Chattanooga Supernaturals: Riding The Storm Part 21

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"My second Master bought me because he wanted a wild s.e.x slave, but since he hadn't made me and didn't have the kind of control my first Master had, he arranged for me to be taught in the ways I should've been from the start. He not only used me himself, he rented me out for parties, where I was used by dozens of men during the course of the evening. Still, I wasn't treated as an animal, so it was a step up."

She took a breath and said, "I chose my third Master, as he'd been kind to me when he'd used me. I had no money or a.s.sets when I went to live with him. I'd learned to feed without killing, but didn't have the confidence to go into human society and try to act human. In exchange for him giving me a roof over my head and sustenance, he had unlimited use of my body, as it was the only thing I had to barter. However, while he humiliated me and made sure I knew my place, no one else was allowed to treat me as a slave. He let others use my body - servants who deserved a bonus, guests to his home, and occasionally he paid off a debt by loaning me to someone for anywhere from a night to a month. However, as long as I gave them total access, and responded with the s.e.xuality and desire to please he demanded, they weren't allowed to disrespect me. I was a companion for them, not a slave. It may not sound like much of a difference, but when you live it? It was."

She took a breath, got back on topic. "Abbott was my fourth Master, and while he almost always demands s.e.x of the powerful vampires who offer their fealty, he's never demanded it of me, and turned it down when I long ago offered. He told me I need to know he respects me for who I am, for the other talents I can bring to him. He's also never asked me to bed someone for political reasons, though I've done so on my own, when I knew it would benefit us. He took me in from the very beginning, treated me as person, as special. He took me into society on his arm, taught me to interact with humans, stood with me during my first couple of dozen feedings, until I had the confidence to do it on my own."

"And the man who helped you, when you were with your second Master?"

"He was Abbott's second for centuries, but eventually he left and took over his own territory. The two haven't battled, and they're friends so I hope they never do, but I think it's likely he's more powerful than Abbott, now. He's in Eastern Europe. I consider him a friend, but our lives have gone in different directions."

Eric walked to the sink, rinsed his plate and silverware, put them in the dishwasher, and turned back to her. "That's where your saying comes from? You rode through a h.e.l.lish storm for centuries before you found your blue skies. What I went through sounds so trivial now, next to what happened to you."

She went to him so fast she startled him, and slowed before putting a hand to his cheek, gazing into his clear blue eyes as she caressed his jawline.

"That isn't why I'm telling you this, Eric. You thought me a monster after what I did to the people who hurt you, and I want you to understand there is a monster inside me, and it's a part of me I'll never lose. Most vampires lose the beast inside during the training process. As they learn control, their inner beast fades away until they can no longer draw on it, but because I lived as the beast for so long, it'll always be with me. I can also play human, and it's possible for me to love, but you need to understand who I am, and why."

Eric pulled her into his embrace, and she rested her head on his shoulder and let him hold her.

"When I first saw you, first met you, I saw this thick, icy exterior, and wanted to know what'd happen if I thawed you out." He ran his hands through her hair, kissed the top of her forehead. "I found the squishy center, and I know you're all heart, and the ice b.i.t.c.h thing protects the emotions you only let those close to you see."

He leaned his head, gazed into her eyes. "I know who you are, Kendra, and I love all of you. Thanks for telling me how you got this way, and you know I'll always listen, no matter how horrible the things are you need to tell me. I can't change what happened, but I can love who it made you."

Kendra's eyes watered and she buried her head in his chest. "G.o.d, how did I get so lucky? Thanks Eric. I love you, too."

"Anything else you need to share tonight?"

When she shook her head, he said, "Okay then, would you prefer a wild ride in the ski boat, a night out dancing, or a ride on the back of the fastest production motorcycle on the planet."

"One more thing, then the motorcycle ride?"

He lifted his eyebrows in question, and she said, "We've been in a holding pattern, and if you aren't going to get us out of it, I will. I've reserved the coterie's playroom for the first available time slot - the night of January first and the morning of the second. Keep the night open because your a.s.s is mine that night."

