Draicon: Enemy Lover Part 27

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But something wasn't right. Damian stared at Jamie. Blotches of color returned to her body. An effect of death? A tear rolled down his cheek, splashed onto hers.

Leaving on Jamie's cheek a bright spot of fleshy pink. Erasing the stone.

Understanding flashed through him. Damian looked wildly at his brothers. "The spell, mon Dieu. Tears. Salt water wears away rock. All those times she cried, I thought it was my magick beating back the spell, but it was tears. d.a.m.n it, get buckets of water, salt! Hurry!"

Minutes later, a large container of salt was dumped into buckets of water. They began splas.h.i.+ng them over Jamie. Damian's heart beat double time as he gauged her body, the stone melting away from her flesh like layers of watercolor paint erased by rain.

It had to work. It had to restore her, bring her back.

When the last bucket had been poured over her body, Jamie lay on the ground, her body as rosy and seemingly alive as she had been when he'd first met her. First caught her gaze across the crowded bar, and the contact between them sizzled.

He leaned closer, pressed his mouth to hers. And met ice-cold flesh.

No longer stone, but dead. Gone, forever.

Raphael opened her blouse, cut a small pattern over her heart. He slashed his wrist, dripped four drops of his blood into the wound. He licked his wrist, leaned forward. His brother heaved a giant breath and then fused his mouth to Jamie's as if giving her CPR.

"Holy...Look, Damian." Gabriel pointed. "Just look. My G.o.d."

Jamie's chest rose half an inch. Fell. The wound in her chest healed as her chest rose again. Raphael tore away from her body. He looked gray, spent. Drained.

Shock slammed into Damian as if someone had bagged him with a pillowcase of bricks. His gaze whipped to Jamie. Her chest rose and fell in a regular rhythm. He didn't dare hope, couldn't think...

A loud gasp filled the air as she opened her mouth and took a breath.

Her eyes, her beautiful ice-gray eyes, flew open. They looked unfocused. Then they blinked and softened as her gaze landed on him. "Damian. Oh, Damian, you're here."

Hoa.r.s.e and raspy, her voice was sweeter than the purest angel's. Damian took her hand, his heart pounding so hard it felt as if it would leave his chest.

"Please, tell me this isn't a dream," he said thickly.

"Don't push her. Give her a minute," Rafe rasped. "She needs it."

Damian gathered Jamie into his arms, cradling her against him, feeling the solid, steady beat of her heart against his. He buried his face in her hair, rubbed the silky strands against his wet cheeks. He stared at Rafe.

"You gave her your blood. Your magick."

Gabriel's jaw unhinged. "You can't, Rafe. It's forbidden unless it's for your mate. It goes against..."

"Our laws. Yeah, well, I guess my a.s.s is in trouble." Raphael gave a grim smile.

No words would suffice. Damian looked at him steadily, knowing his feelings sang out on his face. Knowing his brother didn't need words.

The silent thank-you hovered in the air.

Gabriel went to the Book of Magick, thumbed through the pages and squinted. "It's hard to read, but it says the spell can be broken only in the beginning stages and life restored to fullness with salt water. Tears shed too late, the body returns to flesh, but the spirit is lost forever unless the ritual of departing is granted by a loved one, releasing the spirit to the Other Realm."

"Tears melt the heart of stone. And love restores a spirit lost," Rafe said quietly.

"The parting ritual...I had to release her and prove my love for her," Damian realized.

"Just as Jamie proved her love by not wanting to see you suffer. That kiss I gave Jamie before, it forged a connection. And just now, before she went, I took her spirit into me." Rafe dragged in another deep breath. "I kept her safe for you. Until the last of the dark Morph magick fled her body."

"You're immortal. You could harbor another spirit inside you."

"Not without consequence." Rafe finally straightened, his color a little better. "And I hate to see what h.e.l.l there is to pay. Worth it. I couldn't see you going through what Alex did. It just wasn't in your destiny. She's supposed to be with you."

