The Lure Of White Oak Lake Part 20

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Chapter Twenty-nine.

The chicken wire slipped from Austin's hands for the third time before he could secure it. He dropped the staple gun on the deck and sat with a thud.

"It's p.i.s.sing me off too. Let's take a break and let our nerves cool." Morgan sat beside him and took a sip of her water.

"It's just a bad day for me, nothing has gone right. When I got to school today, Logan bowed up and called me a rat. He threatened to beat my a.s.s after school in front of everybody, but he didn't show up behind the gym. Rylee won't speak to me at all."

"You were gonna fight him?"

"I was gonna talk to him, but if he wouldn't have listened, I would've pounded him into the ground like a tent stake. I guess he wasn't really my friend after all. He wouldn't let me be in the regatta with him, and now he's telling everyone I'm a rat." Austin looked at Morgan. "I wanna win, so everybody can see I'm not the loser they think I am."

"You're not a loser. I know hearing me say that doesn't make you feel any better, but it's the truth. I really didn't like being around kids until I met you." Morgan held up her hand. "I know you're not really a kid, but you know what I mean. You're a great friend, and I'm honored to have you on my team. We will win, then all those pinheads at school can suck on our victory."

Austin grinned and b.u.mped Morgan's fist.

Chet's mishap put a strain on Jaclyn and Morgan's alone time not only because he couldn't work in Jaclyn's place, but Jaclyn along with the others in town took turns feeding and helping with daily activities. Morgan covered the store while Jaclyn brought him lunch, and Morgan took turns, as well, helping with his laundry.

A busy schedule seemed to accelerate time, and the regatta was coming up fast. Morgan spent many evenings with Austin working on Thor. Gavin Cullum had managed to scrounge up another empty keg for the bow, and the not-boat was buoyant supporting their combined weight, which was growing. Morgan's clothes were fitting tighter, thanks to Jaclyn's cooking, and Thor almost sat evenly on the water.

The papier-mache Viking trim turned out to be a serious undertaking, and since it couldn't be left in the weather, it had been moved into Morgan's den. Jaclyn's help was enlisted when Morgan had raged and thrown herself into their last try, destroying what little progress had been made. Their courts.h.i.+p had dwindled down to provocative looks and a quick make-out session before one or both of them collapsed in exhaustion.

Austin and Morgan sat side by side watching as Jaclyn smoothed her hand over the sodden paper careful not to wipe off too much of the sticky concoction they'd created with flour, water, and an industrial-sized jug of Elmer's glue.

"It's holding," Jaclyn said with satisfaction as she admired her handiwork. "It's going to have to sit and dry for I'd say a week before you paint it."

"Momma, we don't have a week. It's Monday, and the regatta is" Austin scrubbed at his face, smearing the sticky substance into his hair.

Morgan grinned when she noticed that his bangs were standing straight up. "If nothing else, we've created an awesome hair gel."

"I'm glad you like it because it's all up in your hair."

"Am I s.e.xy?" Morgan asked as she made two hair horns.

"Very." Jaclyn stood and stretched. "I think you should wear it like that all the time."

Austin made a face. "We need to focus. Besides, y'all are gross. A dude does not want to see 'make-out' eyes on his momma." He pointed at Jaclyn. "Look away."

Jaclyn laughed as she complied and wiped her hands on a cloth. "Okay, y'all are gonna take the decorations off before the race, right?"

Morgan nodded. "Right."

"I guess if you put fans around to blow on it, it may be dry enough to paint Thursday night. That'll give it a whole day for the paint to dry. It should hold up for the short time you're going to need it."

"I like that plan," Morgan said, "but I don't have any fans."

"We do in the storeroom. Why don't you two go get them, and I'll finish up dinner? By the time y'all do that and shower, it'll be time to eat."

"Wait a minute." Morgan pointed to her newly fas.h.i.+oned horns. "You want me to wash this out? I haven't even seen them, and I know they're hot."

"Super hot." Jaclyn wiped sticky stuff from Morgan's chin and kissed her.

"Oh! Kissing again!" Austin said with disgust, though he was trying to keep the smile from his face. "And y'all say teenagers are bad. I'm going to get the fans. I can handle that alone."

