Heated Rush Part 11

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The shadow of a smile on his lips told her he knew what had been going through her mind. "I meant the gown."

"I knew that," she insisted, sounding about as convincing as one of the kids trying to talk his way into another cookie.

"Of course you did."

"It's..." She tried to remember. The thing had been hanging on a padded silk hanger in her closet since the day she'd bought it. "Long!" Definitely long. She thought.

"What shade?"


"Ruby red?" he asked, the voice so silky, the eyes intense. "Scarlet? Garnet? Is it the soft blush of a rosebud, or the wickedness of a fierce explosion of fire?"

Oh, G.o.d. The man painted pictures with his words. Pictures that formed entire scenarios in her brain.

Annie's whole body quivered, racing to process the sensations battering every inch of her. b.r.e.a.s.t.s tingling and heavy against her s.h.i.+rt, nipples hard and jutting out in demand, arms shaking with the need to twine them around his neck and draw him to her. Every inch of her was affected.

Beneath the desk, her thighs quivered. The fierce explosion of fire he mentioned had erupted between them and it clawed at her, demanding attention. She was aroused and wet, her s.e.x as aware and ready as if she'd been touched by his hands, rather than only his voice. As crazy as it sounded, if he kept on talking like that, her body was going to explode as unexpectedly as it had during her dreams the night before, just from the sultry sound of his whisper.


He stared at her, certainty of her reaction was.h.i.+ng off him, and for the briefest moment, she thought he was going to act on that certainty. To end the waiting, reach out, take her hand, and tug her across the desk. He'd tear her clothes off, set her on the edge of the desk and step between her shaking thighs. He'd fill her as she hadn't ever been filled. And then, maybe, they'd both be able to think again.

Instead, he did something even more shocking. He slowly rose from his chair and cleared his throat. "Well, I guess I have all I need."

To do what? The closet romance-novel reader inside her supplied a sudden, hopeful answer- The closet romance-novel reader inside her supplied a sudden, hopeful answer-to ravish me? Right here? Right now?

He didn't say that. Instead, with a few simple words, he deflated her, confused her.

And completely infuriated her.

"So I suppose we should say goodnight."


SEAN HAD TO GET OUT of here, now, while-as the old movies said-the getting was good. Judging by the flash of anger in Annie's pretty blue eyes, the "getting" might of here, now, while-as the old movies said-the getting was good. Judging by the flash of anger in Annie's pretty blue eyes, the "getting" might not not be good in a few more moments. Because she looked to be building up a head of steam to tell him off. Call him a tease-or worse. be good in a few more moments. Because she looked to be building up a head of steam to tell him off. Call him a tease-or worse.

It was his own fault.

Although he'd intended tonight to be strictly about getting the information he needed, and getting an Annie fix to last him until their trip tomorrow, he'd found himself heading down a very dangerous path with her. One that saw them both veer off the main road of slow, casual friends.h.i.+p they should be on. And completely in s.e.xual desire territory.

What kind of lackwit would ask her questions about what she wore to bed, and how big her bed was?

If he actually planned to do do something about it, that'd be one thing. But he didn't. He'd promised her a third date. And tonight-despite how much he'd like to bend the rules and call it one-didn't count. something about it, that'd be one thing. But he didn't. He'd promised her a third date. And tonight-despite how much he'd like to bend the rules and call it one-didn't count.

Besides, Sean was enjoying this new relations.h.i.+p, the strangeness of being with a woman without the pressures of expectation. He still didn't want to rush things. Though, if he didn't get out of here-now-he was not only going to rush things, he was going to set a new land record for getting a woman naked. Then another one for being inside her before either one of them could even think the words "we shouldn't," much less actually say them.

He glanced at his watch, noting now long they'd been talking. It was nearly eleven. They'd been completely lost to time, separated from the world outside. "We should go. It's getting pretty late. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Staring at him, her eyes widened in shock, Annie collapsed back in her chair.

Don't. Please don't. If she said it-if she put the words out there between them, words like, "Why the h.e.l.l aren't you tearing my clothes off by now?"-he'd lose all control. He'd have to have her right here in her place of business-a day care center, which should, for any single man, be about as erotic as a convent. But which, at this moment, would serve as well as a five-star hotel with a turned-down, silk-sheeted bed.

Finally, after a long, silent moment, she gave a brief nod and rose. If her chair flew back under her desk with a little more force than he'd expected, he wasn't going to call her on it. Or ask her what was wrong.

He knew knew what was wrong. He was a d.a.m.ned idiot, that's what was wrong. A fool who'd always insisted on opening his biggest present last on his birthday, who still ate every vegetable on his plate before allowing himself to savor the main course. Who'd always believed the best things in life were sweetened when you had to wait for them. what was wrong. He was a d.a.m.ned idiot, that's what was wrong. A fool who'd always insisted on opening his biggest present last on his birthday, who still ate every vegetable on his plate before allowing himself to savor the main course. Who'd always believed the best things in life were sweetened when you had to wait for them.