His scent was... conflict. Apprehension and relief, and... a mix of too many other things for her to key into them.

Eric's eyes, though, were clear and open as he said, "Okay. I'll be there."

Chapter Twenty-Eight.

Before Eric went to bed after their New Year's celebration, Kendra instructed Eric to be prepared for her when she awoke the following evening. Her final instructions were to, "Eat and shower two hours before sunset. When I rise, I want you naked, with a bath already drawn for me."

She was terrified he'd refuse, and wanted to dance for joy when he swallowed, looked down, and nodded. She scented his trepidation, but he wasn't scared, and the heady adrenaline scent saturating the room told her he'd have a full day of nervous antic.i.p.ation tomorrow.

When Kendra awoke the next evening, Eric was awake and lying beside her in bed, naked. When he realized she was awake, his heart sped and his arousal levels rose. She took a deep breath, taking in his scent, and kissed his forehead before standing and walking to the bathroom.

Eric had drawn her bathwater at the perfect temperature, and added the jasmine oils she liked. Not too strong - he hadn't done it to a human's sense of smell, but to a vampires, which meant he'd paid attention when she put them in herself. How had she gotten so lucky?

She piled her hair on top of her head and sank into the fragrant water.

When he followed her into the bathroom, she told him, "Please kneel on the rug, a.s.s on your feet, knees apart, hands behind your head."

His c.o.c.k wasn't standing proud, but was nicely plump, and she smelled enough arousal to know he was okay. For now, his apprehension was overriding his ability to enjoy the build-up to a scene. He wasn't afraid, just nervous, and she could make use of him being a little on edge, as long as it didn't go on too long before she had a chance to rea.s.sure him.

Since she'd shaved the night before, this evening's bath was merely to set the stage for their scene. She didn't take too long in the tub, instructing Eric to towel her dry when she stepped out, which he gently and lovingly did, igniting her libido. From the state of his growing erection, it did something for him, too.

She had him help her into her corset before she stepped into the matching high-heeled boots and had him zip them. His hands on her skin, so warm, so f.u.c.king vibrant, she couldn't wait to get him into the playroom, and hoped she could make it good for him.

"Eric, kneel before me again, please."

He'd been squatting near her, and he only hesitated a few seconds before dropping to his knees, and she kissed his forehead in thanks before fastening a bondage collar around his neck, and a leash to the collar.

His heart rate sped again, his breathing went shallow, and his erection softened. She knew she needed to get to the good stuff soon, show him the good parts of submitting to her.

First, though, she walked him to the playroom, naked and on a leash. None of the downstairs vampires were up yet, but it still messed with his head.

Once in the playroom, she locked the door behind them, his heart giving a p.r.o.nounced double-beat as the lock fell into place. Now, she smelled turmoil and arousal with a hint of fear.

Kendra didn't want him to feel fear - not yet, anyway. "Eric, remember, raindrops and storm clouds, okay?" She touched his face, her fingers gentle as she looked into his eyes, reminding him he was safe, and she'd take care of him.

He gave her a hesitant smile and she smelled some of the fear fade. "Yes, Kendra. Thank you."

"You can either address me as Kendra or Ma'am, but you will use one or both every time you speak."

He closed his eyes as he dealt with that, then opened them to say, "Yes, Ma'am."

Another kiss on the cheek, a reward for calling her Ma'am.

She unhooked the leash from his collar, and held his hand to walk to the wall holding the bondage equipment. His heart rate increased even more as she selected two wrist cuffs. She smelled arousal, but also conflict. Normally, she'd require the submissive offer himself, but decided to take it easy on him, so she reached for each arm and gently placed the cuffs on his wrists, giving lots of rea.s.suring touches, hoping to give him the sensation of being caressed instead of handled. She was on guard for him to experience flashbacks from his time at the Media Council, and would change directions if she thought his mind went there for even a second.

Once the second cuff was on, she held him, kissed him, and teased the area around his c.o.c.k without actually touching it.

When she finally thought he was ready, she walked behind him and connected his cuffs, quickly lifting her hands to ma.s.sage his shoulders, caress his arms, and help him settle. This was supposed to be good, not scary, and she soothed him until his heartrate calmed.

