The Lure Of White Oak Lake Part 21

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Morgan smiled as she walked up to Jaclyn and pulled her into her arms. "I am, too. We could have some wine and just-" Her breath came out in a shudder when Jaclyn kissed her neck. "Or we could just go up to your bedroom."

The walk through the den and up the stairs seemed like it took hours. Morgan wasn't just trying to ease Jaclyn's anxiety when she'd admitted that she was nervous too. She'd spent a lot of time thinking about this moment, and now that it was here, she was shaking like a leaf.

Jaclyn opened the door and closed it when Morgan walked in. "I'm so afraid someone is going to blow up something, shoot themselves in the foot, or-"

Morgan kissed her and backed her toward the bed. Jaclyn wrapped her arms around her shoulders, and Morgan realized Jaclyn was shaking as much as she was. "You really are nervous," she said as she broke she kiss. "Do you have something that plays music besides the radio in here?"

"My iPod." Jaclyn picked up a remote and pressed a b.u.t.ton. Sir Mix-A-Lot's "I Like Big b.u.t.ts" boomed through the tiny speakers of the docking station. Jaclyn pressed another b.u.t.ton and smiled sheepishly. "Not what you had in mind?"

"Now I know why you wanted me to gain weight," Morgan said with a laugh as Jaclyn walked over to the docking station. Soft music began to play seconds later. "I like that, what is it?"

"'Slave to Love' by Bryan Ferry. It's one of my favorites."

"Dance with me." Morgan pulled Jaclyn back into her arms. "Our first date was in a field of goldenrod, our first dance in your bedroom. We spit in the face of normal convention."

Jaclyn laughed as she swayed in Morgan's arms. "Does it bother you that we've never gone to dinner and a movie like everyone else?"

"I've had the time of my life. I wouldn't change a thing." Morgan ran her hands down Jaclyn's back, pulling her closer. Their bodies moved snugly together and took over the conversation. One slow song blended into the other unnoticed as they danced in the moonlight filtering through the blinds. Morgan's nerves began to ebb as her body took over. Jaclyn's mouth against hers was soft and supple as they swayed together.

Cool air swept over Jaclyn's overheated skin as Morgan tugged her T-s.h.i.+rt over her head. "Take yours off," Jaclyn said as she reached for her. Skin velvety soft brushed against Jaclyn's nipples as Morgan held her close again. A firm thigh moved between hers as Morgan continued to move with the music. Desire replaced anxiety as Morgan kissed her shoulder and unb.u.t.toned the jeans that slid easily down her thighs.

Jaclyn's kisses were demanding. Her hands blazed a hot trail over Morgan's back and arms. "I'm not nervous anymore, and I don't want to go slow," Jaclyn said against Morgan's lips. Clothes flew as they moved to the bed.

"You little animal," Morgan said with a laugh as she and Jaclyn battled for dominance. "I want you on the bottom."

"Do I have to stay here?" Jaclyn spread her legs and let Morgan slip between them.

"Oh," Morgan moaned, "just for a little while."

Jaclyn shuddered as Morgan ground into her. It felt so good to feel Morgan's body so intimately pressed against hers. She fisted her hands in Morgan's hair and pulled her head back. Morgan's skin tasted sweet against her mouth as she kissed her neck and grazed her teeth over the taut skin. She wanted to taste and touch everything Morgan had to offer. When Morgan's fingers closed around her nipple and lightly squeezed, Jaclyn gasped and struggled with the delicious dilemma of wanting to touch and be touched. Morgan pinned her arms at her side as she slid down and put her mouth where her fingers had been. Jaclyn writhed as Morgan teased with her teeth and tongue.

The skin beneath Morgan's lips was like silk as she moved lower and released Jaclyn's hands. Jaclyn's breathing was erratic as she slipped lower, tasting for the first time Jaclyn's arousal. The sharp intake of breath was music to Morgan's ears as Jaclyn wove her fingers in her hair. She spread Jaclyn's legs wide, pleasuring with her tongue and fingers, matching the insistent rhythm of Jaclyn's hips. She backed Jaclyn away from release, unwilling to let something so delightful slip from her grasp too soon.

