Sanctuary, Texas: My Eternal Soldier Part 15

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Her gaze sank to the floor, and her head bobbed slowly. "I will do as you wish."

Chapter Twenty-Six.


Mikjall stood at the wall of steel barring the entrance to the mine. His body heated the air around him like furnace. In fact, between his heat and Jared's, the entire mineshaft was warm and toasty, unlike the biting winter air that swirled outside.

I wiped sweat from my brow. "Can you see anything?"


He was a man of few words, but vigilant. Plus, having a Drakonae on our side put us in a pretty good position to fight off almost anything. Still, it was dangerous for him or any of the others to expose themselves. The fight in town where he and Jared'd s.h.i.+fted would cost them.

Everything was videoed and recorded these days. They would be hunted. Jared had exposed his entire species to help save the group. His loyalty to Sanctuary was overwhelming. What was it about that place that made powerful supernatural beings who preferred to live alone band together and fight to save each other?

Rose had achieved something that no other being had been able to create over the course of thousands of years. A place where Others, as the humans called us, lived harmoniously and worked together for the greater good of the world.

They were protecting something. I just wasn't sure what.

A moment later, Eira appeared in front of the small opening where Mikjall stood, and he stepped back to let her inside.

Her eyes were wide. Even in the low firelight from Jared's lit hands, I could see her eyes had turned almost completely red.

"Eira." I stepped forward, and she turned her head to face me. Her tongue traced the edge of her lips, and she curled her mouth into a snarl. The edges of her fangs peeked from beneath her top lip.

"Who's next?" she growled.

Her body was trembling, and her hands clenched and unclenched at her side.

"You have to drink, Eira," Mikjall said, stepping up behind her.

A blood-chilling hiss erupted from her mouth. She lunged at him, but he caught her before she could bite into his shoulder.

She struggled in his arms, cursing him in a variety of languages.

"Eira!" I said, hoping my voice would cut through the pain of the hunger. She couldn't drink from the vein without connecting that person to her permanently. She knew this. But she'd let herself go too long. Her body was starving.

I moved forward slowly. "My beloved. You waited too long. You need to feed, but not from Mikjall." Pulling a knife from a sheath on my thigh, I drew up my long sleeve and pressed the blade into the flesh of my forearm.

Another growl from her sent a cold chill through me, but I knew she was still in there. Even though her beast was straining to kill, she would be able to regain control. She had fought through her hunger in the barn that first day she appeared in my life again.

My blood ran across my arm and dripped to the ground.

"You ready?" Mikjall caught my gaze.

I nodded, and he released her from his constricting hold.

She lunged forward and sank her teeth into my arm.

Pain flowered for a moment before the enzyme in her fangs deadened the bite, erasing the sting. She drank deeply, each pull taking a good amount of blood. There would be no way I could feed her again tonight and stay conscious.

Using my free hand, I ran my fingers over her head and through the loose strands of her hair in the tightly bound ponytail.

"You are so strong, Eira. You can do this."

Her mouth closed over my arm. The light touch of her tongue caressed my arm, and I knew she'd returned to me.

A long sigh slipped from my chest.

"I'm so sorry," she said, the weight of the world reflected in the azure pools of her eyes.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "We would all be trapped here if it wasn't for your ability to move so quickly and the strength to carry others with you."

"He's right," Mikjall said. "Take Killian and another with you this time. I'll feed you next time."

Her postured relaxed as she realized we weren't going to hold her loss of control over her head.

I reached for her, slipping my hand around the base of her head and pulled her close, claiming her mouth with mine. She tasted of copper, but I needed to feel her close to me right now and didn't care.

Her arms looped around my neck, and our tongues danced between our mouths, tasting and thrusting. We both wanted more. Needed more.

"Once we are all at the lake, my love, then I want a real taste," I said, murmuring the words slowly against her lips as we kissed.

A smile played over her face as she pulled away. "Promise?"