She turned him to face the wall and ordered, "Take five steps back for me please, Eric."

It wasn't given as an order, but a request. There'd be time to test him with authoritative commands, later.

He'd been bent over when held captive, but he'd been leaned over something, and his arms had been held in front of him, a spreader bar between his legs. She wanted him bent over, but thought she could make the experience different enough to keep from bringing back bad memories.

She hooked the winch's chain to the connector between his cuffs, caressed his arms a few seconds, and then walked to the wall to push the b.u.t.ton and raise the chain.

She went slow, watching him bend over as the winch forced his wrists higher and higher behind him. When he was bent ninety degrees at the hips and the muscles at his shoulders started to strain, she stopped the mechanism, and then gave him two inches of slack.

A spreader bar on his ankles would make the perfect finis.h.i.+ng touch, but it might be too close to the position from his captivity, so she skipped it.

Instinct told her she needed to let him feel as if he was at least a little in control, so she pulled one of the bondage ottomans to him, settled it under his face, and put a wedge on it get the right height.

When she reclined on the wedge, her head down and hips up, she was the perfect height, and she ordered, "Make me come, Eric. Use that talented tongue. If you tease me you'll be punished - pleasure me, Eric."

She gasped at the first contact, and then moaned in bliss as he immediately put his oh-so-talented tongue to work, pleasuring her with his beautiful mouth as if her excitement meant more to him than his ability to take his next breath.

Even bound so his shoulders were already torqued, Eric leaned farther into her in his attempt to give her all he could - sacrificing with his pain for her pleasure.

After the second o.r.g.a.s.m she forced herself to move, as she could smell his pain and didn't want him hurting himself.

She walked to the wall on shaky legs, let his arms down until he was standing straight, and then came back to gently release him from the chains, though she left the cuffs fastened behind his back.

He was hard as a rock now, and his scent a powerful aphrodisiac.

She kept an eye on him as he watched her wrap a spanking bench with two-foot wide plastic wrap. This bench would put his weight on his knees, not his feet, and would support his body, which should feel totally different than the way he was bent over before. He wobbled a few times while she worked, unstable with his hands cuffed behind him, but not enough she needed to steady him.

She could sense his puzzlement as she oiled the plastic wrap, and she didn't explain - he'd figure it out soon enough.

He complied as she helped him climb onto the bench and leaned him over. She secured his ankles, and released his wrists before securing them out to the side so he couldn't raise up. She didn't restrain his hips or thighs - she wanted him to move them.

She affectionately patted him on the a.s.s, walked to the wall, gathered a few things from a drawer, and held his gaze during her walk back as she dramatically donned a pair of medical gloves.

Eric humped the table once, and his eyes grew large - now he understood why she'd oiled the area under him. She gave him a mischievous smile, and when she reached him, caressed her way from shoulders to a.s.s with her gloved hand.

She parted his a.s.s to look at his a.s.shole, and when he took a breath to speak, she told him, "Unless you want to tell me one of your safewords, not a word comes out of your mouth."

His heartrate sped, his arousal increased, and he pulled at his arms, testing his bonds. A sniff told her he wasn't doing it out of fear, just checking, so she continued with her plans and lubed the fingers of her right hand. He tensed as she slid a finger into the tight ring of muscles, and she urged, "I need you to relax, Eric. Press, like you're trying to push me out. Yes, there you go, that's it."

She worked him for a bit with one finger, experimenting with speed and pressure around and over his prostate until he was fighting not to hump the table. Her own juices flowed as she smelled his skyrocketing arousal, and she added a finger, and smiled as he moaned. It took a good five minutes before he relaxed around two fingers, though he was still fighting to keep from humping the table.

He needed encouragement, obviously.

"Eric, f.u.c.k the table, hump it." She counted to five in her head and ordered, "Now."

His hips moved, but slowly. He was still holding back, and she warned, "Do it in earnest unless you want another finger. Move your a.s.s, f.u.c.k the table like you mean it. I want you to come all over the table, Eric." She pegged his prostate. "You're going to come with my fingers in your a.s.s."

