Draicon: Enemy Lover Part 26

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The very faint stench of rotting garbage and sewage.

Her heart pounded with fear. "No," she whispered.

The darkness inside her fully opened her eyes to see his true form just as Adam whirled a dagger out of his back pocket and stabbed Jordan in the chest.

He moved so fast Damian became a blur. He stood before Jamie, hands splayed out behind him, muscled body tensed for fighting. She struggled to get up. Her arms were dead weights, her legs, as well, hard as granite.

She flopped back helplessly, imprisoned by her body and the poison seeping through her veins.

Damian's hand drifted down to his back jeans pocket. He withdrew his phone, his fingers gliding over the b.u.t.tons as he flipped it open. It lit up as he pressed one. Then he slid it back.

The special number to call in the cavalry.

Adam grinned, flipped the dagger up, catching it by the hilt. He rolled aside Jordan's body.

"Ricky," Damian said in a low voice. "You know what to do. You failed her in the alley, but Jamie needs your help now. Attack him."

"Oh, he won't listen to you. He only obeys me." Adam flicked the flat of the blade at the biker. "Heel, Ricky."

The other Draicon came forward obediently.

"Change," Adam demanded.

Before her horrified gaze, Ricky's face bulged, expanded. s.h.i.+fted, his body contorting. Ricky vanished. In his place was an exact duplicate of...


Oh merciful heaven. Jamie's heart raced with panic.

The original Adam flipped the dagger.

"Did you know that killing a relative gains you power, but killing your own mother makes you practically invincible? You can create clones without draining energy. Human clones, not just animals. Human clones that can look different, kill for you, giving the energy of the kill back to you, their host."

He laughed. "It's the greatest. I could be in eight different places all at once."

His satisfied purr sounded like metal grating against a chalkboard as he walked to the table, ran the dagger's point over the Book of Magick.

"Thanks for finding it for me. Knew you'd find it eventually. I programmed all your moves into the computer. My mother tried to stop me. So I killed her. Poor Renee."

Oh G.o.d, Renee's son. "Maurice died in a car crash," Jamie cried out.

"That's what she told everyone. I changed my name and Renee kept me hidden. Needed the cover, see? Poor maman. Lost her husband and then her son, when Claude tried murdering you as a baby, Damian. He knew, like I did, just how dangerous you'd be. So when you finally s.h.i.+fted into wolf for the first time, I knew I had to act and kill you and your family."

His smile was a pit of darkness. "I liked their fear-it was very energizing. Especially Annie's. She was so very afraid."

Damian went very still. Waves of fury and sorrow slammed into Jamie, but he looked perfectly in control.

"Renee couldn't bear to part with another son. It was a good arrangement. I'd hunt at night and return to her place by day to hide. Then you came to the shop, you b.i.t.c.h. She told me she couldn't live like that anymore. She'd seen what goodness s.h.i.+ning out of darkness was and that was you. She saw nothing in me but blackness. She threatened to expose me."

Adam's smile went dead, like his eyes. "Couldn't have that. I killed her and shape-s.h.i.+fted one of my clones into a black cat like Archimedes. Chased the real Archimedes into the street and waited to see who would show up at the shop. You have a soft spot for animals, Damian, and I needed a spy in Jamie's house. I didn't count on the real Archimedes finding a way into Jamie's house, and you killing my clone when you realized it was a Morph."

He flipped the knife up again. "And now that I have the book, no one can stop me. I have the greatest power of all."

"You'll never know the greatest power of all, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d." Damian's nostrils flared as he clenched his fists. In a flash he s.h.i.+fted into wolf.

Adam snapped an order. Ricky s.h.i.+fted into a black wolf, charged Damian. Damian sidestepped, roared with outrage and the pain of betrayal. When he turned, Adam had morphed into a wolf, all teeth and claws. Damian rushed forward.

Horror shot through her as Adam suddenly divided, again. And again. Now there were five black wolves all charging at Damian.

Two went for his throat, their teeth sinking into Damian's neck. Three others launched onto his hindquarters, trying to bring him down. Blood splashed as Damian growled, trying to shake off the ones at his throat. He wrenched free, teeth snapping and scoring a gash in the other wolf. But the three on his hindquarters were slowly bringing him down.

