Chattanooga Supernaturals: Riding The Storm Part 5

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His voice, while matter-of-fact, was gentle and caring, affectionate, and her heart warmed. He hadn't asked for a response, but she nodded her head, and he ran his hand down the back of her head, a soft touch to connect before the slapper began a regular rhythm on her bottom.

The weight and bulk of the smooth leather fell, again and again - not enough energy behind the strikes to hurt, but enough to cause a little discomfort, and now Kendra breathed through it. He probably gave her thirty strikes at a low intensity before he put more muscle into it, and though Kendra knew these blows were harder, they didn't hurt. In fact, they were starting to feel good. She tried to move her hips around, but the ropes tugged at her hands over the tops of her shoulders.

Another thirty strikes later the hits grew even harder, but now they only upped her arousal level until she could feel the borrowed blood in her veins warm her entire groin - and her c.l.i.t continued to throb to the beat of Eric's heart.

It wouldn't take much for her to o.r.g.a.s.m, and she desperately wanted something inside her.

He stopped long enough to tell her, "These strikes are the same intensity as the ones I gave you at the beginning."

Wow. This felt good, and those first strikes had really hurt.

He stopped, and she squirmed as his fingers delved into her folds. "You're soaking wet, Kendra. You like this, don't you?"

No sense telling a lie. "Yes Sir, I think so."

"You're ready for a flogger now, as I can give you a better rhythm with it. I won't restrict your today - you don't have to warn me or ask me. You won't always have this kind of permission, but you have enough other things going on today, I think."

"Thank you, Sir."

The first few strikes weren't hard, but as she sank into the rhythm, he added force. Each stroke hurt, but it also felt good and she didn't want it to end. As he kept it up, the cadence combined with the mix of pain and pleasure had her so close to o.r.g.a.s.m she couldn't stand it, but she couldn't bring herself to ask for help finding release. Her skin was on fire, each caress of the stinging strands lighting a new fire as it fanned the old, but she couldn't move her hips without pulling her hands farther up her back. She could only lie still and take it.

When he stopped with no warning, she moaned at the loss.

"You want more pain, don't you, Kendra?"

d.a.m.n, he was right. She didn't just want it, she needed it. She pushed her bottom up, and gave a small yelp as her shoulders were torqued more than she expected from the pull, but still told him, "Yes, Sir. Please."

His hand felt cool on her bottom, and she relaxed as he rubbed and soothed her, but then tensed as he said, "I think you're ready for the cane."

He hung the flogger back in the chest, and lifted something else. When he turned, he held the cane so she could see.

She'd used it on others plenty, and was well acquainted with what it could do. If not used properly it would split the flesh open, if used correctly it would create bruises and welts. She'd heal from whatever he did, but it didn't mean it wouldn't hurt like h.e.l.l.

"I'm going to give you two strokes before I decide how many you'll get."

The first cut landed and she couldn't believe the pain. When it first hit, she could handle the burn, but then two seconds later it was unbearable. However, as the burn spread it felt... good. Not good like a ma.s.sage, but in a tortured, heat filled, sensation-you-can't-ignore kind of way, and she wanted more.

She gasped and gave a small yelp as the second cut landed, but as the pain once again morphed into warmth, her moan was of bliss, not pain. She didn't think she could take too many of these, but d.a.m.n, what a sensation.

"Okay Kendra, six in all, which means you get four more. I want you to count out loud, the next will be three. When it hits you'll say, 'Three, Sir,' understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

Another caress over the top of her hair, down her back, a pause to feel of her hands, and then a smooth glide to her heated bottom.

Kendra was no longer conflicted about submitting. He was Dom, she did as she was told, and nothing else mattered.

As the next stroke fell, she gasped, "Three, Sir," as she fought to deal with the pain until it blossomed into bliss and fire, and her moan vibrated through her body.

She screamed a little at the next - not terribly loud, but there was no denying it was a scream, and then she got out, "Four, Sir."

He rubbed across her bottom with his hand and she moaned again as she tried to move her hips. Her shoulders were screaming from being in the reverse prayer position, and she hoped he changed her arms around when he was done with this part.

