On A Wing And A Prayer Part 24

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"E?" asked Angie.

Realizing that Angie didn't know about her alter ego, Ca.s.s tried to cover. "Ah ... ah ... E ... short for Elizabeth - a friend of mine at the gym," she said haltingly.

Angie looked at her friend through narrowed eyes. What are you hiding Ca.s.sidy Conway? she wondered to herself. Pus.h.i.+ng the thought aside for a moment, she continued. "If it will make you feel better, Ca.s.s, go to her," Angie urged.

"Well, I'll give it a few more days. If things still don't feel right, then maybe I'll do just that. In any case, I have a two-day flight to Durango scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, so I can't do anything until at least Tuesday," Ca.s.s explained.

"Order up, Ang!" came the call from the kitchen.

Angie reached across the table and patted Ca.s.s' hand. "That'll be yours. After dinner, we'll talk some more, okay, love?" she suggested.

Ca.s.s just nodded her head in thanks and waited for Angie to retrieve her dinner. It was going to be a long evening.


ROXANNE SAT AT her computer in her office and pondered what to write. She had argued with Nikki incessantly about letting her climb the two flights of stairs to the third story, and finally, her friend relented on the condition that she help her up there and back again.

How do I ask him? she questioned herself. Ca.s.s, do you have a girlfriend? Ca.s.s, are you playing cybers.e.x games with my head? Ca.s.s, do you love me ... Whoa!!!! Where did THAT come from? she asked herself, her heart beating rapidly at the unexpected thought.

Rox rose from her chair and started pacing, her eyes never leaving her computer, as though it was an enemy about to pounce. By the G.o.ds ... Do I love him? she questioned herself. I do ... don't I? she concluded. How can that be? I've only known him for three weeks. d.a.m.n! she said as she started pacing once more. Oh G.o.ds ... what if he is playing games with my head? What if he's one of these kooks who pretends to be something he isn't to lure innocent women into dangerous situations? All right ... calm down, Rox ... think! You know he's legitimately a pilot ... his name was all over the newspaper earlier this week. But what about the woman in his apartment?

The pet.i.te red head was still pacing when Nikki climbed the stairs to the attic.

"Hey girl, can I interest you in a gla.s.s of ice tea?" she asked, handing the extra gla.s.s she was carrying to Rox.

Rox reached out and accepted the gla.s.s, avoiding Nikki's eyes. "Thanks," she said.

Nikki noticed the lack of eye contact immediately. "Whoa, Rox ... what's wrong?" she asked, placing a hand on Rox's arm.

"Wrong? What could be wrong? Here I am, covered in black and blue marks, a cast on my hand, madly in love with a man I've never met ... a man who is probably cheating on me this very moment! What could possibly be wrong, Nik?" she answered sarcastically.

Taking Rox's ice tea away from her, Nikki put both down on the desk and then faced her friend. Taking her by the forearms, she turned Rox so that she was directly facing her. Reaching up, she lifted Rox's chin to look her directly in the eye. "Rox ... did you say you were in love with him?"

Rox's eyes immediately filled with tears as she met her friend's gaze. Nodding her head slightly she began to cry, falling into Nikki's embrace. "Nik, what am I going to do? I love him ... I can't help it, but I do. I know I haven't known him for very long, but ... but ... d.a.m.n it, Nikki, what am I going to do?" she cried.

"Roxie ... Roxie, baby, shhhh. It's okay. Honey, please don't cry," Nikki said as she soothed Roxanne's tears.

After long moments, the crying subsided, and Rox stood in the circle of Nikki's arms, trying desperately to compose herself. "Are you all right?" Nikki asked, pulling back to look at her friend.

Rox just nodded, still avoiding Nikki's eyes for fear that she would break down crying again. "What am I going to do, Nik?" she whispered.

Nikki pulled her in for one more hug before leading her over to her desk. Sitting her down in the office chair, she turned the woman around until she was facing the computer. "Well, for starters, you're going to write to Ca.s.s and find out about the woman in his apartment," she said as she reached over Rox and booted up the computer.

"Nikki, I don't know what to say," Rox replied.

"Don't worry ... I'll help you think of something," her friend said.

Moments later, Rox had opened the 'new mail' icon and was poised to compose the note to Ca.s.s.

"Okay, how's this?" Rox said.

"Dear Ca.s.s,

Thank you so much for your concern. I too live in fear that Chris may return and cause more damage, personal and otherwise. Let me a.s.sure you that I am never alone. Nikki or Jerri, and sometimes both, are with me at all times. I don't believe I am in any grave danger.

I really do appreciate you giving me your phone number ..."

"Rox," Nikki interrupted. "Do you think you should give him your phone number?"

"No ... not unless he asks for it ... I want to make sure this will work out before I start giving out information like that," she observed.

Nikki just nodded as they put their heads together once more to continue the note.

I really do appreciate you giving me your phone number. Actually, I called it earlier today and a woman answered. Maybe a house keeper? In any case, you weren't home.

Ca.s.s, I need to be blunt here for a moment ... I need to know what your intentions are toward me. Ca.s.s, I am falling in love with you. If that love can not be reciprocated, then we must end this e-mail relations.h.i.+p ... I can't bear the thought of continuing with the facade if there is no chance that you will ever love me. Please don't be angry with me over this demand. I have lived in h.e.l.l for the past six years, and it is about time I leave the confines of that prison and move on to brighter future. I know you have told Nikki that you love me ... but are you IN love with me?

