The Voyages Of Pedro Fernandez De Quiros Part 2

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18.--1690. Amsterdam. Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula. Auctore Nicolao Visscher. In N. Visscher's Atlas Minor. Tom. 1.--Same as No. 17. [Maps. 89. e. 3.]

19.--1696. Paris. Mappe-Monde. By N. Sanson. In H. Jaillot's "Nouveau Atlas."--As in 15. Carpentaria, N.W. coast, appears below Nouvelle Guinee, between 10 and 20 S. [Maps. 84. e. 1.]

20.--1700. Paris. Mappe monde. Par Guillaume Delisle. In G. De L'Isle's Atlas. 1715.--Nouvelle Guinee and Nouvelle Hollande are joined, and are outlined on the W. coast, as in Nle. Zelande. Terre de Diemen is outlined on the S.E. coast.

The following routes, in dotted lines, are shown:--

Ferdinand Magellan, 1520.

Juan Gaetan, 1542.

Mendana and Gallego, 1568.

Mendana and Quiros, 1595.

An English Pilot, reported by Robert Dudley, c. 1600.

Olivier du Nord, 1600.

Le Maire and Cornelius Schouten, 1616.

Pelsart, 1629.

Abel Tasman, 1642.

William Dampier, 1686.

"Isle decouverte par Drak" occurs in lat. 66 S., long. 75, above the S. Polar region. Terre que la flote de Mendana crut etre la Nle. Guinee occurs in lat. 6 S., long. 188. [Maps. 86 d. 1.]

21.--1705. Paris. Mappe-Monde. In N. de Fer's "Atlas Curieux."--N. Guinee and Nouvelle Hollande are connected, and shown on W. coast. Nouv. Zeelande, W. coast, appears in outline. The smaller islands are not shown. [Maps. 1. c. 46.]

22.--1710. London. A New and Correct Map of the World. By C. Price.--New Guinea and New Holland are not connected, but the E. coast is not shown. Diemen's Land is given, due S. of N. Holland, between 39 and 45. The smaller islands are as in No. 9. [Maps. 63. f. 2.]

23.--1720. Paris. Mappemonde. Par Guillaume De L'Isle.--In G. De L'Isle's Atlas, 1732.--Mainly as in No. 20. Mendana's "New Guinea"

appears as the Solomon Islands. "Les Marquises de Mendoce" are shown. [Maps. 91. e. 3.]

24.--1720. Amsterdam. Diversa Orbis Terrae ... in Planum Orthographica Projectio. By Peter Schenck. In J. B. Homann's Atlas. 1740.--Hollandia Nova nearly complete. To E. of Carpentaria comes Quiro Regio, between 10 and 20 S. Most of Quiros' smaller islands are shown. Zelandia Nova, and Antoni van Diemen's Land are partly shown. Baye S. Philippe and St. Jacques occur both in Quiro Regio and in Zelandia Nova. The continent of Terra Australis, across the S. Pole, now disappears. [Maps 87. e. 12.]

25.--1730. Augsburg. Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei ... in planum delineati Orthographici Prospectus. In M. Seutter's Atlas Novus.--Same as No. 15, with various route tracks added. Regio habitata detecta per Mendana, occurs between 10 and 20 N. Terra quam vidit Mendana occurs on the Equator, 260 Long. Baye de S. Philippe et S. Jaques occurs in Zeelandia Nova, 40 S. The smaller islands are shown. [Maps. 89. e. 4.]

26.--1740. Amsterdam. Hemisphere Meridional. Par G. Delisle.--Terres Australes, Nouvelle Hollande, W. coast shown in outline. Terre Australe du St. Esprit (R. Jordan, Port de la Vraie Croix, R. S. Sauveur, G. de S. Jaque et S. Philippe), shown in outline, E. of Carpentarie. Routes of Quiros and Gallego, Le Maire and Schouten, etc., shown. Cape de la Circoncision, Jan. 1, 1739, between 50 and 68 S. [960. (1.)]