She'd restrained him, but she still wanted him to actively partic.i.p.ate. Also, she wanted him to start identifying something in his a.s.s with pleasure, with o.r.g.a.s.m. She loved the feel of his muscles around her fingers, as well as the sensual, s.e.xy, tantalizing dual aromas of conflict and arousal.

He was so hard it probably hurt, but he was fighting it because he didn't want to be hard while she finger-f.u.c.ked his a.s.s. She kept encouraging him to move, threatening something larger when he slowed, until he finally lost himself in the sensations, his scent telling her he'd stopped thinking and was fully in a carnal, raw, feral state. He'd not only given her control, he'd relinquished his self-control for her, and she vowed she'd do whatever was necessary to keep this man in her life. Even if he never submitted to her again, the gift he was giving her now was so precious, so vast, her heart swelled as she concentrated on giving him what he needed. When he finally came, he did so with a roar, his hips moving wildly on the table as his rectal muscles spasmed around the fingers in his a.s.s.

She let him stay put a few seconds to catch his breath as she used her super-speed to get rid of the glove, and clean the lube from his backside with warm baby wipes. He was still out of breath when she unfastened him, seated him in the bondage chair, and cleaned his front side.

Eric was certain she'd bite him to give him an erection this time. He'd a.s.sumed she would for the entire scene, and wasn't sure how he felt about her forcing him into a natural erection. If it'd been chemically induced, he could tell himself she'd have never got him to o.r.g.a.s.m like that if she weren't a vampire.

Now, he had to admit he'd liked it, and it'd been all him.

Kendra had risen through the power structure with merciless, blood-soaked resolve, but she hadn't put herself in power. She was happy to follow Abbott, had no desire to form her own empire. He could trust her to Top him. This was about s.e.x, fun. She didn't want to own him, didn't want to run his life. This dark and dangerous vampire, so icy when he'd first met her, he'd wanted to caress the sharp edges of her jaw and cheeks, kiss and lick her neck until she thawed... now she was all his, but the reverse was true, as well. He was all hers, and today he had the chance to show her just how much he belonged to her.

He just hadn't expected to enjoy it without her chemical enhancements to their play.

Kendra adjusted the bondage chair, tilting his body back at an angle, though the seat of the chair was still level. He sat pa.s.sively and let her restrain his ankles far apart, and then use wide straps to keep his thighs separated. His wrists were connected to his thighs, and then Kendra lifted his chin with a single finger until his gaze met hers.

He saw her love for him in her face, and her beautiful icy blue eyes. Her face came towards him, and he opened his lips for her as she kissed him, so many emotions flowing between them. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, but since he couldn't, he tried to show her how he felt with his lips, his tongue.

She stroked his cheek when she ended the kiss, her eyes showing emotion a few seconds before she got back on task and secured his waist and chest to the chair with more wide straps.

He closed his eyes and all thoughts fled his mind as her warm mouth enveloped his c.o.c.k and her fingers delicately ma.s.saged his b.a.l.l.s.

His thoughts returned long enough for him to realize she was going to get him hard the old-fas.h.i.+oned way again, and then fled again when she started humming, and the vibrations traveled through his entire groin.

When Eric was nice and hard, Kendra retrieved her kit with the sounds, plugs, and inserts. She wouldn't make him take the medical sounds yet, though. She'd need to work up to those.

She made a production of opening the kit in front of him as she a.s.sured him, "These are my personal toys, they don't stay in the play room. They're autoclaved after every use, and if they go a time without use they're autoclaved again." She pulled one of the p.e.n.i.s plugs out. "I put these through the autoclave last night after you went to sleep, so I'm sure they're sterile. I'll start with the smallest to see how you handle it." She held his gaze a second before telling him, "Eventually, I'll hurt you with these, but tonight the goal is discomfort - we're aiming for sensation, not pain. Feel free to speak at will now, just do so respectfully. If it hurts, tell me. You don't have to use a safeword if you don't want, just tell me it hurts, or say ouch, or whatever."

"Yes, Ma'am."