His hand came off her a.s.s and the next blow fell, and this time she screamed a little louder before getting out, "Five, Sir."

"One more to go. This one'll be harder than the others, make sure you count it out as number six, otherwise it won't count."

And then it hit, and she couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't speak. She finally pulled enough air in to say, "Six, Sir," but it wasn't very loud and she hoped it was good enough. Her a.s.s was literally on fire, and her p.u.s.s.y felt so empty, if he untied her right now she might rape him.

Eric rubbed her bottom a few minutes, soothing and calming her, before he trailed his hands down her legs to the ropes.

It took a good five minutes for him to remove all of the ropes except the ones holding her in reverse prayer, and he stopped to say, "Your shoulders have been like this long enough, so I need to put you in a different position. When I untie your hands I expect them to be placed in an X across your chest to help relax your shoulders until I'm ready to tie them into their next position. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

He removed the rope from around her wrists and she did as he said, rolling to her back and crossing her arms over her chest to let the muscles in her shoulders relax back into position.

"When you're ready, sit on the bed with your back to me. I don't know how much time your arms and shoulders will need to recover, so I'm trusting you to be honest."

Kendra nodded, took a breath, moved into position, and sat still as he doubled a section of rope, settled it around her throat, and tied a knot in the back. He left plenty of give, and she wondered what ingenious s.a.d.i.s.tic way he was going to restrain her this time - and even more, why she was going to pa.s.sively let him do it, knowing she'd once again be helpless when he finished. It made no sense, and yet she couldn't deny how turned on she was.

"Please lie on your back in the middle of the bed, with your head near the headboard." She looked at him almost in a fog as she put his words together enough to comply. He seemed to understand, and this time he helped her get into position, even though she could have lifted him and thrown him through the walls, if she'd wanted - and if her muscles weren't so dead set on obeying him.

He situated her with the ropes so they were under her shoulders and back, and came out at her side, below her hips. Eric used this end of the rope to bind her right ankle near her right hip, and she immediately understood his plan. If she kicked her legs around too much, she'd choke herself. Once he had the right ankle secured, he did the same with the left, and then he tied each wrist to the corresponding ankle.

Finally, he wrapped what was left of the end of the rope - and there was a lot - around her ankle and thigh, mummifying her legs into shortened appendages.

Even if her ankles hadn't been bound to her neck, there was no way she'd have been able to straighten her legs.

He stopped and looked her over, and must've decided her hands didn't have enough rope, because he wrapped her wrists to the ankle/thigh combination ropes again, just to be sure.

"I'll ask again, are the bindings okay? I don't want you in pain, just discomfort."

"Then you did good, Sir, as I'm uncomfortable as s.h.i.+t, but nothing hurts."

His eyes flashed a warning, but he didn't comment on her language. She'd said Sir, so he must've decided not to insist on a respectful tone of voice. Kendra was fairly certain he'd rectify the situation with different rules before they played again, though.

"You'll tell me if there's something I need to be aware of, and if your bondage goes from uncomfortable to painful, I expect you to tell me."

Eric made another trip to the chest, and retrieved an item with the intent of not letting her see it. He sat between her knees, and she moaned and rotated her hips as much as possible as his finger ma.s.saged around her c.l.i.t.

"That's it, Kendra. You're probably about to explode, aren't you? I told you earlier, you can come whenever you want. I know you were close when I was flogging you."

She was close, and she whined in complaint when he removed his magical fingers, but he replaced them with his mouth and the world melted into nothing as ecstasy streaked through her veins.

Mid-o.r.g.a.s.m, Eric pressed a lubed finger into her a.s.shole, moved his mouth enough to slide his tongue into her p.u.s.s.y, and proceeded to slowly f.i.n.g.e.r.f.u.c.k. her a.s.s.

Unable stop him, Kendra came until she'd have pa.s.sed out if she were human. She dragged air into her lungs so she could scream and moan, and found herself breathless with the effort.

When the o.r.g.a.s.m finally waned he moved his mouth back to her c.l.i.t, but it was way too sensitive for contact and she begged, "Oh, no, I can't take that right now! Oh, G.o.d! Please don't! Oh, Oh, Oh. Ohhhhhhhh..."

