Impractical Magic Part 7

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"All right." The boy pumped his fist into the air over Rose's shoulder.

She watched Brand carefully. What kind of ability had her magic given him? How reliable was it?

Adapting quickly to this new talent, Brand leaned forward and soared through the air, reminiscent of Superman. All he needed was the cape as he flew to the ceiling and over the heads of the audience, pausing to perform somersaults or elaborate twists.

Rose had to smile. Leave it to Brand to make the most of the situation.

The crowd stood now, the applause deafening, as Brand made his way back to the stage and finally stood on the floor again. He bowed low, then straightened, his smile wide.

"That concludes tonight's show. Thank you for coming. And be sure to watch my television special on November fourteenth, live from Las Vegas, when I will make the moon itself disappear." He bowed again. "Thank you."

The audience refused to let him leave, calling him back for three curtain calls before the clapping finally ceased and people headed for the exits. Rose remained in her seat, waiting for the crush to ease.

After several minutes she found a side exit and headed down a dimly lit hallway toward the backstage area. Was Brand trying to explain his flying to his crew? She grinned. That would take some doing, as they'd know they hadn't done anything to a.s.sist him. Only Sequoia would be aware of the truth, and she'd be laughing in a corner somewhere.

Close to the stage door. Rose paused to examine her dress. Would Brand like this one, too? It wasn't nearly as s.e.xy as the red dress, but it did flatter her figure, the soft turquoise material clinging to her curves. The neckline was scooped but stopped short of revealing any cleavage. The hip-hugging skirt made up for it, however, stopping several inches above the knee.

She shook her head. It shouldn't matter. Having Brand like her dress was taking on a more personal than professional feel. If she attracted him, all the better. Maybe he'd be more willing to talk to her.

After all, what did matter was getting her story, and she was doing a pretty poor job of that. She'd been so engrossed in his performance, she hadn't once searched for clues on how his illusions were accomplished.

Next performance. Then she'd know what to expect and wouldn't allow herself to be sidetracked.

"Stop right there."

Rose froze at the snarled words, then turned slowly to see a man emerge from the shadows. "Ewan?"

He looked like Ewan, but everything else about him was different. He wore a pinstriped double-breasted dark gray coat over a vest and white s.h.i.+rt with a wide similarly striped tie. His pants were pleated. His normally bare feet were covered with black shoes and over them he wore spats. A dark Fedora covered his head, making the sneer on his face appear even more imposing.

"Ewan?" she repeated. "What are you doing?"

"I ain't taking no more sa.s.s from youse." He approached her, frowning. 'Time youse come with me."

"What?" The new apparel and his words connected at the same time, and she burst into laughter. "Are you trying to be a gangster?"

"I ain't explainin'. And I ain't foolin'."

She eyed his appearance, his delicate Fae features and long hair at odds with the stereotypical 1930s gangster dress. "Are you trying to intimidate me?" If so, he was failing miserably.

"I'm taking charge." He twisted his expression into what Rose a.s.sumed was supposed to be a snarl. "And youse gonna do what I say."

She couldn't stop laughing. How ridiculous. "Knock it off, Ewan. It's not going to work." She gasped for breath. "Unless this makes you a faery G.o.dfather."

Grinning, she pointed a finger at him. "Or a hit faery."

She knew he wouldn't harm her, which made this situation all the more ludicrous. James Cagney he wasn't.

He scowled. "You're coming with me." He no longer mimicked Cagney's speech.

"No, I'm not." Rose straightened and struggled to bring her breathing under control. She hadn't laughed like that in years. "Yes, you are." He moved so quickly he caught her unaware, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close to him. "And we're going now." Panic flared. If he transported them into the magical realm... Not taking time to think, she smashed her spiked heel into his foot. His grip loosened and she drew back far enough to drive her knee into his groin.

His eyes widened and he emitted a squeak, then sank slowly to the floor in a heap.

Rose took several steps backward, putting a safe amount of distance between them, even as her conscience flared. He really appeared to be in pain. But she couldn't let him take her away.

"I'm sorry," she murmured.


She glanced at the door to the stage as Sequoia appeared. Her cousin's gaze immediately went past Rose to Ewan. "Dear Lord, what happened?" She rushed to Ewan and knelt beside him. "Are you all right?"

