The Saddle Maker's Son Part 15

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"She understands a lot. She doesn't have the words to answer." Rebekah glanced at Tobias. He nodded encouragement. "I have to tell y'all something first. Something Lupe just told me right now."

She poured out the story. Jeremiah's face darkened. Will tugged at his beard. Mordecai's woolly eyebrows did push-ups. "We have to help. It's even more important now."

"We can't put the whole community in danger." Will shook his head. "We need to turn them over to the authorities. They'll be able to help them."

"Nee. Nee. n.o.body has come after them in the two weeks they've been here."

"She should've told us sooner." Jeremiah frowned, deep furrows like a plowed field on his forehead. "We have to think of the other kinner here in the district."

"Rebekah's right, though. No one has come for them." Mordecai leaned back in his chair. "I say we continue with our plan."

"What about finding their father?"

"Maybe Jesse can help with that too."

This Jesse may have left the community, but he commanded respect, it seemed. Tobias worked to keep his mouth shut. He was the newest member of the community. He wanted to find Lupe's father. He also wanted to protect her. He might not be able to do both.

"I've called three bishops from other communities. None live down here. We're the only Plain district in these parts." Jeremiah broke off, his long nose wrinkled. "I don't suppose you know what any of that means, Lupe?"

Rebekah patted the girl's hand. "It doesn't matter. She knows we're different. She understands we follow Gott's plan for us. I've explained as best I can."

He smoothed his beard. "Then tell her we've decided to go talk to a former member of the community who is involved in a church in town. He does charitable work. He may have the wherewithal to look into her father's whereabouts. We'll take this one step at a time."

"Is that safe?" Will clamped his mouth shut, red creeping up his neck and across his cheeks. "I mean, I have my fraa and the bopli to think about."

"We don't abandon the innocent because of possible repercussions." Mordecai nodded at Lupe. "Tell her we'll help as best we can."

Rebekah said a few words. Lupe c.o.c.ked her head, then shook it. Rebekah talked some more. Lupe shrugged and whispered something in the woman's ear. "She wants to know where they'll stay in the meantime."

"Right here."

"Don't give her false hope, though." Will's tone softened. "Those groups will follow the law, which most likely means these children will have to go to the detention center to be processed by the immigration authorities. The likelihood of finding her father is slim to none."

Rebekah nodded. "You voted to talk to Jesse about getting them help?"

Will nodded. "He'll know what to do."

Rebekah smiled at him. Tobias wanted to throw himself in the path of that smile. It suffused her face and made her blue eyes huge and bright. Will simply nodded.

"Then it is settled. Mordecai will take you to Beeville tomorrow to talk to Jesse. As deacon it is his place to determine a course of action for these children in need. Tobias and Rebekah, you'll go with him."

"Me?" Tobias straightened. "You want me to go?"

"Your family has been caring for the children up to this point," Jeremiah said. "I've spoken with Levi. He's deferred to you."

"Me?" Rebekah's voice squeaked as she popped up from the chair. "I'm going too?"

"Mordecai feels you best understand the children's situation." Jeremiah shook his head. "You understand that you're only going because Mordecai is going and he will keep an eye on you. You're not being rewarded for your behavior."

"She's been forgiven for that behavior." Mordecai's tone was mild. "She understands better than anyone what these children have been through. If anyone can make their case, she can."

Jeremiah inclined his head, but his expression remained dubious.

"I'm not anxious to speak to . . . them . . . but I want to do this to help Lupe and Diego." Rebekah ducked her head. "I'll be quiet, speaking by Mordecai's leave."

Mordecai snorted. Jeremiah smiled.

"You'll do your best to behave, I'm sure." Jeremiah's smile disappeared. "Jesse isn't banned, but he is no longer a member of our community. Nor is your sister. You must treat this situation as such."

Rebekah nodded. She might do as she was told, but she would never concede to agreeing with it. Most likely she was already plotting how to find the father.

Tobias turned away before one of them read his face. They would surely see his admiration there. And his uncertainty as to what exactly he should do with it.


Wonders never ceased. Rebekah skipped and increased her speed to keep up with Mordecai and Tobias's long strides as they approached Jesse's church. She'd long curbed her curiosity about the place of wors.h.i.+p that so enchanted her sister and brother-in-law. The place where they'd married, been baptized, and had little Gracie dedicated. The place for which they'd left family and friends. She might see what they saw in it, or she might be aghast at how they chose to wors.h.i.+p.

It was indeed a momentous day, even if it wasn't about her. It was about Lupe and Diego. She kept telling herself that, but the up-and-down of her stomach, like a newborn foal trying to stand on long, unsteady legs, made it hard to think. Tobias glanced back at her, smiled, and slowed. She forced a smile in return and tripped over her own feet.