"Right there." The words came out in a rush as Morgan's tongue sent jolts of pleasure through Jaclyn's body. "Harder...yes." Jaclyn gripped the sheets and craned her head back as every fiber in her body tensed. The image of her pleasing Morgan in the same way flashed through Jaclyn's mind and heightened her arousal. Her eyes opened, unseeing, as the o.r.g.a.s.m stole away her ability to speak or breathe.

Morgan wasn't finished. She didn't want loving Jaclyn this way to be over as soon as it was. "Come here, baby," Jaclyn whispered as she reached for her.

"I'm not finished with you." Morgan kissed her way up Jaclyn's stomach.

"No, you're not," Jaclyn said before she kissed her.

The feeling of wet heat between Jaclyn's legs as she ground against her made Morgan groan. She loved the feel of their bodies pressed together, the softness of Jaclyn's skin enveloping her as she wrapped her arms and legs around her. Jaclyn had complete control of Morgan as she kissed and writhed beneath her, stoking a fire that was already burning. "You feel incredible," she said as she broke the kiss.

"Roll over," Jaclyn whispered against her ear.

"You feel too good, let me just-" Morgan moaned into the kiss as Jaclyn captured her mouth. Jaclyn wrapped her legs higher around Morgan's waist, offering more. Breathless, Morgan pulled away from Jaclyn's mouth when she felt herself nearing the edge.

"Morgan, don't stop even if...I..."

Jaclyn's breathless utterance and the way she felt as she came propelled Morgan higher as chill b.u.mps spread over her body. She gripped Jaclyn's shoulders as a jolt of pleasure fanned out over her lower body.

Jaclyn held Morgan tighter as her body grew rigid, and the rhythm of her hips became irregular. The winded cry against her cheek made her nearly come again. She gritted her teeth, wanting to take Morgan in every way possible. Her voice quavered when she said, "Roll onto your back for me."

"Not yet." Morgan straddled one of Jaclyn's thighs. She had intended to be gentle and sweet their first time, but Jaclyn brought something out in her she had a hard time controlling. With her leg, she pushed Jaclyn's, spreading them wide. Jaclyn felt tense beneath her like a coiled spring. "I'm trying really hard not to lose control with you."

Jaclyn kissed her and nibbled at her bottom lip. "I know, I can feel it. I don't want you to hold back because I'm not when I get my hands on you." Morgan's breath came out in a rush as she slipped deep inside Jaclyn, who responded with a loud groan. She could feel Jaclyn's nails in her back as she thrust hard and fast. The sensation drove her crazy.

"Oh, f.u.c.k," Jaclyn rasped out as Morgan thrust into her relentlessly.

Morgan had turned loose something inside of Jaclyn that matched her own heated desires. Jaclyn screamed her name as she gripped Morgan hard to make her stop. Morgan gasped for breath as she felt Jaclyn contracting around her fingers.

Exhausted, Morgan lay flat on her back with Jaclyn's head on her stomach. The blankets were on the floor, and the sheets had been pulled from the mattress. She was sweating like she'd run twenty miles, it felt fantastic. As s.e.xual matches went, Jaclyn was perfect. "We have amazing chemistry."

Jaclyn flopped over onto her back and laughed. "We're gonna end up in the hospital."

Morgan took Jaclyn's hand. "My intention was to make love to you."

"You did. We just expressed our affection for each other in a very pa.s.sionate way. There will be times when we take it slow, but they will be rare," Jaclyn said with a laugh.

Morgan found herself wanting to make promises as she lay there with Jaclyn. The idea of leaving her wasn't something she felt she could consider, and she hoped that Celeste's theory was wrong about getting her job back. " 'The Siamese Cat Song' from Lady and the Tramp playing on your iPod right now?"

"I was in a whimsical mood when I downloaded that, don't hold it against me."

Morgan grinned. "You're perfect."

Chapter Thirty-one.

"Oh, my G.o.d," Morgan said under her breath as she stood on her deck morning watching the steady procession of cars pouring into White Oak Lake. Already, the opposite sh.o.r.e and park were a patchwork of blankets and chairs. The parking lot of The Lure was packed, and cars lined the road. Jaclyn had a.s.sured her that she had plenty of help for the day. Bailey, Betsy, and Ida were going to cover the store during the race so Jaclyn could watch, but until then, she was helping with the hordes that came in to buy drinks and snacks.