Damian didn't stand a chance.

Jamie summoned the last of her strength, all her love, and concentrated. She hurled stones from the garden at the wolves. Startled, they drew back, loosening their grip on Damian. Then she lifted the two charging wolves, hurled them backward like rag dolls. They hit the brick wall with such force they slid down unconscious. Freed from the immediate threat, Damian whirled, charged the closest of the three.

A loud snarling split the air. Her gaze whipped to the open doorway. Three large gray wolves entered the courtyard. Relief filled her. Damian's brothers joined the fight. It was soon over, and Adam and his clones were dead.

Damian and his brothers shape-s.h.i.+fted back, clothed themselves. Raphael went over to Jordan, checked his pulse. "He's alive. Just missed the heart. He'll be fine. Help me get him upstairs."

Gabriel and Alexandre helped the older Draicon sit. Jordan looked pale, blood staining his s.h.i.+rt. Jordan turned his head as if scenting her.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help. I can't fight well enough anymore. I scented Morph as soon as they entered, and should have warned you."

The Draicon seemed ashamed.

"You did well. Thank you for bringing the book here," Damian said gently.

Jamie tracked them as they helped Jordan into the house.

Damian enveloped her in his arms. "It's all over now," he whispered, holding her. "Everything will be all right now, chere."

He drew back, running his thumb along her lower lip. "You're so cold. It's accelerating too fast. Tell me now. How can we counteract the spell?"

It felt as if her lungs were filling with concrete. Jamie dragged in a breath, finding it hard to draw in air. The spell was working on her internal organs now, speeding through her body. Soon she'd be fully immobilized.

Raphael, Gabriel and Alexandre returned, gathered around the book.

She went to raise her hand to touch him, but it remained at her side. "Damian, lay me on the ground. Please, it's easier for what you must do."

When he did so, she bit back a sob. Wis.h.i.+ng she could touch him, feel his skin against hers one last time. "Kiss me," she whispered hoa.r.s.ely.

His mouth was soft, warm against her icy lips. She savored him, closing her eyes. One last time.

When he drew away, a frown creased his forehead. "Tell me what I must do to free you. What did the spell say?"

"There is no cure." Jamie gasped for breath. "Only in the b-beginning stages. It's too late. There's nothing you can do except let me go so I can die."

Chapter 18.

D amian stared at Jamie lying supine on the ground. Her pallor was gray. Even the whites of her eyes had taken on a shade of dull slate. Her soft lips were turning to granite.

Raphael, Gabriel and Alexandre gathered around him.

Unbearable pain shot through him. "I love you. I can't let you go."

"You must!" Jamie spat out the words with difficulty. "You must. It's...the only way to r-release my spirit...from the spell. The ritual of departure."

Her anguished gaze met his. "Please."

Damian closed his eyes in an agony of indecision for the first time in his life. How could he bear to lose her?

"You're...losing me already," she whispered. "Please. Don't let this. I'd rather be dead."

He saw into her thoughts. Didn't want to leave him mourning. Numb and forever grieving. Having her nearby, a stone statue he silently wors.h.i.+pped. Wasting his life, abandoning his pack, searching for miracles to bring her back to life in his arms. His memories of Jamie haunting him until he turned into something as corporeal as her spirit. Trapped forever, locked with her eternally wanting what he couldn't have. Never to stroke her face, feel her lips against his, slide his palm into hers, argue with her about spinach with his steak. Not even existing.

She loved him and wanted him to be free.

Just as his releasing her spirit would set her free.

Damian clutched her hand, his palm sweaty. "Don't do this. Jamie, please, hold on. Please, don't leave. Don't."

Pain flashed in her gray eyes. They glazed over as if life leaked out already. No, she had to hang on, stay with it. Damian glanced at Raphael in desperate hope. His brother's face was expressionless. Then he looked away.

Horror sliced through Damian. He gathered her in his arms, cradling her tight. Maybe if he held her like this, giving her his enormous strength, his magick, she'd live. Had to live, he couldn't lose her. Not Jamie.

