The Blood Of Rachel Part 7

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[_Laughing, changing rapidly to deep feeling._]

My lord, it is not cinnamon at all, But spice that grew a thousand years ago In hills beyond the Jordon. Haman, can You tell the flavor of the grape that fills Your goblet?



Oh, I think it must have grown In islands of the blue Aegean Sea.


[_Turning to the king._]

My lord, it is the selfsame cup they drank From sacred vessels at Belshazzar's feast That night in Babylon.


What means the queen, This wine is not that old, and yet, 'tis not Excelled at banquets of the G.o.ds.


[_Showing effect of wine._]

Nor kings.

This is a joyous night! Oh, queen, your wit Has filled my cup with wine of happiness.

What think you, Haman, should be done to him The king delighteth most to honor now?


Bring forth the robe, O king, your majesty Does wear, and place it on the one your grace Does most delight to honor. Xerxes, set This man upon your royal horse, and place Your majesty's own jeweled crown upon His head, and let him be proclaimed Throughout the public streets.


[_Rises. Emphatic._]

So let it then Be done to Mordecai, the Jew beside The palace gate.


What words are these?

You can not mean the Jew!


[_More emphatic._]

The Jew I mean.

Last night I could not sleep, and so I had The book of records read, the chronicles, Wherein I learned that this same Mordecai The Jew had saved Ahasuerus' life, When Teresh and another chamberlain Had sought to lay the hand of violence Upon your king. Let nothing fail of all That you have spoken should be done to him The king delighteth now to honor most.

And Esther, tell Ahasuerus now Your dearest wish. On yesterday I begged To know the favor you did most desire And now it shall be granted unto you, Whatever your request, even to half My kingdom, it shall be performed.


[_With hands extended toward the king._]

Have I Found favor in your sight, O king, then let My life be given unto me at my Pet.i.tion and my people live at my Request! For we are sold to be destroyed-- To perish and be slain.


[_Surprised and dazed._]

O where is he-- Oh, who is he, that dare presume to lay The hand of violence upon my queen!


There stands this adversary, O my king, The wicked Haman!


Haman! Haman! What Can be the meaning of this speech? This man I have advanced to be my premier?


I mean this craven whom you have advanced To put to death with your own royal seal The queen, as well as every other Jew That breathes the Persian air, both young and old Alike, the laughing child and gray-haired sire.


What! Esther, you a Jew!



I am a Jew.

A daughter of the tribe of Benjamin-- Pure Hebrew blood!

[_A dramatic pause. Esther awaits the decision of the king, who for a time seems to waver, then extends his sceptre toward Esther. Harbonah, the king's high officer, appears. Haman throws himself at Esther's feet._]



Oh, queen, I do beseech You, save me from his wrath.



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The Blood Of Rachel Part 7 summary

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