Again, forgive my bluntness, but I need an answer to this question before we can go on.

I love you Ca.s.s, but I can not allow you to hurt me ... I have lived in pain for much too long already.

Please let me know where your hearts lies.


"Wow... you weren't kidding when you said you needed to be blunt, were you?" Nikki observed.

"Do you think it will scare him off?" Rox worried, her brow knit together as she reread the last few paragraphs.

"Well, it will either scare him off or reel him in for life ... it all depends on how he feels about commitment, I guess," Nikki responded.

Rox looked at her blonde friend. "Nik, I can't let him hurt me. Chris has done enough of that to last a life time," she explained.

Wrapping her arms around Rox, Nikki leaned in and hugged her fiercely. "I know, sweetheart, I know. Okay then ... send it," she suggested.

Rox reached for the mouse and directed the pointer to the send b.u.t.ton. In seconds, the note was on its way to Ca.s.s while the two friends sat there absorbed in their own thoughts.

It will kill me if he answers no, Rox mused.

I will kill him if he hurts Rox, Nikki vowed.

Ca.s.s left the diner at closing time, keeping Angie company for nearly three hours after she finished her supper. She dreaded the thought of going home once again to an empty apartment. Dragging herself through the front door, she eased her tall frame down onto the couch and reached for the remote control. After spending several moments channel surfing and finding nothing to hold her interest, she turned the TV off and threw the controller down on the coffee table. Throwing her head back and looking directly up at the ceiling, she sighed deeply.

Go ahead, Enforcer urged.

Ca.s.s did her best to ignore the voice.

Ca.s.s ... I know you can hear me. It won't do you any good to ignore me, you know, the voice said.

Aw, come on E, back off, will ya? Ca.s.s whined.

No ...... I don't think so. You know you want to, the alter ego forged ahead.

E!!!!! Ca.s.s countered.

Look Ca.s.s ... You don't exactly have a Super Bowl party goin' on here ... I'm bored. Now get off your a.s.s and do it! Enforcer insisted.

G.o.d d.a.m.n it, E! You aren't going to leave me alone until I do, are you? Ca.s.s asked sarcastically.

You got it, girlfriend. Enforcer answered as Ca.s.s rose to her feet and headed to the office.

Ca.s.s started pacing as she waited impatiently for the computer to boot up. After a few moments, she threw her hands up in the air, exasperated. "Why the h.e.l.l can't these multi-million dollar semiconductor manufacturers make a computer that is ready the instant you push the 'on' b.u.t.ton?" she complained out loud, as she started the even lengthier log on into Netscape Communicator. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the server finished delivering new mail to her inbox. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Rox's addy.

Double clicking on Rox's note, she quickly scanned the contents.

Dear Ca.s.s,

Thank you so much for your concern. I too live in fear that Chris may return and cause more damage, personal and otherwise. Let me a.s.sure you that I am never alone. Nikki or Jerri, and sometimes both, are with me at all times. I don't believe I am in any grave danger.

I really do appreciate you giving me your phone number. Actually, I called it earlier today and a woman answered. Maybe a house keeper? In any case, you weren't home.

Ca.s.s, I need to be blunt here for a moment ... I need to know what your intentions are toward me. Ca.s.s, I am falling in love with you. If that love can not be reciprocated, then we must end this e-mail relations.h.i.+p ... I can't bear the thought of continuing with the facade if there is no chance that you will ever love me. Please don't be angry with me over this demand. I have lived in h.e.l.l for the past six years, and it is about time I leave the confines of that prison and move on to brighter future. I know you have told Nikki that you love me ... but are you IN love with me?

Again, forgive my bluntness, but I need an answer to this question before we can go on.

I love you Ca.s.s, but I can not allow you to hurt me ... I have lived in pain for much too long already.

Please let me know where your hearts lies.


Whoa Doggie! Break out the cold ones! Ca.s.s old buddy, looks like you scored big time! Enforcer said, verbally slapping her on the back.

"A woman answered my phone?" she said to no one in particular. E ... she said a woman answered my phone. I wonder who that was? she mused.

f.u.c.k the woman, Ca.s.s .... well, not literally - Oh h.e.l.l ... you know what I mean. Look! She said she's falling in love with you. the alter ego exclaimed.

"Ca.s.s, I am falling in love with you," she read again.

Suddenly, she jumped to her feet and pointed to the monitor. "Holy s.h.i.+t, E!!! She said she's falling in love with me!" Ca.s.s yelled.

No s.h.i.+t, Sherlock! E replied. h.e.l.lllllo? Is anybody home?

Ca.s.s started pacing again, arms crossed in front of her. Oh s.h.i.+t, Oh s.h.i.+t, Oh s.h.i.+t! Now what do I do? she asked herself.

You sit that cute b.u.t.t of yours right down here and answer this note. Don't get cold feet now, Ca.s.s. This is what you wanted, remember? Enforcer chimed.

Nodding her head, Ca.s.s sat down in front of the keyboard and composed another response.

"My dearest Rox,

Reading your note invoked such a sense of love and longing, I could hardly contain it. Never in my wildest imagination did I think that you would return my love so quickly. Rox, I have been in love with you almost from the beginning.

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On A Wing And A Prayer Part 24 summary

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