Morgan and Austin had worked on Thor, painting and doing last-minute touchups in the afternoons, and she spent her nights doing some touchups on Jaclyn. All of that activity had left her feeling a little puny. She almost wished that she had not stayed up past midnight before the race-almost. But once again, she and Jaclyn got carried away. Even as she stood looking at the crowds waiting to watch her sink, she wanted Jaclyn. Not even the nippy November wind blowing across the back of her neck could cool her desire. She felt like an addict in withdrawal as she longed for Jaclyn.

"Momma fixed these up for us last night while we were practicing our paddling." Austin walked onto the deck and handed Morgan her costume. "I sprayed them with Febreze and sealed them in a plastic bag all night. You'll understand why in a minute."

Morgan sniffed at the deer hide, then held it at arm's length. "Oh, man, that stinks."

Austin nodded as he slid his over his head. "Mom said the same thing, but Vikings stunk, Morgan. Suck it up."

The hide was sewn so it hung over one shoulder and wrapped completely around Austin's waist. He looked ridiculous in the outfit and the flat bill ball cap he was sporting. Morgan made a face. "That's an ugly-a.s.s hat."

"This hat is cool."

Morgan shook her head. "I know cool, and that's not it. It may be in style, but it's not cool." She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture. "One day, years from now, you'll look at this and say, 'Morgan, why'd you let me wear that hat? I looked like a dork.'"

Austin pulled it lower over his eyes. "You planning on being around years from now because I'd really like that?"

Surprised by the question, Morgan said, "I hope so because I really want to rub this picture in your face." She gagged as she pulled the deerskin over her head. "How do I look?"

Austin picked up one of the Viking hats, stuck it on Morgan's head, and stepped back. "You look like an idiot."

"Thanks, bud, that really means a lot since I'm wearing this for you."

He pulled his phone out and put his hat on. "We both look like idiots. Now smile for the camera."

"Jaclyn, go, we've got this," Ida said impatiently. "You're not gonna have time to get to the other side of the lake if you don't go now."

"There's more beer in the back. It just needs to be put in the coolers." Jaclyn looked up at the clock. "I can do that before I go."

Ida took her by the arm and led her to the door. "I've found a wonder drug for my bursitis. I can handle loading a little brew, now go."

"Thank you." Jaclyn kissed her on the cheek and stepped outside. She s.h.i.+elded her eyes from the sun and looked at all the vessels lined up for the race. Thor was nowhere in sight. She worried that there had been some sort of mishap as she wove her way over to Chet.

Chet was perched in a wheelchair on a prime piece of real estate that gave him a full view of the race. Jaclyn walked over to him and nervously asked, "Have you seen Austin and Morgan? I don't see them in the lineup."

"I imagine they're gonna bring her around the bend there. No reason for them to use the boat dock if Thor is already in the water," Chet said calmly.

Jaclyn s.h.i.+elded her eyes from the sun. "Shouldn't they be here already, though?"

"If I had worked as hard as they did, I'd want to make an entrance, too."

Skip walked up alongside Jaclyn. "They here yet?"

"No, and I'm getting really nervous. What if-" Thor came into view as it pa.s.sed behind the trees. The crowd clapped as Austin held his fist high on the bow. Morgan, unseen behind the decorations, was paddling them to the lineup.

"Told ya," Chet quipped dryly.

Jaclyn laughed as she wove her way down to the launch and watched as Morgan stepped into the water to line Thor up. As promised, she was dressed in her deerskin. She looked like a Viking except for the sodden sneakers on her feet. "Y'all look fantastic."

"I'm freezing my a.s.s off," Morgan said as she climbed back into Thor. "Why didn't you talk me out of this?"

"Because you love it," Jaclyn said with a smile.

Morgan grinned. "I can't help it, I do."

"She wore the skin, Mom. She rocks." Austin puffed out his chest when one of the photographers for the newspaper aimed his camera at them.

"That she does." Jaclyn took out her phone and snapped a picture, as well. "I just wanted to come down and wish you luck before I go to Maddie's. Take good care of each other," she said seriously.

"We'll be just fine," Morgan promised. "We've decided that if we win, you should jump in the lake with us."

