Sleight Of Hand Part 5

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Turning back to her, Xander nodded rea.s.suringly. "I've fed from you before, so you know the basics.

Just drag the teeth over his jugular to open the vein and drink. I won't let you take too much. When I touch your shoulder, lick across the bite marks to close them."

Wary, she bent her head toward the man. Her hunger gnawed at her gut as the sound of the blood rus.h.i.+ng just beneath his skin met her ears and the scent of his skin reached her. It was irresistible not to slide her sharp teeth over his flesh as Stryker had instructed. A moan slid through her as the blood filled her mouth. It was dark, forbidden, and velvety. And the joy of it made her see stars. The deep rich bouquet coursed through her system. It quenched her thirst like a tall gla.s.s of water on a really hot, dusty day.

She felt him tense up and groan long and hard. She knew he'd come because she tasted his o.r.g.a.s.m, metallic on her tongue. Her eyes fluttered closed. Gooseflesh erupted up and down her spine. A groan of her own broke from her at the sheer rapture of it all.

At Stryker's tap on her shoulder, she forced herself to stop, remembering to lave a tongue over the bite.

After she did so, Stryker pulled her back to lean against him. "Thank you," she told the man, and he nodded, eyes slightly dazed.

"Any time, Lissette."

Stryker's grip tightened on her shoulder, and Lissie felt a surge of triumph-now he knew how it felt.

She got the feeling that the donor discussion would be a lot different now.

"One human won't be enough for your first feed, so drink again," Stryker murmured into her ear.

Lissie watched as the human security officer knelt and pushed her hair out of the way. Everything seemed so bright and vivid. Her senses were so very sensitive, every sound was clear-she could hear them all breathing if she concentrated. She could smell their cologne and soap, smell the warm scent of their blood. It was amazing but more than just slightly overwhelming.

Lissette bent forward and struck again, marveling at the difference between the two humans she'd fed from. How unique each had been in vitality and in taste.

She drew back on her own and closed the bite.

"Wow, you're even better than he is," the woman said, face flushed from o.r.g.a.s.m.

Lissette gave a startled laugh. "As long as you realize that he won't be feedingand f.u.c.king, we're good."

"He hasn't in six months, truly," the woman said as she went to the door and left.

"Lucky for you," she murmured.

Stryker was behind her on the bed, on his knees. His hands gripped her shoulders. "I could watch you feed from other women all night long." He growled in her ear and ground his erection into the flesh of her a.s.s.

"You're such a pervert," she said, breathless, as always, utterly affected by his voice.

"On your knees, Lissette. Suck my c.o.c.k," he ordered in a dark, velvet voice that went straight to her p.u.s.s.y.

She turned slowly and looked into his eyes. "Well, I am ever so grateful for your saving my life, sir. I do think we could work something out that might prove amenable." She fluttered her lashes, and he gave her a s.e.xy grin that was quickly replaced by hunger when she dropped her robe and slowly sank to her knees.

Drawing his pajama bottoms down, she looked up at him with a s.e.xy smile as she took him into her hands. Rubbing her cheek across his heated flesh, she was amazed as always at how soft that skin was while also being so very hard. She felt the veins throb as she pa.s.sed over him.

She slowly took the meaty c.o.c.khead into her mouth, and he jumped as she swirled her tongue over it, tasting the salt of the bead of pre-c.u.m that had beaded there. He rolled his hips and stroked into her mouth, groaning as she took him as deep as she could.

"Yes." His voice was hoa.r.s.e and tender at once. His hands went to her head, fingers threading in her hair. She slicked his soft as velvet skin with saliva and loosely ran her lips and tongue along his c.o.c.k, in and out, over and over.

His hands tightened in her hair, guiding her. She loved the feel of the muscles of his lower back and a.s.s as she slid her hand down. The hair at the top of his thighs was wiry, and her palm tingled as she caressed him there.

He moaned as she stroked her fingertip over the puckered star of his rear pa.s.sage, eliciting a deep moan from him as he widened his stance. She lubed her finger with her own cream and brought it back, pus.h.i.+ng inside of him. Finding that bundle of nerves that was his sweet spot, she stroked while she kept her mouth steady, wet, and tight.

"Oh, Lissette, you feel so f.u.c.king good. Made for me. Ahh, I'm going to come." Stryker gasped out and began to pump his c.o.c.k into her mouth, muscles clamping down on her finger as he began to come.

She waited until he softened before pulling back to bestow a kiss to the head of his c.o.c.k and hopping back up in bed. With a happy sigh, he collapsed beside her. He lay on his back, panting, covered in a sheen of sweat. Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her close, into the shelter of his body.