Waiting might heighten the excitement. But he wasn't sure his heart could take take any more excitement when it came to what was going to happen between him and Annie. any more excitement when it came to what was going to happen between him and Annie.

"Too late, you blew it, dumb a.r.s.e," he muttered as he left her office. She might have been hot and interested. Now she was not not and angry. and angry.

Sean walked down the short hallway into the large main room, pa.s.sing closed doors marked Nursery and Big Kids Only! The whole place remained shadowy and silent. What little illumination there was began to disappear as Annie turned off her office light. She closed the door behind her, then reached around the corner into another room to flip one more switch.

Now there was nothing but darkness, broken only by the redness of the Exit signs and the glimmer of moonlight easing through the front windows. That was still enough, however, for him to make out the gleam of Annie's blond hair as she approached. And, as she drew closer, the glitter of her eyes.

Her angry eyes.


"I'm almost ready," she said as she checked the thermostat. "Feel free to leave."

"I'm not leavin' you to walk outside into the night by yourself." The day care center was in a commercial area, not a residential one. When he'd gone down the block for a drink, he'd noticed every building between here and there had been closed and dark, those in the opposite direction appearing much the same.

"Suit yourself," she said. "But you don't have to. I mean, I know it's not like you want want to be here." to be here."

Hearing her frustration, and the echo of his own, deep inside his mind, Sean suddenly gave up his resistance. He wasn't going to be able to leave things like this. this. Not a chance could he have her going home thinking he didn't want her. Not a chance could he have her going home thinking he didn't want her.

But before he could say anything-like, "Let's save time in the morning by just going back to your place for the night"-he felt something slam into his chest. Something small, and, while lightweight, it still stung.

"What the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l..."

Another colorful object zoomed out of the darkness. This time, he reflexively reached up and grabbed it out of the air, quickly realizing he was holding a small, red plastic ball.

"Are you throwing throwing things at me?" things at me?"

"I was aiming for the pit," she replied airily. "A few of the b.a.l.l.s spilled out."

He jabbed an index finger in the air to his right. "The ball pit's that that way." way."

"So my aim's a little off."

She made a liar of herself by bending over, grabbing another plastic sphere off the darkened floor and winging it at him. Ducking to evade it, Sean honestly didn't know whether to laugh or grab her to make her stop and listen to him for a minute.

When she bent to retrieve another one, his feet made the decision for him. Before she could toss it-probably aiming for his head this time-he charged her.

"That's enough, darlin'," he muttered, grasping her upraised hand in his. He backed her against the wall, until their bodies melded together, all her soft curves giving way to his hard edges. Palpable anger rolled off her. It was matched by something else: pure, physical excitement.

His body responded immediately. His c.o.c.k, already half-aroused from the crazy conversation he'd initiated in her office, swelled and hardened. Unable to resist the primal urge, he pushed against her, unerringly finding the warm, soft hollow between her thighs that seemed designed to welcome him. Even through their clothes he could tell she was hot and wet, as ready as he was. Groaning, he thrust again, telling her without a doubt how much he wanted her.

"Were you really going to just walk out of here?" she asked, suddenly sounding more aroused than indignant. "With that that in your pants?" in your pants?"

"It generally goes with me," he said, having to laugh, despite the intensity of the moment.

Annie arched toward him, gasping as she tilted her hips to gain exactly the contact she most needed. "I mean..."

"I know what you mean," he growled, rubbing his face in her soft hair, "I've been trying to give you time, slow this down."

"Slow's overrated."

"I'm beginning to figure that out," he muttered as he closed the distance between their mouths to kiss her. Their tongues mated quickly, wildly, then they both pulled away to gasp for breath.

Realizing he was still clutching her wrist, he let her go, but did not step away, as irresistibly drawn to her as he was to the pull of gravity.

She stared up at him, her eyes glittering in the darkness. Finally, as if unable to hide it any longer, she demanded that he make a decision. "Well?" "Well?"

He didn't have to think for long. "Yes."

Sean could have bundled her out the door, into her van. He could have tried to make it back to her place before letting himself be overwhelmed by his need of her. Would have at least carried her back into her office and slammed the door behind them.

But it was too late. There was no time, no thought, no reason. Only pure, physical response programmed deep in his genetic code that said, take, have, do. take, have, do.

Driven by desperate, immediate want, he reached around, picked her up by the waist and carried her a few feet to the huge, colorful ball pit she had not not been aiming for. Tossing her into it, he followed her down, rolling onto his back and bringing her on top of him. been aiming for. Tossing her into it, he followed her down, rolling onto his back and bringing her on top of him.

Their weight pushed him farther into the pit as the b.a.l.l.s separated around them, but Sean didn't care. Not giving the time and place another thought, he thrust his hands into Annie's hair, cupped her head and dragged her mouth to his for another hot, hungry kiss.

She was voracious, greedily taking every thrust of his tongue and plunging her own deep into his mouth. Without allowing their lips to part, they both reached for their clothes, Annie clawing his s.h.i.+rt free of his waistband, him unb.u.t.toning her pants and shoving the zipper down.