27.--1752. London. A New and Accurate Map of all the Known World.--In Emman. Bowen's "Complete Atlas."--New Guinea, New Holland, and Van Diemen's Land are shown as one continent, New Zeeland, W. coast, in outline. "Land and Is. discovered by Quiros," between 10 and 20 S. but not named. [Maps. 89. d. 2.]

28.--1752. Paris. Mappemonde.--In Robert de Vaugondy's Atlas Universel. 1757.--Terres et isles vues par Quiros en 1605, shown without names. New Guinea continent as in No. 27. Terre decouverte par les Vaisseaux de la Compagnie des Indes en Janvier 1739, shown between 50 and 60 S. 30 Long. [Maps. 69. e. 1.]

29.--1753. Paris. Nouvelle Mappe-Monde. Par Guill. De la Haye.--T. du St. Esprit, is shown, 160 Long. [920. (83).]

30.--1755. Paris. Mappemonde.--In J. Palairet's "Atlas Methodique."--Same as No. 28. [Maps 68. e. 2.]

31.--1761. Paris. Hemisphere Occidental ou du Nouveau Monde. Hemisphere Oriental ou de l'Ancien Monde. Par le Sr. D'Anville.--Nouvelle Guinea and Nouvelle Hollande are one. The E. coast is not defined. Terre du St. Esprit, Terre de Quiros, appear due E. of Nouvelle Hollande, between 10 and 20 S. Nouvelle Zeelande and Terre de Diemen are partly outlined. [920. (272.)]

32.--1773. London. Map of the World, after D'Anville. By T. Kitchen.--Tierra del Spiritu Santo, Land of Quiros, is shown. New Zealand, with two islands, appears in detail; New Holland, with New South Wales, and Van Diemen's Land, also appears with a complete coast-line, for the first time. [Maps. 86. d. 5.]

33.--1776. London. Chart of Discoveries made in the South Pacific Ocean in H.M. s.h.i.+p Resolution, under ... Captain Cook. 1774. By W. Palmer.--Tierra del Espiritu Santo, and the rest of the New Hebrides, are shown in very complete detail. [981. (4.)]

34.--1786. Paris. Hemisphere Occidentale, etc. (see No. 31. 1761.) Revu par M. Barbie du Bocage.--Terre de Kerguelen appears 50 S. The map is an improvement on 1773, but Nouvelle Guinee is not shown complete, and Terre de Diemen is still part of Australia. [Maps. 86. d. 2.]

35.--1790. London. New World or Western Hemisphere.--Eastern Hemisphere or Old World. In W. Faden's General Atlas.--Shows Cook's Track, 1769-78. Furneaux's Track, 1774. Van Diemen's Land is part of Terra Australis. The smaller islands are clear and more correct. [Maps. 2. e. 1.]

36.--1798. London. Chart of the Pacific Ocean. By A. Arrowsmith.--New Holland (S. coast excepted) in outline. Van Diemen's Land shown as an island. New Guinea only partly shown, and in outline. [980. (10.)]

37.--1799. London. Map of the World, after d'Anville, by T. Kitchen.--Tierra del Spiritu Santo now appears as part of the New Hebrides. Otherwise as in No. 32. 1773. [Maps. 89. e. 6.]

38.--1799. London. Chart containing the greater part of the South Sea, etc. By Laurie and Whittle.--New Zeeland, in two islands. Tierra (Austral) del Spiritu Santo, in New Hebrides. Route of Mendana in 1567 shown. Below the Society Islands, "Islands seen by Quiros." Between 25 and 30 S. "Santelmo the southernmost island of Quiros according to Ulloa." [981. (2.)]

39.--1799. London. Western (Eastern) Hemisphere. In "Cary's New Universal Atlas," 1808.--New Holland, with New South Wales, is shown complete, except Northernmost point. New Guinea is not complete, and in outline. The islands are as in Laurie and Whittle. [Maps. 92. f. 17.]