He pressed his lips to her temple. "Lissie, darling, on your hands and knees." His murmur was gentle but edged in steel. He sat up to kneel on the bed as she moved to obey. "You ready for me?" he breathed into her ear, and she whimpered in response and rolled her hips, pressing back against him.

She was so wet and aroused she trembled with it. "You make me wet, Stryker. I need you. Please."

He gentled her with a hand on her hip. Reaching around, the fingertips of his free hand slid through the folds of her p.u.s.s.y, pulling moisture up and around her c.l.i.t as he stroked in wide circles. Her thighs shook and a gasp tore from her lips as she felt the head of his c.o.c.k nudge against her, pressing inside.

Forcing himself to hold back, he took it slow. More than anything he wanted to slam into her, wanted to crawl inside of her and stay there forever. She was so right, so beautiful and all his, and he knew he'd never let her go. She made him complete.

"More," she gasped and pushed back when he pushed inside a bit more. Finally, when he slid in to the root, she sighed in triumph. Knowing what it did to him, she wiggled her a.s.s a bit and tightened herself around him, smirking at his gasped moan of surprise. She felt stretched and full and for want of a better word, home.

It was her turn to gasp in surprise and pleasure when he slapped her a.s.s soundly with an open palm three times. "Ow!" she said as it began to sting, but she moaned when he stroked a hand lightly over her pinked and heated flesh.

"Oh, I think you liked that, didn't you?" he said through clenched teeth as he pulled almost all the way out and slammed back home with a grunt.

She felt her eyes roll back into her head with pleasure at that thrust. "Yes."

"Should I do it again, Lissette?"

She nodded her head, afraid to speak.

"If you want it, say so." He traced the tips of his fingers across the pinkened flesh of her bottom.

She moaned, "Please."

"Please what?"

"Please spank me again," she said, biting her bottom lip.

He smiled and gave her three sharp, open palmed slaps on the other cheek. Just the sound was enough to push him, but the sight of the pink impression of his hand on her creamy flesh,oh. Caressing that heated spot, he thrust deep into her.

She was so wet, and the sound of the union of their bodies echoed through the room. The scent of her desire, of their s.e.x, hung in the air around them like a spell. He grinned wickedly when she unashamedly arched her back and pushed back against him.

"Oh beautiful, you are so hot, so f.u.c.king wet." His body tightened as his climax approached. "Lissette, I'm going to feed. Turn your head," he grunted out. No sooner than she'd tilted her head to the side, he struck. Eagerly, she moved back to meet his thrusts as the euphoria of his strike rushed through her.

He took her newly converted blood into his system, and it hit him like he'd stuck a finger into an electrical socket. It all hit him, the pinkness of her skin from his spanking, her whimpers and moans of pleasure, and then her p.u.s.s.y clamped down on him. The rolling flutters of her o.r.g.a.s.m drew his own from him violently, bringing her name as a roar from him as her flesh wrung him dry.

"Oh, how I love you," he murmured as they collapsed to the mattress, exhausted. * * * *

After a cat nap, he came awake and marveled at the sight of her in his bed. It wasn't the first time, but it was a first. She was his now. The bed wastheirs. Of course, he knew he'd have a job of it to convince her of that.

Her eyes came open slowly and came to focus on him. He sent her a wicked grin. She looked delicious, debauched, and thoroughly satisfied. Her hair was tousled around her face and shoulders. Lips swollen from his kisses, she stretched slowly, giving him a bit of a show.

"And how are you feeling after that nap? Refreshed? It can be hard after a conversion. I shouldn't have let myself get so tempted by you. You need rest."

The light danced in her eyes as she laughed. He mentally shook his head at his fortune. She sat up and he marveled at the way she looked at him. He hadn't lived the most conscientious of lives and yet, he was blessed with her. He'd need to work on being deserving of that. Of her.

"I'm just fine, Xander. I do need a shower, though. I feel a bit cold."

"It'll be easier to regulate your body temperature after a while. I'll be sure the heat is up over the next few weeks especially." He stood and went to the thermostat on the wall to set it higher.

"Come on, a warm shower is just what you need."

"Why are you so nice to me?" She moved under the spray, groaning as the hot water began to warm her.

"I love you. And I'd like to add that I'm always nice to you!"

She grinned, pleased that he'd said it again. "A girl could get used to this."

"Well good, you're my queen now. You'd better get used to it."

Her head was under the spray as she rinsed her hair. She wasn't sure she caught that whole sentence. "What did you just say?"

