The Blood Of Rachel Part 10

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I have no doubt that she has long since ceased To think of youthful dreams. She rules the king, And what more does a woman want?


I did Not hope to make her understand at once.

My reasons were too subtle for her heart.

And so I kept my counsel, for I knew No girl would ever sacrifice her love To save the remnant of a nation's life.



And why might even Esther not forget When once she felt the spell of royal power-- The tinsel show and glamour of the court?

No woman lives that would not be a queen.


I knew Ahasuerus was a brute, But what of that? Through Esther I have saved A half a million souls.



Through Esther you Have slain a million souls.


When Jepthah vowed A vow unto the Lord he kept his pledge And slew the only daughter of his flesh For a burnt offering unto G.o.d, because The Ammonites, his enemy, had been Delivered to the hands of Israel.

Now Esther was my only child.


[_A little sarcastically._]

You have Not sacrificed, but elevated her.

Although she does not understand your heart, She can but bless her uncle Mordecai.


But why should Esther weep? She risked her life At my behest, but did she not obtain Great favor with the king?


And Esther's life Was forfeit then through Haman's wicked hate.


I wear the royal robe of blue and white.


Does Esther think because her vanity Is flattered by the jewels of a queen That Mordecai is moved by pomp and show?


'Tis not the kingly trappings but the seal-- Not sceptre merely but the signet ring, Not rank, but rule that Mordecai would have.

I can not understand her tears no more Than she knows why I wear the crown. But I Am justified. Jehovah wrought through me.

[_Exit Mordecai._]


[_Bursting into fury._]

Jehovah wrought through him! h.e.l.l wrought through him!

I marvel that his tongue is not consumed By blasted lies. Wait till he feels the flame That rages in my heart. h.e.l.l may not burn A Jew, but even he can not withstand The simoon of a fiery dragon's breath!


But Zeresh, was the Jew not justified?


Justified! gratified! satisfied! Parshandatha, Justified in Jepthah; gratified That he is like the meek and lowly son Of Amram; satisfied that now the crown Of Persia presses only Hebrew brows.



You do forget my lord, Darius' son.

You can not think the blood of Jacob flows Through Xerxes' veins? Does he not wear the crown?


[_With contempt._]

Ahasuerus wears a pigeon's heart.

The Persian robe's a Jewish gabardine; The crown, a Hebrew priest's phylactery.

But did you say forget? Have you been so Long with me, dear, and doubt my memory?

Forget Ahasuerus, did you say?

That minion of a Jewish girl, who sealed The death of Haman and his sons? His face Is seared upon my heart, his image burnt Into my brain. I tell you Xerxes is No longer king.


But is not Esther queen?


Parshandatha, why do you taunt me thus?

Have I not proved your friend? Do I deserve Your mockery?

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The Blood Of Rachel Part 10 summary

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