40.--1824. St. Petersbourg. Carte Generale de l'Ocean Pacifique. Hemisphere Austral. In Krusenstern's "Atlas de l'Ocean Pacifique."--Australia appears so-called for the first time. The islands, Nlles. Hebrides, etc., are shown with the dates of discovery. [Maps. 7. e. 11.]

41.--1827. Bruxelles. Carte d'a.s.semblage de l'Oceanie. In "Ph. Vandermaelen's Atlas Universel."--Nouvelle Hollande and N. Guinee are shown in complete outline. New Zealand in three islands. The smaller islands are now as before. [Maps. 68. e. 1.]

42.--1827. Gotha. Australien. No. 50 in Ad. Stieler's "Hand-Atlas."--Neu Holland and Neu Sud Wales appear as parts of "Austral-Land." Neue Hebriden and the other groups of islands are shown. [Maps. 85. d. 10.]

43.--1835. London. The World, on Mercator's Projection. In J. Arrowsmith's London Atlas.--"New Holland or Australia," without any inland towns. First use of the name of Australia for New Holland in a general Atlas. New South Wales still extends to the Gulf of Carpentaria. The Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, and the other islands are now completely shown. New Zealand, without inland towns, in three islands. Terra Australis or Australia occurs in the Atlas to Capt. Matthew Flinders's "Voyage to Terra Australis, 1801-1803." 2 vols. London, 1814 [455. c. 13, 14. and Tab. 437. a.] In vol. i. pp. vii-x, he mentions Torres's discovery of Australia. In J. Arrowsmith's Map of the Pacific Ocean, 1832, the dates of discovery are given to most of the islands. [Maps. 86. d. 7.]

44.--1866. London. New Caledonia, New Hebrides, and Loyalty Islands. Admiralty Chart.--This is the best modern map of Quiros's islands. The Atlases between 1836 and 1865 do not show much change or much detail. [Sec. xv. (1380.)]

45.--1886. New Hebrides Islands. Banks Group. Surveyed by H.M.S. Dart. Admiralty Chart.--Gaua (Santa Maria) and the other islands are shown on a large scale. [Sec. xv. (174.)]

46.--1892. London. New Hebrides Islands. Malo Island to Efate Island. Admiralty Chart.--This is on a much larger scale, and gives the islands in full detail, surveyed by H.M.S. Dart, 1890-91. [Sec. xv. (1570.)]

47.--1896. London. New Caledonia, New Hebrides, and Loyalty Islands. Admiralty Chart.--This is a new edition of No. 44. The islands are shown in much more exact detail, and with more information.

48.--1904. London. British New Guinea and the Solomon, Santa Cruz, and New Hebrides Islands. In Edward Stanford's London Atlas. 3rd edition. 1904.--This is a very excellent and clear map; scale, 1:4,089,064. 64.537 English miles to 1 inch.


With British Museum Press-marks.

Antonio (Nicolas).--Bibliotheca Hispana Nova ... 1500 ad 1684. [Edited by T. A. Sanchez, J. A. Pellicer, and R. Casalbonus.) 2 tom. Apud Joachimum de Ibarra: Matriti, 1783-88. 4. [2049, e.--126. h. 5, 6,--128. h. 4, 5,--G. 53.]

---- Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus. [Edited by E. Marti.] Roma, 1696. fol. [617. m. 14.--1788.--2049. e.--126. h. 3, 4.--128. h. 2, 3.--G. 52.]

Arias (Juan Luis), Dr. [A Memorial addressed to Philip III., King of Spain, respecting the exploration, colonisation, and conversion of the Southern Land.] [Madrid, 1640.] fol. [4745. f. 11. (18.).--1324, k. 5. (72.)]

---- [Another edition.] [571. k. 11. (14.)] Edimbourga, 1773. 4.

---- [Another edition.] In R. H. Major's "Early Voyages to Terra Australis." Hakluyt Society: London, 1859. 8. [Ac. 6172-23.]

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