Loose Ends Part 13

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I knew what he wanted to hear.

"I love you too," I chanted with little to no emotion.

Shortly afterward, I took a quick shower and put on the ugliest nightgown I owned, the one with the big flowers that b.u.t.toned up to my neck, and went to bed. I got as far over on my side as I could without falling out of the bed. Brice was still watching TV or something in the living room. I hoped his a.s.s fell asleep and stayed out there all night.

I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to. I lay under our crisp sheets and thought crazy thoughts concerning our marriage. I heard Brice when he came in and got ready for bed. My body instantly tensed up. After he had stripped down to his boxers, Brice got under the covers. I was hoping-praying actually-that he didn't try to force me to have s.e.x with him. So I remained perfectly still and pretended to be asleep. I even threw in a few soft snores for good measure.

I could feel him glaring at me even though my face was turned away from him. I held my breath and prayed silently. If he wanted some and I didn't give him any, then there would be h.e.l.l for me to pay.

At one point, Brice pulled the sheet off of me. My ugly granny gown was. .h.i.tched up around my thighs. He was sitting with his back against the bedpost. I could feel his eyes boring into me, taking in my body inch by inch. I felt so vulnerable that I wanted to yank the sheet back over me.

"Kree, I know you aren't asleep."

I didn't say anything. I didn't move an inch. I didn't breathe.

"Okay, you can play possum if you want to."

I closed my eyes tighter when he bent down, reached around me, pulled my gown up further, pulled my silk panties to the side and stuck his fingers in-two, then three-and moved them around slowly. In and out. Playing with me. He used his free hand to open my legs wider.

"Don't worry, baby. I don't want any tonight." He withdrew his fingers, caressed my right breast through my gown, and squeezed a little too hard.

I flinched as Brice placed his hand under my gown, pulled it up far enough to expose my chest, and began to play with my nipples for a few moments in between stroking and squeezing my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"I love you so much, Kree, and I hate when you make me treat you like this. Good night," he whispered in my right ear. He withdrew his tongue from my ear and palmed my b.u.t.tocks. "Sleep tight."

Mia "Sharon, I don't know. I can't explain it; I'm not sure what happened myself. Maybe it was the talk Vivica had with me and Kree or just being in her house again. But I faced my demons, and Brice isn't the monster from my past anymore." I balanced the phone on my ear as I painted my nails.


"Um-huh. What the h.e.l.l is that supposed to mean?" I paused in midstroke of applying Pa.s.sionate Red nail polish.

"Girl, you still have feelings for him?"

"h.e.l.l, no. Sharon, you must be out of your d.a.m.n mind. How could you even . . . h.e.l.l, no. Girl, have you forgotten all that drama I told you about him?"

"Girlfriend, you were married to the man for almost three years, but I can see how being around him is bringing back memories."

"Yeah, you're right, bad ones."

"True, but you admitted that there were a lot of good ones as well. And that the man was so good in bed that you still have flashbacks," Sharon added with humor.

"Well, whenever I remember that, two seconds later I also remember his fist meeting my face."

"Well, personally, I don't think it's such a good . . ."

"Go on. Don't hold back now. Tell me."

"Nothing, just be careful, Mia. I don't want to see you hurt again, nor big-head Christian." She laughed.

"I'm a big girl, Mama Sharon."

"Speaking of big heads-where is Christian?"

"Where do you think? Working as usual. I rarely see him anymore. Only coming and going."

"Girl, don't complain. At least he has a J-O-B and is gainfully employed. You ought to be glad you have a dependable, hardworking man who provides for his family. You know he'd do anything for you and Lyric."

"I know. I just get lonely around here. Lyric is usually fast asleep by eight o'clock every night, and then I'm here by my lonesome." I sighed into the phone and blew on my nails to dry them faster.

"Well, it's all part of his job. He is the head of security. Get yourself a puppy or a cat. Take up a hobby. Learn to entertain yourself. It's all about self-love, girlfriend."

"Ha ha ha. Why don't you come over for a while and keep me company?"

"Sorry, can't do. It's my oil-lube night. You know I just got back from visiting my parents, and I'm craving some now. Craving it."

"Oh, you'd take a man over your best girlfriend?" I asked, joking.

"h.e.l.l, yes! Tonight, anyway. You got a warm body with a d.i.c.k attached to lie down with every night. Christian gives you yours whenever you want it. All you have to do is roll over."

We both laughed.

"I'm about as needy as you are. s.e.x has been virtually nonexistent in this household lately."

"Well, you and Christian got to work that out. I can't help you there."

"I hope not!"

"Me, I've got an hour to get ready before the maintenance man pays me a visit. Tall, dark and bald-headed. Just like I like 'em."

"You are stupid, girl. Stupid."

"Whatever. Talk to you later, dear."

"Okay, if you have to go."

"Yeah, I have to go. Mia, talk to your hubby and tell him how you feel."


"Girl, you need to quit holding everything inside. It's not good for you. You told me how you feel-tell him. The last I heard, he doesn't bite."

"Yeah, you're right, Oprah Junior. I will. Have fun tonight."

"You know I will. I'll call you tomorrow and give you all the juicy details," she said with a devilish laugh.

