The Voyages Of Pedro Fernandez De Quiros Part 3

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Bougainville (Louis Antoine de) Count.--Voyage autour du Monde par la fregate du Roi La Boudeuse, et la flute L'Etoile en 1766-69. pp. 417. Saillant & Nyon: Paris, 1771. 4. The map at p. 19 has the track of Capt. Cook marked in pencil by himself. (C. 28. 1. 10.--454. a. 1.--215. c. 5.--G. 2831.]

---- A Voyage round the World ... 1766-69. Translated by Johann Reinhold Forster. Plates and maps. pp. xxviii. 476. J. Nourse: London, 1772. 4. [983. d. 1.]

Brosses (Charles de).--Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes. [An English translation, with additions, was issued by John Callander in 1766-68.] 2 tom. Durand: Paris, 1756. 4. [454. a. 17, 18.--566. h. 5, 6.--215. a. 15.--G. 7382-3.]

Burney (James), Admiral. A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vol. pp. 680. G. & W. Nicol: London, 1803-17. 4. [455. b. 17-2.--G. 7231-2.]

Callander (John).--Terra Australis Cognita: or, Voyages to the Terra Australis, or Southern Hemisphere, during the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. [A translation, with additions, of Ch. de Brosses' "Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes.] 3 vol. A. Donaldson: Edinburgh, 1766-68. 8. [566. c. 1-3.--G. 16065-67.]

Clavius (Christophorus).--Gnomonices libri octo. pp.654. Apud Francisc.u.m Zanettum. Romae, 1581. fol. [533. k.2.]

---- Romani Calendarii Gregorio XIII. P.M. rest.i.tuti explicatio. pp. 680. Apud Aloysium Zannettum: Romae, 1603. fol. [532. k. 10.] On the binding of this and the previous work are the arms of King James I of England.

See also Euclid.

Coleccion de Doc.u.mentos.--Ineditos para la historia de Espana. 1842, etc. 8.

See Fernandez de Navarrete (Martin).

---- sacados del Real Archivo de Indias. 1864-83.

See Pacheco (Joaquin Francisco).

Collingridge (George).--The Discovery of Australia ... Ill.u.s.trations, Charts, Maps, etc. pp. xv. 376. Hayes Bros.: Sydney, 1895. 4. [9781. g. 13.]

Comedias Escogidas.

See Spain.

Cook (James), Captain.--A Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World; performed in his Majesties s.h.i.+ps, the Resolution and Adventure ... 1772-75, etc. 2 vols. W. Straham & T. Cadell: London, 1777. 4. [454. h. 7-8.--213. d. 8, 9.--Maps. K. 12. Tab. 21.--G. 7416-17.--K. 12. Tab. 20.]

Cordova (Diego de) Fray.--Cronica de la religiosissima provincia de la Orden de San Francisco. Salinas, 1651. [Not in the British Museum. A copy in the Library at Lima.]

Daca (Antonio) Fray.--Quarte Parte de la Chronica General de San Francisco y su Apostolica orden, etc. [Being a continuation of M. da Silva's Chronicles of the Friars Minors.] Valladolid, 1611. fol. [4783. d. 5.]

Dalrymple (Alexander).--An Account of the Discoveries made in the South Pacifick Ocean previous to 1764. Part 1. pp. x.x.xi. 103. 7 plates. London, 1767. 8. [1045. e. 26.]

---- An Historical Collection of the several Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean. 2 vols. Printed for the author: London, 1770-71. 4. [560. h. 9. (2.)--454. h. 5, 6. (1.)--212. d. 11.--C. 1781.]

---- 35 Charts, 1769-98. [460. g. 6.--435. k. 17, 18.--570. h. 1-4.]

Daza (Antonio), Fray.

See Daca.

Duro (Cesario Fernandez).

See Fernandez Duro (Cesario).

Ercilla y Zuniga (Alonso de).--La Araucana de Don A. de Erzilla y cuniga (Canto primero-quinzeno). Madrid, 1569. 8. [C. 58. c. 25.]

