Real Vampires Take A Bite Out Of Christmas Part 6

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Id love for you to be there if you can promise to be happy for me and not ruin my special night. I heard the front door opening. Heres Jerry now. The movers are bringing in our clothes. Will you stay and be nice to him? Wish him, us, well?

You ask too much. She whirled to face me, her face a solemn mask. I have plans for you, Gloriana, and they dont include a husband from this earthly plane. Especially not one who is a bloodsucker.

Mother, you came to my life too late. I make my own plans. I knew I was taking a chance, defying her. But shed abandoned me when I was a baby. Left me to be raised a Siren, in the Olympus version of an orphanage, to basically become a murdering prost.i.tute. Can you blame me if I wasnt exactly eager to jump to do her bidding?

We are not done, Gloriana. Not at all. And with that, she disappeared.

Jerry strode into the room with a box in his hands, followed by workmen carrying cardboard wardrobes that I knew were filled with my clothes and his. Tell them where you want your things, Gloriana. Weve got two more trips downstairs and then were finished.

I found a smile and got busy. No way was I destroying Jerrys happy mood by sharing my mothers visit. But she was so powerful. If she had plans, I was sure they werent to just stand by and let me marry the man I loved. I swallowed a sick feeling as I went through the motions necessary to put away my meager wardrobe in my fabulous new closet. I had built-in shelves for shoes and handbags, drawers for my lingerie. Stepping back and seeing my things looking so pretty was almost enough to help me forget Come out here, Gloriana. I have one more gift for you. It is Christmas, you know. Jerry was acting like an excited kid. It had taken him all of ten minutes to stuff his underwear and socks into drawers. Hed told the men to hang his things wherever in his closet. Yes, he had his own on the other side of our master bath. Have I mentioned how much I love this apartment?

Jerry, youve done enough. I dragged myself out of my walk-in, casting one more admiring look at the way Id arranged everything by color. It probably wouldnt stay that way, but for now it was perfect. I love, love, love everything here.

One more thing. In this box. He gestured to the gold wrapped box sitting on the foot of our bed. It had a fluffy bow on top made of gold and silver ribbon. Florence mentioned that you love these things and I asked Lacy to help me shop for it. I hope I got it right.

I knew from the size of the box that it probably wasnt jewelry. Which was good. Unlike my best bud, I really didnt wear much. A fur? I hoped not. Austin isnt exactly against fur, but isnt for it either. And we did have those mild winters.

Would you just open it? Jerry slid his arms around me. The suspense is killing me. I dont buy stuff like this. And to order it on-line I probably screwed it up.

Okay, okay, but whatever it is, Im sure Ill love it. I turned in his arms and kissed him, slowly, thoroughly. Because you were thinking about what would please me. And I know what will please you. Maybe Ill get out the nightgown Flo gave me. Its supposed to be for our wedding night but this first night in our new place seems to be the right time. I think youll find it stimulating. I teased one of his ears and saw him s.h.i.+ver.

Quit stalling and get to it, woman. And you know I like you best in nothing at all. He pinched my b.u.t.t and turned me around. He really was nervous.

Right. I took a breath and pulled open the box top. Oh, Jerry. I cant believe I pulled out the two-piece Chanel suit. It was the kind Id always l.u.s.ted after. Vintage. Couturier. Perfect in black with gold b.u.t.tons and a little chain across the pocket. I held it up and knew it would fit.

Flo said you have a thing for that designer. Lacy too. And she knew your size. She wouldnt tell me what that was. She gave me three options to choose from on the Internet. He studied my face. This one seemed right. I know you like black and s.h.i.+t. Tell me if its not to your liking. He sat on the bed next to the box.

I hugged the knit to me, actually speechless for a moment. To my liking? My voice shook. Jerry, you have no idea. For years Ive watched women wear these kinds of designer originals and wished I blinked. Yep, hed made me cry. I could never afford a piece like this. Never. Not even used. Because if I did run across a couturier vintage piece it was either too small or I had to sell it to support the store.

Gloriana. Jerry took the suit from me and pulled me into his lap. You will never have to sell something to survive again. I promise you that. I know you are an independent woman. I respect that. But it is my greatest wish that you will let me do this for you. I will always provide for you. Anything you want. He kissed my damp cheeks. Will you let me do that? My love?

You are maddening. Because I love you so much, yes, you can do that. I leaned against him and let a few tears fall. Hed bought me a Chanel suit. d.a.m.nable, sweet, almost perfect man. Yes, Id have to keep an eye on him. Hed want to take over my life. But there were worse things he could do. I felt that nagging fear s.h.i.+ft inside me. My mother was out there. Plotting. And her idea of taking over my life wasnt out of generosity but because she wanted to manipulate me. No, I couldnt think about her now. Couldnt let her ruin this perfect moment.

Thank you, Gloriana. I know that wasnt easy for you. Jerry kissed me then, sweetly, then with a hunger that was never far below the surface. When he pulled back we were both aroused, our minds on one thing.

Jerry I pushed my fingers into his hair.

No. Not yet. Arent you eager to try on the suit? He picked it up and handed it to me.

That can wait. I was more interested in taking off clothes than putting them on. I had pulled open all the b.u.t.tons on his navy s.h.i.+rt and now ran my fingers over the hard planes of his chest.

He shook his head. No, I want to see you in it. Why dont you go into the bathroom, slip it on and then let me come in and take it off of you? Shall we make that bathroom our first room to celebrate Christmas properly in? Jerrys grin had turned wicked.

Sounds like a plan. I slid off his lap with a wiggle that made him groan then gathered up his gift. My gift to him? Me, of course. And he could bite me wherever he pleased.

The End.

If you enjoyed this novella, be sure to check out the first book in the Real Vampires series, Real Vampires Have Curves. Other Bartlett t.i.tles can be found here.


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Real Vampires Take A Bite Out Of Christmas Part 6 summary

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