Jaclyn gazed up at Morgan's hair. "The horns are very s.e.xy. I can't wait to see you in that Viking hat."

"I need to check on those, they haven't arrived. Thanks for reminding me. I'll be wearing the hide of a deer, too. Will that turn you on, as well?" Morgan asked.

Jaclyn nodded. "Oddly enough, I'll probably find that pretty s.e.xy, too."

"I'd like to touch you, but I'm going to leave prints." Morgan held up her glue-covered hands. "That's liable to make Austin puke."

"Mine are clean. I wiped them off, so I have the advantage." Their relations.h.i.+p had not taken a completely physical turn yet, but the more time they spent together, the urge became stronger, and Jaclyn let her hands roam over Morgan's stomach and close to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She enjoyed the way Morgan's breathing abruptly changed. She was about to get more daring when Morgan's phone rang. "Answer that," Jaclyn said as she stepped away. "I have to get away from you right now before I lose control."

Morgan groaned. "Whoever this is, their timing sucks. I'll see you in a little while." She literally ached as she watched Jaclyn walk away from her, denim caressing the b.u.t.t and thighs she desperately wanted to get her hands on.

"We're having a boy!" Brad yelled when she answered the phone. Morgan was so taken aback, she couldn't speak. "Robert Jacob Cha.s.sion, how does that sound?" he asked excitedly.

"It sounds fantastic."

"He'll go by Jacob, but I wanted him to have Dad's name, and Jacob Robert didn't have a ring to it. I would've been just as thrilled with a girl, which I hope comes next. Tonya's doing great, Jacob is too, and I am the luckiest man in the world."

"Yes, you are," Morgan agreed wholeheartedly.

"Look, I need to talk to you about the holidays. Tonya's folks will be traveling over Christmas to see Tonya's sister, so they're having a huge Thanksgiving party. You, of course, are invited."

Morgan's mind scrambled for a viable excuse not to attend. She adored Tonya, but her brother and her parents weren't Morgan's favorite people.

"I need to be there for Tonya, and I know you'd rather pull all your hair out than spend five minutes with the Waverly family. I'm torn. I don't want you to be alone on the first holiday without Dad."

"I won't be alone, I've made friends here. You have nothing to worry about. Besides, I missed a few Thanksgivings. Frankly, I was kind of looking forward to being here. Skip's been talking up wild turkey, and I'd like to try it."

"I can make it up to you on Christmas. Tonya and I would like to come there and celebrate at the cabin."

"I would absolutely love that," Morgan said sincerely.

"Okay, it's a plan." Brad was quiet for a second. "I still feel like a d.i.c.k where Thanksgiving is concerned."

"I give you my solemn word that I have no problem with it whatsoever." Morgan looked at the door when Austin walked in. "One of my buddies just walked in the door, so I'm going to have to cut this short. I love you."

"Love you, too, sis."

Austin had a scowl on his face as he regarded Morgan. "You okay, bud?" she asked.

"I'm fine." He set the fans down and plugged one in. "Okay, were you talking to a woman because you're dating my mom, you know?"

"I admire your protectiveness, and that was my brother, Brad. I'll introduce you to him at Christmas because he and his wife are coming here."

"Oh, sorry." Austin plugged in one of the fans and directed the air toward their creation.

Morgan grinned. "We okay or are you gonna kick my a.s.s now?"

"She dated a woman named Sharon, and I heard her a few times talking sweet to someone else. To be honest, I was glad when Mom dumped her because she was a jerk. I like you, though, so don't mess up."

Jaclyn turned from the stove and was expecting to see Austin or Morgan walking in; instead, Maddie was grinning at her from ear to ear. "I need to borrow your son tonight."

"For what?"

"Heath and I are going to Jeanerette for dinner, and we need a babysitter."

"Bring the kids over here. I'll watch them."

"Austin's a capable babysitter, you're missing the point. I want him for the night, and I'll take him to school in the morning." Maddie raised her brows and continued to grin at Jaclyn. "You and Morgan will have the house to yourselves all evening."