Euclid.--Euclidis Elementorum Lib. xv. ... ill.u.s.trati ... auctore C. Clavio. 1589. 8. [8533. aaa. 23.]

Fernandez de Navarrete (Martin).--Coleccion de doc.u.mentos ineditos para la historia de Espana. (Indice, 1891.) Madrid, 1849, etc. 8. [9197. f.]

Fernandez de Queiros (Pedro).--

See Quiros (Pedro Fernandez de).

Fernandez Duro (Cesario).--Disquisiciones nauticas. (lib. 6: Arca de Noe.) 6 lib. Madrid, 1876-81. 8. [8806. dd. 14.]

Figueroa (Christoval Suarez de).

See Suarez de Figueroa.

Gerritszoon (Hessel).

See Hudson (Henry), the navigator.

Gil Blas.

See Le Sage (Alain Rene).

Hudson (Henry) the Navigator.--Descriptio ac Delineatio Geographica Detectionis Freti ... recens investigati ab. H. Hudsono ... Item Narratio ... Australia Incognitae ... per P. Ferdinandez de Quir, etc. [Edited by H. Gerritszoon.] Ex officina H. Gerardi: Amsterodami, 1612. 4o. [1045. e. 15. (1.)--G. 7163.--1613. 1045. e. 15. (4.)--500.

b. 25. (10.)--G. 7164.]

---- The Arctic North-East and West Pa.s.sage. Detectio Freti Hudsoni, or H. Gerritsz's Collection of Tracts by himself,, and de Quir, on the N.E. and W. Pa.s.sage, Siberia and Australia. Reproduced with the maps, in photolithography, in Dutch and Latin after the editions of 1612 and 1613. Augmented with a new English translation by F. J. Millard ... and an Essay on the origin and design of this collection by S. Muller. Amsterdam, 1878. 4o. [10460. bb. 7. This entry does not occur under Hudson in the British Museum Catalogue.]

Jimenez de la Espada (Marcos).--Relaciones geograficas de Indias. [Not in the British Museum Catalogue.]

Juan y Santacilla (Jorge) and Ulloa (Antonio de) Admiral.--Noticias secretas de America ... escritas ... segun las instrucciones del ... Secretario de Estado y presentadas en informe secreto a S. M. C. ... Fernando VI., por J. Juan y a de Ulloa ... Sacadas a luz para el verdadero conocimiento del gobierno de los Espanoles en la America meridional por de Barry. (Apendice. Informe del Intendente de Guamanga Don D. O'Higgins al Ministro de Indias.) 2 pt. John Murray: London, 1826. 4o. [795 m. 5.--G. 6270.]

La Espada (Marcos Jimenez de).--

See Jimenez de La Espada (Marcos).

Le Sage (Alain Rene).--Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Troisieme edition. 3 tom. Rouen, 1721-1724. 8o. [243. h. 25-27. Neither the First nor the Second Editions are in the British Museum.]

---- Avec des notes historiques et litteraires par M. le Comte Francois de Neufchateau. L. P. 3 tom. (Collection des Cla.s.siques Francois.) Lefevre: Paris, 1825. 8o. [12512. g. 25.]

Mac Kenna (Benjamin Vicuna).

See Vicuna Mac Kenna (Benjamin).

Major (Richard Henry), of the British Museum.--Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia. A collection of doc.u.ments, and extracts from early MSS. Maps,... from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the time of Capt. Cook. Edited with an Introduction by R. H. Major. pp. cxix. 200. 13. 5 Maps. Index. (Ser. 1, 25). Hakluyt Society: London, 1859. 8o. [Ac. 6172/23.]

Moresby (John), Admiral.--New Guinea & Polynesia. Discoveries & Surveys in New Guinea and the D'Entrecasteaux Islands: A cruise ... of H.M.S. Basilisk. pp. xviii. 327. John Murray: London, 1876. 8o. [2374. c. 8.]

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