His huge hand grabbed hers. "Steady."

"Danki." Sure her dress would burst into flames, such was the heat that raced through her, Rebekah ducked her head and focused on the building. "I've never been in an Englisch church before."

Mordecai looked back, his expression inscrutable. "Just a building."

He had been quiet on the trip to town. Unusual for Mordecai. Rebekah suspected it was because Mudder hadn't been happy about this trip. Even with Mordecai along, she didn't want Rebekah close to Jesse and Leila. She could only speak her piece and then bow to Mordecai's decision. Mordecai didn't like disagreeing with his fraa. And Rebekah didn't like being responsible for any rift between them. Plus it left her with the task of making small talk with Tobias. He'd seemed ill at ease too. Whether because of her or their mission itself.

Tobias held one of the double doors for her. She followed Mordecai inside and down a long hallway. He seemed to know where he was going. How, she had no idea. Who knew what Mordecai did in his spare time? He kept his own counsel.

The third door opened up into a large room. Rebekah drank it in, curiosity fueling her gaze. One wall featured a stained-gla.s.s window with a dove fluttering over a flame. The air smelled of candle wax and a flowery air freshener. Chairs with padded seats were arranged in neat lines on threadbare tan carpet. A wooden pulpit sat at the front of the room. This was where Jesse spoke his messages some Sundays.

She would keep this memory close so she could imagine him up there, his dark curls bouncing as he lifted his hands to make an important point. And Leila sitting in the first row with little Gracie on her lap. Now Rebekah would be able to see it in her mind's eye. Until they moved to Dallas. She tried not to think about that. Not right now. Later.

One thing at a time.

Jesse wasn't in the sanctuary. Mordecai reversed course and brushed past her.

"What now?" she called after him. He kept going. "Maybe he's at home."

Which meant she would have to talk to Leila again. Leila who left her. Leila who was leaving her all over again.

This was about Lupe and Diego. Not Rebekah. Lord, help me forgive.

"His blue minivan is out front."

"How do you know what his car looks like?"

Mordecai shrugged. The man knew many things.

Tobias once again held the door for her. It was such a simple gesture, but it made her feel special somehow. Plain men weren't much for ceremony. She picked up her pace and scurried after her stepfather.

Leila had said Jesse also did maintenance work at the church and he worked for Matthew Plank, another who had left the Plain way of life. He did carpentry and restored old houses. "Maybe he only comes here on Sundays."

"Pastors work at the church during the week, or so I've read." Mordecai stopped outside the only other door in the hallway. "It's possible he left with one of the members of the church. Or Matthew Plank picked him up. If that's the case we'll stop by his house. Leila will know where he is."

Would Mordecai paint a picture of that house for his fraa? Would he repeat his conversation with Leila for Mudder? "I could ask Leila. Y'all can stay in the van with Mr. Cramer. It wouldn't take more than a minute or two."

"You're getting ahead of yourself." Mordecai rapped on the door. "Besides, it's for me to handle."

"Come in, come in!"

Jesse's voice.

Mordecai opened the door and strode in, leaving Tobias and Rebekah to follow. Tobias smiled at her and shrugged. He had such a nice smile.

Ach. Behave yourself.

Jesse sat behind an oak desk covered with books and papers stacked so haphazardly it was a wonder they didn't slide onto the threadbare beige carpet under his feet. He looked up, his mouth dropped open, and he stood, knocking two thick tomes to the floor in his haste. "Whoops, sorry!" He squatted and disappeared behind the desk, then reappeared, dark-rimmed askew on his nose.

When did Jesse start wearing They made him look even more like his daed, Leroy.

"Mordecai! Rebekah!" He whipped around the desk and charged toward them. "I can't believe you're here. This is a surprise. A great surprise."

"We needed to talk to you." Mordecai extended a hand. Jesse halted what looked like a headlong rush for a hug and held out his own hand. Mordecai smiled and shook as if he shook hands with former Plain men who were his stepsons-in-law all the time. "It won't take long."

"Absolutely. I like talking. I talk a lot. Have a seat!" Jesse turned to Tobias. "I'm Jesse Glick. Who are you?"

"Tobias Byler. New to the district."

"I gathered that part." Jesse shook Tobias's hand and moved on to Rebekah. "You're all grown up, girl."

A lump in her throat threatened to explode, and Rebekah forced herself to submit to the hug. If it weren't for Jesse, Leila would still be back at home. She'd probably be married to Will. Gott's plan? How could it be? She stepped back and wrapped her arms around her middle. "How's Gracie?"

