terry-cloth robe. Barefooted and chilled to the

bone, he made two big mugs of instant coffee, put generous helpings of sugar and powdered cream into

Mattie's, and carried them outside.

It was gloomy and dark because of the heavy clouds, which showed no signs of clearing out. Unusual for afternoon storms to last, but it did happen sometimes.

He knocked on the sauna door. Mattie called, "Come in," and he entered.

Curled in the blanket, covered to her nose, she sat on the low bench. The perpetual fire was low and the room was not terribly warm yet.

He gave her the coffee. "It'll warm you up from the inside."

One white arm slipped from between the folds of the blanket to take the cup. "I've never been so

bone-cold in my entire life."

"I know, honey." He touched her shoulder. "It'll be better in a little while. I'll get some more wood."

From the pile of wood outside, Zeke selected slender bits of kindling and carried them inside to get the

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Breaking The Rules Part 16 summary

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