Slow down, a voice demanded. He knew how to make love to a woman, how to work his way around her body's natural defenses, to drive her crazy with almost-caresses and nearly-there touches until she was a quivering mess in his hands. a voice demanded. He knew how to make love to a woman, how to work his way around her body's natural defenses, to drive her crazy with almost-caresses and nearly-there touches until she was a quivering mess in his hands.

But Sean was too far gone for that. Primal l.u.s.t had taken over his brain. There was no calculating, no planning, no setting a predetermined course and going through familiar motions. Not now. Not with Annie.

There could be no slowing, not when he could hear her desperate whimpers, feel her sweet mouth sucking at his, smell the peachy scent of her skin mixed with the womanly musk of her aroused body.

"Got to feel you," he muttered, reaching under her s.h.i.+rt, dying to touch one of her delicate b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Annie had other ideas. She grabbed his hand and shoved it down, between her legs, telling him exactly where she most wanted him to go.

No slowing down for her, either, it appeared.

Groaning with hunger, he slid his hand through her open zipper. Sean shoved past the thin elastic edge of her panties, tangling his fingers in her curls, wis.h.i.+ng he could see but content, for now, to simply touch. She thrust her tongue harder against his when his fingertips brushed against her c.l.i.t, as if silently telling him to keep going, to never stop.

He'd sooner stop his heart from beating.

He continued to stroke her, tiny flicks, deeper caresses, until she had to pull her mouth away from his to gasp for breath. And when he dipped his hand lower, to part the plump, juicy lips of her s.e.x, she cried out.

"Sweet Annie," he muttered, certain he'd never felt anything so warm and wet. "I can't wait to be here. here." He plunged his finger deep into her channel, feeling all that heat close around him in creamy welcome.

"Sean!" She didn't say anything else. She didn't need to. She just took what he was giving her, as if knowing he was getting as much pleasure from it as she was.

Lord, was the woman tight. Steamy. Every ounce of blood that wasn't already crammed into the veins of his c.o.c.k raced there in sheer, greedy demand.

When he began to withdraw, Annie thrust against him, demanding more. He gave her another finger, another deep plunge, loving the way mindless pleasure washed over her face.

Knowing how to double that pleasure, he reached farther. Using his long fingers to his advantage, Sean found that spot up inside her that would give her the kind of o.r.g.a.s.m many women never experienced.

He knew he'd found it when she stopped moving and gasped.

Then he began stroking her in earnest. He toyed with her, played both spots-inside, as well as outside, with his thumb on her c.l.i.t-like she was a beautiful little instrument designed to perfectly fit his hand.

And within minutes he was rewarded. Annie flung her head back, rocking hard against his palm, until a climax so strong it made her shake all over ravaged her and she collapsed right onto him.

FOR A FEW LONG, silent moments, Annie lay there on top of Sean, hearing his raging heartbeat, feeling his chest move with his choppy breaths. She tangled her fingers in his loose hair, loving the silky texture of it. Unable to resist, she also toyed with the tiny gold earring, thinking of him as one of those pirate heroes more than ever, considering she'd been picked up and tossed to the nearest surface so he could have his wicked way with her.

Eventually, she began to stir. She'd been satisfied, but only for the moment. Because there was more to do. So So much more. much more.

But not here. Not only were they a few feet from a huge window that faced the street, but they were also inside a children's play area.

"Thank G.o.d we don't let any of the kids who aren't potty-trained in here," she whispered. "And that we have the cleaning crew swap out and sanitize the b.a.l.l.s every"

Sean was silent for a minute, then he groaned and slowly withdrew his hand from her pants. He flexed it, probably because she'd been, sort of, uh, clenching it with her thighs.

"I think I could have lived my whole life without hearing that."

"Sorry. I mean, I'm not not sorry about what just happened-" sorry about what just happened-" and what was hopefully going to happen next and what was hopefully going to happen next "-but the place, well..." "-but the place, well..."

"Have a Murphy Murphy bed hidden in your office?" he asked, sounding so hopeful and pleased with himself at the play on his name that she chuckled slightly. bed hidden in your office?" he asked, sounding so hopeful and pleased with himself at the play on his name that she chuckled slightly.

"No." Smiling with pure wicked antic.i.p.ation, she added, "My desk, desk, however..." however..."

He didn't even wait for her to finish the sentence. Pus.h.i.+ng himself up out of the mess of b.a.l.l.s, he worked his way out of the pit, then reached for her hand. "Come on."

Annie stared up at him, licking her lips as the glow from the moon caught the gleam in his eyes and turned them into midnight blue jewels glittering in the night. His hair was tangled, his lips parted and his breathing jagged. As if he could barely hold on to his control.

She hadn't managed to get his s.h.i.+rt off, though it was untucked, hanging loosely over his belt. But it wasn't long enough to disguise the large, thick bulge pressing against his zipper.

Oh, how she wanted that.

Tugging her pants back into place, she let him pull her out of the pit. But she didn't straighten all the way up. Instead, she crouched low, intentionally moving her face close to his trousers, letting her breaths wash over him, and her lips brush ever-so-slightly against the bulge.

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Heated Rush Part 11 summary

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