Damian couldn't fathom the sacrifice his brother had made for him.

"As Kallan, I'm permitted it just once, only to save my draicara. But you had to love her enough to let her go. The greatest love of all." Raphael's gaze landed on Alex, who hovered nearby with a look of anguish. "She came back to you because she's yours. I was just the conduit."

Damian kissed Jamie. Her lips were soft, warm. He poured his heart and soul, his life, into the kiss.

When he raised his head, his wondering gaze landed on Alex. His older brother fisted his hands. Something s.h.i.+mmered in his blue eyes.

"Cherish her, t'frere. Never let go. Ever." Alex's voice was rough and low, his smile forced.

Pivoting on his heels, he jammed his hands into his pockets and walked away. Raphael's expression sobered as he trailed him. Damian cuddled Jamie close, relis.h.i.+ng the sound of her breathing as she reached up to touch his face.

A sickening dread speared him as he glanced at Rafe. "Rafe, your draicara, your one chance to save her...what if..."

The Draicon sighed. "I doubt I'll ever find my mate. It's cool. I couldn't let you suffer while I search for the one meant for me."

But his gaze whipped over to Alex, who hung back, looking anguished.

"Then why me? Why not Alex?" Damian asked quietly.

His brother closed his eyes, flesh tightening over his taut jaw. "I offered. But like I said, it's a one-shot deal. He had to choose between Simone and Amelia. Save the mother, or the child. He couldn't. So he let them both go."

Opening her eyes to life and seeing Damian had been a miracle to Jamie. He'd sacrificed so much for her, but most of all, he'd sacrificed his heart. In doing so, he saved more than her life. He'd restored her spirit and her hope. Never before had anyone risked so much for her, and loved her for who she was.

But it was Raphael who had given back her life, and she'd learned the price he'd paid. Damian's brother, his family. Where her family had only taken away, Damian's family had given. Raphael had accepted her thanks with a very French shrug, hands shoved deep into his jeans pockets. The warmth in his eyes as he regarded them said more than words.

Now, resting in bed, she drowsed in Damian's arms. Alexandre came inside and greeted them.

His smile seemed a little sad. "Seeing Damian lose you felt like losing my beloved all over. I'm glad you were spared."

Though sorrow still s.h.i.+mmered in his eyes, there was also peace. Alexandre was slowly healing.

Alex told them Raphael had already made changes. He'd handed over leaders.h.i.+p to Etienne and had given Jordan a new position in his pack. With Jordan's ability to scent Morphs, the blind Draicon would act as a screening device. The hunt for Morphs in the city just became easier.

After Alex left, Damian asked her if there was anything she needed. She whispered her request into his ear.

They waited two days for her to rest and regain full strength. Now they were all waiting downstairs for her. Heart thrumming with nervous excitement, Jamie entered the courtyard, wearing a peac.o.c.k-green dress and clutching the violets Celine had hand-picked from her greenhouse. An emerald-green ribbon swept her black hair from her face.

His family crowded the courtyard. His brothers, including Etienne, Cindy and the children, his adopted parentsthey'd even brought Paw Paw, who'd insisted on making the arduous trip. Joy filled her heart. Her family now. But her gaze riveted to Damian. Breath fled her in an awed gasp. The dark Armani suit, white s.h.i.+rt with French cuffs, heavy gold links and polished shoes reflected the urbane and sophisticated male, but nothing outshone the love for her reflected in his jade-green eyes.

Damian spread out his hands, smiling at her. "Your wish is my command. You wanted to mate me, I am yours."

It was a simple, poignant ceremony. Damian couldn't stop touching her, marveling at Jamie and the rare gift he'd been granted. He could stare at her for eternity and never grow tired of seeing Jamie happy.

As the highest-ranking Draicon, Raphael performed the ceremony, uttering words in the Old Language. Then he withdrew his sacred Scian. Damian removed his jacket, unfastened his right cuff link and rolled up his sleeve. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the blade.