"I'll prepare for a swim." Jaclyn stared at Morgan for a moment in that ridiculous hat and outfit. She'd felt her heart slipping away almost from the moment she met Morgan, but on that sunny morning, she had to admit to herself, Morgan owned it.

Morgan looked back at her as if she were reading her mind. "I look forward to seeing you on the other side."

Chapter Thirty-two.

Morgan watched as a man went to each vessel and dropped something inside. When he dropped a ball and thin chain connected to a red float in Thor, she studied it. "What's this?"

"A sink marker." Austin looped the ball around one of the straps holding the keg. "If we sink, they'll know where the not-boat is. It makes it easier to clean up."

Morgan looked at the other side of the lake. It seemed so far off. There were boats in the water ready to pick up the unlucky. "They wasted their time giving us one of those because we're not going to sink."

"No, we're not." He smiled proudly when the photographer returned and snapped a few pictures of him and Morgan.

"Good luck, you've got the nicest-looking craft out here."

"Thank you." Morgan jerked a thumb at Austin. "This was his brainchild."

"Ours," Austin corrected. He jerked when a horn went off. "That's the five-minute warning. We should probably go ahead and drop the decorations."

Morgan unclipped the chicken wire that held the papier-mache to the sides of the craft while Austin pulled out the pole in front that held it all together. They hoisted it onto the bank. "I hate to see that go, it was really cool," she said sadly.

"Yeah, it was a lot of work just to show off for thirty minutes. Next year, we'll do something simple," Austin said as he faced forward and readied his paddle.

Next year, Morgan thought to herself as she looked at her opponents. Two guys in a watering trough had already capsized. The guys in the fibergla.s.s bathtub bolstered by plastic rafts looked like they might give them a run for their money. On the other side were two teenage girls who had lashed a piece of plywood to a half-dozen tire tubes. Their craft looked st.u.r.dy, too. Morgan pretty much ruled out the cardboard box that was sinking, and she was doubtful about the two whiskey barrel bottoms bolted together.

"Like we practiced," she said to Austin. "Five strokes on the right, then five on the left. I'll keep her straight, you hammer away." They'd only practiced twice, but then they didn't try to cross the lake. Morgan would paddle opposite of Austin and use her paddle as a rudder when they got off track. It was a simple plan that she hoped would work. When the horn sounded again, she and Austin paddled slowly to the string stretched across the water. The second it dropped, it was go time.

"Sit down."

"I can't, I'm too excited," Jaclyn said as she looked down at Maddie. "I have to stand." She raised the binoculars and watched as Austin and Morgan readied for the race. Both looked fiercely determined. As usual, there was a delay as the race team picked not-boats out of the lake that had already sunk. Others pulled soggy and disgusted contestants from the cold water. The sun was bright, but there was a chill in the air. Jaclyn s.h.i.+vered more from excitement.

Every yard along the lake was covered in people sitting on blankets and chairs. The crowd stretched all the way through the park. Maddie's deck was the perfect place to watch the race with its elevation. Dawn and Caleb played with others on the swing set, and Heath was warming up the grill for the barbecue that would begin after the race. Jaclyn's shoes thumped on the deck as she paced nervously.

People began to scream when the horn went off and the vessels started to move. Austin was paddling like there was no tomorrow, and behind him, Morgan did the same. From where Jaclyn stood, it looked as though Thor was in second behind the bathtub, but coming up close behind was the raft with two young girls paddling for dear life.

"Come on, Austin!" Maddie screamed. "Come on, Morgan! Stroke!" The shutter on her camera was steadily clicking away. "Come on, win this thing!" Click, click, click.

Austin's face had turned beet red by the time they reached the halfway mark. Jaclyn could tell that Morgan was yelling something. The muscles in her bare arms bulged with every stroke. The raft with the two girls came dangerously close to Thor. Morgan steered to avoid them, but the loss of her paddling cost them, and the bathtub pulled ahead. Austin's paddle connected with one of the girl's paddles, and it went sailing, putting their raft out of the race. The accident also gave the bathtub crew a healthy lead. Jaclyn's heart sank as she watched the expression on Austin's face. "Come on, son, don't give up."

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The Lure Of White Oak Lake Part 21 summary

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