"Real good. Grace got another tooth last night. Leila is even bigger this time than last. We think it'll be a boy." Jesse glanced at the two men and back at Rebekah. "Maybe while you're in town, you can stop by the house and see for yourself. She would love to see you."

Mordecai didn't answer. He seemed absorbed in the posters on the walls. They featured Christian rock bands from the looks of them.

Jesse cleared his throat and returned to his side of the desk. He nodded toward mismatched wooden chairs arranged in a line facing the desk. "Grab a seat. What can I do for you? It must be something big if Jeremiah let you come to me."

"In a way." Mordecai relaxed in the chair, his hands clasped in front of him. "Rebekah found two Salvadoran children in our shed at the school. We've been taking care of them for a couple of weeks."

She sank into the last chair after Tobias took the middle one. "We just-"

Mordecai held up a hand. Rebekah closed her mouth. If she wouldn't be allowed to speak, she wasn't sure why she'd been allowed to come.

"Leila told me. Thanks be to G.o.d you did." Jesse swiveled back and forth in his chair. Bits of yellow stuffing from the ripped vinyl seat fell on the floor with each turn. "Not everyone is kind."

"Our question is, can you help them?" Tobias leaned back in his chair, looking as if he had conversations with ex-Amish ministers all the time. "They're children, six and twelve. They're in a strange country with no family, no money. They've come a long way to be tossed back over the border."

The emotion in his voice sent a tremor through Rebekah. Tobias had feelings for these kinner, same as she did. She'd known that, but to see him so determined, so fierce about it, warmed her down to her toes.

"Don't believe everything you read in the papers." Jesse leaned forward and steepled his fingers, elbows propped on the desk. "The authorities are trying to do right by the children flooding the border, but they're being overwhelmed."

"So what do we do?"

"Do they have family here?"

Rebekah recounted what Lupe had told her. "I thought maybe we could try to find her father."

"I can ask around." Jesse blew out air. He leaned back in his chair. "I can't do anything directly. Families are being aided by one central church organization. The rest of us help by providing clothing, toiletries, things they need. The kinner who come through Border Patrol unescorted by adults have to be processed within forty-eight hours. They're protected by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. They're sent to what they're calling Respite Centers where they get-"

"Warehouses," Tobias broke in. "Then back over the border."

"No. They receive food, clothing, medical care, and a place to sleep until they have their immigration hearing."

"We can give them all that." Rebekah tried to keep her voice calm. "We are doing that now. I mean, Tobias's family is doing most of it, but we're helping."

Tobias shot her another smile. He needed to stop doing that. It made it hard for her to keep track of her thoughts and speak in complete sentences.

Jesse nodded. "I understand the desire to help, believe me I do. It breaks my heart. Let me talk to the folks at Catholic Charities, get their advice. Ideally they would help them get processed, a hearing date scheduled, and then release them to you until the hearing."

"Is that possible?" Rebekah sat up straighter, hope buoying her for the first time. "We're willing to keep them as long as need be. I mean, we can take turns if it gets to be too much for Tobias's family-"

"It's not too much for us." Tobias shook his head, the smile turning to a fierce frown. "Diego eats plenty, but Lupe doesn't eat more than a hummingbird. What's two more kinner when you have as many as we do?"

"It's nice that they're so well received." Jesse glanced from Tobias to Rebekah and back, his forehead wrinkled in a frown, his expression odd. "Don't get your hopes up. What I'm describing is what happens with families that come through. They release them on their own recognizance and let them go to their final destination-whatever that is-and then they have to show up for their hearing when the time comes. There are so many it can take a while."

"But it's not the same with children?"

"Nee, the authorities don't release children on their own recognizance. It would be cruel and inhumane."

Tobias snorted. "Like sending them on a journey through Central America on their own, exposing them to evil men who prey on them and all those dangers of the world?"

"It makes you think about just how awful the situation is in their own countries that they would be sent by their parents on that journey." Jesse shook his head. "It's not our place to pa.s.s judgment on them. I can only imagine what pain and anguish those left behind must suffer and how much they must believe in the great American dream. They want something better for their children and they're willing to sacrifice to get it."

"You're right." Tobias's disdain melted. "What do we need to do, then?"

"I'll dig into it, I promise." Jesse's smile was diffident. "Do you want to come back tomorrow, or shall I come find you?"

"Nee. Call Will at the store. He'll get the message to Jeremiah and me." Mordecai stood, his expression kind. "Your cousin will be glad to hear from you. He runs the store now, you know."

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The Saddle Maker's Son Part 15 summary

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