"He grabbed me and was going to transport me to the magical realm." Rose shrugged, hoping she appeared more nonchalant than she felt about it. "I had to get away."

Sequoia shot Rose a dry glance, then turned back to Ewan and touched his face. "Can you speak?"

He drew in a deep breath. "The ... the pain is ebbing."

Rose shared Sequoia's sigh of relief. She'd never had to knee a man in the groin before. It definitely worked, but the aftereffect was a bit unnerving. "Is Brand around?" she asked, anxious to escape.

"Just inside." Sequoia didn't turn but continued to fuss over Ewan.

Fine with me. The more her cousin kept the hit fairy occupied, the less chance he'd be bothering her.

Rose yanked open the stage door and stepped inside. The sound of excited voices reached her at once, and she allowed herself a small smile. Were they still wondering about Brand's flying act?

After a couple of tentative steps, she hesitated. Brand had made it clear he didn't want her backstage. With a sigh, she scanned the area, broken by wing curtains and stacked boxes. "Brand?" "Rose?" The man must have radar ears as Rose could barely hear herself above the chatter and thud of moving scenery. Brand appeared from behind a wing curtain and moved toward her purposefully.

Rose's throat tightened. What now? Was she going to get blamed for this latest episode of escaped magic?

"Rose." His eyes gleamed with excitement as he seized her shoulders. Before she could do anything more than stare at him, he bent...

And kissed her.


Brand only meant to give Rose a quick kiss, an exchange between friends, a thank you for the gift of flight he'd received, but one touch of her soft lips sent a sizzle of energy through his veins that demanded more. He slid his arms down her back, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss, savoring the taste and texture of her exquisite mouth.

Kissing her, holding her, surpa.s.sed the fantasies from long ago. She was sweet and hot, molding against him as if designed to fit there, her response fueling dangerous desires.

The sound of voices in the distance jerked him back to reality, and he eased away from her. Eyes wide, lips trembling and swollen, she looked as shocked as he felt.

"I..." He had to clear his throat to continue. "I just wanted to thank you."

'Thank me?" Her voice sounded unsteady as well. "For what?"

"For the flying." He couldn't resist rising a few inches off the floor just to test that he still could. What an awesome sensation-a tingle similar to hitting his funny bone filled his veins whenever he defied gravity. "Stop it." Rose caught his arm and tugged him down to the floor. "You'll have a h.e.l.l of a time explaining this if someone sees you." He grinned. "I already had a h.e.l.l of a time trying to explain it to my crew. I finally told them Sequoia and I had worked it out as a surprise."

"A surprise for you, too, I bet." Mischief danced in Rose's eyes. "A boy sitting behind me made the wish."

"And a wonderful wish it was. I've been trying to duplicate Copperfield's flying for years." But what he'd achieved thus far hadn't even come close to what he'd experienced tonight.

"You handled it beautifully." Her warm smile triggered an answering warmth within him.

Brand took her hand, eyeing her dress. While not as alluring as her red one, it accented her very appealing curves just as well. "Are you ready for dinner?" The words erupted from him, overruling his common sense once again.

She blinked, but didn't pull her hand free. "I wasn't sure you meant it. Besides, what kind of place is going to be open at this hour?"

"I know of one." Where they'd have a chance to talk, where'd they wouldn't be disturbed.

Where they would be alone.

Sequoia pushed Ewan's hair away from his face as his breathing finally settled into a less stressful rhythm, easing the ache in her chest as well. "Your color is better," she told him. "Give it a little while more before you try to move."

"I can stand." He struggled to his feet, then swayed unsteadily.

Sequoia wrapped her arm around his waist to keep him from falling over. Just like a man to ignore sensible advice, human or Fae. "I don't think you're all the way there yet." She steered him down the hall, very much aware of his muscles rippling along his back. "Come on. You can rest in my room."

"At the hotel?" When she nodded, he tightened his arm around her shoulders. "Very well."

A momentary dizziness swept over Sequoia. She blinked, then found herself standing in her hotel room, Ewan by her side. "Wow." Good thing growing up with Rose had exposed her to some of this stuff, or she'd be screaming by now.

Ewan slumped within her hold, and she guided him to the king-sized bed. "Here, put your feet up and rest until you feel better."

Once he was lying flat, she noticed his clothing. How could she have missed it earlier? This was a far cry from his rugged half-naked appearance. "What are you wearing?"