A small, faint sigh sounded against his chest as he stroked her hair. Gently, he lowered her back, afraid he hurt her.

But the resignation in her eyes sliced him apart more.

" you," she choked out. "Please...let me g-go, Damian. Please."

The hollow feeling in his chest amplified. Don't let her die. I'll do anything. Take my powers, my magick, please. Anything.

Jamie was making little gasping noises now, like a fish desperately trying to suck in oxygen. Sorrow filled Raphael's gaze.

"Do something, please," Damian begged his brother. He'd never pleaded before. Too proud. Too stubborn.

Now, too desperate.

"Laissez-faire. Let her go, t'frere," Raphael said quietly. "It's time. Do it. You have to let her go if you ever want her back."

The ritual for releasing a loved one into the afterlife. He must. Had to ensure her spirit would move on, find rest and not be locked inside a body of stone. His love would be a tiny beacon, leading him back to her when his life winked out.

His voice cracking, he recited the sacred, ancient words. May your journey to the Other Realm be swift, your joy eternal, your spirit free. Forever will you dwell in peace. My love for you is eternal, and I keep you in my heart all my days. Until we meet in another time and place.

Damian tore open his s.h.i.+rt. His brother withdrew the sacred dagger at his waist and handed it to him. The slash across his palm was clean, pain he barely felt. Blood welled up. The cut across his chest was deeper, a burn he welcomed. He placed his bleeding right hand over the laceration on his chest.

"My heart guards your memory, which will live forever inside me. My hands guard your honor, and will always serve and protect in courage and strength in remembrance of my love for you," he whispered in the Old Language.

His throat closed up, feeling like battery acid splashed over his esophagus. Damian bent over, kissed each of her cheeks. Then finally, her cold, rock-hard mouth.

"I love you," he whispered against her lips. "I'll love you forever. Wait for me on the other side. Someday, somehow we'll be together again. But I have to stay here, and go on. I'm letting you go, Jamie. You're free now, my love."

Jamie began making little sounds of distress as he sat back. "I-I love you, Damian. I'm s-sorry I couldn't tell you...before. I love y-" Her lips stopped moving, frozen into stone.

"Goodbye, little sister," Rafe said softly, leaning over her.

Rafe kissed her. He shuddered, his chest expanded, his eyes fogging over. Something flashed, like a tremendous burst of energy. Rafe sagged back on his haunches, his gaze distant and unfocused.

Damian saw her chest rise a little. Hope soared like a bird struggling to take wing. Had to work, had to, she couldn't die, just couldn't...

With a tiny exhalation, she went, like a small candle sputtering out. Her eyes, her body.


"No," Damian whispered. "You left me."

"Her spirit is safe. She's not locked inside her body any longer," Rafe told him quietly.

From her parted lips, a black cloud suddenly whooshed into the air as the last of the evil Morph magick fled her body. The scent of rotting evil stamped the air. They all winced, turned away.

"Jamie." His whisper grated in his ears like steel wool. Damian stared at his beloved.

This was it. So d.a.m.n still. So quiet.

He wanted to scream at everything to stop, to grind down, to end. Jamie was dead.

Life ended at this moment. He saw his d.a.m.ned existence stretching out like train tracks. Breathing but not living. Seeing, but not feeling. The agony in his heart turning to stone, hardening him like granite. Nothing but pain and then finally nothing at all, numb years of living, hunting, breathing, for fifty years, a hundred, a hundred more.

A walking ghost. Waiting, waiting, craving the peace and release of death so he could once more hear her laugh, touch her smile, taste her joy.

Voices murmured, an indistinguishable blur of sound. Wind caressed his hair. Something ran down his cheek. He touched it, brought it to his mouth.

Salty. His tears were salty.

Hers had been sweet.

Damian threw his head back and screamed. He sobbed, tears dripping upon Jamie's granite form. Nothing but an empty sh.e.l.l. His s.h.i.+rt clung to his chest in damp folds.

Had to kiss her again, one last time. Damian pressed his mouth to her icy lips. Raphael made a sound, turned away. Alexandre stomped off. Gabriel squeezed his shoulder silently.

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Draicon: Enemy Lover Part 26 summary

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