Secret Circle - The Captive Part 18

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"Ca.s.sie, no!"

Later Ca.s.sie would realize it was Diana who had shouted. At the time the words came to her only through a fog, and they sounded slow and dragging. Meaningless, like the continued mad barking that was going on somewhere far away. Ca.s.sie's fingertips brushed the transparent black fingertips before her.

Instantly, she felt a jolt like the thrill that the hemat.i.te had given her. She looked up, shocked, from her own hand to the smoky, swirling face, and she recognized it- Then everything shattered.

There was a great splash and icy-cold drops of water splattered Ca.s.sie from head to foot.

At the same instant there was the hissing sound of red-hot embers being suddenly drenched. The smoky man-thing changed, dwindling, dissolving, as if it were being sucked back into the fire. A fire that now was nothing more than a sodden black mess of charred sticks.

Adam was standing on the other side of the circle, holding the cooler, whose contents had doused the fire. Raj was behind him, hair bristling, lips skinned back from his teeth.

Ca.s.sie stared from her own outstretched hand to Adam's wide eyes. She swayed. Then everything seemed to go soft and gray around her, and she fainted.

"You're safe now. Just lie still." The voice seemed to come from a great distance, but it had a note of

gentle authority. Diana, Ca.s.sie thought vaguely, and a great longing swept over her. She wanted to hold Diana's hand, but it was too much trouble to move or try to open her eyes.

"Here's the lavender water," came another voice, lighter and more hasty. Laurel. "You dab it on, like this

Ca.s.sie felt a coolness on her forehead and wrists. A sweet, clean smell cleared her head a little.

She could hear other voices now. ". . . maybe, but I still don't know how the h.e.l.l Adam did it. I couldn't

move-felt like I was frozen." That was Deborah."Me, too! Like I was stuck to the ground." That was Sean."Adam, will you please sit down now so Laurel can look at you? Please? You're hurt." That was Melanie, and suddenly Ca.s.sie could open her eyes. She sat up and a cool damp cloth fell off her forehead into her lap.

"No, no-Ca.s.sie, lie still," Diana said, trying to push her back down. Ca.s.sie was staring at Adam.

His wonderful unruly hair was blown every which way. His skin was reddened, like a skier with a bad case of windburn, and his clothes looked askew and damp. "I'm all right," he was saying to Melanie, who was trying to sit him in a chair.

"What happened? Where are we?" Ca.s.sie said. She was lying on a couch in a shabby living room she

knew she should recognize, but she felt very confused.

"We brought you to Laurel's house," said Diana. "We didn't want to scare your mom and grandma. You fainted. But Adam saved your life."

"He went through the four circles of protection," Suzan said, with a distinct note of awe in her voice.

"Stupid," Deborah commented. "But impressive."

And then came Faye's lazy drawl: "I think it was a tremendously devoted thing to do."

There was a startled pause. Then Laurel said, "Oh, well, you know Adam and duty. I guess he is

devoted to it."

"I would've done it-so would Doug-if we could've got up," Chris insisted.

"And if you could've thought of it-which you couldn't," Nick said dryly and a little grimly. His expression

was dark.

Ca.s.sie was watching as Laurel dabbed with a damp towel at Adam's face and hands. "This is aloe and willow bark," Laurel explained. "It should keep the burns from getting worse."

"Ca.s.sie," Diana said gently, "do you remember what happened before you fainted?"

"Uh . . . you guys were asking questions-too many questions. And then-I don't know, this voice started

talking in my head. That thing was staring at me . . ." Ca.s.sie had a sudden thought. "Diana-at the skull ceremony in your garage, you know how you had the skull under a cloth?" Diana nodded. "Did you have it facing any particular way under the cloth?"

Diana looked startled. "Actually, there was something about that that worried me. I put the skull facing the place where I'd sit in the circle-but when I took the cloth off, it was facing the other way." "It was facing me," Ca.s.sie said. "Which means either somebody moved it or ... it moved itself." They were looking at each other, both puzzled and uneasy, but communicating. Ca.s.sie felt closer to Diana than she had in weeks. Now was the time to make up, she thought.

