Women Of Courage: Daisies Are Forever Part 9

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Mitch stepped into the crowded room once again. The owner of the sack had walked away for the moment. Mitch didn't see her as he scanned the mob. Not saying a word, he crouched and loosened the drawstring.

He avoided eye contact with those surrounding him and picked through the bag. Lord, let me find this liniment soon.

A pair of black boots and legs encased in long black socks appeared in his line of sight. Ignoring them, he continued his search. Don't let this be in vain.

"What are you doing?" The husky voice of this rather large woman gave him s.h.i.+vers.

He pointed to the SS on his collar, just as he had with Gisela. "I need this." At that moment, his fingers closed around a bottle. With a flourish, he pulled it from the rucksack.

He held a brown bottle of beer in his hand.

"You are stealing."

"Nein. My wife must have this." Again he pointed to his chest. Why wasn't this working as well for him as it had for Kurt? And why did she carry a bottle of the liquor when most other refugees had dumped their unneeded supplies?

The woman stood tall and puffed out her chest. "This man is stealing." She called with enough volume for the entire room to hear her.

Only a few took notice of the announcement. Stealing to survive had become commonplace.

"What do you need it for?"

"My wife's foot." Even to his own ears, his German sounded broken.

The woman stood with both hand on her hips, her legs parted. "Why would you need beer for a foot?"

He didn't know the German word for blister. His brain sparked to life and he fumbled to find the correct words to answer the woman. "It is bleeding." At least that's what he thought he said.

Yet again, he prayed the officer's uniform would be enough to keep him out of trouble.

Gisela watched Mitch walk across the gymnasium and heard the rotund woman's accusation that he was stealing.

He stood at such a distance that she couldn't see what he held in his hand. He gestured at his chest. He had been foolish to think his uniform would do him any good.

The sack's owner hesitated for a moment before nodding. Mitch straightened his shoulders and tipped his head to the woman. Then he marched in Gisela's direction.

No sign of Kurt. Just as well.

As he sat beside her, he produced a beer bottle. She took it from him. "What do you intend to do with this?"

"Treat your blister. What else did you think I might do with it? The alcohol will kill any infection." He smiled his rakish grin.

"So I'll get to smell like beer all the way to Berlin?"

"There is running water here."

That was the best news she had heard in a long time. She hadn't washed any part of her body since they left Frau Becker's house.

Herr Holtzmann had been with them then. They didn't know what lay ahead of them. She drew in a deep breath to keep the tears at bay. If only they could go back to the way things used to be. Peaceful. Quiet. Loved ones around them. Like Opa. Gisela pinched the bridge of her nose.

Mitch lifted her foot and turned it so he could see her heel. His touch was tender, careful. Though she hated how he had come by the remedy, she relaxed under his ministrations. For a little while, it was good to have someone take care of her. Good to know someone watched out for her.

Like Mutti always had.

A terrible wave of homesickness crashed over her. She so wanted to be home with Mutti, for them to be a family, for all of this to end. Surely it was a nightmare. Surely she would wake up soon.

Just as Gisela relaxed a bit, the girls happily brus.h.i.+ng Audra's almost-white hair, Kurt returned, strips of cloth in his hands. "Move over, Cramer. I will bandage Gisela's foot."

She stiffened at the casual way Kurt addressed her. Mitch did it and it didn't grate on her nerves. Why, then, did it bother her so when Kurt spoke the same way?

He grabbed her ankle and Mitch was forced to release his grasp. He rubbed his stubbly chin. "I believe it would be more proper for her husband to do this."

Kurt, his touch rough, growled. "I will do it. I have dressed many wounds on the field of battle. You babysat for a group of aristocratic Brits."

Mitch clenched his jaw as he eyed the roll of bandages in Kurt's hand. "Bitte, I will take care of her." The more he spoke, the more his accent became apparent.

Not wanting Mitch to be exposed and a brawl to break out, Gisela pulled her foot from Kurt's possessive grasp. She hugged her knees to her chin. "I don't need any bandages. You two are making such a fuss over nothing. Just leave me alone."

Audra held out her hand to Kurt. "Let me bandage Gisela's foot."

It was crazy the way the men fought over that woman. She was nice enough but nothing special. Not pretty enough for Hollywood.

Kurt looked every inch the perfect Aryan-blond hair, blue eyes, features that could have been carved from stone. He held himself tall and proud.

She had never seen a man like Josep. He was the definition of Kurt's opposite-dark hair, olive skin, and a boyish and impish grin.

"Ow. Don't tug it so tightly." Gisela pulled her foot away.

"I'm sorry. Please hold still now so I can finish."

Katya bent down to inspect Audra's work. "Dearie, is she going to lose her foot? How dreadful. I was a nurse in the Great War, you know. I saw too many men lose their feet, even their entire legs. But never a woman before. Just awful."

Audra concentrated on her task, noticing that Josep watched. "She will not lose her foot. It is nothing more than a blister."

Gisela pulled away again and finished tucking in the ends of the bandage. "Exactly. Nothing like this fuss should be made about it. I believe I will survive." She pulled on her sock and squeezed her foot back into her too-small boot.