"It's okay," he rea.s.sured her quietly. "Give Rafe your right hand. Palm up."

His heart turned over at the absolute trust s.h.i.+ning on her face. She handed his mother her bouquet. The cut across Jamie's lower palm was swift. She looked a little pale. Damian held out his right hand. Blood welled up from the burning cut Raphael delivered. Gabriel came forward with a white ribbon and a clean white cloth in a small velvet box. Raphael wiped the blade with the cloth, sheathed it. He took their right hands, pressed them together so their blood freely flowed into each other. He tied their hands loosely with a white ribbon.

"Two halves once lost now become one flesh, one heart, one blood made whole again."

Damian's fingers laced through hers. She beamed at him.

Raphael rested his hands on their shoulders. "Go and seal in the flesh the bond which has been created in the blood and the heart."

He stepped back, a wide smile on his face as everyone cheered. A radiant flush raced across Jamie's face as Damian led her into the house. She looked confused as he climbed past her apartment.

"It's a surprise," he murmured. "I had everyone decorate."

The door to the third-floor apartment was open. He led her down the hallway to the master bedroom and opened the door.

Jamie's gasp of shocked wonder made him laugh.

Sky-blue fabric hung from the walls and windows. On the ceiling was a relief of the night sky, with a backdrop of stars. The king-size oak bed was simple and covered with an electric-blue quilt, turned down. A simple oak desk was against the wall.

Dusky light leaked through the white shutters. A light scent of honeysuckle perfumed the air. Jamie, all Jamie, her soft skin, glowing smile and the flush on her cheeks. Alive, free. His, forever. He untied the binding about their wrists, and pulled it free. Damian lifted her palm, tenderly licked her wound closed. Desire burned in her gaze as he pulled the ribbon from her hair, setting the glossy strands free. The thin silk fluttered to the floor.

He wanted to cherish her, wrap her inside himself and never let go.

"There's only one thing missing," he said softly. "Light."

Stretching out his hand, he created a glowing sphere. It danced on the air, s.h.i.+mmering with magick. Jamie cried out, her expression filled with wonder.

The orb floated toward her, and settled on her outstretched palm. She gave a musical laugh and bounced it like a child's red rubber ball. Then she flung it upward. It hovered against the ceiling, illuminating the burst of stars painted there.

"I'm free," she whispered. "Really, truly free. Oh, Damian, thank you. I love you so much."

Her kiss was warm, welcoming. It felt like coming home. He cradled her head in his hands and drew her closer.

Jamie felt the raw emotion in his trembling lips, the untamed need for s.e.x layered with tenderness and awe. He kissed her mouth, his lips then trailing over her chin and neck as she clung to him, giving back everything he gave. Then the intensity took over, the kisses frantic with pa.s.sion.

They tore off each other's clothing, kissing as they worked their way toward the bed. His skin was warm velvet over layers of powerful muscle, his body hard against her softness. He grazed his mouth over her neck, tasting her, then nipping her lobe. Her hands grasped his taut a.s.s, urging him closer.

She burned for him, her emotions cranking up to an urgent cry to mate, to be one. His mouth blazed down her sensitive skin, then settled on one nipple. Gently he suckled. Jamie gripped the heavy muscles of his shoulders, her head flung back as he stroked with his tongue. Wetness gushed between her thighs.

When they spilled onto the bed, she fell back onto the pillows, her arms stretched open in invitation. Damian mounted her, settling between her opened legs. She felt his thick hardness press against her soft, wet core as he braced himself on his hands on either side of her head. Her pulse quickened with antic.i.p.ation and yearning. Emotion shone in his green eyes.

"I love you so much. I never want to lose you again, mon amour. You are my very life, the air I breathe, the spark in my soul that will never die," he said softly.

She cupped his cheek, watching his eyes close as he savored her touch. "You are my heart. I will never leave and will follow wherever you may go. And when the time comes for us to part again, I will wait for you."