"I was emulating the gangsters from the television. I thought this approach would convince Rose to obey me. She laughed instead and called me a hit faery."

Sequoia had to smother a giggle. "Sounds like Rose."

He moaned and curled into a fetal position. "I didn't think she would hurt me."

"When Rose said she wasn't going with you, she meant it." Sequoia sat on the edge of the bed to remove his hat and shoes, alarmed by his pa.s.sivity. This was not the same man she'd faced before. "She's not going to change her mind."

"I can't return without her." He shuddered. "You don't know Queen t.i.tania."

"I've heard enough stories." She maneuvered him out of his jacket, then unraveled his tie. 'There, that better?"

"Much." Ewan rolled onto his back and took her hand. "I am beginning to think I will live."

He was gorgeous when he smiled like that. Sequoia's pulse tripled as he placed a light kiss on the back of her hand. "I hope so."

"I have never experienced pain like that before. We are much less violent among the Fae."

"Which is why you'd be better off to just go back there." Though she already didn't want to see the last of him. He intrigued her-this gorgeous macho faery who was suddenly so vulnerable.

He released her hand and rolled back onto his side away from her. "I cannot. I was given a task to complete."

She rested her palm on his shoulder, attempting to rea.s.sure him. It had nothing to do with the secret thrill she received whenever she touched him. "You can't keep threatening Rose. You'll only get hurt again."

Ewan jerked upright in a sudden movement that had Sequoia drawing back. His face had darkened, his eyes blazed.

Her throat went dry and she went to stand, but he caught her around the wrist, holding her in place. "I have no choice. I will do as I was bid," he said.

He meant it. d.a.m.n him. Sequoia knew Rose. Her cousin wasn't about to cooperate with him. That left Sequoia with no choice. In order to protect Rose... and Ewan ... she had to agree to his crazy proposal from earlier.

"Very well," she said. "If you stay away from Rose, I'll teach you what love is."

The fire in his eyes grew even hotter and his too-s.e.xy lips curved in an enticing smile. "Will you?" He continued to hold her wrist while he traced a single line up her arm with his fingertip. "Will that include personal demonstrations?"

The s.h.i.+vers he created shuddered through her body, stirring a longing she hadn't fed in quite some time. The sudden urge to make love to him startled her. He might be devastatingly handsome, but he was far from being her type-She s.n.a.t.c.hed her arm free and pushed away from the bed. "Not in the way you mean." With some distance between them, she could think better. "But you'll get your first lesson tomorrow morning."

His smile only grew broader. "I am looking forward to learning much from you."

"I'll just bet you are." If she wasn't careful, he might learn more than she intended. "If you're feeling better, you can leave now."

"I am comfortable here." Ewan reclined back against the pillows, a come-hither look in his brilliant eyes that tugged at Sequoia's resistance. "You can join me."

Oh, yeah. That would be smart.

"I don't think so." She'd spend the night in a chair before she climbed into bed beside him. There was foolish and then there was downright stupid.

"As you wish." He snuggled down in the blankets, making himself comfortable.

Sequoia sighed. It was going to be a long night.

Brand kept his hold on Rose's hand during the entire trip back to the hotel, and she made no attempt to pull away. She liked the warmth and strength his grip conveyed.

But she didn't understand his change in att.i.tude. That kiss. Dear Lord, that kiss should be patented. He'd make a fortune. She'd been kissed before, but nothing had ever sent a lightning bolt to her toes like that.

She loved it.

She feared it.

"You're quiet." Brand led her out of the elevator on the penthouse level. "What are you thinking?"

She didn't try to circ.u.mvent the truth. "That you could be a dangerous man." Especially where her emotions were concerned.

His face lit with pleasure. "Really? I like that." He keyed open the door to his suite. "Much better than mysterious."

He led her inside, then pushed the door closed. Releasing her hand, he removed his tuxedo coat and tie and tossed them on the nearby couch, then unb.u.t.toned the first few b.u.t.tons of his almost dry white s.h.i.+rt. "I much preferred when I could perform in jeans and a sweats.h.i.+rt." Rose grinned. "You're too famous for that." She found her gaze locked on the hint of dark hair peeking out from the vee of his s.h.i.+rt. Why did he have to look so d.a.m.ned s.e.xy?

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Impractical Magic Part 7 summary

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