The Voyages Of Pedro Fernandez De Quiros Part 4

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Morga (Antonio de).--Sucesos de las Islas Philipinas. ff. 172. Mexici ad Indos, 1609. 4o. [C. 32. f. 31.--G. 6939.]

---- The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, j.a.pan and China, at the close of the sixteenth century.... Translated from the Spanish, with notes and a preface, and a Letter from Luis Vaez de Torres, describing his Voyage through the Torres Straits, by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley [Lord Stanley of Alderley]. pp. xxiv. 431. 2 Illus. Index. (Ser. 1. 39.) Hakluyt Society: London, 1868. 8o. [Ac. 6172/60.]

Navarrete (Martin Fernandez de).

See Fernandez de Navarrete (M.)

Pacheco (Joaquin Francisco).--Coleccion de Doc.u.mentos ineditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y colonizacion de las posesiones espanolas en America y Occeania [sic], sacados, en su mayor parte, del Real Archivo de Indias, bajo la direccion de ... J. F. Pacheco, etc. (Segunda serie, publicada por la Real Academia de la Historia.) 40 tom. Madrid, 1864-83. 8o. [9551. g.]

Petherick (Edward Augustus).--Bibliography of Australia. In "The Torch & Colonial Bookseller." vol. i. 89-97, 162-172; ii. 2-8, 127-140; iii. 136-138. Colonial Booksellers' Agency: London, 1887-92. 8o.

Quiros (Pedro Fernandez de).

See also Hudson (Henry), the Navigator.

Quiros (Pedro Fernandez de).--Historia del descubrimiento de las regiones Austriales hecho por el General Pedro Fernandez de Quiros. Publicada por Don Justo Zaragoza. (Biblioteca Hispana-Ultramarina.) 3 vols. M. G. Hernandez: Madrid, 1876-82. 8o.) [9771. ee. 17.]

---- Begin. Senor. El Capitan Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, etc. [The original pet.i.tion of P. F. de Quiros to Philip III of Spain concerning the discovery of Australia.] ff. 2. [Seville, 1610.] fol. [G. 7240.]

---- Relation Herrn. P. Fernandes de Quir.... Von dem new erfundnem vierten Theil der Welt, so bissher in Mappis der Land [t]afflen Terra Australis incognita genannt, und desselben Lander.... In Spanischer Sprach ... getruckt, jetzo aber ... ins Teutsch gebracht. pp. 9. C. Dabertzhofer: Augspurg, 1611. 4o. [1295. b. 18.]

---- Account of a Memorial presented to His Majesty [Philip III, King of Spain] by ... P. Fernandez de Quir, concerning the population and discovery of the fourth part of the world, Australia the unknown, its great riches and fertility ... printed ... anno 1610. From the Spanish ["Relacion de un Memorial."] With an introductory notice by W. A. Duncan. Spanish and English, pp. 38. Thomas Richards: Sydney, 1874. 8o. [10492. bbb. 1.]

---- The Copie of a Pet.i.tion presented to the King of Spaine by Capt. P. F. de Quir, touching the discouerie of the fourth part of the world, called Terra Australis Incognita. [From the Spanish. Another Pet.i.tion in Spanish, giving an account of his discoveries.] In "Purchas (Samuel), Purchas his Pilgrimes," pt. 4. 1625. fol. [679. h. 14.]

---- Voyage. Memorial presented to Philip II of Spain.--Relation of a Memorial presented ... to His Majesty about the settling ... of ... Australia Incognita. (In Dalrymple (Alexander).--"An Historical Collection," etc.) 1770, etc. 4o. [566. h. 9. (2.)]

---- Fernand de Quiros to Polynesia and Australasia. (In "Callander (John) Terra Australis cognita.") vol. 2. 1766, etc. 8o. [566 c. 2.]

Quiros (Pedro Fernandez de).--Voyage de Quiros. (In "Charton (Edouard)), Voyageurs anciens et modernes. tom. 4. 1854, etc. 8o. [10027. g. 2.]

---- MS. in Private Library of the King of Spain. Another copy in Library of the Ministry of Marine, Madrid.

---- Informaciones presentados por el Capitan Pedro Fernandez de Quiros para paser a las Indias con su mujer y hijos, en la casa de contratacion de Sevilla, 24 Marzo, 1615. (Archivo de Indias.)

---- Narratio ... Regi Hispaniae facta super tractu ... cui Australiae incognitae nomen est, recens detecto. (In Hudson (H.)) Descriptio ... geographica detectionis freti ... sive transitus ad Occasum. 1612. 4o. [1045. e. 15. (1.)]

---- [Another copy, with an additional t.i.tle-page.] Exemplar Libelli supplicis, potentissimo Hispaniarum Regi exhibiti, a Capitaneo Petro Fernandez de Quir: super detectione quintae Orbis terrarum partis, cui Autraliae [sic] Incognitae nomen est, etc. [G. 7165. (2.)]

---- [Another edition.] In Orbis.--Recentes Novi Orbis Historiae. 1612. 8o. [1061. a. 4.]

---- [Another edition.] In Bry (J. T. de) and (J. I. de) [Indiae Orientalis. Part. x.] Indiae Orientalis pars. x. 1613. fol. [986. h. 20. (7.)]