And she was coming again. Just that fast. He tried to add another finger in her a.s.s while she climaxed this time, but it hurt bad enough to stop the o.r.g.a.s.m in its tracks and she cried out, "Raindrops!"

He pulled his fingers out, moved his mouth to her p.u.s.s.y again, and Kendra forgot about everything except his mouth, his tongue - and the o.r.g.a.s.m slammed back into her as if it'd never left.

His finger pressed back into her a.s.s, but just the tip, and only one, and her o.r.g.a.s.m didn't wane, didn't slow. Eric used his mouth to keep her flying, and it was a good thing she didn't need to breathe, because for several long moments all she could do was experience the bliss, frozen in place.

When she at last came down from her dizzying heights, he removed his hands, wiped them on something, and stood to remove his clothes.

She'd known he'd be ripped, and his ab muscles made her wish she weren't tied down, so she could run her tongue on and around them, tracing the well-defined, sculpted lines.

He pulled something from his jeans pocket before he let them fall to the ground, and then skimmed out of his boxer briefs, and her focus landed on the huge c.o.c.k rising above his b.a.l.l.s. She was still looking at it and marveling at its size when pain exploded in her left nipple and she looked down to see a rubber coated alligator clamp biting into the sensitive tissue.

"Too much," she gasped, "it's too much."

"Shhh, it's okay," he said as he took it off and went back to the chest, returning with different clamps. She recognized them as being the kind she never used on anyone, as she'd always called them 'wimp clamps', more for looks than anything else.

He put one on the right nipple, first, this time, and while it hurt, it wasn't too bad - just enough she knew it was there. She was nervous about the left nipple, though, still hurting from the one just on it. He ma.s.saged her left breast a minute until the pain faded, and then put the clamp on. She could feel the weight of them now, but not the bite.


"Yes. Thank you, Sir."

"You've taken a good deal for me today and it's time for some real pleasure now, but you still need just an edge of pain, I think."

He circled her c.l.i.t with his pointer finger, not touching it directly, and she moaned and moved her hips as much as his bondage allowed. He crawled up on the bed between her knees and kept his finger moving all around, but never sinking in and never coming in direct contact with her c.l.i.t, driving her f.u.c.king crazy. G.o.d, she needed something inside her.

"What do you want, Kendra?"

"Inside, Sir. Something inside?"

"You're soaking wet. You must be so h.o.r.n.y. What do you want inside?"

Dammit, he knew what she wanted. Why was he making her say it? "You, Sir. I want you inside me."

"Do you want to be f.u.c.ked, or do you want me to make love to you?"

"I... I don't know, Sir. Maybe a little of both?"

And then it hit her, he wanted to make sure she still wanted this. He didn't want to push it on her if she wasn't ready. She started to ask him to make love to her, then realized she needed a good f.u.c.king right now, and then realized he was positioning himself to enter her and maybe he didn't need any more of an answer.

She gasped as he slid in, and he slowed, let her get used to his size, and watched her face as he pressed in, spreading, taking, owning. When his hips finally touched her, he lowered his torso and took her mouth in a blazing kiss that threatened to brand her soul - the pa.s.sion and intimacy so intense it brought tears to her eyes.

He pushed up onto his arms and pulled out, his gaze locked with hers as he slowly made love to her, each stroke controlled, slow, sensual. Kendra was in pure bliss, and she so wished she could hold him, wrap her legs around him, and make love to him in return.

Eventually, he went in and held inside her and it made her open her eyes to look at him, when she hadn't even realized she'd closed them.

Now, she saw a different, more feral look.

"I'm going to f.u.c.k you now, Kendra."

He flicked her nipple clamps, and while she'd forgotten about them, she suddenly felt their bite again. The pain was still bearable, with just enough of an edge to make her want to be well and truly f.u.c.ked.

"Yes, Sir. Please."

He kissed her one more time, gentle and slow, and then rose above her, pulled out, and slammed into her.

Now he was f.u.c.king her - fast, hard, and loud as he slapped into her, over and over. With Kendra's arms and legs stuck in place, all she could do was lie still and be pounded, but it didn't take long for another climax to grab hold and not let go, and he didn't slow even a little for her o.r.g.a.s.m.