"Can we just get moving? You guys can f.u.c.k later," Mikjall said, his voice mixed with equal portions of amus.e.m.e.nt and irritation.

Eira's eyes rolled, but she turned to the Drakonae male with the patience of a nun.

"Who should I take with Killian?" She appeased his impatience by allowing him to direct who left the mine next.

His aggressive stance melted away in an instant. "The woman and baby. If we have to run, she won't be able to. Riza," he called out.

The small black-and-red-haired woman appeared from the shadows, clutching the bundle of blankets hiding her baby from view tightly in her arms.

The hulking Drakonae male rubbed his hands up and down the female's arms and whispered a few words of encouragement and a.s.surance that Eira meant her and the baby no harm.

Eira's mouth curved into a smile, and she extended her arm toward the woman and baby.

She left Mikjall's side and stepped toward Eira.

Eira wrapped one arm around the woman's waist and her other arm around my waist.

"Take a deep breath," Eira directed.

I sucked in a breath and felt her leap into motion. We blurred though the mine opening. Time seemed to stand still as the world around us pa.s.sed by so quickly. I could barely tell where the ground stopped and the midnight blue sky started.

A few minutes later, she stopped on the porch of a small house situated on the banks of a large lake. The water rippled in the soft breeze whipping across my face. The clouds were scattered here, and the moon hung in the sky like a huge gemstone.

Candles burned inside, twinkling through the large bay window. The scent of food drifted from the house.

"Go in and eat," Eira said, releasing me from her hold.

I leaned into to her before she could disappear again. "Be sure you feed before you make another trip. Do not let it go like that again."

She nodded and moved her mouth to my ear. "Take care of Riza until I bring Mikjall over. He seems to have connected with her."

I nodded, putting a hand on Riza's shoulder, helping her unsteady form up the porch steps to the front door. When I glanced over my shoulder, Eira was gone.

The next hour pa.s.sed painfully, second dragging to second. Each time Eira returned with more of our group, I could feel a little more tension fade from the room.

She brought the rest of the Lycans before she brought over Mikjall and Jared. The Gryphon, Alek, arrived last of all.

The breath I'd been holding since she dropped me at the steps finally released when the door opened and she walked in with the big bada.s.s guy who called himself Sanctuary's sheriff.

Four hundred miles between us and Savannah should help slow down the soldiers searching for us. Because of how fast Eira could move, their satellites wouldn't be able to track her movements once she blurred. She didn't have a heat signature herself, and when she moved that fast, our heat signatures wouldn't register, either.

"Eira." I stood from the table and pulled her into my arms. Her clothes were clean, thanks to the special enchantment, but her skin was dark from all the grime of running, making her once creamy skin a little on the brown side. "Thank the G.o.ds," I said, nuzzling her neck and taking a deep breath of her scent.

"Here," Mikjall's deep voice rumbled behind me. I turned and took the coffee mug from his hand. "For her." His gaze flicked to Eira's and then to mine again. "We would've had to fight again or run all night if not for your sacrifice. I know you pushed yourself to the very edge of your abilities. Thank you."

A sigh slipped from Eira's chest. "Besides the Mason pack, my friends in Sanctuary are the closest thing I have to family."

"I'm lucky to count you among friends, Eira Rennir. You saved my mother's life, and that's a debt I can never repay."

Eira loosened her grip on my neck and stared down the seven-foot giant man. "You can take the time to get to know your mother and fathers. That is how you can repay me. Believe me, if I had the chance to talk to my mother or father again, I would trade anything for it. You have that chance. Don't squander it. This will not be the last fight with Xerxes."

Shame flickered across the Drakonae male's face for a brief moment before he masked it again and answered, "I will."

"Come, my beloved. You need a bath, a drink, and some rest." I slipped my arm around her waist and headed her toward the stairs after Mikjall disappeared into the kitchen.

"Is everyone okay?" She pulled away, but I tightened my grip.

"They are fine. The guys are patching up the ones with wounds, but most of them are already well on their way to being completely healed. You are coming with me." I handed her the coffee cup full of the Drakonae's blood. "Drink this while I get your bath started."