---- [Another edition.] In Hudson (Henry).--Descriptio ac Delineatio Geographica detectionis Freti, etc. 1613. 4o. [1045. e. 15. (4.)]

---- [Another edition.] In Bry (J. T. de) and (J. I. de).--[India Orientalis. Part x. 2nd edition.] India Orientalis pars x. 1633. fol. [215. c. 13. (4.)]

---- De Terra Austriale Incognita. [Another edition.] In Bry (T. de.) (America, Part 13.) Decima tertia pars Historiae Americanae, etc. 1634. fol. [566. 1. 9. (2.)]

---- Terra Australis Incognita, or a new Southerne Discoverie, containing a fifth part of the World, lately found out by Ferdinand de Quir. pp. 27. John Hodgetts: London, 1617. 4o. [T. 809. (8.)--C. 32. g. 33.--C. 13 a. 11. (1.)]

---- [Another edition.] pp. 31. W. Bray: London, [1723.] 8o. [B. 513. (1.)--112. a. 67.--G. 15929.]

---- Verhael van seker Memorial ... aengaende de bevolckinghe ende ontdeckinghe van 't vierde deel des Werelts, ghenaemt Australia incognita, etc. [Amsterdam, 1612.] 4o. [1045. e. 15. (2.)]

---- [Another copy.] In "Samoyedes."--Beschryvinghe van der Samoyeden Landt. 1612. 4o. [10055. b. 34.]

---- [Another edition.] In L'Hermite (J.)--Journal van de Na.s.sausche Vloot. J. P. Wachter: Amstelredam, 1643. 4o. [1061. g. 42.]

---- Copie de la Requeste presentee au Roy d'Espagne par le Capitaine Pierre Ferdinand de Quir, sur la descouverte de la cinquiesme partie du monde, appellee la terre Australle, incogneue, et des grandes richesses et fertilite d'icelle. pp. 16. Paris, 1617. 8o. [10491. aa. 13.]

---- Relation einer wunderbarlichen Supplication, Ihr. Konigl. Magest. in Spanien, von ... P. Fernandes de Quir ... belangendt die Entdeckung dess ffunfften Thiels der Welt, Terra Australis incognita genandt.... In Hulsius (L.) [Collection of Voyages & Travels.] Thl. 12. [1598, etc.] 4o. [10028. d. 37.]

---- ---- [Another edition.] See Bry (J. T. de) & (J. I. de). [Indiae Orientalis. Pt. 10. German.] Zehenden Theil der Orientalischen Indien, etc.) 1613. fol. [10003. e. 13.]

---- ---- [Another edition.] See Bry (T. de). [America. Pt. 13. German.] Dreyzehenden Theil Americae, etc. 1628. fol. [10003. e. 33. (2.)]

Spain.--Primera (--quarenta y ocho) parte de Comedias escogidas de los mejores de Espana. (Catalogo de Comedias, 1681.) 48 pt. [MS. notes by L. Tieck.] Madrid, 1652-1704. 4o. 11725, b. c. d.--11726. h. MS. notes by J. R. Chorley.]

Suarez de Figueroa (Christoval).--Hechos de Don G. Hurtado de Mendoza, quarto Marques de Canete. [With a prefatory notice by G. Caravajal de Ulloa.] pp. xiv. 324. Emprenta Real: Madrid, 1613. 4o. [1199. h. 18.--278. f. 29.]

---- [Another edition.] Introduction by D. Barros Arana. pp. viii. 126. 1864. In "Coleccion de Historiadores de Chile." Tom. 5. Imprenta del Ferrocarril: Santiago, 1861, etc. 4o. [9772. e. 19.]

Torquemada (Fray Juan de) Franciscan.--Ia(--IIIa.) Parte de los veynte y un libros rituales y Monarchia Indiana con el origen y guerras de los Indios Occidentales de sus poblacones descubrimento, conquista, conversion y otras cosas maravillosas de la mesma tierra. 3 pt. Matthias Claviso: Sevilla, 1615. fol. [601. k. 16.]

---- [Another edition. Edited by A. Gonzales-Barcia.] 3 pt. Nicolas Rodriguez: Madrid, 1723. fol. [146 e. 11-13.--G. 6452-54.]

Ulloa (Antonio de) Admiral.--Noticias secretas.

See Juan y Santacilla (Jorge) and Ulloa (A. de), Admiral.

Ulloa (Antonio de), Admiral.--Relacion historica [by A. de Ulloa] del viage a la America meridional, etc. (Appendix to Tom. iv. Resumen historico ... de los Incas y demas Soberanos del Peru.) [With plates and maps.] 5 tom. Antonio Marin: Madrid, 1748. 4o. [687. k. 10-14.--983. g. 19, 20.--215. a. 6-9, and 144. e. 14.]

---- [French translation by E. Mauvillon.] Illd. 2 tom. Arkstee & Merkus: Amsterdam, 1752. 4o. [211. c. 7, 8.]

Vicuna MacKenna (Benjamin).--History of Juan Fernandez. Santiago, 1883. [Not in the British Museum Catalogue.]


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