Twenty minutes later he was still going, every muscle in his body strained, his body moving over her in the most luscious, erotic, primal ways, and Kendra lost track of how many times she came.

It was hurting now, she was so f.u.c.king sore, but she didn't want it to stop. Every o.r.g.a.s.m was an excruciating piece of euphoria that both hurt and took her to the top of the world in the same moment, and when he took her nipple clamps off, the extra pain of their removal drove her climax impossibly higher.

When she'd reached a point where she was consumed by every so often, but the huge, consciousness stealing releases with fireworks weren't happening any more, he finally came, roaring his way through it as he emptied into her.

She didn't come with him, but this meant she got to watch him in the grips of his release, and it was magnificent.

Eric literally came undone as he pumped into her uncontrollably and then froze when his o.r.g.a.s.m hit, and then pumped again partway through, which seemed to get him started all over again. When he was finally done, he collapsed at a bit of an angle so he wasn't lying completely on her, and tried to catch his breath.

She gasped in pain when he finally pulled out of her - d.a.m.n she was glad she healed fast. If she were human she'd be walking funny for days.

Eric went to the bathroom, returned with two towels, cleaned her with the damp towel, and then tucked the dry one around her before he started untying her.

"Scene's not over yet, Kendra. I get to take care of you now, and I want to ask you some questions while it's all still fresh in your mind, before you have too much time to a.n.a.lyze it."

He quickly released her, and ma.s.saged her legs until she could straighten them, then worked on her arms, from shoulders to fingers. Kendra wasn't used to being taken care of, and she relaxed and let him.

He turned her over to rub cream into her a.s.s cheek, his hands cool against her heated cheeks. He sounded a little disappointed when he said, "The welts have already healed, and there's no bruising."

"Yes, Sir. We heal fast and can take a great deal of damage. It still hurts when it happens, though." She moved her head so she could look at him, and grinned as she told him, "It's a good thing my body repairs itself so fast, otherwise I'd be walking funny for a few days. Sir."

His grin was more friendly than, and he settled beside her, stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers, and said, "Let's talk about your reactions. You didn't enjoy the first six strikes, but once I started warming you up, you really got into it, didn't you?"

"Yes, Sir, I did. You went up in intensity so slowly, I barely realized it, and there were a few times I wanted it harder, even before you started giving it to me."

He kissed her forehead, her nose, and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I have three kinds of pain I'll expect you to handle. The kind you enjoy, where I work you up to it. But also the kind where I just want to see your pain, in which case I won't work you up to it. And then there will be pain doled out as punishment, which will be a few steps beyond what you think you're capable of taking."

"You're going to want me to give up my safeword to be punished, aren't you, Sir?"

"Yes, but I wasn't going to bring it up just yet."

"Well, I'm not ready to give it up, but I've always demanded it once trust was established, so I understand why you will as well, but, I'm not really happy about it." She stopped and then remembered, "Sir."

He smiled. "I wouldn't expect you to be happy about it, and you're correct, there's no place for it until we establish more trust between us. So, for my next question - could you've gotten out of the ropes if you'd wanted?"

"I don't know, since I didn't try. The first one? I don't think so. You're a s.a.d.i.s.tic genius. Uhh, Sir. Putting my hands in reverse prayer, there was no way I could get enough leverage to pull on the rope to even try to break it. And then having my legs attached to my hands so it pulled them up." She shook her head. "I'm guessing you have a lot of experience in rope bondage. I know for some it's an art form, and you seem to have it down pat. Same thing with the second way you tied me, making it so any struggles just pulled on my throat and choked me, I may have been able to get out of that one, eventually, but it would've taken a while, and I would've likely been forced to crush my windpipe to do it. So, not something I'd want to do under normal circ.u.mstances, Sir."

"I intend to work on your a.s.s until I can eventually f.u.c.k you there. It may take us six months, or it may only take a month. I'll be patient, and it isn't my intention to cause you great pain, but you can pretty much count on the fact we'll spend a good deal of time expanding your horizons, so to speak."

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Chattanooga Supernaturals: Riding The Storm Part 5 summary

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