Audra reclaimed her brush from the girls and drew it through her tresses one last time, hoping to restore them to order. Her task completed, she set Renate on her lap and maneuvered closer to Josep.

"Isn't she such a sweetheart?" She kissed the child's forehead.

Josep nodded.

"I have nine brothers and sisters, all younger than me, so I am good at handling children."

Josep smiled at Audra, a grin that made her stomach flip like a trapeze artist. "Good."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"A sister."

Did he ever answer in anything other than monosyllables? He spoke to Gisela freely enough. Then again, she was his wife. Just a minor detail. "It's nice to have brothers and sisters around to keep you company, to play with you when you are small. Family means so much to me."

Again he smiled and nodded.

From the corner of her eye, she spied Kurt watching her. A light danced in the depths of his steel blue eyes. Did he think it funny?

She sat back against the hard wall, gaze cast to the ceiling.

She thought Kurt to be very handsome. When she made it big, she would need an escort on her arm. She imagined him dressed in evening wear. Josep had a boyish charm that was appealing. He would be a good man to have too. So what if he was married?

Actresses broke up marriages all the time.

Annelies slept in Mitch's arms. He stared at her freckled face, her nose upturned just enough to be cute. He cuddled her as Gisela pushed the child's golden hair from her face. His breath caught in his throat at the intimate, maternal gesture.

She was beautiful.

She kissed the girl's cheek and spread a blanket from the pack over her. She pulled out an old quilt for Renate. A long stretch of silence pa.s.sed, a hush falling over the crowd in the gymnasium as one by one, people fell asleep. Only he and Gisela from their group remained awake.

He should be exhausted, but he wasn't. He should be able to sleep, but he couldn't. His thoughts tumbled one over the other. Xavier. This flight from the hated and feared Russians. Their safety. His home.

Father. He had never written to Mitch in the camp. Not a single line. The only letters he received were from his mother and sister. He disapproved of Mitch's joining the army in the first place, even though he was in the 5th Queen's Regiment. Especially not the way he joined. According to Father, Mitch should have stayed at home and followed the family tradition of studying law.

He had to prove to his father that he made the right choice. He had to rejoin the British troops so he could fight for his country.

Then, perhaps, his father would understand.

Gisela leaned over to whisper in his ear. Her breath brushed his neck and every muscle in his body came alive.

"I can't sleep. Do you want to come outside with me for fresh air?"

"Good idea." He set Annelies on the floor and pulled the blanket around her thin shoulders. She turned on her side and resumed her light snoring.

They exited the stuffy building, a heavy blanket of stillness over all. The cold wind bit him through his greatcoat, refres.h.i.+ng after the close, stifling quarters. A military truck rumbled past, and out of instinct, he flattened himself against the rough brick facade.

She laughed, then took his hand. Her slight form swayed in a pleasing way as she led him to the opposite side of the building. He gulped the clean air.

She stood next to him, her shoulder brus.h.i.+ng his. "I don't think Kurt likes you very much."

Mitch shrugged. "That's fine. I've had enough of German officers to last me a lifetime. In the camp, you got to know the men. Some were decent chaps, others not. You always tried to have one of them on your side, never knowing when you might need a favor from them."

She gasped. "Did you ever try to escape before this?"

He rubbed the muscle ache at the base of his neck. "No. Most who tried weren't successful."

"That's a long time to be in prison."

"Some of the time I worked on a farm. The hausfrau was kind, but it wasn't home."

"Did you steal from her?"

Her question caught him off guard. There was no teasing in her tone. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't seem to have a compulsion to steal. I wondered if this was your first time."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. You should know. You're a brilliant liar."

"A blister is not a desperate measure, Mitch. Saving your hide is." He didn't miss how she didn't comment on his remark.

"Not unless you want an infection. Do you want Katya to be right about you losing a foot?"

She blew out her breath, and he figured he won that battle.

"You have to be careful with using English. Don't let anyone other than me hear you. And don't speak in German."

"Not unless it's necessary."

"Don't let it be."

"Are you always this bossy?"

Even in the semi-dark, her amber eyes sparked. "With the girls and the old women, I have enough people to keep safe. If you get into trouble or draw attention to yourself, you put me at risk. And when you put me at risk, you put the others at risk. I've watched you with the children. I know you don't want to do that." She pulled the ever-present daisy scarf around her neck. "Are we in agreement?"

"About what?"

"You don't speak German or English."

"May I speak French? How about Spanish?"

She huffed, then began to turn away, her brown hair bouncing on her shoulders.

His heart pounded at her beauty and his instincts took over. In three long strides he reached her, spun her around to face him, and kissed her full on the lips.


Until he couldn't breathe.


Stunned and shocked, Gisela allowed Mitch to kiss her for what seemed like endless minutes. His kiss was firm and sure, though not demanding. She enjoyed it.

Then reason returned and she pushed herself away and landed a smack on his cheek, her hand stinging.

He put his hand to his face. "What did you do that for?"

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Women Of Courage: Daisies Are Forever Part 9 summary

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