"Bye, I'll talk with you later."


As soon as I hung up the phone, it rang again. I thought it might be Christian calling, so I grabbed it on the second ring.

"h.e.l.lo, sweetie. I have a surprise for you tonight."

"Well, h.e.l.lo to you beautiful," I heard Brice say, laughing. "Mia, I think you have me confused; this is Brice."

"Yeah, I think I do too. I thought you were Christian," I said, visibly embarra.s.sed.

"Other than your plans for later tonight, what's up, lady? What's going on?" Brice asked, teasing me.

"Nothing much."

"I take it Christian's not home yet."

"No, he's not. Christian is working, as usual. He's at his second home."

"Why do you sound so down, Mia? Oh, I remember-you could never stand being alone, could you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, it is. Do you always answer a question with a question?"

"Yes, the ones I don't want to answer."


"Where's Kree?"

"She'd better have her a.s.s at home." He laughed.

"So where are you?"

"Oh, I'm not home yet. I'm calling from my office, getting ready to leave in about another ten minutes."

"I see Christian isn't the only one who's a workaholic," I said with dismay.

"You caught me, Mia," he replied with mock indignation. "Can't hide anything from you. Yes, I have a great love for shelter and food and clothing. It's true. Can't fool you."

"You are so wrong for that." I started to laugh. I heard Brice laughing too, which made me laugh all over again like he had said the funniest thing in the world.

"Mia, it's good to hear you laugh," Brice said with total sincerity in his voice.

I didn't say anything. Brice took that as his cue to continue on. I listened.

"I'm serious. I'm not sure what happened recently, but I'm thankful that you don't hate me anymore."

"Hate you? I never hated you, Brice. Even after everything you put me through, I never hated you. Far from it."

"Well, that's good to know. All these years, I thought the opposite. I am curious, though. What changed things over at Moms's?"

"I don't know. I really don't. I've asked myself the same question. Vivica's talk, being in that house again, Kree's acknowledging me, my love for Christian. It all came together to make me forgive you, I guess."

"You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say those words to me . . . that you forgive me. Because believe it or not, just because I didn't love you the way you wanted me to doesn't mean that I didn't love you with everything I had, Mia. Know that."

"I know. I know, Brice," I whispered into the phone.

There was a silence that lasted for a few seconds, a release and letting go of past wrongs. I heard Brice sigh. I exhaled.

"Well, my beautiful Mrs. Pope, I'm going to let you go. It's been a real pleasure talking to you this evening. I mean that. Tell that husband of yours that I called and that we need to talk about my proposal. He'll know what I'm talking about."

"Okay, I will. For the rest of the week, he should be here in the evenings. However, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'll believe that when I see it."

"You do that. And Mia, thanks again. By the way, I've been practicing my Pac-Man skills and I'm ready to take you on again." There was much laughter in his voice. "When are you coming down to check out my computer software?"

"When do you need me?"


"Yesterday. You sound like you're in dire need of my skills."

"You know it. You couldn't begin to know how much."

"Okay, let's do this. I can drop by tomorrow around eleven thirty or so, and then afterward Kree and I can go out for a late lunch and go shopping or something."


"Tomorrow it is then. Let Kree know."

"Yeah, tomorrow it is. Good night, Mia. Sleep tight."

"Good night, Brice." I gently hung up the phone with a genuine smile on my face. It was still early, so I poured myself a gla.s.s of wine, put on some soft jazz, curled up on the sofa and chilled by myself. Sharon would be proud.

Much later I was awakened by a soft caress against my right cheek and light b.u.t.terfly kisses. I moaned and opened my eyes slightly to find Christian smiling down at me with his eyes full of l.u.s.t, desire and love. Christian gently lifted me up, carried me to our bedroom and tenderly placed me on our bed. He undressed me down to my lacy red bra and panties and made a trail of kisses from my face down to my toes.

When he came back up, he stopped at my thighs, ma.s.saging them, and opened my legs wider. The last thing I remember was how s.e.xy he looked, his s.h.i.+rt wide-open, revealing his toned stomach. He whispered that he wanted to make me feel good, make me happy. I felt his warm breath down there. He blew a few times. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. Christian kissed my stomach and he told me to relax. I felt his fingers inside me. "Relax, baby, and let me take you there." After that, I had a taste of heaven as I sang a melodic, seductive love song and he drove me to ecstasy.

The next morning, I got up, whistling a tune, and fixed breakfast for Lyric and myself. We ate waffles, Lyric's favorite, with bacon and eggs. After we were both bathed and dressed, I called Mama to see if she could keep Lyric for a few hours. I had promised to check out the computer software for Brice to see what the problem was.

"Mama, hey. I'm glad I caught you in."

"Hey, baby. I decided not to go down to the senior-citizens' center today. I wanna can these beans that Sister Laura brought by yesterday. There're fresh from her garden. Should give me about six jars or more."

"She always looks out for you. Listen, Mama, I need a favor. Can you keep Lyric for a few hours?"

"Child, that's not a favor. You know I love spending time with my favorite grandchild."

I laughed. "She's your only grandchild."

"Bring her on by. Where are you running off to this early? You're usually still sleeping your life away at this time of the morning."

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Loose Ends Part 13 summary

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