Something warm and wet dripped onto her breast. A single lone tear fell from his eye. She reached up, kissed away another hovering on his jaw.

"Make me yours, Damian. Make us one so nothing will ever part us again," she whispered.

Then he thrust into her, deep.

He was so big he stretched her full. Jamie bent her legs and tilted her hips up to take him, feeling his thick p.e.n.i.s penetrate, joining them intimately. She threw her head back and moaned at the sensations, the softness of his chest hair against her flushed skin, the delicious male scent of Damian and musk invading her, his low, sultry murmurs in French. Her nipples felt hard as pearls as he brushed against them.

Jamie wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. He began hammering his hips, his shoulders moving with fluid strength, his hoa.r.s.e cries equaling her tiny whimpers of excitement.

She let go, convulsing around him, screaming as she cleaved to him, hearing him cry her name. He threw back his head, tendons and veins bulging, his big body shuddering. The hot wash of his seed spurted inside her as he climaxed.

Barely had she come back down with a blissful sigh when she felt it.

Like a tap switched, all emotion poured out of her like running water, an incredible draining feeling as if she had again died. With it came a blast of heat and strength and an overwhelming feeling of being wrapped in pure love. Sucked into a whirling vortex, emptying everything she was, replacing it with Damian.

Iridescent sparks showered them, bursts of light so brilliant her eyes teared.

"What's happening?" Her anchor, she gripped his biceps, feeling his p.e.n.i.s widen and impossibly thicken inside her. Feeling herself replaced by Damian's thoughts, emotions.

Damian raised himself on his elbows, stared down solemnly at her. "The mating lock. Just let it happen, it's okay, mon amour."

Then he wrapped her in his arms, rolled over, letting her rest atop his body. She dropped her head on his chest, trusting absolutely. Wondering awe spilled through her as tears dripped down her cheeks. All of Damian, his past, hope and present, and then a surge of heavy masculine power. She felt his magick churning through her body, pus.h.i.+ng into her veins, the thrill of becoming wolf, the excitement of the hunt, the heavy, weighty duty of leaders.h.i.+p and the quiet pride.

Jamie wept as she absorbed each emotion, each hurt and each joy of his, her tears splas.h.i.+ng onto his chest. He stroked her hair gently, murmured a.s.surances. Damian pulled her down and rubbed his own wet cheek against hers, their tears mingling.

Minutes later, the sparks of light faded. The ball of magick hovering against the ceiling winked out, leaving them draped in darkness. Damian ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm fine." She raised herself up to stare at him, realizing she'd answered the question he'd asked telepathically. "And I feel alive. It's weird, I'm still me, but inside me is part of you, like you're there in the background, not interfering, just rea.s.suring like you're stroking me from the inside. It feels wonderful."

"I only feel an absurd urge to play World of Warcraft. While eating pesto."

Jamie punched his arm lightly as he grinned.

"Does this mean I'll turn into a wolf?"

"Only if you wish it. You have the ability, but I would never force you."

"I want it, Damian. I want to share everything with you, your family. I feel like this is finally who I'm meant to become."

He rolled over, slowly withdrawing, leaving her body feeling empty. But deep inside she felt his spirit and knew she'd never be alone again.

Damian stroked her face, his fingers lingering over her damp cheeks. "Ma pet.i.te, I want to take you home to New Mexico. Our home. Our pack. It's time. They need you, what you can bring to them, just as you brought it to me."

"Text messaging?" she teased.

"Hope, and joy again," he said solemnly. "Will you go with me?"

Doubts tugged her. Last time she'd seen his pack, they were shocked she'd tried to kill their leader. Maggie, the pack's empath, and Nicolas, Maggie's mate, who had healed Damian after Nicolas inherited Maggie's abilities, had been kind. But the others might not be as friendly. "I doubt they'll welcome me with open arms. Fangs, yes. Arms, no."

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Draicon: Enemy Lover Part 27 summary

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