She finally relented and allowed me to lead her upstairs. A satisfied moan slipped from her throat after the first sip from the mug. Strangely enough, I was jealous that the dragon was able to feed her more than once in a night without feeling sick. I was still woozy from feeding multiple times this evening. The stew Travis had whipped up helped re-energize me, but I knew if I had offered again and she fed, I would've pa.s.sed out.

"Are you okay, Killian?" she asked as we entered the bedroom at the top of the stairs.

"I'm fine, love."

The master suite was beachy with just a touch of feminine taste. A large bed underneath a light blue comforter lay to our right. Two square wooden end tables sat at either side with a plain white ceramic lamp with cream shades. The whole room was neutral blues and creams, mixed with the natural wood colors.

I walked through the room to the bathroom and started filling the large claw-foot soaker tub in the center of the room. Soon steam rose from the water, filling the small area with a soft mist.

The mirror on the wall reflected Eira as she followed me into the bathroom. She put her mug on the counter, and I turned to face her. Desire made my heart pound as she slowly pulled her s.h.i.+rt off, baring her smooth torso. The purple bra was next. Her dark pink nipples and the perfect rise of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s arrested my focus. The way they bounced just a little with each movement.

She kicked off her boots. Then her still-pristine pants. .h.i.t the floor along with some bright pink panties.

A smile curved my lips as I perused her gorgeous body completely naked except for a pair of black socks.

She folded one leg up at a time and removed them as well. The skin that had been hidden by her clothing was milky white, while her face and arms were nearly as brown as my much darker complexion.

"Come." I patted the side of the tub.

The exhaustion in her eyes only moments ago had disappeared, replaced by a spark of desire as she sauntered closer. She stepped over the ledge of the tub and took my hand as she sat, sinking below the hot water.

She used her foot to move the lever and turn off the flow gus.h.i.+ng from the chrome faucet.

"This is heaven. Thank you." She slipped beneath the surface, allowing the water to flow over her head and soak her long, dark hair. As she rose up again, water ran in rivulets down her cheeks and shoulders. Her hair floated around her shoulders as she leaned backward a little and rested against the porcelain wall of the tub.

I grabbed a loofah from the basket on the corner of the tub and squirted out some bath gel. "Turn around, love."

She turned and moved her hair to the front, exposing her shoulders.

I swirled the loofah around her shoulders, falling into a pattern as I lathered her entire back, dipping my hand beneath the water's surface to ma.s.sage lower. The small moans and sighs slipping from between her lips had me as hard as steel.

She twisted in the water, and suddenly, I was ma.s.saging her b.r.e.a.s.t.s instead. Dropping the loofah, and I slipped my other hand into the water as well, soaking the sleeve of my s.h.i.+rt, but I didn't care. My fingers trailed along her abdomen to the juncture of her thighs. A quick caress to her swollen c.l.i.t elicited a throaty gasp of pleasure.

Eira leaned closer, pressing her mouth over mine, driving her tongue between my lips and tasting the inside of my mouth. She was my paradise, and I wanted her out of the water and in my arms.

I climbed to my feet and lifted her as I did.

"What about my bath?" It was a half-hearted whine at best.

"I'll run you another later."

Chapter Twenty-Seven.


The dry cotton sheets met the cool damp skin of my back as Killian laid me down. He pulled off his s.h.i.+rt, revealing his tanned muscled torso. The years had been kind to him. His physique had barely changed from the man I'd known so many centuries ago. Perhaps a few grey hairs speckled behind his ears, but nothing worth mentioning except as a tease.

I fingered the medallion lying between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, remembering the quiet moment we'd shared. The night he'd asked for my favor and I'd given it. The night we'd first made love.

I loved him then with my whole soul, before he'd given me the diamond Diana said bound my heart. And I loved him just as much now.

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Sanctuary, Texas: My Eternal Soldier Part 15 summary

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