She lubed the plug with a sterile packet, but before shooting the last of the sterile lube into his urethra, she worked him with her mouth about thirty seconds, until he was rock hard again.

Eric sucked his breath in and held it as the plug slid into his c.o.c.k, but didn't say anything. She smelled adrenaline and arousal, with a hint of fear - exactly what she wanted. When it was about two inches in, he said, "Oh. G.o.d." His voice was ten octaves lower than normal, his c.o.c.k an iron rod in her hand, and the spicy scent of his arousal filled the room. Her c.l.i.t throbbed with her need, but she ignored her own arousal. There would be time to satisfy her own needs later.

"It's two thirds of the way in Eric, you can do it. You're pleasing me so much, you wouldn't believe how hot this is making me."

When the flared tip finally rested on the head of his c.o.c.k, Eric's breathing went erratic and his heart sounded as if it were trying to escape his chest as he tried to a.s.similate everything he felt.

She didn't smell pain - only arousal and conflict, which meant he hated he was so hard from submitting, and from literally having his d.i.c.k plugged... he didn't want to enjoy it, but couldn't deny he wanted it. His c.o.c.k was granite hard, the pulse at his groin so loud her mouth watered.

Kendra couldn't wait to f.u.c.k him, to sit on his beautiful c.o.c.k and take him into her, then ride him into s.e.xual oblivion. However, for this first scene - and possibly the only scene with her Topping him - it was important she make more of a Mistress impact than she had. She intuitively realized she needed to a.s.sert her dominance with some pain, not just sensations. But first, she loved watching a man trying to take something into his c.o.c.k, especially when he didn't think he could. She thrived on their groans as she insisted they accept something most men felt so unnatural. If he let her keep topping him, eventually she'd build him up until he could take larger sounds and plugs, and she'd bring him to the point where he could wear a p.e.n.i.s plug for an extended period. But for now, he needed to learn to handle the small stuff.

"It's okay if you like it," she told him as she ma.s.saged the base of his c.o.c.k. "You don't have to hate this, Eric. In fact, I love how much you're responding, your moans and your scent. The little micro-movements your hips are making. It means it's time for something bigger."

"I don't think I can take anything bigger, oh G.o.d, Kendra, Ma'am, I don't think I can."

"Let's try. If you can't then there are other fun things I can do to your c.o.c.k, but let's give it a try."

He sat statue-still as she pulled the plug out, and Kendra groaned at the arousal pheromones wafting out of his pores as Eric tried not to show how much this turned him on. She chose a plug two sizes larger, knowing he could take it. She was tempted to go three, but didn't want to push too much and risk hurting him.

She lubed everything and began inserting oh-so-slowly. This one would look like jewelry, with a pretty little gemstone flower sitting at the top of his c.o.c.k once it was all the way in. He was still hard as a rock despite his discomfort, and she kept an even closer eye on his face, his shoulders, his fingers and toes. He curled the latter in when in pain, she'd discovered.

At about an inch and a half in, she gently caressed his b.a.l.l.s, and slid her fingers to the base of his c.o.c.k as she slowly let gravity do its thing up above. His groans were music to her soul, his little breathy whimpers sent heat straight to her groin, and the blood pulsing into his c.o.c.k as the plug settled farther and farther into his urethra - all had her wanting him, loving him, needing him as her c.l.i.t throbbed in time to his heartbeat.

He held his breath as she let the last inch slide in faster, and as soon as the tip settled against his c.o.c.khead, she jacked him off, sliding her hand up and down the lower half of his c.o.c.k until he was millimeters away from an o.r.g.a.s.m, and she stopped and stepped away. He gave an agonized growl, his eyes squeezed closed, his hands in fists, the muscles of his thighs beautiful in their tension, and his abs were a work of f.u.c.king art as he tried to use his breath to regain some modic.u.m of control.

Kendra retrieved the gentlest flogger in the playroom, made for sensation instead of pain. She wanted him to learn to relax under the flogger, and this was the perfect way to begin his lessons.

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Chattanooga Supernaturals: Riding The Storm Part 21 summary

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