"Diana," she began, but just then she noticed something. Adam's mask of horns and oak leaves was sitting on a chair beside Diana, and one of Diana's slender hands was resting on it, caressing it as if for comfort. It was an unconscious gesture-and a completely revealing one. A bolt of resentment shot through Ca.s.sie's heart. Herne and the G.o.ddess Diana-they belonged together, right? And Diana knew it. Later tonight they'd probably perform that little ceremony Faye had been talking about.

Ca.s.sie looked up and found Faye looking at her, golden eyes hooded and ironic. Faye smiled faintly.

"What is it?" Diana was saying. "Ca.s.sie?"

"Nothing." Ca.s.sie stared down at the threadbare violet rug on the hardwood floor. "Nothing. I feel all

right now," she added. It was true, the disorientation was almost gone. But the memory of that smoky face stayed with her.

"What an ending to our Halloween," Laurel said."We should have stayed at the dance," said Suzan, sitting back and crossing her legs. "We didn't learnanything-and Ca.s.sie got hurt," she added, after a moment's thought.

"But we did learn something. We learned that Black John's ghost is still around-and it's malevolent,"

Adam said. "It certainly wouldn't answer any of our questions."

"And it's strong," Diana said. "Strong enough to influence all of us, to keep us from moving." She looked at Ca.s.sie. "Except Ca.s.sie. I wonder why."

Ca.s.sie felt a flash of discomfort, and she shrugged.

"It doesn't matter how strong it is," Melanie said. "Halloween's over in a few hours, and after that it won't have any power."

"But we still don't know any more about the skull. Or about Kori," Doug said, unusually serious.

"And I don't think we even know that Black John is-how did you put it, Adam? Malevolent," came

Faye's husky slow voice. "Maybe he just didn't feel like talking."

"Oh, don't be ridiculous," began Laurel.

Before an argument could break out, Diana said, "Look, it's late, and we're all tired. We're not going to

get anything solved tonight. If Ca.s.sie really is okay, I think we should all go home and get some rest."There was a pause, and then nods of agreement."We can talk about it at school-or at Nick's birthday," Laurel said."I'll take Ca.s.sie home," Nick said at the door.Ca.s.sie glanced at him quickly. He hadn't said much while she'd been lying on the couch-but he'd been there. He'd come along with the rest of them to make sure she was all right.

"Then Deborah can come with me," Melanie said. "She rode in with you, right?"

"Can you drive me, too? I really am tired,"

Diana said, and Melanie nodded easily.

Ca.s.sie scarcely noticed the rest of the goodbyes. What she was noticing was that Adam was leaving in

his Jeep Cherokee, heading north, and Diana was going with Melanie and Deborah, going south.

No Herne-and-Diana ceremony tonight, Ca.s.sie thought, and a wash of relief went through her.

Relief-and a ripple of mean gladness. It was wrong, it was bad-but she felt it.

Just as she got into Nick's car, she saw Faye smiling at her with raised eyebrows, and before she knew

it, Ca.s.sie had smiled back.

The next day when Ca.s.sie stepped out of her house she stopped in shock. The sugar-maple trees across

the street had changed. The blazing autumn colors that had reminded her of fire were gone. So were theleaves. Every branch was bare.It looked like a Halloween skeleton."Nick won't let us do much for his birthday tomorrow," Laurel said. "I wish we could give him a real surprise party."

Deborah snorted. "He'd walk right out."

"I know. Well, we'll try to think of something he won't think is too infantile. And"-Laurel brightened-"we

can make up for it on the other birthdays."

"What other birthdays?" Ca.s.sie said.

All the girls of the Club looked at her. They were sitting in the back room of the cafeteria, having a

special conference while the guys kept Nick away."You mean you don't know about the birthday season?" Suzan asked in disbelief. "Diana didn't tell you?"Diana opened her mouth and then shut it again. Ca.s.sie guessed she didn't know how to say that she and Ca.s.sie didn't talk that much anymore, at least not in private.

"Let's see if I can keep it straight," Faye said with a low chuckle, eyes on the ceiling. She began to count

on fingers tipped with long, gleaming scarlet nails. "Nick's is November third. Adam's is November fifth.

Melanie's is November seventh. Mine-and oh, yes, Diana's, too-is November tenth . . ."

"Are you kidding?" Ca.s.sie broke in.

Laurel shook her head as Faye went relentlessly on. "Chris and Doug's is November seventeenth,

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Secret Circle - The Captive Part 18 summary

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