"We'll talk about it later," he told her as he got out of the stall.

After she'd dried off he held his hand out to her. "Come with me." He pulled her into the room adjoining the bedroom. Poking his head into the hallway, he asked someone to bring some mulled wine and came back to sit across from her.

"Why do you seem so surprised that I'm treating you well? Have I not always been good to you?" He thought he knew. Was pretty sure that no one had ever spoiled Lissette Norton without wanting something in return.

"Well, as I told you, you're attentive, sure. And good in bed and I was feeling like your night girlfriend and all. But the last time we were together and you asked me to live with you, you still weren't ready to deal with a whole lot of issues. And now you seem to be acting as if I'm living here or something."

"You are living here! I can keep you safe here. And I thought we'd already worked through this issue of your holding yourself back from me." He raised a brow at her.

His a.s.sistant came in with the wine and poured some for her. She thanked him, and he quickly left. She took a drink, the warm liquid sliding down her throat, leaving a trail of heat through her. "Do you feel this cold all the time?" She avoided his point for the time being.

And he let her. For now. "No. At first when the change happens your metabolism doesn't know how to compensate. It'll take a while, but after a month or two, your body will handle it much better. Until then, we'll make sure to keep the house warmer. I'll make sure we get your clothes here and keep you in cashmere."

"What about Alex?"

"He'll live here, too. Once I deal with my mother. You're okay with that, right?"

"Yes, of course I'm okay with him living with us. But, Xander, he's all alone right now. I can't just forget about him and live here while he's off in some secret place for G.o.d knows how long. I can't do that. He needs family right now. I can't be here playing house knowing he's out there, lonely and needing love."

"Do you think I don't know that? That I'd forget about him? I'm the one who brought him out here to begin with. I'm risking a h.e.l.l of a lot to have him here. I love my brother, Lissie. I'll take care of him." Xander stood up, face flushed.

Hurt flashed over her face. "I didn't say you forgot about him, Stryker. I said I couldn't." Her voice was quiet.

Drinking the rest of her wine, she stood. "And for the record, since you seem to have forgotten-you brought him to me. You asked me to care for him, and I do. And it is really f.u.c.ked up to now turn it around on me for being concerned about him."

He let out an explosive breath. "Don't you want to be here with me?"

"There are some big issues that didn't just disappear because your homicidal mother forced you to change me into a vampire to save my life. What about the donors? What about your mother? What are you going to do to her?"

"To her?"

"Yes. What are you going to do to her for trying to have me killed? What are you going to do to her for trying to have Alex killed? I know enough about vampire culture to know she broke your laws as well as human law, too."

"You don't know she was behind the attack on you."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You have to be joking. Tell me you're just joking and failing."

"You're so quick to judge her!"

"She tried to kill me! Yeah, that makes me a tad bit judgmental! So sue me." She knew he was in pain, but he had to deal with the truth. "Xander, you know it was her. She sends some a.s.shole to my door to threaten me, and that very night someone tries to kill me and tells me I shouldn't have messed in things I didn't have any business in. Am I supposed to believe that's just a big coincidence? This after she tried to have Alex killed just three weeks earlier?"

"I need to do some work. I've been putting it off for the last two days." Not looking at her, he moved to the door.

She stood there, stung. "Don't expect me to be here when you're done working, Stryker."

He turned to look at her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that if you won't even talk this through with me, if you won't even expend the energy, I'll know where I fit in your life. I won't play this game with you about your mother. She's dangerous, and she tried to kill me. Now it's personal."

"She's my mother," he said, sinking into a chair. "What am I going to do?" He scrubbed his hands over his face. "I don't know where the woman who raised me has gone, Lissie. This is heading into a place that becomes more and more serious as the days pa.s.s, and I don't like thinking about killing the woman who taught me how to ride a bike by moonlight."

She went to him, kneeling and hugging him tight. "I know, and I'm sorry. But, honey, you can't ignore this anymore. She's gone beyond stuff you can just pretend didn't happen. I'd love it if we found a solution that left everyone alive. But you know that there's a chance you may have to pursue more ... stringent methods."

"You called me honey." His voice was m.u.f.fled against her shoulder.

"That's what you're going to say?" She laughed.

Before they could get back to the conversation, someone knocked on the door. Xander took a deep breath, and the king was sitting there again, composed and powerful. He stood up and held out his hand to her to help her up.

"Yes," he called out, and an older vampire came into the room. "Xander, Scion, a Call has been made."

"My mother?"

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Sleight Of Hand Part 5 summary

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