Jaclyn's brow shot up too. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh. Hopefully, there will be lots of 'ohs' right before the big O. We'll be back around nine, so Austin won't miss any sleep."

Austin walked in behind Maddie. "What won't I miss?"

"I need a babysitter tonight. Want to earn a few bucks?"

"You don't have to pay me. I'll do it."

Maddie reached up and grabbed Austin's cheeks. "You are the sweetest boy ever. Go pack up your school clothes. I'm keeping you all night."

"Cool, that's okay, Mom?"

"Yeah, fine with me," Jaclyn said as her heart began to pound. She and Maddie watched Austin go, and Maddie's wicked grin returned. "Knock her ever-living socks off, sis. Make her holler. Make her your bi-"

"I get the point."

"As long as you get it and get it good. Are you happy? You love me?"

Jaclyn was staring at the wall.



"You okay?"

"Yeah, all of the blood in my body just rushed south, and I feel light-headed. There's just been so much going on lately, and I thought the best we could hope for was a quickie in the storage room, but this is a whole night."

Maddie c.o.c.ked her head to the side. "Wait a minute. Are you telling me that y'all haven' it on? I thought lesbians moved at light speed. You know, like, 'Hey, how ya doing? I'm Jaclyn, let's have s.e.x and move in together.'"

"I really need to take a shower." Jaclyn looked at the clock.

"Okay, I see it's no use trying to have a conversation with you. Your brain has already dropped into your pants." Maddie smiled at Austin as he walked back into the kitchen with his clothes wadded up in a ball.

Austin kissed Jaclyn on the cheek. "Love you, Mom. I hope you get all the kissing out of your system tonight. You and Morgan are embarra.s.sing."

Maddie shrugged with a laugh when he walked out. "He's not a baby anymore."

"Thank you for this, Maddie. I truly appreciate it."

"It's the least I could do, and I promise to do it more often." Maddie stepped out the door and looked back in. "Shave the quills off your legs."

Jaclyn took another look at dinner and scrambled upstairs to take a quick shower. Clothes flew left and right as she headed for the bathroom. She lost her balance and slammed into the door as she danced around trying to get her pants off. The best smelling of her shampoos and conditioners was used on her hair. She lathered and washed with her favorite body wash. But when it came time to shave, she realized that her razor was dull and the can of shaving cream was empty.

"d.a.m.n it!" Jaclyn yelled as she stepped out of the shower, soaking the bathroom. Ten minutes and three nicks later, she emerged and wrapped herself in a towel. "What to wear?" she mumbled as she padded into the bedroom. Her closet was truly devoid of anything s.e.xy. The best she could come up with was a pair of baggy jeans, easy to get out of, and a snug-fitting purple T-s.h.i.+rt.

Chapter Thirty.

Morgan opened the back door of Jaclyn's house, and the smell of stew simmering filled her senses. Her stomach began to growl as she looked around. Everything was silent. "h.e.l.lo?" The TV wasn't on, and Austin was nowhere to be found. She heard footsteps on the stairs as she fought the temptation to nibble on the bread that Jaclyn had baked.

"I had a h.e.l.l of a time getting that gunk out of my hair, it was like cement. I don't think we're going to have to worry about the decorations at all. Where's Austin?"

"Maddie needed a babysitter, so he's at her house," Jaclyn said as she stirred the stew. Morgan had stolen a slice of cuc.u.mber from the salad and was chomping away when Jaclyn turned and said, "He's going to spend the night."

"Oh." Morgan reached for another slice of cuc.u.mber and froze. "All night?"

Jaclyn nodded.

"Would you mind giving me your cell phone?"

Jaclyn's expression was quizzical as she pulled it out of her back pocket. Morgan took it and disappeared into the laundry room for a second. "I put it in the dryer with mine," she explained when she returned. "I didn't turn it on, they'll be fine," she said when Jaclyn looked startled.

"You should lock the back door, too."

Morgan turned the deadbolt. "How many house phones do you have?"

"Just come over here and kiss me because all of the sudden I'm very nervous."

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The Lure Of White Oak Lake Part 20 summary

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